Hello Girls....Hope all of you had a GREAT Mother's day...Daughter # 3 came by in the Morning for coffee with me...she had just gotten home the night before from MO where she went and seen her son Jacob graduate from Ft. Leonard Woods Army base...after 4 months of training...YAHOO!! he came back to Calif on Friday night..and doesn't have to report into Ft. Hood in TX until May 20 th...His first born is due the 22 nd of May a little boy..so we are hoping his wife will have the little guy while he's in town...But he is trying to see it he can get his stay here continued for 2 extra weeks...And if anyone from the Army with any pull is reading this HELP!! us out here...lol!! I watched all the video's my Dawna had taken of him...Oh and girls I just cried to see my little guy all grown up and playing GI Joe for real...He looked so Handsome and strong....Jacob Grandma is so proud of you!!
After Dawna left we headed to Second Sunday Swap Meet...it's really called Sacramento Antique Faire but the only way I can remember the date is by Second Sunday...This is each month Rain or shine and has over 300 dealers...There I met up with Daughter # 2 Gina and her boy friend....I also got to meet my first Blogger in person...She is from Oregon and does this Swap meet each month..her name is Marilyn
And of course me being the trained Blogger than I am never leaves home without my camera ha ha!! So Daughter # 2 got a picture of Marilyn and me...
This is some of the stuff from Marilyn booth...Very Romantic...Love her space...

It's so funny I use to go to Second Sunday and see thing's I loved...Now I see things and think about my Blogging buds here...This French bust is just so Chari at "Happy to Design"...it's all marble from 1800's...I asked the Gal how much?? $2000.00 WOW!! Girls if I had that kind of money...I 'm afraid I would have started with my own Bust !! ha ha!!

Loved this " Norwegian Reindeer Moss" I did get me a bag of this...have not a clue what I will do with it...but so pretty and green...I see a new Cloche in the making here...
Also loved this dresser..there just something about Tiger oak that speaks to me...Would this not make a great vanity for a bathroom ...
Also loved these Victorian chairs, but $500.00 for the pair, Table another $500.00 I think this was way too much for this...

Now this mirror is just so MO from Mo's Cottage, If you haven't been by to see her do yourself a big favor she got a lovely Home and Blog...

Loved these Toile Black and white dishes...I could just picture Laurie at "Bargain Hunting with Laurie" Doing one of her Beautiful Tablescapes with these...

Also loved these "J.P. Coats and Clark " spool Cabinets...$ 475.00 can I hear another WOW!!

Now this one I have always thought were cool as the top of them is a Yard Long and they would measure fabric with them...This was only $450.00

Loved these coffee grinder's...some gal bought the little one while I was taking the picture...$ 975.00 Again I thought too much...because they had been restored and that takes away from the value on Antiques....

Now I didn't think I would ever get Len away from this guy booth..He wanted these "Jennings" Slot machines so bad...$5000.00 for the pair...guy was willing to even do a trade for them...Len was trying to trade the guy for knives's, an Old car,Wife, Any thing he could...I pointed out to him that he already had 10 slot machine's already and didn't need any more...No room left at the Inn...How ever Len is a Native American and I told him one more machine comes into this house and I will open the doors as an Indian Casino...ha ha!!

Oh and this Goat Cart is so Picket
At Picket's Place.... She is a darling...Love this lady to death!!

