Hello !!! Four Score and Seven years ago...well close enough...I at one time lived in the San Francisco Bay Area...Yes I was a city born and raised gal turned into a Mountain woman ha ha!! A few have left comments when I post Antiques about how come I know so much about them and also how they would love to tour my home...Well I have had the Local Newspaper in the Bay Area asked to do an article about our home there...This was done in 1986...But we were moving at that time so my only requested was that they did not do the posting until after we had moved...Now you will have to click on these pictures in order to read the article about Wally's and my home at that time...My collection of course has grown since that time...Justine asked me How come I know so much about Antiques...well I have been collecting since 1980 and also have every source book you can name, and I also was taken a few times....When I first started collecting and found out the Hard way that what I was paying for was just made the day before....An original re-pop ha ha!! 
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This is Wally and me in our then Dining room...Boy I miss that man!!
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This was my Dawna and grand daughter Candace's bedroom and just one of the famous Mustache cups...and Yes girls those are my real nail's there...I have always had long nail's since I was 23...that when I stopped biting them...When Wally and I got married my mama told me to slice the cake with my nails ha ha!! Wally loved them said they were the best back scratcher's
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This was taken in our bedroom...complete English Chamber set and Old candy store Cash register I used for my jewelry box ha ha!!
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Now this was taken after we moved to the mountains...our local new paper here did an article just on my kitchen...this was in 1998...Now when we did live in the Bay Area we use to do fund raising for our San Lorenzo Lions Club which Wally and I were both awarded live time membership to and we used our Home then for home tours...To help raise monies for the Oakland Blind center and the deaf Foundation...So that's why I just think the world of Helen Keller and what she did with her life...being both Deaf and Blind...I spend 20 years of my life working at the Blind center...Now promise me you won't laugh But I taught a Make-up class there...Just because women can't see themselves doesn't mean they don't want to look pretty for others...And it make's them so proud...Hope I didn't bore you all to sleep with my post today ha ha!! I really need to hand out No-Dozs pills to people who come by here !!!
May all of you have a Great weekend...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

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This is Wally and me in our then Dining room...Boy I miss that man!!
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This was my Dawna and grand daughter Candace's bedroom and just one of the famous Mustache cups...and Yes girls those are my real nail's there...I have always had long nail's since I was 23...that when I stopped biting them...When Wally and I got married my mama told me to slice the cake with my nails ha ha!! Wally loved them said they were the best back scratcher's
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Now this was taken after we moved to the mountains...our local new paper here did an article just on my kitchen...this was in 1998...Now when we did live in the Bay Area we use to do fund raising for our San Lorenzo Lions Club which Wally and I were both awarded live time membership to and we used our Home then for home tours...To help raise monies for the Oakland Blind center and the deaf Foundation...So that's why I just think the world of Helen Keller and what she did with her life...being both Deaf and Blind...I spend 20 years of my life working at the Blind center...Now promise me you won't laugh But I taught a Make-up class there...Just because women can't see themselves doesn't mean they don't want to look pretty for others...And it make's them so proud...Hope I didn't bore you all to sleep with my post today ha ha!! I really need to hand out No-Dozs pills to people who come by here !!!
May all of you have a Great weekend...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Gloria, What a great article and a fun remembrance of your late husband Wally. You guys must've had a lot of fun together. You have a lot of neat and interesting collections. I bet Jacob would've had a HeyDay in your house and garage admiring all of your finds. This was fun to read about you, thanks for sharing. This is my brush with fame! ~ Robyn
Hi Gloria , I enjoyed this post .Wish I lived closer to ya.I love antiques too.
You are the best girl!
I enjoyed seeing the old newspapers and all your antiques. You are famous!
You sure are a kind hearted lady to have taught that class. I know they were grateful to you.
Have a good evening on the mountain top. LOL!
