I Love antique Clocks... so I thought I would bore every one today with some of mine....Now this is from Ansonia Clock works...Its called a swinger Clock because the Pendulum swings back and forth...the ball at the top is the clock face...Ansonia did a series of these clocks from 1850-1880 and this one is Called "Gloria" my late husband gave this to me on my 39th Birthday...said I would always be a Swinger...ha ha !! I have it sitting on an old street post that we cut down and added the marble top to it..
Now this is a Crystal Palace Clock from France...its all crystal and brass ca, 1840 even the Pendulums are crystals.. Click on any picture and you can enlarge them....
Now these you use to find allot in Kitchens years ago...and they were made by the Massachusetts Clock works...these were very popular in the 1880 but allot of these were made from 1800-1830 You could also order these from the Sears catalog at the turn of the century but they were not from Massachusetts Clocks works.... I know my Grandma had one in her dining room...
Just another Clock...same maker...Now the shelves that they are sitting on came out of the Black Forrest in Germany... They have a Hunt scene on them..ca. 1850 and very heavy...loved all the wood craving on them...
A Seth Thomas Gallery clock now this was hung in a gallery...This is American clock maker...Seth Thomas also made train station clocks...I love it because I can see it without my glasses..it is 30 inches round and I have it above my TV....ca. 1870 and its a 30 day whine...most old clocks are only 8 day whine !!!
Now this is my Cuckoo Clock and it also came from the Black Forrest in German ca. 1750 and I will tell you some time's I would like to shoot it when it goes off..you know just when you are about to find out "who done it" at the end of the movie and these birds come out just singing cuckoo...cuckoo....All the number on the clock are ivory and it also have side doors that open up and more birds come out and sing but I do love it... And it hangs above a Slot machine !!!

This is an English clock...the English really paid attention to all there cravings on their cases...the brass pendulum is also craved..ca. 1860 this hangs in my LR

This is an "Venetian Regulator" it is walnut and burl wood and a 8 day wring...the weights on this are also engraved...ca. 1850 this clock just has the most awesome sound to it...boy I wished I could do audio for you...My late Husband gave this to my for a wedding present...many years ago and it also hangs in my LR...see the patterns here with all these clocks and why some time I could shoot them??

Another French mantle clock...ca. 1850 this sits on my fireplace mantle...

Now this clock weight's a ton girls...it all Bronze and it also a french clock...I wanted it because of the cherubs on it...this one sits on my piano ca. 1800...

Ceramics clock from France that sits on my side board in dining room...love all the colors on this clock and again another heavy one to move...so I just dust around it...that's and clocks should not be MOVED it really will mess's them up...especially the old ones....

This is a carriage clock from 1920....that sit in my office...YES !! no room is exempted from my clocks...
This is one of the longest hanging clocks I have...thank goodness I have 10 ft ceilings in the dining room....this is a " Gustav Becker " clock and I don't even want to tell you what I paid for this 10 years ago....but I will tell you the engraving and cravings on this beauty are incredible and it has 3 brass engraved weights and it also an 8 days whine and I have to get up on my little ladder to whine it and clean it...its that tall...Oh you can also see one of my "Gone with the wind" lamps that sits on an old Ice Box and the berry bowl is R.S. Prussia...but that's another post yet to do...
Now girls I hope you enjoyed some of my clocks today...Now I thinks its "TIME " for me to shut up and let you comment...
This is an English clock...the English really paid attention to all there cravings on their cases...the brass pendulum is also craved..ca. 1860 this hangs in my LR
This is an "Venetian Regulator" it is walnut and burl wood and a 8 day wring...the weights on this are also engraved...ca. 1850 this clock just has the most awesome sound to it...boy I wished I could do audio for you...My late Husband gave this to my for a wedding present...many years ago and it also hangs in my LR...see the patterns here with all these clocks and why some time I could shoot them??
Another French mantle clock...ca. 1850 this sits on my fireplace mantle...
Now this clock weight's a ton girls...it all Bronze and it also a french clock...I wanted it because of the cherubs on it...this one sits on my piano ca. 1800...
Ceramics clock from France that sits on my side board in dining room...love all the colors on this clock and again another heavy one to move...so I just dust around it...that's and clocks should not be MOVED it really will mess's them up...especially the old ones....
This is a carriage clock from 1920....that sit in my office...YES !! no room is exempted from my clocks...
Have a blessed and safe day...hugs and smiles Gloria ps. Hope I didn't bore you too much or take too much of your "TIME"
For those that came by and left your kind comment's on my last post, I do want to thank you from the bottom of my heart...This has been a very hard day for me...I will get back to each and everyone one of you within the next few days...Thank you for understanding...I love you all!!!

