WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Hello Girls!!! Well we have a brand new thing in the wonderful World of Blogging now...Our great hostess for the new event is Anita at Interior Rooms...
http://bridalblooms4u.blogspot.com/ I think this should be tons of fun...Now we are suppose to show things that we have shopped for
durning the week...Oh now you know we all go shopping...after all we are women and are born with the shopping gene in us... So anything you have bought this week and want to join in this NEW FUN day....Please do a post show us your eye candy and lets give Anita a BIG SEND off with this new adventure....Even if you don't want to join in the fun PLEASE do yourself a BIG favor and go by and see this wonderful woman's home ...Trust me you won't be

Now!! I really wanted to join in today...but living in
Farkleville like I do my shopping is very limited here in the mountains... But we did have to go food shopping today and I told Len I wanted to check out the Hospice Thrift store, as I love what Hospice does and all monies go to support their cause...Now our Hospice store is a Huge one and always well stocked with everything....

Is this not the sweetest little bunny planter? she was One Dollar and not one chip on her...oh I can just pictures what kind of flowers I will put in her basket...

How about a bunny dinner bell...its says Avon 1984 on the inside of it... 50 cents.

Found me an Ironstone soup tureen with the serving plate...Girls I did my " HAPPY DANCE " over this piece....

Just look at the handles on it.... and the wonderful side view with the plate...

Now can you see that price ? Well when I got up to pay for it...all white tags were 1/2 off today
Ok girls now I am doing my "BUNNY HOP" at the counter....Ask the gal at Hospice why "as is" as I
could't fine a chip in it...its because the
ladel is missing...