~Melissa :)
PS Alex loves my long nails for the same reason...:)
Bore us, are you kidding??? You are a great story teller! What a collection you have. Also, i had no idea that Helen Keller died so recently, i was thinking early 1900's. Dont know why, thanks for the history lesson too! Have a great weekend, Sue
Gloria, That is awesome. I bet you do miss your man. He looks like such a nice guy. You made such a darling couple. It's cool that you were able to share something that you both loved. I love antiques. I wish I lived in a big ole historical mansion. But, my sweetie is not interested.
Hugs, Terrie
Gloria, This is amazing! I just loved it!!! I read all the articles - did you post all the pages?
Where in Fremont did you live? ♥ Diane
I probably read about that in the paper because that's where we lived, sugar! Yep, Hayward. We didn't leave there until early 90s so I'm sure I read about you in the paper.
you are NEVER boring girl...the life you lived is such an adventure for most of us to hear and imagine!
Hi Gloria, How cool to be in the newspaper. You ARE famous! you really do have some of the neatest antiques! I just love those mustache cups. My aunt's dad started Shroeder Publishing company. They publish alot of the antique books you probably have. My uncle works for the company,they are in Kentucky. I just thought of that when you said you have alot of antique books. I posted my patio if you would like to take a look! Kristen
Gloria this is such a neat post, I really enjoyed reading the newspaper articles, we are in Benicia so it was lovely to hear that you lived in the bay area, I am sorry to hear Wally has passed you made a lovely couple and looks like you had a lot of fun with your collections which are gorgeous BTW. Helen Keller is an inspiration of mine too, happy weekend, hugs, Kathy.
Great pictures...hey, to me this is famous!! Not many people have such articles written about them. Enjoyed seeing it.
Gloria, I so enjoyed the newspaper articles! The pictures were great too! What fun you and Walley must have had finding all your wonderful antiques! Now that was a lot of razors! Hubby has 2. lol Missed visiting. I saw the post on Jacob having to leave, I hope the baby did not come on the train! Love your home in the mountains! I love seeing all of your lovely things and grandchildren! I would never be bored visiting you! Have a great weekend!
Hi Gloria,
This was so much fun to read! Did you do the bed n breakfast? You know my dear I love your home and what a wonderful love story you had. I love it that you taught makeup classes too, what a gal! Hugs to you, Cindy
You my friend are amazing. What an incredible article....you & your Wally look so happy in that picture! You have led an amazing life....with your work with the blind...flying airplanes. You never cease to amaze me.
Big hugs~ J
No No-Doze pills for me bz I find this fascinating!
WOW Gloria!!!!!!! You've been featured not once, but TWICE? And it was sooooooo nice to finally see a picture of your beloved Wally. But bed pans? And he wanted to use them as soup tureens? Oh my, what a man! LOL!
Whatever happened to your plans for an inn?
This was just a fabulous and fun post to read. I loved every word of it, girl!
Justine :o )
Oh poo...I always love your posts and you know it! But..then I love anything you do on here...
Yes..I knew you were a cancer survivor and so is my sister. Breast cancer also.
My baby brother just lost his kidney of cancer. He has one left..but I'm frightened.
No..I always love old news articles..always. They are anything but boring and besides it gives us a chance to know more about you! Hugs and love~
Wow, I am so glad you shared these articles what a fun experience! I love the chamber pot collection, and the “Bubble Machine”. I have to say you have not aged a bit so you are definitely doing something right! I am going to have a look around at your posts I missed from being on vacation last week. Have a great rest of the weekend. ~Cathy~
Hey Grandma,
I love you post about your antiques. You and grandpa have such a great collection of everything. I miss him a lot grandma. I love that picture of you and him. You were so happy! I miss you grandma. Thank you so much for the clothes for our miracle baby monster. lol. They are so cute. I tried to call you today but no answer. I miss you grandma. Love
Kyra is doing good we go back to dallas on Friday the 22nd. No more nurse visits here at home anymore. Thank goodness.
