My favorite one this "Cracker Jack Co" one...The Cracker Jacks are even old one that I found and never opened...I bet they have Real toys inside and not the paper ones you get now a days...
Now this will crack you up for sure....I got this at an auction years ago and look girls...
this is the newspaper that was inside of it...see the date 1928 but that's not the fun part ...
it had the original Soda cracker's from that time still in the tin....And just look how big and fat they were years ago...
It's filled to the top....I didn't even know this until after I got it home ha ha!! to me this was the best buy of the Auction....I can't believe I have crackers that are almost a 100 years old...Maybe I should take these to Antique Road show ha ha!!
Planter's Peanut jar's and one Penny candy Jar...
Cookies Jars...and as you can tell I use these for my canister in my kitchen....I love that you could buy a dozen Oatmeal cookies for quarter...those were the days ha ha!!
May all of you have a safe and Blessed day...And thanks so much for coming by and seeing me....Now go by and see Tam and see all the 3 0r more Gals today I am sure you won't be bored to tears...Thank you Tam for being a great Hostess
Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria
I love it Gloria especially the soda crackers from 1928! Wowie! And what about those peanut handled jars, what a find! What a great collection!
I would fly to CA just to see your beautiful collections! This is better than the Hearst Mansion! Thanks for sharing my dear, hugs to you, Cindy
What great collections you have Gloria! I just love the Planters Peanut Jars. And 100 year old soda crackers, what a hoot! Hugs, Kathy
Gloria, I just love all that history and nostalgia - such beautiful examples of Americana. I can't imagine what people will be saving from the era we are in now....cell phones? CDs? how boring! Give me a piece of candy and a 100 year old cracker any day! Linda
What a nifty and fascinating collection! I dont think Ive ever seen anyone collect these and they're wonderful!
Morning Gloria~
My post today is about comfort food...lol. I love the glass containers, I've never seen any like these in my little stores. I do have some tin containers, one that says biscuits, a mortons salt, a maple syrup and a saltines. I'll take a picture and post it so you can see.
You have a great collection and I love hearing about and seeing your treasures.
Hugs~ J
Once again Gloria, awesome collection!! I would love to collect these glass jars with the tin lids but I have no room!! The shelf space between the studs is a fab idea, maybe I need to get Bud over here and try that myself! Have a wonderful week sweetie! xoxo
What a cool collection! Great way to keep organized!
Hi Gloria,
What a great collection of old containers you have! I found a place where you can get Black Jack Gum. It's expensive but sometimes you just have to splurge! Go to www.vermontcountrystore.com and click on "food and candy" and you'll find it there. Have fun! Hugs, Loretta
I could have a field day at your house. I remember when my grand parents had the general store containers. Have a great day.
bOY, when you said you had three or more, you weren't just whistling Dixie...you do have a HUGH collection.
Oh, and you can still buy Black Jack at Cracker Barrel, I think. I do believe that is what a friend of mine bought last time we were there. Either BJ or Beemans...
ANYWAY, loved looking at all your treasures.
Gloria, I LOVE them all. I have a few tins too and I just think they are so interesting and such great accessories. You have the best collections. Hugs, Marty
What a fun collections 100 year old crackers-- was a fun find!
WOW! You have a wonderful collection of jars and it's a wonderful history, too! I love it when you show us your collections!
Gloria!!!! I just love your collection! You should take those crackers to the antique roadshow! I never miss an episode! :)
Donna Marie
Hi Gloria, love your collections....so interesting. I think I may join this some time very soon.
Smiles, Barb
I will never get tired of seeing all your collections. But it hurts that I can't "touch" them! I am a toucher at the stores! My husband says I get more energetic the more I touch!!
Very pretty...keep them coming!
You have all sorts of great collectibles!! I love how you are using the cookie jars as canisters. I always enjoy seeing your antiques. Have a wonderful week, Nicole
Nice collection Gloria! Love the cracker story ha! I can just picture the look on your face when you open the container and discovered them!!
