WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Hey Guys...What time is it ??why its FOODIE FRIDAY TIME does that not sound like something "Howdy
Doody " would have sing ...Of course it does...Now our very
own Gollum's Host's this Fun Friday for us gals to show off all our cooking skills with, ( don't know why I am here) PLEASE go by and see her and all the FOODIE bunch today...
http://designsbygollum.blogspot.com/. Now I am going to share this great 10 minute fudge with you today !!! ( ps. try saying FOODIE FRIDAY 10 times )

Now this is all you need and really it makes the creamiest and best fudge in the world..

See 1 can sweet milk, 1 package of Chocolate chips...chopped nuts (optional ) I just grab a hand full and chop away...

Toss the milk, and chips in a pan...heat on the stove until melted...add nuts after you take it off the heat ...here I used Walnuts...

This is what it will look like... stir it up real good..

Just pour it in a dish...put in frig...for about 2 hours and then cut and eat...and what do you did? Great Fudge that only took 10 minute from start to finish.. Now also at Christmas time I like to add some Peppermint extract while its melting, put some crushed peppermint candies on the top of it..you also can add Lemon, or Orange extract...what ever flavor you want...If you want some YUMMY!! White Fudge use White Chocolate chips instead and add Pecans (again Nuts are optional) It's the best...

Now this says it All...