Then I spotted this hanging on the rack with curtains and bedspreads...thought at first it was a table cloth but its 4 yards of fabric....Look at the sweet little Bunnies hiding in the flowers and the colors just say EASTER to me !! This was one dollar also... So have you girls been doing the math....
dah dah...$ 5.00 plus tax.. Not bad for a day at Hospice Now I want to give a BIG thanks to Len for letting me stop...this man hates thrift stores he just stands by the door with his arms folded and gives me the LOOK !! Oh we all have had the LOOK!! Of course this is the same man who thinks going to an auto parts store for an hour is like a trip to Disneyland for me!!
So this was my fast run through like the house was on fire thrift store shopping day for me...Next time I go I will drop Len off at the auto parts store Ha ha!!
Now Please go and see Anita that what I am going to do right now...
May all of you have a safe and Blessed Sunday...May God embrace each of you...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Oh my, what great finds. I love them all. Each one of these treasures are true gems. Hugs, marty
Oh, I soooo know "the Look"!
she hooked me in too!!!! The wings in my post were supposed to go to your house for Kyra....but I cracked one a little...and then fixed it...and then couldn't part with them....so I am sending her something else....Love your soup pot! add it to my list of things to bring home in my "big Purse" .....it is gonna be a heavy load that day!
about the "Look" if I get it...I just remind Robert that his $30 thousand dollar boat could easily become a huge floating flower pot when he goes away to work....so he better blink his damned eyes real fast and make the LOOK go away! HA
don't mess with this Tootsie!!!! HA! (how's that for "shes back!")
Gloria, You hit the mother lode!!! Yep, drop Len off next time so you'll have time to browse... Oh yeah, I know that look very well!
What are you going to make with the fabric??? Tablecloth??? ☺
OMG Gloria! What neat stuff at great bargains!...Christine
Hello there, this is my first time visiting your blog. We have a least one thing in common, I suspect more really, I have three daughters too. I'll be back. You got yourself some great buys at that hospice thrift store.
Hello Dearheart...
Girl, what great "treasure finds" and all for under $5...you are definitely "Queen of the bargain" for the day!!! (Hehe...just as I typed that I thought, where did that saying come from and then I remembered...the TV show "Queen for the Day"...do you remember it?)
I love your little bunny planter...soooo sweet! It will be beautiful with some pretty spring flowers in it! And...that precious little bunny bell...ohhh my! Okay Girl, I cannot believe that you found that fabulous soup tureen for $2.50...you're killin' me here!!! I've been on the outlook for one of those for months and can't find one...at least not for what I'm willing to pay! That has got to be the deal of the century!!! I think the Lord was watching out for ya with that one, Sweetie!!! I think your pretty Easter bunny fabric will make a beautiful tablecovering...it's darling!!! I can't wait to see that tablescape!
Well my friend, it's 2am and I can't sleep! Sheeeshh! Which means that I'll want to sleep all day tomorrow...I hate that! Got your email and will write tomorrow, if I get up! Hehe!!!
Love ya honey,
Don't you hate that LOOK they give you? LOL YOU did great. I never do that great. I didn't do that great at the garage sales..wait..yes I did. I only spent 1.50. But..I only bought some books. I just missed an adorable tureen..sigh. I did buy a gorgeous rooster lamp today on ebay. It was from Horchow so am hoping it is as pretty as the photo.
Your little bunny...well..you KNOW how I love bunnies.
Sending you a HUGE hug for a million reasons, Gloria! You have been a doll to me. :)
What fantastic pieces you found. I'll be off shopping this week and will post my treasures. The ironstone is beautiful and the bunny planter is precious! Hugs, Loretta
Hi Gloria...Great shopping finds for you and doesn't that always seem to be the way it is...when you're really not looking for anything in particular you can find the most... ;-) Bo
What a great store, I loved all that you scored. I hope little kyra is doing well this morning.
What a wonderful gift to get from you in all your support for joining in on our Sunday Shopping Secrets. You are a hoot girlfriend. You know I think I will go shopping over at your place next week and I've got my eye on the soup tureen. Thanks so much for the kind comments. I had a real time with that Mr. Linky but finally got it.
I love the tureen. I couldn't see the bunny at first, but then I spotted him peeking out.
hi gloria, its so nice to meet you!, thank you for coming by my blog,i hope you come back to visit again.
your baby grandaughter is just precious and gorgeous i wish her and your family with all of my heart the very best...
i'll be back soon and thanks again ..silvia..
~WOW!~ You found some beautiful bargains Gloria!
Love that soup tureen.
Love them all and yes I got the "look" yesterday at Cracker Barrells gift shop over a Blue birdie plate...LOL!
Happy Spring! :)
Dear Gloria ... what a wonderful thought to feature the Hospice store. I never knew until we needed hospice care for Mother how amazingly special everyone connected with hospice is. Thank you so much for sharing and have a great week!
hey Gloria have you seen the commercial where the woman is running outta the store screaming to her husband "start the car, start the car!!!" Thats what I would have done with these "steals" you got! The tureen is fabulous, is it old?? I went antiquing yesterday but of course I had no camera with me Grrrrr! How did Kyra make out with the surgery? I hope great!! Have a good week sweetie!! OH and I had a thought for the upper part of the pantry and it includes chicken wire! Stay tuned! xoxoxo
I didn't know about this or I would have posted something...well, maybe next Sun.
I love all the things you found,....especially the tureen...
Hi Gloria,
Sounds like a great blogging event!
Love all your finds!
Gloria, thank you for stopping by and your gracious comments. I really do appreciate. You are always so generous and kind. Thanks. Hugs, Marty
I am in shock - that is amazing! But the prize, as far as I'm concerned, is the tureen for half price. Oh, my goodness gracious! I can see you dancing : ) Linda
Wow did you get good deals or what??? Love it all, my favorite is your very expensive (not) soup whatever you call it!!! Love it!!!
Gloria! That soup tureen was just about the best buy I have seen.... EVER! It is beautiful!!! What a fun Saturday thing to do. I don't have that much pink so a Pink Saturday is kind of rare for me. But I did play for the first time this Saturday. I was a little overwhelmed by the number of participants! :)
