WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Happy Valentine Day my Dear friends....Josh just send me this picture of Kyra and I laughed until I cried...she looks like Tony Soprano to me ha ha!! Did you guys ever watch that series when it was on ? Kyra is now 13 months old and after over 20 surgeries at Dallas Children Hospital she now looks like Tony Soprano THANKS Dallas....
Now this is just the cutest video I found...Please take a minute to watch another ha ha!! moment for me...Now girls grab that special someone in your life and tell them you L♥ve them...Remember today is not about the candy or flowers it's about showing the love...Life is like a roll of toilet paper the closer it gets to the end the faster it goes...SO SHOW THAT LOVE ♥♥Until next time from my mountain top to yours, Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Oh Gloria,
That baby girl is so darn cute! She's a real trooper too! Happy Valentine's my dear friend. Cindy
She's adorable, chickee!! Just darling.
Hi Gloria! What a cutie!! Love the hat! I hope you and Len have a wonderful V Day! Come on over and see how your tassel matches Austin's room...so perfectly! You are such a talented lady! Happy V Day, sweet friend!...hugs...Debbie
Oh my goodness, Gloria, looking at that picture of Kyra really did crack me up! She DOES look like Tony Soprano! Heeheeheeeeeeeeeeeee
Love you!
Justine :o )
Gloria, that pic of Kyra is just the cutest. Hope you have a fanatastic day!!!. Hugs, Marty
Hi Gloria,
What a sweet little baby girl! She is adorable and such a blessing, I'm sure!
The video was funny! Thanks for sharing! I'm wishing you lots of love today and always!
Your little Kyra is a cutie. Wishing you and Len a very Happy Valentine's Day. I loved the video Patsy Cline is one of my favorite country singers I wish she was still with us. Have a blessed day. Madeline
Hi Gloria! Happy Valentines Day! Kyra looks adorable! I love photos like that! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Oh, she is such a sweetheart...a little miracle baby. The video is a stitch...made me start the day laughing!
May your day be full of love!
Hi darling, Our Kyra is absolutely "adorable". I think she's going to be quite the star when she grows up. Happy Valentine's darling... hugs ~lynne~
Hi There! I do hope you are feeling on top of the mountain today!
My son and I watched every Soprano episode from #1 to the very end. At first we didn't have HBO so in an effort to catch up, we rented the first season years ago and spent thirteen hours watching on one Sunday ... yes, thirteen hours! We had bathroom and food breaks only!
Now that's what I call being a fan.
Your little Kyra is beyond precious. Happy V-Day!
O, darlin'...that Kyra is the CUTEST little sweetheart. I'd love to give her a Valentine kiss today!!
I hope your Valentine's Day is full of love and.....CHOCOLATE! :O)
xo bj
Oh my good Lord that was hilarious Gloria. Where do you find these things? Or do they just find you? I love that little baby girl's picture - such a cutie patootie! Give a kiss to Kyra for me G!
Love ya,
Gloria, that is one very, very cute baby! She's precious, and I love her hat.
The video was a hoot, girl! LOL!
Happy Valentine's Day. I did a tribute to Mr. Magpie. I just posted it, and he hasn't seen it yet. ;-)
Sheila :-)
Gloria, What a precious photo...and a special V-Day to celebrate those cute little cheeks of hers!
Gloria! delightful blessings are headed your way... filled with joy and laughter this Valentine's day!
Sooooo cute. Thanks for stopping by. Happy Valentine's Day to you....Kim
Happy Valentines Day, Gloria!
I like the toilet paper analogy...cute...and true!
Your granddaughter is ADORABLE!!!
Thanks for stopping by!
<3 Kathleen
What an adorable picture of Kyra! How blessed to have those grand babies!!
Sorry I haven't been over in a bit- I have been trying to take wallpaper down and it is taking me forever with all the interruptions! Oh well, it will get done when it's done!
Happy Valentine's Day!
That baby girl is such a living doll...what a cutie...we are soprano nuts, what a coincidence, love to watch the old reruns, and love patsy kline so we are in the same ballpark...don't forget darlin I am waitin to see pictures of your depression glass, I don't need it set on a table, just stick that camera in the cabinet and take pictures, there ya go...good for me...take care my friend...I'll be back Phyllis
oh my goodness! she is too adorable. what a cutie pie!
and that video was cute!
What a darling picture !!!!!!
Happy VAlentine's DAy....Hope you are having a wonderful day!!!!
Mo :-)
What a little sweetie she is. I love her jamies..You all must have so much fun watching her grow.
The video was too funny!
Oh, Gloria! Look at little Kyra! No! She doesn't look like Tony Soprano! You little silly! She's a little precious. What's in her mouth? Is that a pacifier or a carrot?
Now that video was a complete hoot! I loved it and almost peed myself! I didn't say that, did I? :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh, Kyra is just the cutest. She sure has grown so much but still is the cutest, Gloria...Christine
Gloria, that little Kyra gets cuter and cuter all the time! What a precious doll!
And that video is so funny. I've seen it several times before but it ALWAYS makes me laugh out loud.
Happy V-day to you and all of your loved ones. :)
This miracle baby is so blasted cute! I just want to reach through the monitor and give her a hug!
Gloria - she is just way too cute!! She is gonna be a heart breaker when she gets older!! Josh has sure got his work cut out for him!!
Thanks for coming by and the sweet compliments on my new blog makeover!
Enjoy your day -
HAHAHA! Okay I am seriously laughing my head off over that video. How much can she fit inside that dress? LOL!
Kyra is ADORABLE!!!! :)
I think I would be in a Tony Saprano frame of mind too if I had gone through all that little girl went through. She looks SO healthy now.
I hope your Valentine's Day was a nice one. I keep my expectations low, that way I am never disappointed and this year has been so nice from the beginning.
Hugs and love to you!
She is totally adorable! Would love to kiss her little cheeks ~
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