Now I was always in the kitchen with my Mama...she was one of those that felted if you were big enough to eat it you were big enough to learn to cook it....Same thing with washing the dishes if you were not tall enough to reach the sink she gave you a stool to stand on...Tied an apron around my neck and I was good to go....And don't think for a minute my Hawk eye Mama didn't check to make sure they were clean !!
Now on Thanksgiving and Christmas my Mama always cooked for days ahead of the big day...lots of pies, candies, making homemade noodles....And when the Big day would come she would get up by 5 am to get the turkey in the oven...now durning this time I was in bed so I missed that 101 lesson on how to do Turkey...
Any way I got married when I was 15 and of course my first Thanksgiving as a new dumb bride I was going to cook a Turkey....now remember I missed that class...So days before I baked my pies, did my candies....Now Thanksgiving morning I got up at 5am just like Mama did and put that Turkey in the oven....Now that took a whole 20 minutes so why did I have to get up so dang early?
Now my landlady was the sweetest thing and she was going away for the Holiday and she had a Spider Monkey and asked me if I would also Monkey sit...Hey what the heck I love all critters and it was in a cage and all I had to do was feed and water it and change Monkey Diapers....
Anyway I got the rest of the dinner all done....Oh girls the smells were so great in my Apartment and I just knew my Mama would be so proud of me for doing this BIG dinner all on my own !!! So all my family comes for my BIG day...we get the turkey out of the oven and my Mama stuck a spoon into it and pulled out a BAG of turkey innards...Well girls I looked at my Mama and told her "Mama why didn't you tell me to buy a stuffed one" I really thought they came pre-stuffed...now the mystery as why she got up so early was solved...Also why she had all that bread drying for days in paper bags...
But just about the time we got all the dinner on the table minus the stuffing... my Brother Norman who was just a little guy opened the door on the Monkey cage to play with him and girls he made a mad dash to the table.... where he jumped into every bowl of foods I had sitting out lol!! He tossed mashed potato all over my kitchen walls, knock over the gravy sat in the corn grab a biscuit and took off run running into the living room where he climbed my drapes with biscuit in mouth !!!it took us as a family to get that Monkey and put him back into his cage... Oh what a fun Thanksgiving that was and one I have never forgotten in 50 years !!! I think we did Pizza that year....one of these days I'll tell you about my Hairy Roast story....
You know I got my first computer about 15 years ago...but all I did with it was play games...Oh YES I came a long way baby lol!! Now it seems my whole life is in this dang machine....All my pictures and files....Now I am going to back up every thing and also put it on my laptop...just in case... That is as soon as I get my laptop back from DR. putor...so I won't be struck in the OUTBOX any more.... ha ha!!!
Now Please do your self a big favor and go by and seeing our great hostess and all the others Train wrecks today I am sure its going to be a funny day !!!http://designsbygollum.blogspot.com/
Thank you for coming by and seeing me !!! may you all have a safe and Blessed day...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria ps. Kyra has yet another surgery again today this makes 6 now...PLEASE pray for her....
I love your Thanksgiving story, and the monkey was the icing on the pumpkin pie! You've got a big heart to volunteer to monkey sit on Thanksgiving! I love your trap story too. We've trapped and released on LI, but there are too many of all types of critters to do that here. I'm gonna need fencing, raised beds, and valium to get through this gardening season:) hugs to you-Nancy
Your Thanksgiving story had me cracking up! I could just see that monkey running around ruining all the food! How many people can tell a story like that!!!! And leaving the innards in the turkey sounds exactly like something I would do! Last year my daughter cooked a turkey for the first time ever...or was going to lol...she called me thanksgiving morning and asked me how to unthaw a turkey really fast. She forgot to take it out of the freezer. I told her to run to the store and grab a ham before they closed...because there was NO WAY she was going to get that turkey unthawed and cooked in the same day! They had turkey 3 days later...and she learned her lesson about planning ahead :)
Thank you Gloria - this made my day. I've heard stories of people leaving the bag of giblets in the turkey, but I honestly thought it was an urban legend! And the monkey - oh my goodness, I was rolling on the floor picturing that little booger up the drapes with a biscuit in his mouth! Thanks for the great big belly laugh, and you know I'll be praying hard for your sweet little Kyra. And better to be stuck in the Outbox than the Outhouse lol! Hugs, Kathy
What a great story, Gloria! I love it!!