Thanks for sharing. It must get loud around your house at the top of the hour!
wow so many clocks! and so many with wonderful stories behind them. i love them all. very pretty.
wow gloria what a great collection,i love them all but the first one is my fave.i know our friend marty39 is gonna be drooling over this clocks she loves them and shes got a great collection as well,wait until she sees this post...
i tried to send you a message but i dont have a yahoo account so heres my e-mail ok..
thanks a bunch for your help my friend..
Gloria, I LOVE clocks so you know I'm drooling all over my computer! I had to enlarge the cuckoo pic to see it...I have a special fondness for those. I have one but it isn't near as old as yours. Yours is truly beautiful. I love to see a pic of the side door where the other birds come out...I've never seen one like that. Things for posting this again for SF! :-) Susan
Hello Sis...
Oohhh...I'm so glad that you chose to share this fabulous post about some of your clocks again!!! I remember the first time I seen it...it struck me the exact same way this time around...wished you could here all my Oooohing and Aaaaahing!!!
It would be such a blessing to own just one of these beautiful clocks...and here you are with so many pieces...so blessed!!! You know I could take one or two of them off your hands...help with the dusting and winding!!! Hehe!!! Well, I always try to pick a favorite but I would really be hardpressed to pick just one!!! I love, love, love your "Gloria" clock...it's so beautiful and definitely a "show-stopper"!!! I also have always been partial to that fabuous Venetian Regulator clock...I love the walnut and burl wood cabinet!!! And then...hehe!!!...there are the magnificent French beauties...I just drool when I see all of your mantel clocks...especially the French clock with the cherubs!!! It's just breathtaking!!! You know...I do love being able to enlarge your photos...I noticed how sweet and beautiful the faces of the two ladies are on the ceramic French clock!!! All...such treasures!!! I just thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of your clocks again...thank you so much for sharing them with all of us!!!
Darlin'...you know I love ya! Thank you for giving me another sweet "mention" at the beginning of your post!!! I sure do appreciate you, my friend!!!
Love ya honey,
Gloria, I love all of your clocks. Each and every one is so unique and so beautiful. I don't keep mine wound, the noise drives me crazy, but they do have such beautiful chimes. I am so glad to see yours, I missed this post before. I've been thinking of you today. God Bless Hugs, Marty
These are just beautiful clocks! I had no idea you collected them and I would be happy to take a few off of your hands!!
Actually, I have an aversion to clocks and mirrors...but if I ever were to change, I may be trying to make a deal with you.
Just fantastic ;-)
What a fantastic collection. I love all of the stories behind them. The Seth Thomas is one of my favorites, such simple beauty. But that carriage clock in your office really caught my eye. Great post! Hugs, Kathy
Gorgeous unique clocks! Love them and I am glad you reposted them, Gloria....Christine
Hickory dickory dock.
You certainly have a lot of clocks.
When the clocks strike one
I bet everyone runs
Hickory dickory dock.
Gloria I enjoyed your clocks the first time and again today!! THose frenchy ones are just so gorgeous!! Again they reminded me ove our sweet by silent Vanna! Am praying for her
I got a beautiful kindof french clock with 2 candleabras from my friend Millicent. Do want so to show them off but they are still in NM!
You have some fabulous clocks there. I love clocks too, but mine aren't old ones. Thanks for sharing.
Thank-you for your nice note you left. I was very touched. These clocks are amazing! I enjoyed every story behind them and what treasure's your home must be just a delight! I would pay money (hehe) just to tour it! Happy Sunday, Cindy
