WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Good Morning girls....Well Tyra had better watch it there a new kid on the block named Kyra....Here's my latest Picture I just got of her...Now the BIG Question of the day is How "FREAKIN CUTE CAN SHE GET "
Kyra is once again having throat surgery at Dallas Children Hospital...but now only have to go every other week for this...They the (doctor's) have her throat opened now to a seven which means she is now able to take food through her mouth...but they still fed her through her tummy tube also...I just Love being able to see her hold her head up...Being's she could not lay on her stomach for over 3 months...her neck muscles were not developed...now with her New Tummy tube she can lay on her stomach...She is also cutting her bottom teeth...Just wanted to share with you my little miracle baby and give you an update...so many have asked me about her...WELL this is HER...TYRA Cover your back girl...May all of you have a GREAT Day !! WOW!! I am so blessed... GOD IS GREAT...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Hi Gloria,
She is precious. Getting cuter each time you post new pictures! May God bless her. I pray the surgeries will end soon for her. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you. Thankfully we have the Lord to lean on! Hugs, Loretta
I'm happy to hear that your babies are smiling.
She's definitely a beauty, sugar!
Kyra is adorable. She has come a long way and she is so cute. I just know you can't wait to get your hands on her. I could just reach thru the computer and squeeze her. Have a great week-end my friend.
That's wonderful news Gloria and her pictures are so precious! Hugs! Diane
wonderful news. she is too cute for words!
Baby Kyra is GORGEOUS!
She is an inspiration to us all! :)
Dear Gloria, I can't believe this is the same precious little girl we have watched and worried over for these months. She looks amazing ~ a real little trooper and she will emerge a strong little creature. Have a wonderful weekend.
Gloria she is a little dumplin'. Just precious, a little doll! You must love her so much. I am so happy to hear how well she is doing. Praise the Lord! Have a wonderful day!! Mary
Hi Gloria! Yes she is pretty as a picture and for sure the next runway model! Or perhaps a dancer... look at those toes... RIght on point...
Your family is always in my prayers...
Hey Sis...
Ohhh...it's too late for Tyra! She's done been pushed out...hehe!!! Oh honey, your little Kyra is just the sweetest baby girl!!! You know...that precious little girl has brought more smiles to people...everytime I see a photo of her sweet little smiling face, I just grin and giggle...and Ooohhh and Aaaahhh!!! I don't know...it just dawned on me...how much joy that baby girl has brought to so many! You'll have to share that thought with your Grandson!!!
Ohhh yes, and isn't that little headband just adorable!!! I'm with you Grandma, it's just such a blessing to see that precious baby girl sitting up and looking so happy!!! Of course, she's always so happy...it just amazes me, with all of her health problems and she always has a smile! God has special plans for that little girl!!! You know, I just love her little Easter pic too! She's absolutely precious in her little pink Easter dress!!!
I'm so thankful that all of the surgeries have finally brought Kyra to the place where she is being able to eat!!! Praise God!!! I sure have prayed for that little angel and will continue to do so, Sweetie!!! Thank you so much for sharing your little Kyra with us and giving us an update too!!!
Love ya Sis,
I am thrilled to see Kyra looking so happy! Hopefully this medical saga will be behind her soon, but how lucky she has had loving family to support her through it. ~Cathy~
What a doll baby, Gloria! She is just precious! I can't believe with that beautiful smiling face that she's had one thing wrong! Look at her! Oh, she is a heart melter for sure. Just adorable...
Sheila :-)
Girl you are toooo funny!
Thanks for entering my RED giveaway my friend.
You have two entries! You were one of my very first followers. I'm forever grateful to have met you.
I think my blog is back to normal now. It was acting so strange earlier today.
I really thought it was gone for good. :(
I think I would have cried for a week. I'm just too addicted to blogging...:)
Have a good one.
~Melissa :)
What a beauty, I hope she continues to do well!
She is one of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen! And her mama and daddy always have her dressed so pretty!
I'm sorry she's still going through these throat surgeries, but I'm guessing she's almost done with them and the tummy tube! Look at her! She's all chubby and everything!
Will you get to see her in person any time soon? Maybe go visit? I don't know how far they live from you.
Justine :o 0
She is so precious! Thanks for sharing the update on her.
Have a great weekend.
Omigosh Gloria! She's cuter than the Gerber Baby!!! And I can tell from your post you are just on Cloud 9. I'm so happy for you. I absolutely hate that any child has to go through something like this, and believe me, I've seen my share, but Praise God that she has you for a grandmother Gloria. God Bless that baby.
Love ya, Kim
Hi Gloria,
Kyra is absolutely beautiful!! God is so good and faithful to us, all the time.Will continue to pray.
omg, gloria what a doll!!!!!,shes beautiful..i'm soooo glad shes doing so much better my friend...
thank you for coming by my blog and your beautiful words...