Oh Gloria, I don't know whether to laugh or cry! All of that cooking, and then the monkey got it! Things sure went from bad to worse between the turkey and the monkey on that Thanksgiving, but it certainly made a memory! It made a memory for me too! Thanks. So glad you got your computer back. We are so addicted to these things! laurie
oh my goodness your thanksgiving story is too funny! the hairy roast sounds scary!
Gloria, I can just imagine the chaos of your family chasing a little monkey. That's just the funniest story! ♥ Diane
ps YIPPPEEEE! You got your puter back!!!
I laughed so hard that Diet Coke spurted out of my nose! This is hilarious! I absolutely loved this post. This is the most fun I have had in a long time--and I had fun tonight with cake and wine!!
Oh, the image of that spider monkey running up the draperies with a biscuit in his mouth: priceless.
(I did the innards thing, too. lol)
What a great story!! And to top it all off....that silly monkey!!
Great story...
Oh, and that was ANOTHER BJ at Susan's today...not me. I think she said she lived out there close to them....
Hi Gloria, what a story! I could just picture that monkey jumping all over with the potatoes flying. Man! As for the turkey, well, I've never had to cook one YET! So I probably wouldn't know about the innards either. I know....I'm 35!lol! My aunt or mom always does thanksgiving and Christmas. I just bring the easy stuff, like salad or a relish tray. They still treat me like a kid! Maybe one day I will get to cook the turkey, I just hope we have a back up! Kristen
Great Thanksgiving story. You were very brave to cook a Thanksgiving dinner at such a young age. Have a great day,
Hi Gloria I just stopped in to get an update on Kyra...I sure hope she is doing well. Hugs and prayers
love the story! Kyra is always in my prayers...she is such a little fighter...
my only foodie friday issue....my first ever hosting of christmas dinner was a near disaster...my mother in law..."accidentally" turned off my oven when the bird was in there cooking. When I didn't smell anything a few hours into the cooking, I checked it...four years later my SIL told me what she had done. I am still ticked about it...and that was 10 years ago!
I caught it, and we ate supper instead of a late lunch...but still that would have been a horrible christmas with no turkey!!!!
take care. talk soon?
I loved your Thanksgiving story. You had me laughing out loud!! My Mom always makes our Thanksgiving feast and there has been talk about passing the priviledge down to me. I'm so scared of that big, ugly turkey. My Mom makes jokes about getting up early to get intimate with her turkey to stuff and clean him. You better believe if I have Thanksgiving dinner at my house, my Mom will still be in charge of that turkey!!! Great story, thank you for sharing!!
Hairy roast?
Please you must tell us that one too... :)
You are too funny!
Cooking a turkey at 15? I'm impressed even if it wasn't perfect.
Glad you got your puter'!!!
LOL... Now that was a lot of funny Monkey business! One you and your family will never forget! You might even be famous for it long after you are gone! LOL
We all have to learn sometime. I am impressed you attempted to cook the Thanksgiving dinner at 15Pizza sounded like a great idea...
Oh my...your turkey story was funny...but then the monkey...oh my! Definitely a story that will live for generations!
What a great story! I love the Monkey bit... LOL
Happy Friday!
Oh Gloria, I am glad you got your computer back. I would be miserable without one. Your Thanksgiving story is hilarious! I can imagine that monkey jumping and swinging all over your house making a real BIG mess! LOL!...Christine
You are special, please come by for my giveaway... I'll be 40:(
Gloria, this is the best visual yet! I can just imagine the goings on at your house that day! Priceless! I've done the innards thing and one year also didn't add chicken broth to the stuffing -can you say DRY! I'm glad you're back up and running! ~ Thanks for the great laugh! ~ Robyn
I LOVE this. A perfect Thanksgiving meal would have made a very dull story. This one you will never forget. I "named" the first turkey I cooked and couldn't eat a bite of it :) Thanks for sharing your story!