Sassy say please Help
yourself...I already had my fill !!!
Postnote: No animals were warned in the making of this production...
Now PLEASE go by and see our Great friend to all in Blogland Gollum and take a fork along with you today...It will make you hungry also check out her give away for the day.
For those that did not leave a comment on my 100 followers GIFT AWAY please go to my last post and do that, so Mr. Random thingy can do his thing on March 8th...Good luck to all of you!!
May you all have a great FOODIE fun filled FRIDAY!! I am grabbing my fork and on my way.
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
YUM says it ALL!!! i have chocolate issues...
Gloria, You are one clever cookie! The fudge looks delicious! I've only attempted fudge once, many years ago, & the sugar didn't melt. UGH. It had to be reheated & kind of turned to caramel. Not a good thing. Wish I'd had your recipe then! ♥
Oh, I am so making this tomorrow because I am carb starved. My body is CRYING for carbs, and I shall not deny it. LOL This looks so good, and I know Young Bandwith will love it, too.
Oh yum...fudge my favorite! I could live on fudge...but I am watching what I eat...sigh...so can't have any!
That looks really good! You made it look soooooooooo easy!
Wow Gloria, this looks great! And easy enough that I might even be able to manage it lol. Cait is coming home this weekend, so I bet we end up making a TON of it to take back to school, never hurts to have bribes for the grad students lol. Hugs, Kathy
Looks Yummy!
oh my goodness, that is so yummy! and in 10 minutes? yikes! it's getting dangerous around here- you know how to make fudge in 10 minutes, i know how to make a delicious cake in 9 minutes from start to finish! i better start walking more miles! i posted about my 9 minute cake a few posts back, you can check it out if you want, but be careful, it's addicting!
Yum is right! The fudge looks great! :D Jewel
okay, now THAT'S such an easy recipe it's dangerous. I'm going to pretend I didn't see that.:)
xo Lidy
Yummy girl.. chocolate must be in the air tonight..lol.. Sassy sure was a good puppy now wasn't she?? This looks delicious girl.. you know I'm going to try it...
hugs ~lynne~
This is my son's recipe and it is dangerous. Can't eat just one!
Yummy! Candy
This looks sooooo yummy, indeed!
You are like one of my favorite blogging friends! This looks so yummy and I love the idea of adding peppermint! I went back to TJ Maxx today, and I refrained from buying plates,but I did try on clothes and I think I need to shed some winter pounds. I think I need to forgo all kinds of sweets for awhile. Oh, thanks for letting me share, Cindy
Had to swing back over for abit more fudge..:-) See what I mean girl.. the brain just isn't working right tonight...I got it now.. went back and reread it right this time..lol.. stress and worry ...girl... big time.. another roller coaster ride today..and there's no music to go along with it.. pray girl.. pray..
hugs ~lynne~
HI Gloria. I love fudge but have never been able to make it! I think I can do this recipe! Thank you, Dear ONe!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Yum! More chocolate!! I just visited Lynne and her brownies....oh how I am craving CHOCOLATE!!
No way girl!
It's that easy?
Would you believe I have never made fudge in my life?
I'm trying this one out for sure.
Thanks for sharing!
~Melissa ;)
Now that's a fudge recipe that even I could make. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Marty
Hi Gloria! Since you have given me this recipe before Christmas, I have been making it and it is really good. Thanks again...Christine
Fudge- Oh Gloria you're killing me here!! I am trying so hard to eat good hence the asparagus and then I am supposed to pass up this- No way - I just don't have that kind of will power- actually I have not an ounce of will power most of the time!
I am so sad you dislike asparagus and liver!!! I love liver and onions!!!
I wish I had the creativity you do-parsley sage rosemary and thyme- that is too funny!
You mean to tell me that it comes out thick and creamy, just making it with those ingredients? What have I been doing all these years with friggin' candy thermometers and all that other shit?
Justine :o )
Thank heavens it's at your house and not mine because it would be gone in a FLASH! It looks delicious! Cute display of the fudge and tell Sassy "thanks, don't mind if I do!"
Love and hugs,
Good Morning, Sweet Gloria!
I think you said it all in one word... YUM! Oh, how I love fudge. My mother used to make it every Christmas, and since she died, I haven't had any I consider yum-worthy. But yours looks every single bit yum-worthy! I might be forced to get out my chocolate and try it! Thanks for sharing with us, Gloria. Sending you lots of love...
Mag (Sheila) :-)
Now you know I'll be making this, looks so easy and sounds soooo good. Love easy.
Love Ya,
Hi Gloria. Yes, I have seen your grandson and Kyra on your sidebar. He sure is a handsome fella and your baby Kyra is so beautiful! The new baby is so precious and pretty too. It must run in the family!...Christine
Well, shoot...you had MY attention at the first FUDGE !!
This is my favorite candy in the whole entire world and your recipe sounds wonderful....and I love that you spelled out YUM with it...too cute!
xo bj
Hi Gloria! Yummy! That fudge looks so good! And quick! I love how you spelled out YUM! I will try it! Deb
I've never made fudge before but yours look so easy, I will try it!
Yummy food for today! Thanks for sharing the recipe! Happy FF!
Hi Gloria...you have struck a cord with me when you post anything to do with chocolate...I need an intervention! LOL
I love Kyra's latest photo on your sidebar...she should be a baby model in ads! ;-) Bo
Oh Gloria! You sure know how to tempt a dieter!! I could use a big old brownie right about now!!!
Breathe Sherry, breathe, it'll be ok just take deep breaths...
Have a great brownie... I mean weekend!
Hugs, Sherry