Good mornin' Gloria! I am just awed by your clocks! I have to say the cuckoo clock is my fav! But I bet it does drive you somewhat nuts! (get it! cuckoo, nuts?!) Okay so it's not that funny! I read your previou post. What a wonderful tribute. I plan on doing the same on my younger sister's birthday. I lost her in 2002. Not a day goes by I don't think about her and miss her so much! God Bless! Lauralu :)
I loved getting a second peek at your gorgeous clocks, Gloria!!!!!!!!!!!
Now why was yesterday a hard day for you?
Justine :o )
Wow! What a collection you have there, Gloria! I like the first one with the lady and also the carriage clock the best. All of them are wonderous, but those two are my faves. What fun to have so many!!!
Sheila :-)
Mornin Gloria! I never tire of seeing your beautiful antiques, and your clocks are fabulous!! Hope you are having a relaxing weekend! Love ya sweetie xoxo
I do believe that you are The Collector Queen. You seem to have a collection of everything!
Good morning dear friend, I was just coming to the back to blog a little, and especially to check in on you, and I saw that you had stopped by. THANKS for the visit. Your sweet baby's improving health makes my heart sing! She is soooo beautiful. I will keep you in my prayers today as you miss your beloved ones. They are blessed to have been loved by YOU!
I know who to ask when I'm not sure of the time! They are allll marvelous! I hope that you'll be feeling better soon!
Awww sweetie I hope you can stop crying and start smiling that beautiful smile of yours! I know crying can be lethargic, and I do a good hearty cry sometimes too!
G, can you believe I came home with no PAINT!!! Whats wrong with me?? LOL!! Maybe I'm just not ready for all that work. I don't know where Dot gets her energy, I need her to come paint for me!! TTYL sweetie!! Hope you smile today! xoxoxo
Visiting your blog was TIME well spent. ha
Thanks for coming by to visit me.
What beautiful clocks! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
I bet you always know what time it is...even if you don't want to know. I love your clocks!!!
Wow, those are amazing clocks, Gloria! I've always been curious about them and your post gave me a good fix! Thank you so much.
Happy Sunday!
Oh my! Those are fabulous! What a collection.
Blessings and hugs,
Gloria, I loved seeing all of your beautiful clocks again. You have such unique treasures. I remember when you first posted this, I was thinking "I've never seen a clock like that", and then I'd scroll to the next one and think the exact same thought again! You have such an "eye" for beauty (guess that's cause you're such a beauty)! laurie
Morning Gloria~
I SO loved this post...I remember having a fit over your clocks. What an amazing collection & SO cartwheel worthy!
Big hugs~ J
Such gorgeous clocks!!! That was a great post to share. I loved the pictures.
WOO HOO...sure hope all those chiming clocks don't SING at the same time.!! :O)
They are all very nice clocks...just beautiful.
Hi Sis...
Just stopping by to say hello! I know that you're busy with your guest room project...hope that you're having some fun with it!!!
Just checking in on you...you know I love ya, Sis!!!
I love all your beautiful clocks!
I guess you always know what time it is there ;)
Gloria, I have two words to say about your clocks. WOW and AWESOME!.
Thank you for sharing.
For me this was a first look at these works of arts. Your clock collection is amazing. I can't imagine the chorus of music they must make when they chime.
Sweet wishes,
Gloria, I loved all your clocks. I just wanted to say Thank You for the sweet comments at Lauries on my sunroom. You are always the sweetest thing! Love Ya! Connie
I can't believe you have that many clocks. Very nice Collection for sure. A girl and her Clocks...I would of never knowned. Thanks for sharing!
I remember going up to your house every summer and hearing all those freaking clocks go off every hour. lol. They are beautifull clocks though. Grandpa used to spend almost awhole day whining all of them. I love the "Gloria Clock" that has always been my favorite. I remember it being so tall when I was younger. Well grandma I love you.
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