So Happy Valentine's Day to all you lovers....I hope every one has a wonderful day with their Honeys....
For this special day I put together a special Valentines table of the Brides in my family...and of course I tossed in some PINK...So grab a cookies and let me tell you about some of the women I love in my life...
Now these two pictures here are my Grandma and Grandpa on their Wedding Day which they got married on Valentines day...the other Picture is my baby girl Dawna on her wedding day in October 2007....she was just a beautiful bride...as this was my daughter that was never going to get married and waited until she was in her early forties to finally say "I DO" My oldest daughter Barbra is married to Dawna's Husband's Brother...YES you heard right my Daughters married brothers...so what does that make them??? Sisters and Sister -laws... Told you I had a weird family...
Now this is my Grand daughter Candace on her wedding day in Sept 2006....she is Dawna's daughter...YES you heard me right again her daughter got married before her !!! Candace married her first L♥ve Branden...they had been going together since she was 14...she was 24 when she got married and she just adores this guy and he is a man's man always out playing with his rock crawlers that he builds...I just love this young man and have since the day I met him...Candace and Branden are also going to make me a Great Grandma again in Sept...and She and Branden both love children so I know they will be outstanding Parents...
This is an Old Time photo of me and Wally taken about 30 years ago in Seattle , Washington when we flew our Plane up there for a Valentine weekend...so we could have dinner at the Seattle Space needle...oh what fun we had for 3 days while there...found this place where we had to dress in old time clothes and we were told not to smile as years ago people didn't smiles in photos...

Just want to show you one of my old beaded hand bags and of course its PINK...and a hat box I covered with wall paper and satin...

Now is this not the sweetest thing !!! I just love the base of this coffee table with the sweet cherubs and love birds...
This is my Grandma Wedding dress and veil from 1913...the shoes now belonged to my Great Grandma ....I begged my mama for years to let me have this and one day she just show up and says it time as I now know you will take care of it...it was like HELLO!!! Mama I have 7 kids calling me Grandma and you now think I am grown up enough to now have this ha ha!!!
Now be sure and go by and see our great Hostess Beverly at "How sweet the sound...
http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/ to see all the wonderful PINK's today Beverly is so sweet to host this each week for us PINK girls...

Just want to show you one of my old beaded hand bags and of course its PINK...and a hat box I covered with wall paper and satin...
Now be sure and go by and see our great Hostess Beverly at "How sweet the sound...
http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/ to see all the wonderful PINK's today Beverly is so sweet to host this each week for us PINK girls...
Please have a most Romantic Valentine's day...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
UPDATE !!! YAHOO !!! Kyra gets to go home tomorrow...still on feeding tube but Dr thinks she'll do better being at home with her Parents...she'll have to go back in 2 weeks for next surgery...but at least she can go home for awhile... this will be her first time to be her own bed since she was born...I am so excited about this news...Thanks again for all your support and prayers...this really is going to be a Wonderful Valentine day for yet another woman in my life...
Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Valentine's Day Gloria!
You have a beautiful family!
Hi Gloria...I hope you are feeling better! I love all of your family photos...beautiful group of brides!And that wedding dress is a real treasure!! Take good care of yourself...hugs...Debbie
Happy PINK Valentines Day.
I agree with Susan. You have a beautiful family. Lovely showcase of special women in your life.
Happy PS
I liked your entire display, but the photo's and your grandmother's wedding dress had to be my favorites! Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day too!
Happy Pink Saturday..I sure hope you're feeling better darling..don't forget to take care of you.. I'm glad you took a rose.. You deserve more than 1..
Gloria I love all your family wedding photos.. they are wonderful..What a gift to have your grandmothers wedding dress..I love your coffee table..Everyone needs an angel around. We're having sleet, snow and rain.. to say nothing of the wind.. It is soooo cold out there. I just got home from a basketball game. My daughter was voted as one of the Princesses for Courtwarming. So...now time to catch up on here..lol.. Have a super Pink Saturday..