Or this wagon I could also see it in her yard... Just brimming with flower's

Now girls !! Had I had the room I would have brought this wonderful Doll house...I just loved the way it looked and was painted....$375.00 is it not darling... This is the size house I would be able to keep clean ha ha!!
And Look it comes furnished...it has all Tootsie Metal furniture in it... I would have had so much fun with this...
And of course me being the trained Blogger than I am never leaves home without my camera ha ha!! So Daughter # 2 got a picture of Marilyn and me...
Loved this " Norwegian Reindeer Moss" I did get me a bag of this...have not a clue what I will do with it...but so pretty and green...I see a new Cloche in the making here...
Now this mirror is just so MO from Mo's Cottage, If you haven't been by to see her do yourself a big favor she got a lovely Home and Blog...
Also loved these "J.P. Coats and Clark " spool Cabinets...$ 475.00 can I hear another WOW!!
Now this one I have always thought were cool as the top of them is a Yard Long and they would measure fabric with them...This was only $450.00
Loved these coffee grinder's...some gal bought the little one while I was taking the picture...$ 975.00 Again I thought too much...because they had been restored and that takes away from the value on Antiques....
Now I didn't think I would ever get Len away from this guy booth..He wanted these "Jennings" Slot machines so bad...$5000.00 for the pair...guy was willing to even do a trade for them...Len was trying to trade the guy for knives's, an Old car,Wife, Any thing he could...I pointed out to him that he already had 10 slot machine's already and didn't need any more...No room left at the Inn...How ever Len is a Native American and I told him one more machine comes into this house and I will open the doors as an Indian Casino...ha ha!!
Oh and this Goat Cart is so Picket
At Picket's Place.... She is a darling...Love this lady to death!!
Or this wagon I could also see it in her yard... Just brimming with flower's
Now girls !! Had I had the room I would have brought this wonderful Doll house...I just loved the way it looked and was painted....$375.00 is it not darling... This is the size house I would be able to keep clean ha ha!!
Well Girls I hope you enjoyed the Second Sunday Swap Meet...and Yes I did get something special for myself...I will show it to you this week Need to get it out of the truck still ha ha!! Great Mother's day for me.. Swap Meet $125.00, Dinner out Wonderful, Seeing 2 of my 3 daughters PRICELESS !!
May All of you have a GREAT Day...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Hi Gloria!!
It sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day, doing all the things you love and with all the people you love! And as always, you think about your blogger friends, even when you are out shopping!
I truly hope Jacob gets to see that little baby of his before he has to leave. I guess exceptions can't be made but my heart goes out to him and his sweet wife. I have my fingers crossed!
I would have loved to have gone to this swap meet. I spotted many things that I would have tried to drag home with me!! Soon our weather will be nice enough for some of thse swaps, (we call them "fairs" here). And we have garage sales every Thurs., Fri. & Saturdays. They are like yard sales but mostly in the garages because of our psychotic weather! LOL!
Glad to hear from you this Monday morning!! Have a great week!
By the way... you look LOVELY in the picture with Marilyn!! :-)
what a wonderful Mothers Day!
That would have been my idea Mother's Day..and you looked so happy! You looked like a kid in the picture. And you are still sporting your beautiful red hair. HOW I miss my hair!
That doll house...HOW did you pass it up?? I am such a toy addict!
I cannot wait to see what you bought!! Your friend, Picket, is going to smile big when she reads this post! :)
~love and hugs~
Hi Gloria!
Thanks for coming by to check on me & wish me a Happy Mother's Day! I hope you had a great day & from the looks of your shopping adventure, it looked like alot of fun to me! Glad you didn't get traded for a slot machine! LOL! Also glad you got to spend some time w/ 2 of your daughters! I hope your grandson can get to stay for the birth of his baby! Take care of yourself & keep in touch! XOXOXOXOXO
Woohoo Gloria!!! :)
What a wonderful Mother's Day you had girl.
Look at you meeting a fellow blogger.
You two look beautiful!
All the treasures look awesome as well. The doll house was so cute and cool.
Have a blessed week my friend.
~Melissa :)
Afternoon, Gloria! Wow, you've been busy! What a handsome grandson you have and I hope his baby comes, safe and sound, before he has to leave. How special to meet a blogging friend! Love that flea market place! I could have done some damage there!
You're just the cutest little thing, Gloria and a dear at the same time!
be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
Hi Gloria!
God bless your grandson......I sooooo appreciate, admire and respect our military. We are so blessed in America to have such a wonderful military.
I wish I'd been able to go to that fun sale.......wooohoooo! I love a sale!
Happy belated Mother's Day....
Hi Gloria,
You had me a giggling, wow would you be fun to shop with my friend! The joke about hubby means he is a good sport, we have a rather large Native American Casino where I live. You two can come visit any time! The pic of your grandson and you are so cute! Glad you got to meet a blogging buddy, now come visit me in Wisconsin! Hugs, Cindy