You can't go wrong with fudge.
I'm ready for some fudge. Do you need my mailing address to send the yummy looking fudge too???LOL
Have a great weekend..
I've made that, in the past. But now... it's REALLY in the past. >,-)
Thank you for your sweet words, Dear One.
Aunt Amelia
"If not now, when?"
~~Rabbi Hillel
yum,yum yum! I dare not make this til the kids come home or I think it would be spelling t r o u b l e here.
Yummy! This looks so good and so easy! I think even I could make this..Hope this day find you and yours well my dear friend. Love, Cindy
This looks soooo good right now! I must make some right away...especially since it only takes 10 minutes, yum!
Yum, My son loves fudge and I have never made it.. I always buy it! That looked easy enough... I'm going to try it. Thanks!
You are killing me - now I want fudge. Not today, however - maybe next week. Have a good weekend. Sally
What a great recipe. It looks so easy too. I have to try it. The only fudge that I have been successful with is peanut butter (no fail) fudge.
I swear I could smell the chocolate when reading this post - Delish!
Hi Gloria...this looks so yummy! How can you go wrong with fudge??? How are you feeling?? Better, I hope! Thanks so much for your prayers for Page. She is doing well..hoping for another chance soon!! You are so sweet!!!!! Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie
Hello Dearheart...
Ohhh my...I just know that I gained a couple of pounds looking at your delicious fudge!!! Girl, I've never tried this recipe and will have to give it a shot! My Grandma passed down her "Old Fashioned Fudge" recipe to me years ago and it's soooo yummy but you have to stand at the stove and cook it...it takes awhile to make! I just loveeeee fudge...ewww, and my hips show it! hehe!!!
Well darlin, what are you up to today? I missed yakkin' at ya yesterday...I was sickly...but I'm okay today! We have to go and get the kids tonight so I hope that I can make the trip alright...I'm wanting to hit Hobby Lobby up there! Yeeeehawww!!!
Just wanted to let you know that I did a post today that included your sweet little teacup lamp...take a peek at it! You'll just never know how much it means to me...I just adore that little lamp and always think of you when I see it! It always brings a smile to my face and a warmth to my heart!!! You know that I love you, Sweetie!!!
Love ya,
looks really yummy....so glad foodie friday is virtual..and not actual...I'd gain all of those 50 lost pounds right back all at once!
I have lots of time to comment today...in bed with pneumonia now! yes...life is quite a crap storm here this week....the kids have bad colds, and they are home too...have you ever tried to make three kids lay down and rest when you are sick too? (of course you have) yea...one is always up...so you don't get to sleep!
on the silverlining of this cloud...no hockey! lol
I think the *YUM* looks a little off center....I would be more than happy to help by eating....several, Hmmmm, I mean a few pieces...just to even it out for the picture of course. Who am I foolin it's CHOCOLATE!! Once I got started you'd be lucky to have enough fudge to form one letter let alone three, LOL!
Sweet Wishes
I haven't made fudge in years and years. This looks so good, Gloria!!
Oh wow that looks sooooo good,i have never made fudge but I sure love eating it, thanks for the eye candy!!!
Oh girl.. this was ready to post the evening before I took Mr. P. to the hospital..lol.. I'm not that far ahead of the game..now I'm quite far behind...lol...story of my life..hope you're feeling well tonight and hope the shopping trip is still on..I know how you want to go.. can't wait to see your purchases..hugs ~lynne~
Hi Gloria, that just looks too yummy and too easy !! I love fast and easy recipes.
Hi Gloria,
Love the creative way you did the fudge!
This recipe sounds like a keeper!
It will be for you both to get out!!! Have a blast and I hope you find you plates!! I am trying so very hard to be good and keep my money in my pocket- a friend who finds great linens showed me her wares today and just picked out 1 thing and then asked if she would set another aside and then..... like I said it is so hard!!!
Making fudge shouldn't be that easy!
This looks like a keeper recipe, my daughter loves fudge. It will be such an easy one to make with her kids. Thanks for sharing.
hey grandma, what are tryin to do to me,fattin me up? i love fudge! you make everything look so easy. im gonna have to try to make that one of these days. love ya.
Glad I saved some room for dessert - Your fudge looks delish! I enjoyed reading your profile. Do we have pink ribbons in common?
Wow! That fudge looks delicious and so easy to make. Thanks for the recipe.
Foodie Friday just may 'do' me in but your fudge sure looks delicious.
Well you know where i've been the last 2 days,ha.So for once,i'm not in trouble.huh?
If dh could crawl thru this screen he would.He is drooling all over me for your fudge...Ann
Now that's what I like...and easy AND yummy recipe! My dh will love you for this! :-) L~
Gloria, I'm sneaking back over here to gape at that fudge! LOL! Oh, how I'd love a piece right about now.
Mag (aka Sheila)
This is my Fudge recipe, baby! It is so rich and smooth! I think I ate the whole batch myself last Christmas. ~ Robyn
Oh Gloria, this looks delicious! You are so cute with your creative food words! Thanks for sharing this fudge recipe. I'm sure I'll be making it and probably will be eating the whole batch! laurie
Yum indeed! I'm in great need of chocolate now. Is 9:30 too early for chocolate? I think not...
10 minute fudge is right up my alley! At 9PM when stores are closed, it could be a life saver if you're having an uncontrollable sweet craving. As an ex-Girl Scout, I believe in being prepared! Next trip to the store I'm stocking up on "emergency" ingredients.;) Nancy
YUM is right! I hope you had a great weekend!
Hugs~ J
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