WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Hello!! Everyone today is Outdoor Wednesday with our great hostess Susan at
http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/ Please go by and see her and all the wonderful outdoor spaces today !!!

Now I live on 11 acres so I have a lot of Yard to work with here on my Mountain top....Last Nov Len planted 600 Daffodils bulbs along the drive way...They just started coming up last Saturday and I wanted share what we have so far and show you some of my YARD ART...Now I know this is not for every one but remember I march to a guitar!!!

An Old Hay picker upper...it was used for round or square bales...see all the bulbs around it yet to bloom??

This is going down my driveway away from my house...Oh look their Len now walking his 16 1/2 year old dog Rex... See all the old tractors wheels these I just love...also Old power poles line each side of driveway... Our local power company was replacing all our poles up here 10 years ago and seen all the weird stuff I had in my yard and came to my door and asked if I wanted them YAHOO!! they even laid them all out for me....

Got to love an Old broken wagon wheel and Plow....

How about an Old stove sitting on a pile of brick...also someone was getting rid of these and asked if I wanted them...

Another smaller Old tractor wheel and pulleys...My Grandson in-law Branden gave me the Granite rocks...see he even knows what a mess I am !!

Another Granite rock from Branden

How about an Old Well pump with an Iron pot hanging from it...I put flowers in the Iron pot in May after all our snow is gone...and Len made the Rock planter for me when I first met him for my smoke tree which is just Beautiful when in Bloom...right now you can see more daffs but will have Petunia's in it also in may... Now all that yard you see in the background is mine...Oh and my Girls Swing that Wally made for them when we bought the property in 1976 and it still swings... Wished I could say the same lol!!