Glad you had a great day!! I'm anxiously awaiting to see what you bought. Hope your grandson gets to see his new baby before he leaves. Have a great week. Sally
you are so lucky to meet someone in person!!! I want to meet you in person so bad...I need that hug you keep talking about! lol
thanks for the tour of the show!
This was so much fun, Gloria! You took pics of so many different and neat things! But, alas, not one thing there reminded you of me, eh? ROFL! Gee, wonder why?
I can't wait to see what you brought home!
And is Len really native american? I LOVE native americans!!!!!!
Justine :o )
Hi Gloria,
So glad you had a happy mother's day! You have a great looking family.
I am drawn to tiger oak too.
:) Diane
Oh...your grandson is just wonderful...thank him for me...I appreciate SO MUCH young men and young families like his! I pray he gets to be here to hold his little baby! God will make a way!
I loved all the photos of your day at the flea market! WONDERFUL stuff!
Gloria, how proud you must be of Jacob!!
The swap meet looks like fun. I am scheduled to meet a blogger next week. I'll write about it and of course, I'll have the camera!!
Have a wonderful week!
Hi Sweet One! I sure do hope Jacob gets to be home for his baby's birth, but truth be told - after 30 yrs in the Marine Corps and seeing what my son sometimes endures in the Army - well....
They are so handsome in their uniforms. Bless him and his family for his service to Country.
Now my dear - your eye candy pics on your outing made my heart go pitter. I have no restraint when I visit these places. This looked like an awesome event. Thx for sharing. Hugs, Barb
Hi Gloria! I hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day. Thanks for popping by and wishing me the same!
This swap meet looks like a blast!!!
Thanks for making me soooo jealous! :)
Hey Sis...
Girl, I would just pee myself if I could ever go to a big ol' antique flea like this!!! Oops...did I just say that? Hehe...that was crude...but so true!!! Hehe! Ohhh...you are so right about me loving that marble French bust...Sheeeshh...can't believe you didn't get it for me, I mean, come on, it was only $2000...hehe!!! I noticed you saying that there were several things overpriced there...are there any bargains there? Ohhh...I would just have fun looking through everything! Well, I guess I did look through everything...enlarged all of your photos so I could see each and every little treasure...wink!!! I'm so glad that you took me shopping with you Sweetie!!! By the way...Darlin' I just loved seeing that photo of you...you pretty and petite thing you!!!
I'm so glad that you got to see a couple of your daughters on Mother's Day! Will you get to see Jacob while he's home on leave? I sure hope that he can get his leave extended...he needs to be there when his first is being born...ahhh!!! I'll be praying for God to make a way for them!!!
Well Sis...I'm so happy that you took your camera and took us along on your 2nd Sunday shopping!!! I just seen all kinds of things that I loved...ohhh, like that beautiful old Victorian mantle shelf at your friend Mo's place!!! Ohhhh...soooo pretty!!!
Love ya Sis!!!
I so hope Jacob gets to see his first born before he reports for duty. I wish them all the best!
I love going to the second sunday w/you! SO FUN!
♥ J
Hi Gloria,
Looks like you had a wonderful Mother's Day! Don't you just love walking around Flea Markets and seeing such interesting things? I have the same dollhouse that you seen at the market. I made it years ago...just not quite as elaborate as the one in your picture. My granddaughter loves it! Hope your grandson gets his extension.
Hey Grandma,
How cool is that! you met up with your first blogger. I'm glad you got to hang out with mom. I tried to call but she didn't answer. Talk to you later grandma.
Love ya,
I'm so proud of Jacob! Anybody whole is willing to fight for our beautiful country deserves a pat on the back from me. It's to bad he didn't join the real men, the MARINES!!!! j/k.
This is what the ARMY stands for.....lol
Ready for the.
Wow, sounds like you had the most amazing Mother's Day! Welcome home Jacob!
Thank you for the pictures and the history for each piece. Great post Gloria! ☺♥☺ Diane
Your grandson makes my heart swell with pride to see him in that uniform, Gloria! And great pics of all of you!
I have a goat cart EXACTLY like the one in that picture. LOL! Can you believe it? I'll have to take a pic for you.
Loved seeing all of those goodies and what you bought!
Sheila :-)
Oh, I just love all of your finds! What a great swap meet. I really like the Coats and Clark cabinets, so many possibilities! And Jacob looks so handsome in his uniform. I just tear up every time I see young people in service to our country, God Bless them all. I hope he does get to see that precious angel born before he has to leave. How long will he be at Ft. Hood before his permanent station? Maybe I'll just drive up and down 195 and yoo hoo at him - tell him to look for the crazy lady in the red VW Rabbit, that will be me lol. Hugs to you dear, Kathy
Gloria, My husband also was at Ft Leonard Wood, many years ago. I loved your tour of the Second Sunday, love that name, antique show, seems really pricey to me also! Thanks for sharing your trip! Sue
Thanks for taking us along for some window shopping! I do love these kind of places.
My niece is at Ft Leonard Wood right now.
Have a great day.
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