Remember me telling you I had to go to the store and get the stuff to make a Carrot cake for Len's Birthday ??? Well we have a consignment shop in town and I go there all the time...BIG Mistake !!!! I had No intentions of stopping by on my mission to get my cake....Oh but girls this was in the window and my car "BRAKES" for antiques..... I stopped and then I heard it SCREAM my name...so what's a girl to do but just check it out...Now all I was going to do was look Right!!! but this sofa knew me on a first name BASICs...just look at this does it not say Gloria??
Any way I am fast thinking...being the first of the month and all do I need this? where will I put it etc...The price was so right...OK I got leftover candles from Christmas...Takes care of our lights...plenty left in the freezer....takes care of our food...Does Len really need that cable TV? I mean come on he did just find with rabbit ears before and we have plenty of tin foil to bring in enough channels with....And does Len really need a Birthday cake at his age ???? and besides I didn't want to waste those candles on a cake....
Now is this not just the prettiest sofa?? Yes it came home with me... This is the back Oh I am loving all this wood craving on it...
Oh and look at the legs !!! this is so me...this sofa is ca. 1900 and its in great shape...of course I had to redo my Bedroom to get it in there...and then had to tell Len "Happy Birthday" just look what I got you !!! Hey that's fair he bought me tires and wheels for his 1940 Ford he restoring for my Birthday... Oh and I bought an Ice cream cake for him I didn't have time to bake a carrot cake I had to make room for his birthday present ha ha!!
Hope all of you have a safe and blessed day....as for me I have to finish decorating around Len's Birthday present...Oh the things I do for that man !!! Thanks for coming by and seeing my silly blog once again...Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Hope all of you have a safe and blessed day....as for me I have to finish decorating around Len's Birthday present...Oh the things I do for that man !!! Thanks for coming by and seeing my silly blog once again...Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Hi Gloria!
I remember this post! What a treasre you found!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That is THE prettiest sofa! I AM a "victorian"! LOVE IT!
m ^..^
Beautiful! Can't believe it was in pristine condition ~ great buy.
I think the sofa is very, very neat and I'm glad you brought it home. Something that special needs a good home. You are so much fun! I enjoyed reading the post!
Looks like it was worth all the maneuvering to get it in your house. it's a lovely piece.
Hey sis..I remember this post!!!!! lol lol You sound like me when somethiing calls your name...especially if it calls you by your first name and maiden name!!!!! lol...It is still a beautiful treasure along with everthingy in your beautiful home...eyecandy everywhere! Hope you are having a great weekend dear friend ..love ya girl ~Picket~
What a great sofa! It would have had to come home with me too!
I'd say way to go!! What a treasure... It is sooooo you! Absolutely gorgeous, when I come for my visit I get to sit on it and just visit and visit right??? I'm still wondering did he "ever" get his carrot cake? lol.. Just got your voice mail tonight.. do you think my phone is messed up or what???.. looking forward to talking to you tomorrow...they are calling for snow here tomorrow evening...perfect for staying in and visiting on the phone! :-)) love ya girl... hugs ~lynne~
I remember this post too! That sofa is so stunning!
Love the ice cream cake instead of carrot, lol!
What a gorgeous gorgeous sofa it is. I wish it would have called my name though! LOL. To funny about buying it for your husband's birthday. It does only seem far though.
Oh, I just adore Len's Birthday Present! ha Sounds just like something I would too with my husband's gift. I always find him something that I'd enjoy too.
This is stunning!
Hi Gloria,
I remember this fun post too.
I adore your sofa and so glad that you got it.
A carrot cake can be baked anytime but I imagine you would not see a sofa so beautiful as this very often.
OH LORD, that is just beautiful, I know Len must be so proud of that.
Love Ya,
Beautiful sofa. Thanks for your visit and heads up on the falling hearts on my blog. I have not had any trouble so far. Have a blessed day. Madeline
OH YOU ARE FUNNY, GLORIA! I loved this post and girl, that couch just screamed your name!!! Gorgeous!! Cindy
Holy cow, what a find!!!!!!!! Gloria, that sofa is stunning and SO perfect for you! The workmanship on the wood is just incredible. Enjoy it!