Any who!
Thanks for participating in my giveaway... I'll pick the winner Friday and post it Saturday.
Have a great Sunday!
Great finds! Very nice. I would love your soup dish! Love, Paula Bee
Holy cow! You got that tureen for only 2.50 or so? Holy crap, it's gorgeous! You made out like a damn bandit!
Justine :o )
Wow, you found some great items, love the soup tureen. I told Anita, Secret Sunday Shopping would be an event I would excel at! I just put my post up, this is a fun one. Take care.
I love the two bunnies! The soup tureen is great! I want some so much! I love the white! Why have I not bought white before! I always bought blue or crystal! Oh to think of so many places I have been and left all those white dishes! Now I am so addicted, I bought a for place setting so far! Hubby got to take me to get my license renewed, I am going to drive and go shopping! Doc says only 10 min. I was going to the nearest town, everyone says at the speed I know go it will take me 30 min instead of the 15 min. lol The cloth is so pretty! Can't wait to see it all done up! So glad you are going to Join me on my Birthday, by giving a Tea Party! I can't wait to see it! I can not say the words how much it means to me for you to give a Tea Party for me on April 5th! I am so Happy! Mine will be on April 5, a small one planned, but now the ladies are asking to come and want to invite more. lol Its getting large so far, 20-25 people. I am going to do different theme tables, from the dining room, parlor and family room as they all connect. Can't wait to see yours. I doing OK, I will see Doc Tuesday morning. I will find out what he thinks, I just not letting him put me in the hospital until after my Tea Party! lol If he does, someone better bring me a computer! lol I thinking everything is holding its own, and may get to enjoy Spring and some of Summer before surgery. I going to be in big trouble, for he said no more keeping my grandchildren, back in January, and I have not made the corset or gone to therapy! I done a lot here I think I done a better job than she does. lol Here is to hoping, Surgery can wait! lol A girl just wants to have a little fun! Say a prayer that my children hubby's get to work and the kids go to the sitter! I have a lot to do to get the house ready for my Party! I got steps today! Hubby made them, now we can go out the back French doors. Now the new front French doors needs steps! He is promising to get my front of my house ready! Oh my I wrote a letter!
Oh you lucky thing you....I can't believe the steal you got..and that ironstone soup bowl and plate...gorgeous!!!! here I was tickled to death to find some bird cages and you out there finding ironstone! lol Hope you had a great weekend sis!
Really loved the soup tureen and what a great deal! I think this is going to be a great event,might give me something to post about since I can't seem to think of anything on my own lately.
i love those white pieces- they can match easily with our existing china and put with anything floral and always look so great!
great finds and well done!
Hi Gloria...You did great! Love that tureen...and the fabric is just precious! How is little Miss Kyra? Have a great week...hugs...Debbie
Gloria, I had to drop back by to drool over the tureen! I used to have a bunny bell like yours. I had almost every bunny in that series but gave all of them to my SIL who was a bunny collector. ☺♥☺ Diane
Hi Gloria
great finds!
Such fabulous finds for oh so cheap. I think you could host desighn on a dime. I love that soup tureen and ya need to drop Len at the auto supply store next time. LOL Cindy
Good morning, Gloria...thanks for stopping by to see my blues this morning.
Hope you have a wonderful day....
Ooooh Girlie, you did GOOD!!!!! Love that soup tureen! Just wish I coulda been there to see you Bunny Hop!!! HA!
I'm goin' over to Anita's right now! Thanks for the tip!
Have a super day girl! ~~Kim~~
Hi Gloria,
What a great idea that is for what you bought during the week..you sure did find some great treasures...see you just never know what you will find out there at a fabulous price.....now I like that idea....I want to join in...but not for a few weeks....we are going on vacation on Thursday to Washington DC...my Hubby has wanted to go there for ever...he has planed everything he is so excited....so blogland will be on hold for about 10 days for me....I wonder if he is going to take his laptop???....well anyway have a wonderful day Gloria....
Mo :-)
Gloria, I want to go to that thrift store! What wonderful treasures you found (even if your dh was giving you "the look"-tooo funny!). My internet service is out of order at my house, so I'm late getting here (had to come to work, so I could visit my friends in Blogland! laurie
You found such wonderful things, Gloria. I love the tureen and that fabric is beautiful!
I bought dishes, last week. :-)
I published my 300th post, yesterday. I have a giveaway going and would love for you to come by the Back Porch and sign up.
Have a great week!
I always enjoy reading about your blue and white kitchen and this post is no exception.
I hope when I feel better I can do some more posts to share my own blue and white and other treasures.
Thanks for coming by to see my first Blue Monday.
What a haul you made girl!!!
Gorgeous, and cute, and wonderful.
Love that fabric!!!! the cutest.
now I'm going over to support Anita, and now that i know about it, maybe i can join in next Sunday.
Barbara Jean
Gloria,finally got back home tonight and am wanting to catch up with all my blogging girlfriends!
Love all your blue! It sure is making me think about changing some colors in this house!
Have been gone for 9 days to Arizona. We are back for a few and then off again on Saturday to go see our son in Calif- It's been almost a year since we have been with him so we are excited!!
Have missed you friend! Pray all is well your way!
You got a steal on that tureen. I would be doing a "Happy Dance" too. Love the fabric with the bunnies.
You lucky girl. Such great finds for your quick thrift stop. (say that 3 times) I like that idea leaving the DH at the parts store, then you would have all the time in the world.
LOL to Tootsie about the look.
My uncle came home with a big shiny new tractor one day. A few months later when my aunt purchased a new computer he came stomping into the room with a look and word of disapproval. She just looked at him and said "call in a tractor" then went back to what she was doing...Makes me chuckle every time I think of it.
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