Take the plastic bags and fold them length wise...roll them up and stuffed them into the empty tubes...you can get about 20 bags in each tube...
There now you can see how I put them away with all my other paper products... and when I need one I just pull it out...Its makes life so much neater for me...and they fit so nicely in my drawer....Is this not better than having them stashed all over your Kitchen?? Any way in a round and about way this was a post about FOODIE FRIDAY....Hey you have to bring that Food home in something...
Now go by and see Gollum to get some great recipes today... I know I Will !! "Have Fork travel " today ha ha!!!
May all of you have a GREAT day, and thanks for coming by and seeing this crazy bag lady!!
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Now Kyra will be having yet another throat surgery today....every Friday until she can eat on her own...Please pray for my Little Sweet Baby...this makes 8 surgery now for her...Thank You and God Bless...
Wow! What a great idea, Gloria! Thanks for the tip...Christine
You are such a cheater, Gloria!!!!!! LOL!
Hope Kyra did really well with her 8th (gulp) surgery.
Justine :o )
Gloria, I will keep Kyra in my thoughts and prayers. The Lord is working and we just have to continue to believe. I love the idea about the plastic bags. I will definitely give it a try. Hugs, Marty
What a great idea to keep the bags neat. I am going to store my bags like this from now on. Prayers for baby Kyra..she is so cute.
Hi Gloria,
Aren't you clever and I will say a prayer for your darling grandbaby. Happy Friday my friend, Cindy
Hi Gloria, what a great tip! I was chuckling to myself because I have a drawer stuffed FULL of wal-mart bags. I am definitly going to be doing this! Thanks!! Kristen
This is a great idea! Right now mine are all in one of the giant blue Ikea bags, and they fall out all over the utility room. Love, hugs and prayers to little Kyra, what a little trooper. Hugs, Kathy
Great idea, Gloria!
Keeping Kyra in my thoughts and prayers!!
ok, this have to be one of the best ideas i've seen in a long time and guess what??? i'm stealing it!,lol.
thanks gloria and have a great night..
i will pray for sweet kyra,god bless her...xx
Dear friend - this is one of the best ideas I have seen in a long time. I save these bags for cleaning out the litter box, they are stuffed here and there. I can't wait to start doing this. I sure hope your baby made it thry surgery okay. God bless her and you, as well. Blessings, Barb
I really love that idea... and even tho I have the reusable shopping bags I still end up with plastic bags sometimes!
~Really Rainey~
What a good idea, Gloria! I have mine in a little bag hanging in the pantry. I never have enough of them!! Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie
Great idea Gloria! I threw out about 30 bags just yesterday. I couldn't close the drawer they were in. LOL!! Tomorrow I start this and get that drawer completely cleaned out. Deb
Gloria you are so clever girlfriend!
I do love this idea alot. Look at that super organized drawer too.
Sigh...little Kyra is so brave. I am praying very hard for that gorgeous child. Thanks for keeping us updated.
Have a good one.
Great tip,I will be doing this and passing it on to some friends too.Nice thing about this one is,I won't gain any wait by trying this one.Poor little Kyra,that is alot of surgeries.
((hugs)) Cyndi
Great idea! I always used those bags to take my lunch to work, and since they were taking up so much room in my desk, I started folding them then rolling them up.
You know, if you have too many of those bags, you can also donate them to Goodwill and other charitable organizations. They are always looking for something like that, and what a great way to recycle!
You are just so smart! Those bags lay on top of each other in a drawer in my laundry room, and I think they make babies! I'm praying for little Kyra and for you and her parents. How difficult to see such a sweet little thing have all of those surgeries. laurie
You SMART woman. I have thought of a million things but not that. I stuff them all over the place. Usually inside of each other and it's a mess! How great this idea is..and I am going to do it? shoot..you could even decorate the tube if you wanted to...but...naw..that's ok. Plain is fine..and neat as a pin. Would you look at that drawer?? PERFECT! :)
Great innovative idea! You can take it one step further and stash bathroom garbage bags in the toilet roll! By the way, I have never seen a more neat or organized drawer full of food covering/storing thingies. You must be a very organized person!