Justine :o )
Hi Gloria, you always manage to bring a smile for sure. I missed this post the first time around. I do hope Len has enjoyed this MOST beautiful antique sofa! Wow, is it pretty. Love the engraving on the wood!
Oh, I'm glad to read I'm not the only Mama who cried when her daughter tried on wedding gowns! Yes, it was very emotional for me. We had a GREAT day together and she found a couple of gorgeous gowns that really have the WOW factor going on. It was a very good start. Thanks for your visit.
Oh, Gloria. You're so funny. I love visiting your blog. That is the most gorgeous couch I've ever seen. Are you sure its not calling my name? I think I hear it. I saw one recently in an antique mall. It was all battered and beaten up. Otherwise I think it would have called my name. Len was so lucky to get such a beauty for his birthday. Rosie
Well did hubby like his birthday present? I know I sure do. Great find!!!
I've been very fortunate not to get 'man things' for any of my birthdays - I know my Mother use to from my Dad. LOL
I did get a rotiller once but asked for that. hehehe
Hi Gloria! lol lol Yes, I remember this story! What a lucky man to get such a beautiful birthday present! I hope you are feeling better, dear friend! We are still waiting here. The dr seems to be hemming and hawing about inducing Page, so we aren't sure when Austin will arrive. But it has to be soooooon!! Happy Sunday!...hugs...Debbie
I too remember this one. My question is did you get the tires for your birthday or is he restoring the Ford for your birthday?
Gloria have a blessed Sunday!...
Once more your treasures have amazed us :)
I really don't see how you had any other choice. When a sofa jumps out of the window screaming your name and chases you down, you either have to take it home with you or else try to explain to everyone why you have a sofa following you around crying and begging.
I think you made the right choice.
Great post.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Hi Gloria, I remember this post, ...because of that gorgeous sofa!!! :)
Loved your "chippendale" post below! I laughed out loud at the last picture...30 years later! ...and hey, I believe they were on tour at our Walmart, too! LOL!
Hope you are feeling MUCH better! Thoughts and prayers are with you! ~hugs, Rhonda :)
Gloria, you are so funny! Anyway, the sofa is beautiful, love the wood and the fabric. But please, make the man a carrot cake! : ) Linda
I loved this the first time...hope you are feeling better today!
What a funny story and it ended happily ever after. I bet that Len is afraid to sit on it.
It is very lovely. I would have made the same decision.
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment. Now, I know about you and I'm becoming a follower. I'll be back often.
Gloria, it doesn't matter how many times I see it, I am still in awe of the beauty of that sofa. Hope you are feeling better. laurie
That IS a fab sofa! Good for you! :-)
And thank you so much for your comments on my "burnout" post, every visit and comment means so much to me!
Hi Gloria; LOL!!!! what a great post.. you sure put a smile on my face,, which I really need right now... I even heard the Sofa say your name.... how strange is that..... hmmmm. Hope Len liked his B-Gift.. Happy Birthday too you Len,, what a great guy you are..... have a great week..
Hey, you! I loved the post, and I thought I was having deja vu! LOL! You trickster! ;-)
Love this, and I'm going to try this some time, too.
Like Mother, Like Daughter...
Sheila :-)
Hi Sis...
Ohhh my...now I'm trying to play catch up! Hehe! Jenni and the kids just left today about 3pm. I sure hated to see them go! We had so much fun and I really enjoyed all five of my babies!!! Girl, it did my old granny heart real good!!! It sure is quiet around here now though!
Well Sis...what a fabulous post you chose to reshare with us for Sunday Favorites! It was about this time last year that you found this gorgeous settee...right? It's a beauty...I love it!!! Hey...Len at least got his carrot cake this year! Hehe! Too cute! How are you feeling, dear friend? Sure hope that you're shoulders and arms are doing so much better!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous settee with us today for Sunday Favorites...I really enjoyed seeing this beautiful piece again!!! Well Sis...I'll talk to you soon...playing the catch up game now! Hehe!
Love ya, Sweetie!
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