WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Good Morning....Yes I am alive still....Sorry I haven't been around ...but I have Pneumonia and I have been in bed.... I will try and catch up with everyone who have left comments...this I promise..

Now this is what I got up to today...just look at my NOT so sunny
Sun room...Yes we got snow and I am so glad I don't have to go out in it...

Here is what my driveway looks like...Who says all we do in California is lay on the Beach should be at my part of California...I know our ski lodge will be happy this weekend....

Kyra is doing GREAT!! only one more surgery to go and then maybe she'll be able to go home..I can't wait to see that day...My Grandson Jacob who just joined the Army is now at Ft. Leonard Wood in Mo, going to boot camp he really misses his wife Morgan and of course his Grandma ha ha!! My family has so much news right now...I just found out last week that my Grandson Jayson is having a baby in Sept and the same day I found out that my Grand daughter Candace is also having a baby in Sept...WOW!!! that means a total of 4 great grand kids for me just this year...I might as well toss them the checkbook at Christmas....Hope all of you stay well and Happy....Love ya all and have missed you !!!
Congrats Great Grandma!
Sorry to hear you've been sick. Get well soon!
Wonderful news about the baby.
~Melissa ;)
Hi Gloria!
My goodness, I'm so sorry to hear you've been sick! Take it easy so you'll be as good as new real soon! I'm so happy to hear little Kyra is doing well.
Your snow pictures are so pretty.
Hi Gloria... Thanks for coming by... My heart aches over your comment I can't even imagine... but I know you'll be having warm & wonderful memories on that day... Treat yourself to something special. Wow 4 great grandbabies... how wonderful is that... And I am so happy to hear that Kyra is doing so well too... She is such a beautiful little one... Love you
Gloria, I was so glad to see your comment at my place today, and so glad to see this post! I've been worrying about you. I didn't know you had pnemonia, but I've been praying for you just 'cause you haven't been around for awhile. I hope you are feeling better. Take care of yourself! So glad to hear that Kyra is doing well. Been praying for that sweet baby too. You're going to have a hard time keeping up with your grands and great grands! You know, I have 2 birthdays in September (LOL) 9th and 11th. Maybe one will be born on one of my b'days! Love ya, laurie
Oh yes and the pictures are beautiful... Hope your feeling better very soon... Love Ya
Gloria - If you have a fireplace - stay close with a blanket and tea :) Take good care and we look forward to your perky blogs when you are well. What a huge family you have to look forward to :)
Oh Gloria, so glad to see you here today. We were all just worried sick for you and here you have the most blessed news! Baby Kyra is doing great and she will be growing up with all of these cousins her age, so fun! I am so so sorry that you are sick. You sound like me, if I get too stressed and tired, down I go. Well dear, many prayers going your way for a speedy recovery, and of course for baby Kyra's continued good progress. Love, Cindy
Hon, there is so much nasty stuff going around. DH has been running a fever for 5 days. He is not a good patient. (driving me crazy! Drs office too! Calls them everyday...)
Hugs, get well soon!
Ohhh my Dearheart...
I have been worried about you since I hadn't seen you around!!! Pnuemonia...dang it anyway!!! I'm so sorry Sweetie...I have already lifted you up before the Lord for his healing!!! How are you doing...are you getting better? Pneumonia can be so serious, my friend! I do hope that the Dr. has you on some good meds...if there is anything I can do, please holler! I know...it's pretty hard when I live so far away...but be sure that I will be praying for you Dearheart!!!
Feel better...
Love ya,
PS...was so worried about you that I forgot to tell you Congratulations on all of your great news..ahhh...more babies!!! I'm also so happy to hear that Kyra is doing well!
Oh girl I felt like something was wrong with you..I hope you are better now sis...and i can't believe you have snow in your neck of the woods!!!! I just come from the back yard and one of my yellow bells is blooming and there is tiny leaves all over my blooming crabapple trees!!!!
Wow girl this is gonaa be a glorious year in your family ....look at all the sweet blessings coming into your life & praise the Lord for continuing to touch little Kyra..take care sis and have a great Thursday! You don't have to worry about coming around to comment back to me sis...I know I am your FAVORITE!!!! lol lol Love ya girl!♥
Girl what do you mean laying there sick and not saying anything to us. Are you getting better yet. With that weather, it's no wonder you are so sick. You just lay around , keep warm and get better. I'm so thrilled that Kyra is doing so well.
