WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Happy BLUE Monday to you all !! Today is yet another fun day with Sally at
http://smilingsally.blogspot.com/ To show all our BLUEness...Please go by and pay our hostess a visit and see all the wonderful BLUE's awaiting you today...

Now can you love the color BLUE so much that you even has a BLUE sink...Of course you can and I do....Now girls this is my kitchen sink...its french blue I special order this in 1996 and I have never grown tired of it yet !! when I got this sink everyone was into SS at that time and of course I told you I march to the beat of a guitar lol!! I just knew I wanted a BLUE and white kitchen so I even tossed in the kitchen sink... So today I am showing you things around my sink area...

Now Girls see these Sweet little BLUE and white tea pots...these were a surprise Birthday Present last year from my dear friend Glenda or as we know her in blogland "TOOTSIE TIME" She send me these all the way from Canada is she not the sweetest thing and if you have not been to her blog and wish to see the most amazing yard and gardens you need to pay her a visit...
http://tootsietime.blogspot.com/ Her whole garden she does all in her own seeds from her greenhouse just BEAUTIFUL...so PLEASE go pay her a visit...you won't be disappointed trust me!!

Now this is a glass rolling pin from "Golden Grain " Bread Company c. 1940 Len got this for my Birthday last year...Hey I make out great on my Birthdays...I don't celebrate the year any more but still take gifts as my tokens he he!! behind it is a "Horlick" Malted milk tin in what else but BLUE and white ca. 1910 and this all sits on a "Wonder Bread" grocery store display sleeve from the fifties...and that not dirt on it, its age...hey!! you live to be over 50 and you also will start showing some age....

This is my BLUE Delft hand lotion dispenser but I keep dish soap in it and the cute little BLUE box is for my SOS pads....and Look at the "HIRES" Root beer dispenser in the back ca. 1900...