Oh it's so wonderful that this little darling's throat surgery is going so well. Sweet little thing! And so happy. -happy sigh-
Happy May,
'Aunt Amelia'
What a sweetie she is. And thanks for letting me know about Gloria and the reposts. I usually share from a spiritual post on Sunday but I loved the idea and thought I could just do it maybe every other Friday until I have moved my favorite posts. I am trying to cut back a little on blogging while not giving it up completely. In fact today I am keeping track of computer time to see how much it is....I am acting like homemaking is my "job" and I am doing time studies....silly raggedy girl!
Oh Gloria, She is the cutest little dumpling! ~ Robyn
Gloria, Kyra is so beautiful! I just love the pictures of your miracle baby! I am so happy she looks so healthy! You would never know she has gone through so much. Sweet Blessing is what she is!
Thanks for coming by, can't wait to see your new dishes! Oh, just go for the Rose Brair, I think that what you called them. I bought 64 pieces of white(ironstone,I think) its called Family Gathering. I have bought roosters, crab, sunflower, pink roses, wheat, more white charger with a scroll, blue rose dishes. Maybe more! lol Now you see why I told hubby I will stop buying for a while. lol Only for my collections, pieces I still need. Instead I am buying sheep this weekend and am so excited! Hubby can't turn loose to go pick them up for he is selling and cooking crawfish, he has raised in our pond! I got to call the man in 30 min. to tell when I picking them up, he wants them to be picked up today, or tomorrow. Hubby says Sunday or Monday! Oh, no I hope he works with me. My house is a wreck, so I can't do a post until I clear out somethings! lol When you remodel one room it all spills over to the others! Glad to hear from you.
Thank you Gloria for sharing this beautiful and inspiring little girl with us! She is absolutely, "freakin'" adorable!!!!God Bless! Lauralu :)
Hi Gloria, Honey...Kyra is soooo precious and what a GIFT from God she surely is! I don't know her story, but I will tell you that she is an inspiration just reading what you've written today. WOW... I love hearing BLESSINGS like yours! Happy Early Mother's Day! I wanted to let you know I'm offering a SUPER Give Away that you might be interested in. Stop on over, Meet my new and improved Chef Claude Peter and view the giveaway along with some other goodies! See ya soon! ~CC Catherine
Gloria, Tyra's got nothing on this baby girl! She is so adorable, and what a spirit! So glad that she is doing so well, will continue to pray for her steady, sure improvement. She (and your family) are truly inspirational! Hugs, Kathy
Gloria, what a little baby doll she is! So thankful that the docs (and the Lord) are able to bring her healing. Linda
Oh my, it brings happy tears to my eyes to these this thriving, darling little girl and understand all that she has been through. You want to kiss this little muffin to pieces!
Hi Gloria! Oh, what a little precious! Praise God she is doing well. What a smile she has!
Thanks for showing her off!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Oh my! Just an adorably, beautiful little Angel. This precious girl has been through so much - yet look at that smile and all the life in her eyes. I heart it! She has a very special grandma cheering her on - and a whole lotta bloggy "aunts" too.
Bless her sweet heart! Hugs, Barb
Gloria I love seeing little Miss Kyra, she is freakin beautiful, just look at her precious smile!! She is always smiling and so "happy to be" your great grandbaby!!! Did you get my email about Donnas Mom?? Have a great weekend sweet G!! xoxoxo
Kyra is just the cutest and most precious baby. She is growing so fast and getting more and more beautiful every day. I am so sorry she has to go through more surgeries but I am glad she has the best attitude that she just takes them all in and just passes in flying colors. I can tell you are a very proud great grandma, Gloria...Christine
ah.. she is so stinkn cute!!! what a cutie. mishelle
This is good news indeed! What an ordeal these sweet parents, Kyra, and your family has gone through. I'm soooo happy to hear that she is doing so well. She's so adorable and I truly do mean that!
Oh Gloria, she most certainly has tyra beat. Kyra is so absolutely adorable, a smile that just melts your heart, you would never know that she has been through so much. She reminds me so much of our oldest daughter when she was a baby, who is now eighteen. Oh boy i could sure snuggle this little cutie.
hugs and hugs to kyra
Hey Sis...
Just stopping by to tell you that I love your new "mug shot"!!! You're just darling in that hat!!! Such a beautiful woman!!!
Love ya,
Hey Girl, just having my coffee and doing a little visiting this morning, I miss everybody so much. I just had to tell you how beautiful your baby Kyra is. I think she favors Grand Ma Ma. It's simply amazing how far this little sweetie has come. Miss ya girl.
Love Ya,
That baby girl is just the cutest and so is your grandma! That new pic of you is so cute and I love your outfit. Cindy
She is precious....an Angel.
♥ J
Hi there Gloria! Little Miss Kyra is such a cutie! I'm glad she's doing so well...still smiling!! You look so cute in your cowboy hat!! Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie
wonderful to see the baby doing so well. God is Good ...
That is one precious baby girl!! She is so beautiful, and such a blessing from God. I know you all are so proud of this little beauty. Thank you so much for sharing updates and pictures of her. I enjoy seeing that little cutie pie, Nicole
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