Love ya,
Oh no Gloria! I'm so sorry to hear you've had pneumonia! I hope you're back to normal soon!
Great news there Great Grandma! ♥
I hope you get to feeling better real quick! I am glad Kyra is doing well. I think about her all the time! :)
Oh Gloria I'm sorry you have pneumonia! My mom just got over a bout. It's not something to take lightly my friend, so you just take it easy! (I know what a dynamo you are) The snow looks so beautiful at your place! We actually got some too, day before yesterday. Thankfully it's all melted off but the weather sure has been strange. And I'm soo happy that little Kyra is doing well.And girlfriend that's a lot of new family comin'! CONGRATULATIONS!! Great grandma *winks* Vanna
Ok girlfriend, first of all you better get yourself well again! That is no fun being sick and in...and secondly, with all those new babies in the family, you might as well just accept the fact you are now broke!! Hey, our kids could do without the NIKE shoes, but our grandchildren - forget it...they NEED it..whatever it is!!
And I have a question. Am I like really out of it, but when did you add the scroll of your home. Wow, you have a ton of antiques. They are fantastic.
Gloria, sorry you've been ill, but glad that you're on the mend. What wonderful news about little Kyra, keeping her in our prayers. What a little tigress! Congrats on all the new babies coming your way - yep, might as well toss the checkbook their way now, but hey it's only money right? Take care of yourself! Hugs, Kathy
What exciting news! I want one of those...so sorry you have been sick. Stay warm and get well.
Sorry you are under the weather! Congratulations on all the baby news. I think you should take up quilting for all these grandbabies!
So sorry to hear about the pneumonia....you'd better take care of yourself and rest, rest, rest. Beautiful snow pic. So glad Kyra is doing well. Linda
Great news about Kyra, Gloria!
I hope you are feeling better soon!!
Sorry to hear you haven't been well. I've had pneumonia three times in the past five years and it totally wiped me out each time. So far this year, I've dodged the bullet.
Make sure you stay hydrated. That is more important than you may realize. Even though I tried to take in copious amounts of fluids I needed IVs at the Urgent Care Center the last time because my blood pressure was so low.
So relieved to hear the good news about Kyra. Prayers still being said.
I'm glad to hear Kyra is one step closer to going home. And CONGRATS on the impending new great grand baby...wow 4 in one year is pretty awesome!
Ohhhhh Miss Gloria! You take good care ofyourself! I love all the snow...we have not seen one flake! And what wonderful news about the babies!!! Congrats!!...Debbie
Aw {{{{{{{{{{Gloria}}}}}}}}}} I do hope your Len is taking good care of you. Pneumonia is NO fun! I've had it twice, so I know. But at least you've got some pretty snow to look at while laying down in your sunroom, right?
I'm so happy to hear that Kyra is doing so well. She's such a trouper!
Justine :o )
Hi Gloria,
I was just catching up on your blog and so glad your little Kyra is doing so good and came through the surgery.....Keeping her in my prayers.....and CONGRATULATIONS !!!! 4 more babies...that is wonderful and I love that you will toss the checkbook the made me LOL.....
We had a great time in Gardnerville and the snow was lovely....we just had a taste of it and it was so pretty....maybe would be a different story if we had to live in it....we did go to Sutter Creek and what a cute little town...the tea shop was Fabulous and Loved every store we went into...thank you for the tip on that lovely town....I did buy one treasure...as soon as I am done putting it together I will post it....I was thinking of you as I shopped.....maybe another time we can visit....
Mo :-)
Hi Gloria...I had no idea you were so sick...and I was happy to see you had posted for us! Great news about all of your great-grands to be...and precious little Kyra is doing well...I'm glad the little card brightened your day a smidge because you brighten ours all of the time! Hugs, Bo
Me again....Feel better soon......Pneumonia is not fun!!!!! My hubby had that a while back.....
Mo :-)
Oooooh so much good news! I'm so happy about Kyra and your new coming attractions! Congratulations!