Ohhhh Girlfriend...now that I've picked myself up from off of the floor...laughing till my gut hurts...nearly peeing my pants...I will tell ya that that's got to be the funniest story I've ever heard! Uhh..hmmm...I mean (and in my most serious and dignified voice), Girlfriend, I'm so sorry that your first Thanksgiving turned out so badly and left you forever scarred! My condolances...and prayers, Sweetie!
Hehehehehe...NOT...are you kidding? You just gave me the laugh of a lifetime, Girl!!! You know...this is the stuff that movies are made of! In fact, I can see it becoming the next Chevy Chase "Thanksgiving Holiday" movie! Heheheheheeee!!! I mean, who in the heck has a monkey jumping on the Thanksgiving table...sitting in the corn and throwin' mashed tators at Thanksgiving??? Girl, I'm dying here!!! Thanks so much for sharing this story...you made my day that's for sure!!!
Okay...about you getting your computer back...I thought I could tell that "you got your groove back on"...the moment I see your post! hehe!!! So happy that you got it home and hooked up...so far, so good...huh? Talk to ya laters, Sweetie! Thanks again for the belly laugh!
Love ya,
Gloria, that is the funniest story I have heard in a long time. That little monkey really lived up to his name! Don't ya just think those innards are disgusting in the turkey. I would rather leave them in than pull them out - yuk! Hee, hee, hee...still laughing! Linda
I think almost every bride's first turkey was cooked like yours! But the monkey really takes the cake (or is it biscuit?)
Hi Gloria, I certainly enjoyed the Thanksgiving day story. Monkeys are a little creepy for me, I love animals to the fullest, but monkeys belong in the wild.
OMG, Glorida you and I had similar stores on thanksgiving. I hated to tell this but we still laugh about it after all these years. I just know somehow we are related.
thank care
What a great story...lol!
Thanks for sharing!
Happy Spring!
...and you really should treat yourself to a spa treatment one day...a pedicure is a real treat!
Now THAT'S a Thanksgiving to remember! Too funny! At least the monkey got a good meal -- he was lucky that he didn't get "served up"! LOL
lol I'm sure the monkey Thanksgiving will never be forgotten.
I'm addicted to my computer too.
I'll be praying for the baby.
I can just see the monkey having a field day with all of that food! What a great story. Congratulations on your new computer too.
Thinking good thoughts for Kyra!
You had me laughing out loud. Your story sounds like a skit on The Carol Burnett Show!
Oh Gloria, I have never and I mean never heard such a story!!! Talk about things that legends are made of.. now what a great story to relive..oh my goodness... So glad to see you have your computer back. I am praying for your precious baby Kyra today and always. Your Mama sounds like mine, I had a stool tht I helped with the cooking and oh yes did those dishes, took me what seemed to be hours to do them, had to change the water a couple of times because it got so cold.. I don't know why I was so slow. Love you girl, Cindy
I love your stories. lol. But I almost died, married at 15, wow. I leave it to my hubby to make the turkey. Why takeover a perfect thing.? lol. mishelle
Your Thanksgiving story was great... babysitting a monkey had to be a real treat!!
I'm still praying for Kyra. Poor little thing to have to go through all of this, but I bet God has big plans for her! Your turkey/monkey story was hilarious - and to think how young you were. At 15, I probably couldn't even get my own breakfast. Have a great weekend. Sally
I hope the baby does great, keep us posted, she is such a little angel. Thanks for visiting while I was away.
Your story made me LOL. Thanks for sharing.
I'm soooo glad you got your pooter back! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee! But my goodness, that little baby is having her SIXTH surgery? Will this be the last, I hope? How is she doing?
