Hello girls!! I hope all of you had a great Weekend...Joshua just send this to me Home movie of Kyra...Just wanted to share with each and everyone of my friends that have been asking about her...Well here she is in action....Boy I tell you nothing gets this Little girl now...God Bless the Doctors at Dallas Children Hospital for all they have done to bring this little girl this far...Now I have moved my music up to the top so Please mute it so you can hear Miss Giggles...Thank you God for our Miracle !! You guys have been the best with your prayers and concerns about Kyra..I do feel God has heard each of you went I see how Great she was doing THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart...I don't know what I would do without all of you in my life...each time I have done a post on Kyra all of you just touched by heart...Your the BEST support system an ole gal can have...You beat my WONDER BRA any day ha ha!! And a BIG Thanks to my friend Glenda who doesn't have a Blog but have always comes by or email me every week to see how Kyra is doing...I know I will never meet you this side of Glory...but I love ya my friend...
May all of you have a great Day...Mine is going to be Wonderful !!!
Hugs and Smiles

OMG Gloria - I just want to squeeze those cheeks and smooch those little feet!!! She looks SO healthy, it's hard to believe that poor little thing was ever so sick. God Bless her the little sweetie pie! And what happy parents - such a sweet family! So happy for ya girl!!! I'm sure you'll be watching that video many times! Enjoy it!
Oh Gloria...Miss Giggles is precious! She is one happy baby and she loves her Mom and Dad! What a cutie pie! Thanks for the video! :-) Love ya,
She has got to be the sweetest most precious little girl ever!
Thanks so much for sharing that video with us! Have a great week, Sue
She is so precious!! What a miracle she truly is. I took a quick look at the top music you have and you like the same kind as me! You have a great rest of the day! Cindy
Oh Gloria! What a thrill to see little Mis Kyra kicking and giggling! She is such a pretty girl! I am so happy for you and for your family that this ordeal is coming to such a successful close!! Have a wonderful week!!! hugs...Debbie
Oh what joy to see this precious baby. She is so lively and happy. May God continue to bless her and her parents.
She's beautiful! Cheers! Michele
Gloria! Thank you SO much for sharing this wonderful video with us. I swear, it made my heart SOAR with joy for you and your family! Looking at that sweet chubba wubba you'd never know she had a bad day in her life! Those baby squeals and kicks are just the BEST! It was so funny that she got ticked at her daddy for kissing her neck too much, started to cry, then thought better of it and started laughing again. Oh, this was just the BEST!!!!!!!
Justine :o )
What a little angel baby! That's the cutest video! She wasn't too happy with all the raspberries on her neck at the end though, huh?
Hugs! ♥ Diane
You must be so pleased and delighted to see her like that! She has been through so very much and now look at her. DO NOT tell me prayer does not work! She is a prime example of wonderful care and constant prayer!
What a fantastic testimony to how wonderful things can turn out!
Much love to you and your family, Gloria!
My heart is overflowing with gratitude for the miracles we have seen! What a PRECIOUS baby!
oh my gosh gloria, she certainly is a miracle. She is a special gift from god. Kyra is so squeezable, and so absolutely adorable. Her parents seem so happy, im sure they just enjoy every moment with her. Thanks for sharing Gloria, i never get enough of seeing kyra.
what a precious,beautiful and sweet little girl!!i'm so glad to know shes doing much better.thank you for this wonderful video i hope you had a wonderful weekend.i'll be back later my friend...xo..
Oh my goodness is she just the cutest thing EVER!!!
Precious, precious!
Loved it!
Thanks for sharing it my friend. :)
Gloria, Thanks for sharing that wonderful video of Kyra. Seeing her so active, so responsive to her parents, and growing normally is truly an answer to prayer. It's hard to believe all that she's been through in her young life. She is absolutely adorable. Hugs, Fieldstone/Pam
Awwww, adorable, don't babies just make you feel all ok about life and the world. Such hope in their little bodies!!
P.S. Thanks for stopping in my blog and for following!!