This is one of my plum trees just started to bloom its beautiful Pink Blooms and Yes that is part of my house in the background...what you see is the Barn and silo part of it...told you I had a strange house...the upper desk is for my guest room...the silo holds my stairs and the right is the hall way to my bedroom...One of these days I will show you the whole outside of what was my 1 room cabin and just kept growing.... Hope you enjoyed my just blooming yard and YARD ART today!!
Now Please go by and see Susan and really see some great space's today...not like my out door junk ha ha!!
May you all have a safe and Blessed day dear friends...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I love all the old farm things in your garden. They give it such charm. I think the hay picker upper looks a little like a big spider!
Your yard art brought smiles to my face! How clever.
Happy Outdoor Wednesday Gloria! I love that you march to a ....guitar! I really like the well pump! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan
I love, love, love your country yard art. It's such a rural feel. You know how much I love that.
Hugs, Terrie
Hi Gloria,
I do love yard art....I have quite a bit myself....it just makes me happy to look at it.....and I LOVE all of yours.....Gloria, you have some of the best "STUFF"....
Mo ;-)
Ohhhh weee...sis I loved this...you show me a wagon wheel and some old plows and I just melt...loved that old pump with the iron pot...girl that is my kind of yard art...I got plows and wagon wheels everywhere...just makes me happy! Great post girl and I'd love to see the whole outside of your beautiful place! ♥
Gloria! I did enjoy your yard art and daffodils! I keep threatening my kids and husband that I'm going to put some yard art out too!!
happy O.W.!
My goodness I've never seen anything so cute!
The entire yard is just charming and has "Gloria" written all over it. Love that pump and wheel.
Beautiful flowers you have sprouting up too.
I can't wait to see your entire house photos one day.
It looks really neat.
Have a good one.
~Melissa ;)
I love garden art...especially some like what you've put together.
Daffodils are some of my favorites too!
Happy Outdoor Wednesday!
I just loved all of your yard art...that is just my type of things too! I would really like a closer look at your wonderful home, how interesting and I am sure beautiful.
I love all the old farm implements and wheels. The flowers will be gorgeous when they all come up. Can't wait to see your home. Hugs, Marty
Hi Gloria,
Yes we are packed...had to delay our trip 2 days leaving this Saturday..just found out that we got a tour of the White House...so we had to make some changes...how can we not go to the White House.....we are very excited....my Hubby did good.....
Mo :-)
You sure have a lot of unique and interesting yard art, Gloria!...Christine
and I WILL be bringing my u-haul too!!! oh and my big purse!
Hi Gloria...I love your yard art...especially that hay picker...looks like a big spider!! lol Your daffodils are lovely! You'll have to take more pics when they are all in full bloom! Hope you are having a great week...hugs...Debbie
Love the yard art! Especially the old stove :0)
I was also admiring the "space" you have around your property. It must be so great to have that kind of elbow room :0)
Gloria, You have a beautiful blog. I really can't believe you have a great granddaughter. How is she doing after her surgeries ?
I hope you don't mind that I snatched the Alzheimer's Ribbon for my blog. Awareness is so important.I lost my husband a few years ago, and now my sister is here physically, but has gone to a place I can't reach her. Life goes on, but there is such a void.
Thank's for visiting me.
Love love the old stuff. Well, treasures I should say :-) The old hay picker looks like a spider to me!
Happy Outdoor Wednesday!
Great pictures Gloria! I thought at first that you had a big spider in the yard, then read the caption.
Len was a very busy guy! Rex looks like a sweet little old man. How's he doing? ♥ Diane
Hi Gloria, I love your Yard Art, 11acres WOW and all those Daffodils, beautiful, Happy Outdoor Wednesday, Kathy.
I really love the old stove and the well pump! I need to find a few nice pieces like that for my garden. They give your garden so much character.
very nice reminds me of yester year great ideas
loved getting a look at your house, so charming! I of course love the art in the yard as well.
Morning Gloria~
I just love your yard art and it IS yard ART. :) The wheels down the driveway~ stole my heart.
Big hugs~ J
THAT old pump!! OH to have one like that out back! What a neat thing to have in your yard, Gloria!
All of it is just aged so beautifully! Great stuff!
Gloria...you ALWAYS make me smile!
First I want to mention, you lucky girl to have 11 acres, how wonderful. And Second, I do hope you give us a tour in your unique home. Very, very interesting.
Enjoyed seeing your yard Gloria- and thanks for dropping by- it is always nice seeing you. Have a great day kiddo!
Yard Art Work is charming! Just like your home Gloria. That well pump reminds me of the one that my grandparents had. Great memories seeing this one again. We need to see your whole outside!
I love your yard art! love the old stove, we have one of those but not in the yard
These are great! I'll have to share your blog with my mom. She has a lot of 'art' around the farm as well that she doesn't know about! Happy Outdoor Wednesday, Gloria!
i love your yard art! it's perfect for someone with a lot of yard! very cool. your house looks awesome, i can't wait to see the whole thing!
Love that old wellpump, and wanted to say thanks for the tip on that blog, I checked it out you were right,she is my long lost sister!!! Enjoy your day Gloria!!!
Thanks for the tour of your yard art. 600 bulbs! Your decorative farm things will be hidden behind the flowers in a few more days. But that silo! Whoever would guess what's inside your house? Pam
I do like your yard! That driveway, decorated by your friendly local power company and coupled with tractor wheels is a nice entrance. I like the water pump too.
Hey Gloria...
Your home reminds me of my Uncles place up in the mountains of north Georgia. They actually have one of those wood burning stoves like yours outback that they use in the winter to keep folks warm when entertaining. Thanks for sharing.
Gloria, you live in an interesting place. 11 acres? That is a lot to take care of. It looks like you have had fun gathering unique things for your yard.
Happy guitar marching!
Kathy b
Hey Gloria you just keep marching to that gee-tar...that's what we love about you!! With 11 acres to decorate, it takes a lot of yard art of whatever kind to do it...& I think it looks GREAT! ;- Bo
So cool yard/drive way and house. I look forward to a real tour around the house.
You know... Start at one spot and keep going around and snapping pics. :-))) Yeah, I'm *not* bossy, or anything, am I? ,-)