I just discovered a cute printed flour sack in a tin I bought that had I'd never opened till just recently! kind of neat suprise.
I'd love to buy a tin that someone had left there cash stash in!! Now wouldn't that make your day?!!
Have a nice day!
Gloria, That is an amazing collection! I can't get over those crackers! Thanks for showing us your collection. Nancy
Gloria, many of these took me on a trip down memory lane!
Not only were the crackers bigger, they tasted better! Great post!
Hi Gloria! I was checking in to find out if you'd had any luck with that tooth. Wow! the nerve of that doctors office but, I'm sorry about the news of his death. I really enjoyed looking at your collections, really nice! I'll keep a check on you, hope everythings better soon! Take care! Deb
What a wonderful collection of containers. Blackjack gum, yes!I saw some Teaberry the other day too.
Hey you sweet thing!!!! I sure have missed visiting with you sis!!!! I hope you got your tooth fixed and I loved that post on your daddy and your granddaddy..what awesome history filled with memories!
I have never seen glass front display boxes like you have and I love those peanut canisters...I can't believe you still have the crackers!!!! lol lol
Things are getting back to normal around here...at least I can cry and laugh all in the same day now! Oh and I painted my lower cabinets in the kitchen black today!!!! I have wanted to do that for some time now....just hope Bill loves it as much as I do when he gets home from work! lol
Better get going for now sis....I just had to come by and visit...I sure have missed you..take care girl and have a great week! Love ya ~♥~
Girl you must have been visiting me while I was visiting you!!!! lol I had to come back and find that wreath you were talking about...girl I been trying to back read some more...man I missed alot of good stuff...I loved that wreath and I loved your old bike even more!!! Yes I used the Ralph Lauren Black Truffles..you don't forget a thing do you! lol Hope your grand son and his wife made it ok...any news of the baby yet or did I speed read and miss something!? Loved seeing those old wagon wheels...some of mine are starting to fall apartthat I use in the flower beds..Bill stored 2 of them in the shed for me..I love using them in the Fall...thanks for coming by sweetie and of course I use the cloche...it is my favorite...I just have to watch little 1 yr old Maddie...she loves coming to Maw Maw's house and touching all the pretties!!! lol Love ya sis!
Gloria hands down you have the COOLEST stuff in Blogland! I just love seeing all of your pretty collection of displays.
Some of the neatest things to me are the Cracker Jack the gum, Hershey's and the soda crackers.
I could go on and on...
It's all fascinating!
We had a low key weekend.
Cooking, yardwork and a few movies. I did re-do my niche as well. I'll show it for the FYRed on Friday.
Mine's August the 5th.
I think Chari is a Leo too. It's the best sign isn't it. HEHE! :)
Have a wonderful evening.
~Melissa :)
Wozers...I had flashbacks!
I mean, true ones...not the made up kind that most Muse's have! LOL
Your delightful collection has made me smile, from ear to ear!!!
I so remember Black Jack gum. How old does that make me...old enough to be put on your shelf too.
Great collection.
Gloria, you are such a wonderful care taker for these vintage treasures. I love the cracker jacks, but I'd sure have a hard time not opening them to see about the prize! When I come to visit, you'd better not serve me crackers (I'll be worrying about how old they are)! I just love seeing the graphics on vintage containers. It's wonderful that you use them for storage and display spots. laurie
hey grandma, I love your general store. what is black gum? well I love you and i will talk to you soon. Kyra is doing good, just rolling all over the place. lol.
I love the old containers. I have a few but no wheres as many as you. And I don't have any 100 year old crackers, well the ones in the cupboard might taste like they are! lol
Have a great day!
Gloria!!! What a collection of vintage goodies! I just love all your jars....how wonderful you display them where you can enjoy them. I love the crackers too, can you imagine...that must be one great sealing tin!! Have a great week.