So girls you now had a BLUE tour around myBLUE sink... Thanks for coming by today...May you all have a GREAT day...Now I am off to check out all the Wonderful BLUES here in blogland today...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
You know when I read you have a blue sink I went what!!! Now that I have seen it it looks cute, and with all your matching blue around it is nicely done! Good job going to the beat of a guitar!!!!
It looks good because it's not surrounded by more blue, but by white counters and touches of blue to tie it in. Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday
I agree that Tootsie is an absolute sweetheart! How wonderful that she sent you these. I remember your sink and I still love it! I really love blue to and I decorate with it alot. My office has blue carpet (it used to be my son's room) and I'm still not tired of it! Your home is lovely. Cindy
I wonder if I could paint my white sink blue??? Hey I painted my fridge blue...I love it.
Happy Blue Monday
Love Claudie
I've never seen a blue kitchen sink; I love it!
Hello Dearheart...
Ohhhh...I'm so happy to see more of your beautiful blue & white kitchen, Girl! You know that it's my "all time favorite" as far as kitchens go!!! I love, love, LOVE your blue sink...it's so pretty and I love that it's so nice and deep! Enlarging the photo, I could see all of that pretty blue tile moulding too...it's so ornate and just gorgeous, Girlfriend!!!
That Tootsie was so sweet to give you those beautiful blue & white teapots...they're just gorgeous in your kitchen...how perfect! And I love seeing all of your different canisters, etc...sooooo pretty! I for one...vote to see more of your fabulous blue & white kitchen, Sweetie...maybe future Blue Monday posts? Like I said, I just adore your kitchen...it's my favorite!!!
Well honey, what are you up to today? You'll never believe it...yesterday it was 73 degrees and I had the doors and windows opened...today, it's suppose to snow! In fact, we have snow in the forecast for all week...ugh!!! Will Spring ever get to us? Sheeeshhh!!!
Hope you're having a marvelous Monday, honey!
Love ya,
PS...I've run out of blue to post for Blue Monday! Hmmm...what to do? I need to shop I guess...hehe!
wow that is definitely a blue sink! i love it! i've never seen one blue before. all your blue items are wonderful. thanks for sharing them!
Gloria love the tour around your blue sink, such a fun idea!
Thanks for stopping by--We woke up to snow on Mt. Diablo this morning and frost on our rooftops, so I guess Spring is playing tricks on us as usual! I loved all your blue and your sink is darling! Love, Paula
Hi Gloria...I never liked a SS sink either...every water spot showed. I'll bet you smile everytime you walk into your cheerful kitchen & see all of the reminders of love gifts you've received...but, something tells me you hit the floor smiling everyday! LOL Hugs, ;-) Bo
LOL!! Girl You crack me up! You know I love the sink and all that glorious display of treasures that are around it....but that fancy smancy SOS holder is too much...I am dying here girl....good grief...I have seen it all! lol lol I am a full growned woman and I thought all this time you keep them in the box under the sink! lol lol Oh I am about to pee my pants I am laughing so hard! lol lol Next you'll be telling me you wear heels and pearls while you do the dishes! lol lol Oh girl...no wonder I love you so! lol
I can't believe you got snow again & I can just see you sitting in there in your red robe and cooking on your little Coleman cook stove for you & Len! lol lol Bet you had to put a dishpan full of water to heat just to take a birdbath! lol lol....girl I don't want anymore winter weather...but it thundered in Feb a couple of days so we will have a couple of days cold snap in April..hey don't be laughing at me and my old wives tales...I ain't the one with SOS pads in a fancy dish! lol lol Have a great week sis///love ya!♥
Hey Gloria, :)
A Blue sink? ~WOW~!
It is so pretty!
I have never seen one done in that color before.
I love it and all your beautiful Blue items displayed around it.
Thanks for letting me know about Lynne. I'm sure it's been a hectic time for her.
I'll email you sometime soon if I have private news. Thanks for letting me know you had your address displayed.
I never saw that it was available.
Have a wonderful Spring day!
~Melissa ;)
Kyra is a precious girl!
You know what? I love the blue sink. Of course it wouldn't match anything in my kitchen so I'd have to go red :0)
I enjoyed the blue tour! Have a great day and thanks for the info on painting appliances.
Love all your blue, Gloria! Have a great Blue Monday! :O)
Well, girl, French blue is my favorite color to look at, to wear, and to decorate with. Beautiful sink! Linda
wow...lots of blue! Happy Blue Monday ~ Susan
Your blue sink looks great...don't think I've seen one before!
Your blue sink works perfectly in your kitchen and looks great! I'm such a lover of the blue and white...beautiful!
Happy Blue Monday!
I had a red sink just like it from about the same year. Loved it, but we moved. Yours is just the perfect color of blue - looks great with all of your stuff!! Sally
I enjoyed my blue kitchen for many years. You have some great blues. Thanks for sharing!
I love the fact that you followed your heart and got the blue sink you wanted. I looks fabulous in your kitchen, and with all the gorgeous blue and white accessories, the whole picture is just stunning. Hugs, Marty
Well, I really love that blue sink, and all of your pretty blue things made my heart sing. Have a great week!
girl...if I didn't have so much dirt under my nails I would wipe the tears from my big blue eyes! thanks for such sweet support for my neurotic planting habit! lol
I love my blue tea sets and I am so glad you like yours...
that is the best kitchen sink!!!!
I am also getting all inflated by all the sweet comments!
there are three blogs today that have links to me! Perhaps I will be a celebrity one day! lol
love you mom!
I just love your kitchen, the blue and white is so pretty. And all of your pretties. That rolling pin is the greatest! Your Len is a sweetie. Hugs, Kathy
Hi Gloria! First I wanna say, "Welcome Back" and glad to see your computer problems are all behind you! Now, I just LOVE those blues lady! Gotta love Tootsie for sendin' that! Does that girl have a green thumb or what???? You have a great evening over there! Kim
Love all your blue.
It's a color I'm getting in the mood to do again.
Well, what do you know? I still have my blue wallpaper up form 20 years ago! =0) Sure it must be right in style again. =0/
Barbara Jean
Happy Blue Monday~ Girl, I just love your blue~ I'm glad your march to the beat of your own drum.
Big hugs~ J.
Your blues are awesome Gloria! ♥
OH MY GOSH...how beautiful! I have never ever seen a blue sink before, Gloria! Everything is just so..Wait...Maybe I could have a RED sink?? LOL..naw..T would never stand for it! Still.. :)
Ok...now..it was the little blue box for SOS pads that stole my heart totally. What a great idea.
Happy Blue Monday to you, my friend!!