Aunt Amelia
Wow I would love to take a walk in your yard and enjoy all that yard art in person... Thanks for the photo tour! Its so cool!
Love all the garden art. Very charming. I'd love to see some pics once all those Daffodils bloom!
I love it, Gloria! Everything looks wonderful!!!
What a beautiful serene looking place you have!! I so enjoyed walking down your driveway. I am so looking forward to seeing more pictures. Thank you for sharing.
Gloria, I love your yard art, and daffodils are my favorite flower! I can't imagine planting 600 of them though! EGADS!!!!
I cannot wait until you share all the pictures of your house. I so want to see it!
Justine :o )
Hi Gloria! I love your yard art! And your home. The art fits the farmhouse look of your home perfectly!. You have a great eye for what goes together! Deb
I am amazed at all the farm implements that make your place different from everyone else. Nice job!
I love all of your yard art. I think the old pump with the flowers blooming around it is my favorite! And I love the story about the power poles, how lucky was that? Great post - oh and that dog looks awfully good for 16 1/2!! Thanks for stopping by, glad you enjoyed the pix. Hugs, Kathy
Hey Sweetie...
So glad that you swung by and thank you so much for your sweet, sweet comments...you know that I love ya, Sis!!!
Girl, what I would do for 11 acres in the mountains...wanna switch houses? Hehe! Of course, Russell has a hard time keeping up our acre and his Dad's place now as it is! Bet ya'll have a big ol' tractor to keep up with all of the grass! Anyway, it's just beautiful darlin'...I sure do envy you!!! And I love your yard art...I can relate, it looks like our yard art..hehe!!! We have old wheel frames, etc...not to mention "Camaro Heaven"...you know the little area back behind the shop where all the camaro's of by-gone days rest! RIP!!! Hehe!!! I wouldn't have it any other way and I suspect you feel the same way! Love all of your pretty Spring daffodils...that's alot of daffodils that Len planted! I bet they're just gorgeous when they all bloom out! You'll have to take more photos when they do and share them!!!
Now Girlfriend, this is the first glimpse I've had of the exterior of your home...it's beautiful!!! I love that round tower/silo...so your staircase is in that...that's a great design idea...I love it!!! Your house is pretty big...more like a mansion, honey! It reminds me of that old hymn..."I've got a mansion, just over the hilltop!"...hehe!!!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful home and yard with us today...I'll look forward to seeing more of it!
Love ya,Sis...
PS...I see that we're gonna lose Blogger 4PM your time...for a maintenance check!
Love your place Gloria! That silo/turret is awesome! How fun that would be!! You have some great things in your yard and the driveway is too cool. You've collected a lot of neat things.
Ok, I guess I won't cook sauerkraut the day we have the open house!! LOL I like the idea of the cinnamon sticks and the baking. I could bake some cookies and leave them for the visitors. That way I wouldn't eat all of them! Thanks for your encouraging words about my weight loss, I appreciate it sooo much!!
Hugs, Sherry
Your yard art is so unique! I enjoyed the tour!
I love that kind of stuff!! Just yesterday I was driving down the highway by a used farm equipment place and I wanted to stop and scrounge around. I didn't have much time, so I drove on by. Maybe another day!!! Have a great day on your mountain. Sally
Hey Gloria; I just love all of your old farm goodies. They look so at home there.. How beautiful every thing must look when in bloom.
Kyra is growing so fast. She is so cute! Hugs, Terrie
11 acres is a lot to take care of. Wow! And your plum trees are so pretty. Thanks for stopping by to see me.
You sure know how to take trash and turn it into treasure. What an interesting and fun place to explore. People do the same thing with me - if they clean out their garage, they ask me if I want what they are going to put out in the trash! Sometimes, it's a little insulting, but I usually DO want their junk! LOL. laurie
Hi Miss Gloria!
Thanks for loving my flatware! :)
I'm sorry but a friend of mine gave it to me years ago for a birthday gift
about a million years ago. I have no idea where she got it.
Love the yard art! What a beautiful yard you have!
Hi Gloria, thanks for stopping by! Your yard is great! The hay thing looks like a giant spider, I had to really study it.lol! Very cool... My father in law lives out on some land and has so many interesting things, I just love going over there to see what new things he's put out. Kristen
I would just love to visit your beautiful place. What neat ideas and the house looks so charming and enchanting. Hugs to you, Cindy
What a unique idea. I love the granite and the old pump. Happy Outdoor Wed.
Talk about being “green”! Growing up out in the country there were always plenty of farm equipment around-so sorry now I didn’t snag some! The pump with the bucket on is my favorite, but I love the border down your driveway. You are so creative.
Mornin' Sis...
Got time for a quick cup of coffee? I say quick because it looks like all of our yard art...tractor wheels, camaros, etc. is fixin' to get buried under a bunch of snow. I just emailed you, wanted to let you know if you don't hear from me for awhile it was because of power outages, although I don't really expect to lose our electricity...but you never know. We're under severe blizzard warnings...supposed to get a bunch of snow and lots of strong winds! Russell stayed home from work today because of it...he's asleep in his chair in the living room right now...hehe! I don't know why he just doesn't go back to bed!!! MEN!!! Hehe!!!
What's on your agenda for the day, Sweetie? Thanks for all of your sweet, sweet compliments on my tablescape...I always think they look so much prettier in person! It's just so hard to catch the whole effect in a photo. Not to mention that I'm not a very good photographer anyway! hehe! Well darlin'...I'll be talking with you later (I hope!)
Love ya,
How very pretty!
I am digging your yard art; you have a creative, artsy eye. In Colorado Springs there are some neat homes that have interesting metal sculptures and people rave about them, so there you go!
That art makes for a lot of hmor and a lot of nostagia. Very fun1
You have the most fun yard! I knew the inside of your home was like an amazing museum...just didn't know the outside was, too! Your house is facinating...love seeing some of the exterior. Houses that have been added onto are always sooo interesting and so neat...so much better than cookie cutter ones! Love the tour! Susan
I LOVE your yard art G!! What a dream...to have all that land and be on the top of a mountain...so cool!! :-) L~
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