I'm awfully sorry you've been sick! Please take care of yourself! Love ya! L~
Oh Sweet Gloria.. girl you take care of you... what a wonderful surprise to wake up to this morning. Your sunroom is even gorgeous in the snow..especially from the inside out..lol..I'm so glad to hear our baby Kyra is doing great...congrats on new grandbabies coming..children are just the best..I could toss them my checkbook.. wouldn't do a whole of of good when it's empty...lol.. your grandson Jacob is not that far from me darling... I love your new blogger picture...girl it is beautiful...hugs go ya... ~lynne~
HI Dear Gloria! Oh, I'm so sorry to hear you're so sick! You take care of yourself! I can't imagine all of that snow! It's beautiful, but you stay out of it! LOL Oh, congratulations on all your little grands to be! This is fantastic and prayers have been answered for little Kyra! Praise God!
Take care of yourself. We'll be here when you feel like hopping around again in Blogland.
Love your new header.
Be a sweetie,
Oh Boy, I hope you are taking it easy - that can really wipe you out! Don't worry about us - we'll wait here for you! I'm glad to hear about Kyra - I bet her parents can't wait for her to go home. Congrats! on your upcoming Great-Grandbabies! How nice is that!!!! ~ Robyn
I'm glad that you're feeling better. I loved hearing all of your news. You will be caught up with me with great-grandchildren. I have four now also. Your snow is beautiful.
I am so sorry for your pneumonia, Gloria. I hope you get better soon. Oh my!How can you still have snow when I turned my air conditioning on in the car today? I am glad to hear that Kyra's doing well. And congrats on all those coming great grandkids!..Christine
Awwww QG...I just love you! And as one Bob Mackie/Cher lovin' gal myself, it means so much that you'd come by in your red robe to welcome me! Love ya truly G!!!! L~
Thank you for visiting me and for the nice comments!
I hope that you feel better,soon!
My prayers are with baby Kyra ~
Hi Gloria, Thanks for stopping by this morning. Yes, I am on RMS...shop til i drop...is my name on there. Please come back anytime...I will come back and visit with you later today...when I have more time. Take care of yourself!!! Blessings to you, Nancy
So sorry to learn that you've been sick. I missed you and assumed you were having fun. :-(
Mornin' Sweetie...
Just read your note and came right over! Here have a cherry Truffle, Darlin'!!! Girl, how are you feeling today? Are you getting better? I sure am worried about you!!! I do hope that you're taking it easy...
Girlfriend, I love your new blog dress...Ooooh...so pretty! And your new header photo...divine!!!
Well Sweetie...I sure do hope you're feeling better to do a little celebrating tomorrow...with it being Valentines Day and all! I'm sending you lots of prayers...big ol' hugs and wet sloppy smooches...hehe!!!
You mean the world to me honey...
Love ya,
PS...now get well!!!
I'm glad I found your blog. Sounds like you have a wonderful family, and a beautiful relationship with them. I'm so sorry you're sick and hope you are well soon. Alos..I am SO sick of snow!! I'm ready for flowers!
I was so glad to hear from you.We were concerned Kyra was worse.Hip hip hooray.
Boy is love in your family or what.You're all GROWING.Congrats granny.Get well,I mean it...ann
OMGosh...so many blessings you have. I can hardly wait to become a great grandmother in April. I am a lot older than you to be having my first one!!
So so thankful the baby is doing so well. Prayers are so powerful.
Can ya tell me where SueSue is? I used her bath on my post today and was going to link her and can't find her now. I do have a time staying up with this Blogland!!:O)
Hope you feel much better real soon!
xo bj
Gloria, I am so sorry you've been sick. That's no fun. Just get to feeling better. And congrats on the new little peeps in the oven! ;-)
Sending love and get well wishes your way...
Sheila :-)
Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather. I wish you a speedy recovery.
Congrats on the news of the new additions to your family.
Happy Friday
I'm so glad to hear Kyra is doing better. What a pretty smile she already has!
Sorry to hear you're not well. I hope you get to felling better soon!
Happy Valentin's Day Eve!
Gloria, get well soon!!!!!
I sure hope you are feeling better~ such great news about the grandbabies and 4 is a really good number ( my favorite...lol. )
The snow is gorgeous~ I hope some sunshine comes your way soon!
Big hugs~ J
Dear Miss Gloria .... I am so sorry you have been sick .... but you are so blessed with the news of all the new additions. I know Ft. Leonard Wood well ... I wish your grandson a safe journey in his military life. Have a happy Valentine's weekend ....
Dear Gloria,
Wow, more babies to come is exciting. I'm happy for you and your family. Kyra is so beautiful. My prayers every day.
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