Gloria, I apologize. I see your pretty face everywhere in Blogland and I have yet to click that "Follow" button. But I am now and hope to follow all your fun wisdom and hilarious way with words.
Lastly, Kyra is in my thoughts & prayers.
Much love to you...
Janie aka: Blondie (& NEW FRIEND!)
Oh, my, Gloria...I didn't know she was still having surgeries...Bless her little heart.
Thanks for the tip on the bags. I finally bought the cloth bags and take them to the store every time..sure has cut down on those plastic ones. We still get a few so will try your trick..
Happy day!
Fantastic idea Gloria! Poor baby Kyra. I will keep her in my prayers. Bless her and you too! Hugs, Loretta
Hi Gloria...Bag Lady indeed! Haha..
great idea...That little Kyra is one tough little cookie...and I have never quit praying for her & her medical team! ;-) Bo
Great idea Gloria!
I am glad you didn't show food today it makes me too hungry!
Have a great weekend!
Great idea. Maybe it will help my disorganized mess get a little more organized!
Morning G~
Great idea! I will keep sweet Kyra in my prayers today and always. She is such a precious baby and so strong. She comes from good stock. :)
Big hugs~ J
Thanks for sharing your great idea for storing plastic bags!
I will say a prayer for Kyra!
Hey Gloria! Thanks for coming by my blog and leaving such sweet comments! I will be happy when the baby gets here! I love your storage idea! Those bags are annoying. I think I'll try it! Have a great weekend! :O)
That's a very cool idea about the bags and tubes. I've been keeping Kyra in my prayers and hope this all goes well today. My son has upper endoscopies every month too but now we're finally to the point he can wait two to three months in between. I hope she can eat on her own soon.
What a smart cookie you are! Of course I've know that a long time..Hope this finds you well. Baby Kyra is never far from my heart, sure hope she is doing well, that is one little sweet fighter, so much spunk just like her great grandma. Have you heard from Lynne? Sure am concerned about her. Love, Cindy
Great idea.
Bless little Kear's heart.But if she has 1/10 the spunk her gg has she will be fine.I am keeping her in my prayers.And you too...Ann
Mornin' Sis...
Well...I had to tread through some snow to have coffee with you this mornin' darlin'!!! We made it through our "historic blizzard" (as the weather people are calling it)!!! The sun is coming out and we didn't lose our power! Russ is back to work and the day has begun as normal! There's a car show in our nearby town this weekend, Russell took his 53 Ford into it today. Guess we'll be car showing this weekend!
Well Sweetie...aren't you the clever one!!! I love this idea for organizing and cleaning up all of those plastic shopping bags! I would have never thought to do that and it's so easy! I'm going to start saving my paper towel rolls!!! Thanks for sharing such a grand idea!!! Well Sweetie, what's on the agenda for today? I need to pick up the aftermath of spending a storm day at home...hehe!!! Talk with ya later honey!
Love ya,
Ooops...wanted to say that I'll be keeping our precious little Kyra in my prayers today, honey!
Love ya,
What a great idea! Your storage bag drawer is a lot neater than mine. I'd better get mine in order.
wow! what are you, a genius? this is one of th "DUH, why didn't I ever think of that?" moments...
lol, I loved the title too, it made me burst out laughing.
Love the tube idea! Did you ever email your address? If so, I can't find it. I have 2,000 emails for Viagra. :-)
Hello Gloria, I will keep little Kyra in my prayers.
We are all bag ladies really and with your wonderful idea at least we can all be tidy bag ladies :-)
I am going to do this right now, Happy weekend, Kathy.
Great tip!
Great tip on what to do. Wish I could say my kitchen drawer was as organized as yours. Dear little Kyra--it must be very delicate throat surgery for her to be having her 8th. What a little sweetheart she is. Blessings, Pam
Gloria, thanks so much for stopping by. I always love it when you visit and your always kind and gracious comments. I am with you, I love looking at all the Foodie posts, but then I am so hungry that I go eat something. lol I guess that's how I gain weight. Gotta' stop that. hugs, Marty
You are such a smartie! Great idea! Linda
Great tip! I have small trash cans in many of the rooms and bathrooms and I use the bags as liners... I usually just tuck a handful under the liner bag...so there are always some there when you take out the full bag!