Hi Gloria,
Sorry about the delayed reply. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comment.
Oh my goodness! 100 year old crackers! Can you imagine them lasting that long! I remember finding a piece of cake in a box with candle from my first birthday..my mother had saved..so it happens! THAT is SO great! You must have nearly fell over at such a find! Those jars are amazing. Your home has to be SO interesting! I am second thinking that trip up there! :)
I LOVE containers and I have never seen so many like that in one spot.
I love historical things too. Even my rings this time around have a history and I often wonder who owned them...what who cared about them so much.
I just love your house! I want to see more and more!
~love and hugs!~ \
I always enjoy your collections, Gloria. They never fail to amaze me...Christine
OMGOSH...I've never seen such great stuff! Those Crackers put me on the floor! What a ride. I can't believe they weren't eaten up with weevils! :( Surely something!
I love everything you have shown. Especially the Cracker Jacks. I always loved them...my daddy use to bring them home for us kids and the treat was so good. Not much money so little things like that meant a lot!
Blessings to you...loved stopping by!
Good morning Gloria!
What fun! I can't believe those crackers were still in the tin and laughed like crazy about thinking they should go to the Antiques Roadshow. Who would know that crackers used to be much thicker if we didn't see your vintage collectibles?
Great collection! It was fun to see.
I enjoyed this post so much! How fun!!!
Hi Gloria, Boy your not kidding- you definitely collect a lot of cool things. The cracker Jacks are tempting to eat, and aren't you curious about the toys inside? They possible could be collector items.
Have a Super Day-
You have an interesting collection. We actually own the Big Planters jar that you have your jello inside. My husbands grandmom had this jar for years and years. It was the one thing hubby wanted when she passed. The lid fell out of my hand a few years back so we have it glued and we keep coins inside. I just love your black jack gum and I remember it as a kid. Isn't collecting fun?
Hello Sweet Gloria, just wanted to take a minute and thank you for becoming a follower on Bella Vista.
You are a joy!!!!
Hugs, Barb
What an amazing collection you have, Gloria! This was a fun walk down "memory lane" ... and a reminder that there is a whole lot of truth in the saying "they don't make thing like they use to" (i.e., crackers)!
oh Gloria your collections are so fascinating, love them! the crackers, now that is amazing. Cracker Jacks remind me of when i was growing up, and do you remember the pink elephant popcorn?
Gloria...You always have the best "STUFF"....you have the BEST eye candy ever....I always love my visit....have a wonderful beautiful day....
Mo ;-)
Gloria thank you for the sweet comment and for your vote. Yes, you do get a prize. Please send me your mailing address and I will get something out to you. Thanks for being my 100th. Hugs!!!
You know I love looking at all your "boring" stuff! But I have to say again, you still don't have the candy sticks I told you about that every general store has!
I can't believe you've got antique crackers. Only you!!!!!!!
And um... why does it say "sanitary" on your cookie/biscuit jar?
Justine :o )
You had a wonderful idea when you had that built in cabinet made. It is a great showcase for all of your vintage containers. Wow!!! You have the neatest stuff. I love the glass front bisquit containers. The crackers are unbelievable, I wonder why they haven't just disinegrated after all these years. And the newspaper alone is a wonder.
Oh, you just have too many cool things for me to list!! I remember my father having the Blackjack gum. It is licorice flavored, isn't it? I think the color horrified me. At least he didn't have to worry about us kids stealing his gum! LOL!!
Have a great rest of the week, Gloria!! :-)
Hi Gloria
You have the best collection! I can't imagine those crackers have been around so long! wow. The milk bottles and the hershey and the cracker jacks..how special they are. You have certainly found a great spot to display them.
thank you for sharing and it was not boring one bit. Very interesting.
have a wonderful day
You have a fantastic collection! I'll bet those crackers are tasty.
I can see why they put a story about you in the paper.