Your turkey story was absolutely hysterical! I cannot believe you left a bag of innards in there. Ewwwwwwwwww
:o )
Oh Gloria! I love your monkey story!! Sooo funny! I have a friend who was invited to dinner and a similar thing happened...only the hostess shooed the monkey away from the table and invited everyone to come eat!!! Yikes! Have a good weekend...hugs...Debbie
This is just the funniest story. I love to read everything you write. Cindy
Oh, Gloria, that was the greatest story! Did you cry? I think I would. My Mama did not tell me about the turkey either! I learned the hard way, and my sis Gloria, came in from out state just fussing at me for not having the turkey ready. She is eight years older than me. Oh, what fun memories. You should see my girls cook for Holidays. They took turns since I have been sick. They say no more, its too much work. lol Thanks for joining me for my Birthday Tea Party! It really means a lot to me. I going to have a smile on my face all night, after reading your Monkey Thanksgiving Story!
What a fun Thanksgiving Day. I'm sure you can laugh now, but at the time were you laughing? Very funny. Remind me to tell you about my Cinamon Chili ordeal. LOL
I hope all went well with Kyra, Keeping you all in my prayers.
Have a happy day
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Oh Gloria! I can just imagine the chaos of that little monkey bouncing all about into the food and climbing the curtains! I bet you never agreed to "Monkey sit" again! :) Great story, it needs to be in a movie! - I read your comment over at Mishelle's blog about you sitting on a ladder watching Tv over at Len's when you were dating, and him moving the car parts to find the couch! Haaa! That cracked me up too! You have some of the best stories to share! Keep 'em coming! Have a great weekend. ~ Laurie
That is by far one of the best stories I have read. I have had plenty of crazy things happen in the kitchen, but you win!!
If there were prizes for the BEST train wreck story -- it would go to you. Lots of us have had disasters with turkeys or chickens... but how many have had a MONKEY involved in the disaster?
Hilarious! You poor little bride; I hope you were able to laugh at it all.
Morning G~
Oh your story is priceless! My niece had one of those spider monkeys and it was crazy...lol. I remember the first time I was told how to clean out the innards....I still get teased because I said " You want me to do WHAT? " I so violated that chicken....lol.
I will keep Miss Kyra Shea in my prayers~ please keep us posted. She is the most loved grandbaby in blogland. :)
Have a great weekend my friend!
Hugs~ J
That is the best thanksgiving food story ever! I can see that being written into a sitcom! You are like Picket, you tell a great story! thanks so much for sharing, Sue
Hi Gloria! What a hilarious story! LOL!!! The way you explained what happened with the monkey was so funny, I could just picture it all so good in my mind! LOL!!!
Gloria, my prayers for baby Kyra have already gone up. Deb
Mornin G! What a fun story about your turkey! I got married at 16 and have lots of them types of stories LOL!! No, the cabinets won't be martha green, just a bit darker. I didn't find a window today but thats a good thing cuz I forgot to measure the opening! I'm off to take a walk around the park but will come home and try to do some cleaning. I don't think I'll be on the floor cleaning tile tho! The grout in the crevices is starting to look like it belongs there LOL! Take some flower pictures for us, it must look spectacular! Love ya sweetie! Oh and prayers are going out for Kyra! xoxoxo
Hi Gloria!
Just wanted to say that my prayers are offered for your darling Kyra. How she must just squeeze your hearts, that little baby. I pray for all good things for her, and for the wisdom and skill of her medical team.
And because I can't resist, after your comment on my powder room curtains post ....
"Why are nuns called 'nuns?'"
Because they say, "Hey! None of this, now! None of THAT!"
Blessings to you and your family -- Cass
G I'm awfully late to blogland this week but I'm SO glad I didn't miss this!! You had me ROFLMAO!! This turkey story is soooooo something that could happen to me! Truth is, I hate even touching a raw turkey and having to pull that stuff out! LOL! Your Thanksgiving sounds like it came right out of a comdedy movie...with Steve Martin or Lucille Ball! Haha! :-)
Hope you're having a great weekend! My spring break started and we're getting geared up to go to the lake and camp for a week...will be nice to get away for a bit. :-) Love ya! L~
Oh Gloria...this was the funniest thing to read...It sounded like something in a "I LOVE LUCY" episode...LOL
Your little Kyra is a miracle baby for sure and she is so beautiful!
;-) Bo
This is my first visit to your delightful site. Parts of it made me sad, happy, and even laugh out loud, you are a keeper! Have a nice weekend. Cathy
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