Gloria, I've always loved your blue sink and even lusted after it! Yes, I said lusted! As you know, blue and white are a real favorite of mine, so I thought this post was fabulous. You've got such great collections. laurie
Yes...exactly right, Picket. In a box under the sink! But NOT Gloria. Not on your life..she has them out where they are convenient and look lovely too! I am impressed!! :)
gloria, i love your blue sink and love the fact that you are going to the beat of a guitar. I agree, tootsie is a doll and your gifts from her are adorable as are your other blue treasures, love the rolling pin too.
I love, love,love your blue sink and everything else blue around it. The teapots. will drop by and visit your friend, she sounds like such a sweet lady.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I love your blue sink, I think the glass rolling pin is my fav.
That blue sink rocks! I didn't even know you could get sinks in different colors. Two houses ago, I had blue counters which I special ordered when we remodeled. I still miss those counters. They were great with my blue spongeware!
Oh my goodness, I love your blue sink! Great post. Happy Blue Monday!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
I am crazy about your blue sink ! Like all the other blue goodies too .
Wow, love the blue sink! Happy Blue Monday! Mary :O)
Wow,a blue sink,I never knew you could get sinks in color.I did have a whit sink in my last house and I forget what it was made of but it didn't wear very well.Blue Monday is perfect for you...talk about a kitchen with personality!
Happy Belated Blue Monday Gloria!
I love your blue sink and all the wonderful pots and dishes you have surrounding it. They go so perfectly. Its a lovely shade. No wonder you love it still.
Thank you for sharing... You have received some lovely B'day gifts.
It was nice to have you visit...come back again soon.
Hi and thanks for stopping by to visit me. You most certainly seem to know how to appreciate life and "just being"! You cracked me up with the auto parts analogy of your husband. My hubby (and sons) are like that too, except it's hunting gear and fishing tackle for them. How extremely BORING is that?!
Have a blessed day,
Gloria....That was just fabulous! Sorry for the delay in posting my comment...I was out of town yesterday!
Happy Tuesday to you!
I absolutely love the color blue and that was to die for. I would love to have blue walls someday. I wish I could have a blue sink instead of the stainless steel (because contrary to its name it does stain.)
Hi Gloria,
What wonderful blues you have shared! Thank you and thanks for visiting me too.
Heh. Guess I'm "one of the girls" now, eh?
I'd always suspected.
Gloria, thanks for stopping by my Met Mon post and as always you leave such kind and encouraging words. I am with you and so glad that our home is paid for and we aren't feeling the horrible stress so many are feeling. But we just had a neighbor on both sides of us loose their jobs a few months back and now their homes. Both have families with children and it just really brings it to a personal level when you know someone. This economy is really bad. Our family has been spared until now and last week my youngest son was layed off. We are still blessed that everyone else is ok. I loved your story about using sheets, I didn't do that but I use to buy all the $1 rolls of wallpaper and then paper everything in the world with it. I love pattern and it was such a treat to have it on the walls. I love your blue sink. I think it's great that you used what you really love. Thanks again for stopping by. Hugs, Marty
LOVE the teapots and rolling pin!
Hi Gloria! I love all the blue...especially those tea pots...such unusual shapes! I hope you are having a great week! How's little Miss Kyra? ...hugs...Debbie
Love all your blues, Gloria, especially the rolling pin. I wonder where John can find one for my birthday that's coming up next month...LOL...Christine
Your sink is very pretty. The only blue sink I've seen is navy and homeowners have a somewhat dark counter and dark cabinets. Not a good look IMO where yours is great. Good balance of color.
hi lori,got to tell you i love your blue sink!,i never seing one before and all of your blue its very pretty....have a great day...
Hey Dearheart...
Just read your note at my place! Girl, I always worry that everyone is going to get sick of seeing the same ol'- same ol'! But there have been so many different bloggers by and I know that they haven't seen it...hehe!!!
Girl, I hear ya...I just love so many different decor styles and would love to do some but I'm out of rooms...hehe! Well..actually I have my entire upstairs to decorate yet! But we need to texture the walls, etc. At least we have the sheetrock up and its taped. It's such a cute space and really big...it's the same size of my main floor. I have my antique brass bed up there in the bedroom...my dear, sweet Grandpa gave it to me. But...doing the upstairs means climbing a bunch of steps...ugh! With all of my achy bones...that's hard to do sometimes! I need a new body, Girlfriend!!!
The wind was still howlin' this morning when I got up...darn wind! The wind aggitates me...don't know why but it does! It snowed yesterday and then last night again...we have snow on the ground! Sheeeeshhh! How about you? Still have your snow?
What are you up to today, Sweetie? Are you working on that tablescape? I need to get busy and finish mine and get some photos. I tried yesterday but the day was so dreary that I didn't have good lighting. At least the sun is shining a bit today.
Well..I better close this book on your blog. Hehe! Love ya honey!
Hey Grandma, they finally fixed our internet. We took some pictures of our little miracle baby I will send them as some as possible I promise. Hey I noticed that you still have that little sourdough turtle we bought for you when we were in San Fran. Well grandma we love you so much thanks a million.
throw that sink in then!!! lol I need a bigger u-haul
Hi Gloria! I think your blue sink fits in perfect with your blue kitchen! I also love all of your blue accessories. Deb
hi Gloria its me again,my apologies for calling you Lori,i'm very sorry. i guess i'm blogging to much!..silvia..have a great day..
I love allllllllllll your blue stuff, but especially the sink! Hey, did I see some cow udders in that last picture? LOL
Justine :o )
Since the first day I ever found you i have loved this blue sink.I just wish i'd have had one when I was into blue.I would love to have a red one now.Do they make em?I love your entire home,you know that?How ya feelin?Pneumonia over for good?I sure hope so.How is your weather?good too i hope.luv ya girl...Ann
What a beautiful blog you have here and I just love your blue sink! It's very pretty. I also love all of the blue items you have chosen to keep near it. Very nice indeed!
Gloria, I LOVE your blue sink and I love the wonderful faucet you have, too. Guess what! I decided to keep my apple green sink and not go with stainless. Yep. Our new faucet is almost the same as yours, but in brushed nickel. Isn't that color of blue just the happiest, coolest color! Pam
I love all your blues!! They are so vibrant and pretty. :o)
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