Hi G!
You went and made the PRETTIEST Blog dress and header in all of Blogland.
It's gorgeous my friend!
What beautiful pictures of your family and home.
Love the sweet wedding dress. How neat that you have it to cherish.
Thanks for visiting tonight and you kind words about the giveaway box to Chari. Would you believe I'm already thinking about my next one....I loved doing it! Fun! :)
Happy Valentines Day to you and Len as well my friend!
I hope you are feeling better. Take that medicine and stay warm as toast.
~Melissa :)
Great idea with all the brides! Have a great Valentines Day! CHEERS! Michele
How lucky you are to have such a beautiful, romantic piece of your family's history in the wedding gown. Great post!
WOW Gl♥ria what a beautiful post... So romantic... Loved all the brides and the pinkness... So happy about Kyra... I know it is hard because one of my twin grandsons was in the hospital the first 4 months of his little life and on the feeding tube for almost 10 months... but now he is great and just the typical 3 year old little boy... Love Ya
Happy Valentines Day!
I can't believe you still have that dress. It's amazing!
Family pictures are the best. Loved your post.
Love to Kyra.
Love Claudie
P.S. Lot's of love in this comment.
What a wonderful post! The wedding photos are great.
What a blessing that Kyra is going home. I don't know the story, but it sounds like things are progressing nicely, and I'm so happy for you and Kyra's parents.
What great news about little sweet Kyra, the best Valentine's gift ever!
Hope you have a great day, Gloria.
xo Lidy
Yea! Baby Kyra gets to go home! I hope you're feeling better Gloria! Happy Valentine's Day & a Happy Pink Saturday too! ♥ Diane
I love the Seattle center! I have a fear of heights sooo no eye of the Space Needle for me....yet.
I love the new banner it's gorgeous!
As is your Pink pretties.
I hope baby Kyra is fairing well.
Sweet Valentine Wishes,
What precious displays you put together to share with us! I LOVE History and your family is lovely and interesting. Daughters who married brothers. What could be more nice than that! Now that is a CLOSE family! :)
I am enjoying your blog!!
I just wrote a comment...and promptly lost it. Whatever the case, I love the sweet displays of family History you have made to share with us. I think it is wonderful that your daughters married brothers. Now that is what I call close family ties! :)
You really did Pink Saturday up...pink! Happy Valentines Day!!
Ok..now I get it. I didn't lose it...it has to be approved. One of these days I will learn to PAY ATTENTION! Sorry. I bumble around on these blogs and make a mess at times. I hope you can delete one.
Sweetest Gloria~
Great news about Kyra~ she gets to go home~ there is something about 'home' that is good for the soul~ no matter what age. What a precious, precious gift. YEAH!
I just love all the wedding photos in this post~ Your family is gorgeous. You already know I adore your grandmothers wedding dress, too ~ a wonderful treasure!
Hope you have a wonderfully PINK Valentine's day~
Hugs~ J
Hi Gloria, hope you are feeling much better. I am so happy to hear Kyra is going home. God bless her! Loved your wedding photos post. You have a wonderful family. My mom and her oldest sister were married to twin brothers. My dad was almost 16 years older than my mom. All of the children are all double cousins and we are all very close. Family is one of God's most special blessings! Kyra is blessed and I am praying she will thrive at home. Happy Valentine's Day to you! Have a wonderful day. Be well and God Bless!!
What a beautiful post, Gloria! and the best of all...Kyra's coming home!!!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Sweet post, Gloria!
Happy Valentines Day!
Hi Gloria!
I'm so excited for you that sweet baby Kyra gets to go home! The sweetest Valentine of all!!
Oh how I love your family treasures of romance! The wedding dress and shoes are incredible. You have the perfect home and setting for them and they can be appreciated and seen! Oh I love that!!
Happy Valentines Day sweetie!