So. Was the baby born on the Amtrak?
Gloria, thank you for your visit to my blog. I just love all you containers, and the blue in you kitchen. I sure do remember Black Jack Gum it was my favorite. I know Grass Valley has changed a lot. We used to take the bus that ran between Nevada City and Grass Valley to do shopping. I have been home for visits, but it is not like when I was growing up there. Have a blessed day. Madeline
Hi Sis...
Ohhh my...I'm so far behind! Yesterday I played all day with tablescapes hoping to get one finished for Susan's TT today but couldn't get it finished in time! Sheeeshhh...I swear that I'm gettin' slower and slower these days! How are you doing Sis? I see that you're pluggin' along and playin' too! Girl, I just love, love, LOVE ALL of your old tins and glass canisters!!! You have such a fabulous collection! Of course I had to enlarge all of your photos so I could "drink in" all of the goodies! Hehe! I don't ever remember seeing all of your old square glass boxes that you have on your shelf? Usually I'm pretty observant but somehow I've missed these...or maybe this is the first time you've showed them? Anyway...I just love them!!! Love the cracker jacks and black jack gum! Hehe!!! Oooh...I loved black jack gum...it's the one that tastes like cloves, right? My favorites are all of your planters peanut's containers and I just love the one big ol' glass container with the peanut handle...that's awesome Sis!!! Oh yes...and I can't believe that you have soda crackers from 1929...that's simply amazing! You're right...that was such an awesome find! Can you believe the size of those babies? Hehe! Love your Father's Scotch Cookie canisters too!!! I love that you are using these for your kitchen canisters...so pretty and so nostalgic!!!
So what are you up to today Darlin'? You never have answered me whether or not that you got your tooth taken care of??? I'm guessing that by now...you have! Sure hope so!!! Did you ever get to show Len the videos that I sent in the email about Atwood Rod Run? Russell was so excited that he made the videos...hehe! Last night he cleaned up his Dad's old 53 Ford to drive to work today! He's just sooo cute when he gets to playing with his cars...it just makes me so happy that he has a hobby that he really enjoys!!! Like us with our shopping and blogging...hehe!!! Well Darlin'...love you and hope that you're having a great day!!!
PS...Girl, I just love your posts about your antique collections...you could never bore me!!! They're so fascinating!!! Keep em' a comin'...
Wow, I can't pick which thing I want to mention. You collection is great.
Thank you Gloria...:)
You're the sweetest friend
to me and I really appreciate you so much.
I hope you update us on your tooth and baby Kyra soon...:)
I'm having withdrawls.
Gloria, what a fabulous collection of old general store items! I love the old tins and jars. Wow!
The soda crackers are still in good shape... amazing. I sure wouldn't look that good after almost a hundred years. Heck I don't look that good NOW!
Your collection is museum-worthy! Great stuff, I really enjoyed this!
Amazing crackers. You probably would pop the eyes out of the Antiques Road Show people.
Cookies for a quarter, but nobody had a quarter!
Hey girl , I love lookin at your collections ! I can't believe those crackers aren't molded over !
Mornin' Sis...
I'm up early this mornin' and I have my coffee in hand...thought I'd stop in to see what you're up to today! Do you have plans for the weekend? I don't think to much is going on here...other than trying to start getting our stuff organized for our estate yard sale next weekend! It's really pretty out right now but they're saying it's supposed to rain later on!
Well Darlin...just thinking about you and wanted to come by with my coffee this mornin'!
Love ya Sis...
Your display collection is phenomenal! It is just a little slice of history. I love it. Have an awesome weekend!
Gloria, I love these containers. They are so unique. I wish I had beautiful collections like you have. You always amaze me. My favorite is the Planters Peanut jars. Have a beautiful weekend!
xoxoxo Terrie
I just love your collections! I love the soda crackers tin and the planters Jars! You are are lady after my own heart! Just love it all!
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