Happy Foodie Friday! Have a great weekend ~ Susan
Hey sis..my prayers are with that little 'Sweet tater' that she comes thru all this with flying colors even above the doctors expectations! Now about this paper bag thingy...girl I bought one of those handmade long drawsting bags years ago & hung it in my pantry...you just stuff the plastic bags in the top & pull them out the bottom...it has chickens and hogs on it! lol lol
Girl you are just so creative....I never would have thought of that...man you sure do keep your drawers neat & tidy...makes me want to go clean out mine! lol Take care sis and have a great weekend!
What a marvelous idea, Gloria, I am going to do that right now to save space under the kitchen sink!
I meant to make comment on baby Kyra...and tell you I am so sorry she has to go through even more.
The little punkin is paying all of her dues in life early...which means she is going to have one GREAT and wonderful life ahead of her. :)
Hey that is a great idea. I have a small drawer stuffed to the gills with bunches of plastic bags; this will get them organized in no time!
Now I have to use up lots of paper towels to get those rolls....
How did you ever get 20 bags stuffed into the tube? Still praying for Kyra - I just know God will take of her and her family. Sally
Girl, you're a genius! I love this idea! I hope Kyra is just getting better and better...prayers for her and her sweet family!
Now that's a good tip. Thanks!
Well, what a great idea. I just stuff the bags inside of another bag and shove it under my kitchen sink.LOL
Thanks for your nice comments. I was hoping the new dress would make me look thinner. Time to go woof down some cheetos. I deserve it...yeah!
Have a happy day
now... being a domestic slacker myself... I really like that idea... I think I'll use that one!
sending prayers and blessings your way. Dixie
Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight .. wish I may, wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight .... wishing health and vitality for precious Kyra.
Now that's a great idea! Gloria, thanks! Have a great weekend!
This is so clever! I just noticed your 'domestic slacker' description and I'm still laughing. I've got to share that with a few friends...Nancy
PS: Keeping Kyra in prayer.
Hi..stop by and sign up for my Easter Giveaway!
What a clever idea!! Since I have them creeping out of all sorts of nooks & crannies, I am going to start using this method. Thanks for sharing the idea.
Have a wonderful weekend, Nicole
That is a clever idea! Best wishes for Kyra and her family.
do you have a baby monitor set up in my kitchen mom? cause I just had a fit about these bags yesterday!!!! I never heard of this... but do intend to to it as soon as I have an empty roll....that means I have to clean something to get the roll....best get my butt moving!
love you
HI G! How are ya sweetie? I'm with Dot, I finally bought one of those cotton bag holders, its hanging in my "new Pantry" and it has chickens on it!! LOL!! I love your idea too tho, it makes it nice to keep right in the drawer! Hows Kyra, hope her surgery went well! Prayers and love to her and you! TTYL! xoxoxo
Good ideal Gloria !
Thats the best idea ever!!! I have a cupboard full of bags that drive me mad!!THANKS!!!
Hope you are having a great weekend! Stop by my blog .... I have something special for you! ~Susan
I catching up! I love the bag idea. I love your blue sink! I love your cool house! Hubby wants to know where you live,we are on our way. lol He wants your old wood stove, and I love your pump! I have always wanted one! Love the drive with all the old items. We have a lot of old things. The grass get around them. Maybe Hubby will add them so place now. lol Yours looks wonderful. I love the poles! Wish ours would give them, I got tons of cross ties, we gave away so many. We bought 600 from the railroad. I have two. Been begging hubby to give me more. lol I am lifting Kyra up to God everyday. May all be great with her. I got great news from my Doc. I did a post on it. I got to go Hubby sheet rockin the dining and I got tons to paint and stain. Love your house.
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