Gloria, what a fabulous way to start my week! She is just adorable. You would never guess the trials that child has gone through. I don't think there is anything better than the sound of a baby giggling. What a precious family, and what a precious gift. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! Hugs, Kathy
mornin sweet G!! Thanks for sharing this beautiful baby with us, she is so sweet with her giggles for her daddy and mommy! Those Drs deserve alot of praise and of course God is Great!! Have a wonderful week sweetie! xoxo
She is the sweetest little thing. She looks healthy and soooo happy! She is a true blessing. So glad you shared her with us~ she just made my heart melt. :)
Hugs~ J
Hi Gloria.....first of all oh my gosh...could she be any cuter, NO!! She is soooo sweet and you know I love her name,a good old Irish name I must say!! Second...I am so sorry I have not been by,I have been crazy busy with a hundred things, plus one of my best friends is in the hospital with a spinal cord injury....not good! Anyway, just wanted you to know I think of you often and will try to "get around" more often!! Enjoy your day, Chrissy
Hey Gloria... How adorable Kyra is... You would never know what she has been through and she is just a true bundle of joy... How nice to hear all her little squealing and giggles... Loved the video, thanks for sharing it with us...
Oh my gosh, little miss giggles is adorable, what a delightful start to my day Gloria, happy Monday, Kathy.
Hope you enjoyed your weekend in spite of the muggy heat. I do so much better in cooler weather but we managed to make our way around. We were in Sonora and Murphys
from The Raggedy Girl
OH! MY! GOSH! She is absolutely PRECIOUS, Gloria. A real doll baby. Watching this sweet video clip brought back a lot of special memories of when my daughter was this age. Little girls are just the best. Thanks for sharing. :)
girl...she is just beautiful...so strong...and just the cutest thing!!! I still have her in my prayers....and thank God that she is coming along so well.
Man...she just makes me want to squeeze her tight and give her kisses on her little heels!!!!
Hi Gloria...It's great to be back & thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. I adored this video! Little Kyra is so beautiful & her personality is showing already...She is truly a special little girl. I see I've missed so much on your blog...I hope to come back & get caught up soon! ;-) Bo
Oh nooooo Gloria!
How did that happen?
Geesh I can't wait til Friday for you.
It seems like a long time to have to wait to get it all fixed up.
Feel better my friend.
Ohhhhhhhh gracious sakes! My face *hurts* from smiling! What a precious little one she is.
Gentle hugs,
Aunt Amelia
HOLY COW....she is such a CUTIE!!!...and just look at her all healthy and happy!! I'm so happy for you and your family. And may God continue to bless his precious little angel!
gf, YOU know I am grinning from ear to ear...so sweet and so happy. It is such a blessing to see her doing so well, thanks for sharing. And I have news...go by my blog.
Hi Sis...
Ohhhh...I'm so glad that you shared this video of your precious little Kyra girl with all of us!!! I played it three times...just enjoying that sweet little girl!!! I'm tellin' ya...to hear a baby laugh and giggle is the sweetest sound this side of heaven!!! There is nothing sweeter!!! Darlin', your grandson is just too cute with his little girl...I loved seeing that!!! You can just feel all of the love that that mama and daddy have for their Kyra!!! Ahhhh...this just made my day!!! I'm so happy!!!
Love ya Sis,
Hi Gloria,
What a sweet little angel your great grandbaby is...and to have gone through all that she has had to go through, and she still is such a happy baby! She must know how very loved she is!!
Thanks for sharing!!
Oh Gloria, there is no way anybody could watch that without laughing out loud! I am still sitting here with the silliest grin on my face. She is absolutey adorable! (And her daddy is such a good looking guy)! I had so much fun visiting your blog today and laughing along with that sweet little Kyra! What a miracle and what a blessing! laurie
Gloria, God Bless that Sweet Child! So glad Kyra is doing well, and represents a true miracle! ~big hugs, Rhonda :)
Oh my Gloria, this is just the most precious video I have ever seen. I am laughing and crying all at the same time. My DH thinks I am nuts. lol Guys don't get it. I am just praising the Lord for His healing hands on Kyra's heart. She is just the most precious little girl and just like my grandson, the Lord has great plans for this special little angel. I do understand the love in your heart and the thankful feelings you have for all the miracles that He has given Kyra so far, and I know He has so many more in store. I can't tell you how happy I am for you and all your family. My grandson's graduation was such a thrilling event, and I am so thankful for all of Gods grace. Well dear friend, we have the most marvelous miracles in common. There's no sweeter bond. I love you, and thank you so much for sharing this wonderful video. It too is such a wonderful Praise and Worship to the Lord and His Goodness. Hugs, Marty
omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is sooooo adorable. YOu would never know what she has been through.. What a miracle she is!
What an adorable little girl and what a blessing for your family! This was the sweetest ever!!! hugs, Cindy
Gloria those are some happy squeals! What a great family Kyra belongs to and what a proud Grandma you are I'm sure. She is just a pure bundle of joy! Babies are such miracles. Glad to see her home and her parents are enjoying her company, just as it should be with all children. You're a lucky grandma... Miss Giggles is such a precious nick name for her. ;-)
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