Gloria, this is just fascinating! Girl, you never cease to amaze me! Loved reading this and seeing the articles. You always make me smile. I hope you know how special you are...
Sheila :-)
Oh, and I have very strong nails... they aren't that long right now, but they can get long in a minute. My mother, same thing. :-)
Hi Gloria! I loved your whole post! How neat to have had your home featured like that! What great memories! I checked out your previous post too! I'm sendin' up a special prayer for those two and soon to be three! God Bless! Lauralu :)
Gloria, this a great post! I clicked and read the newspaper articles (except one that wouldn't work for me). You're not only famous, but you're famous in two newspaper areas. I loved the photo of you and your dear Wally. (Bed pans?!!-that's one thing I haven't collected)! I loved reading the newspapers. laurie
I have seen this article when you showed it to us, Gloria and it is very interesting. You are a very interesting person and I am so happy to know you...Christine
Gloria, you couldn't be boring if you tried! Loved this post, how fun that you were in both papers. Hope that all is going well for Jacob and family, they should probably be at Ft. Hood by now? And I hope you had fun at the car show - do a post about that! Hugs, Kathy
Thanks for sharing these interesting details about your collections. It is always enjoyable to read your posts.
I have missed you alot! :)
I really enjoyed reading your post! In my book..you are famous!
Donna Marie
I am camping....Bob has an air card with unlimited minutes!!!! this way I never have to leave you all behind!
Oh Gloria...I call that being famous! I knew you had a lot of antiques and I am glad to see tha tit is appreciated by your neighbors as well! Love the picture of you with Wally!You two look so happy! Sorry Jacob had to head out...to Fort Hood? That's where my grandson's dad is stationed. Hope you are having a great weekend...hugs...Debbie
yes, yes I am back today...and will be tomorrow cuz I am just scared to death that I will miss one of you sweet friends posts! It is SO easy to do that ...I do not know what the trick is to not falling behind..but boy am I glad when I see the SAME post here that was here a couple of days ago!!
HUGE sigh of relief goes up..let me tell you! :)
Hugs and love to you my sweet friend!!
Hey girlfriend... What a beautiful post today and you should be so proud of all your accomplishments... The articles were so great to read and believe me very interesting. I have a short attention span so you know it was good if I read it all... You'll definitely be on my stopover list to visit when we start our journey this year... Love Ya,
Hi Sis...
Just a quick note to let you know that we just got home. I'm pretty tuckered out! I'm sorry that I didn't read your post...just wanted to let you know we made it home. I promise to visit and check your blog out when I get rested!!!
Love ya Sis,
How cool...I'm not surprised they wanted to feature you and all your gorgeous collections....and it's so cool to know a famous lady like you!!!
Girl, I just adore this post!!! I loved seeing and reading about some of your antiques and collectibles!!! WOW...you are famous!!! Uhhh humm...and I know her...the famous or infamous Ms. Gloria!!! Uhhh hummm...I'm feeling it...Uhhh hummm!!! Hehe!!! But seriously...I just think it's awesome that you made the news...your home, your antiques and collectibles are soooo awesome, Sis!!!
Hey...I didn't know that Wally collected bed pans...hehe! I don't think you've ever shown them to us...have you??? Have I missed them??? So cute that he would consider using them as soup tureens! I'm so glad that you won that arguement Girl!!! Hehe!!!
I also didn't know that the two of you did so much work for and with the Lions Club!!! They are such a great group and do so many great things for alot of people!!! I didn't know that you did tours of your home to raise funds for the Lions either! Girl, you just have a heart of gold!!! And I loved hearing about you doing a makeup class for the blind...that just brings tears to my eyes!!! I bet those ladies just loved you ever so much!!! So...so sweet!!!
I'm so glad that you shared these news articles with us...so interesting and I learned some more things about you today! You know that I love ya, Sis!!! I'm just so proud to call you "friend"!!!
Love ya Darlin'!
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