Hugs, Sherry
Happy Valentine's Day Dear Gloria! What a perfect Valentine post! All about sweet love - your have such a beautiful family and I'm just amazed at the family heirlooms you have! Have the most beautiful day, Dear One.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hello Dearheart...Happy Valentines Day!!!
Girl, you just have the prettiest family!!! Thank you for sharing all of your family photos! I love all of your pretty pink treasures!!!
How are you feeling today, Sweetie? Hope you're feeling better and better!!! Are you sleeping any better?
Well my friend, Russell came home last night and said that he was taking me on a shopping trip for Valentines Day...yeeeeehawww!!! So we're traveling about 120 mls. one way to get to some antique shops and Hobby Lobby..and out to lunch...I'm soooo excited!!!
Have a wonderful Valentines Day, Sweetie!
Love ya,
Oh so thankful for Kyra getting to come home! Great news...
Your post is just beautiful..so full of love and color.
xo bj
Hi Gloria,
Having Kyra home is a wonderful Valentine's present isn't it?
Your table of brides is a great idea for Valentine's Day! I may have to copy you....next year! LOL
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
You have a beautiful family.
Happy Valentines day to you ~
I like the way you honor your Grandmother's dress by displaying it. The dress is lovely~
Gloria - Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Valentined Day to you!!!
What a wonderful post about your family - such history. What great news about Kyra coming home.
Have a great weekend,
Oh Gloria, I am so excited about the news about Kyra! And I'm assuming that you are also feeling much better. All of this great news and these beautiful treasures in one post! This is just a wonderful, loving valentine post. Your grandmother's wedding dress, shoes, etc. are so beautiful. I cannot believe they are in such good condition (obviously, your mother could trust you with those shoes!). All of those wonderful wedding pix. -- I enjoyed them so much. I cannot believe your daughter's married brothers! How neat! Happy Valentine's Day, dear friend! Love ya, laurie
Happy Pink Saturday and ♥Valentine's Day♥, too!
First, I am so thrilled about the news of Kyra getting to go home. The Lord is so GOOD! YOur photos and memories of such wonderful women in your family so touched my heart. Have a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY filled with much love and blessings. Hugs, Marty
What a lovely Valentine Pink Saturday post....I love all the wedding pictures...and that wedding dress is so pretty...I love how you have it displayed....
Mo :-)
Branden certainly looks like the cat that swallowed the canary. He definitely knew when he had a good thing and not to let her get away.
The most wonderful thing on your post today is the news regarding Kyra. This is the Valentine to end all Valentines. There have been many adjustments for the family since Kyra's birth, but this one I am sure is welcomed by everyone. I pray Kyra doesn't require a long hospital stay following her upcoming surgery.
Hopefully by Mother's Day in May this will all be just a fading bad memory for Heather and she will really be able to celebrate a very special Mother's day. Prayers continue for you and all of your family, Gloria.
What a sweet post. The wedding dress is so beautiful. Mother's can be so funny can't they?
What good news to hear that Kyra is coming home, even it's it's just for a while. You have a bunch of amazing treasures! Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours.
love all the wedding things, the dress is beautiful
happy valentine's day
Happy Pink Saturday and Valentine's Day to you, Gloria. You are blessed with so many sweet people to love and that love you.
Thank you for sharing all of these special women in your life. You have such beautiful things and loving words.
I'm keeping your Kyra in my prayers.
Gloria, I hope you feel better today, and I love this sentimental post. I have always been the sentimental one in mine.
That wedding dress is so pretty, and I love all of your pictures and those gloves! I'm a glove nut. LOL!
Thanks for sharing. Here's wishing you a very Happy Valentine's Day!
I opted out on PS because of things going on here.
Sheila :-)
Dear Gloria, the photos are really amazing - I LOVE the white wedding dress! And what a blessing that precious Kyra comes home to her own crib. Have a wonderful day and hope you are on the mend!
Gloria you are such a hoot! I love you giving out all the family secrets- I love your picture of you and DH- What a cute grin he has on his face!
Sure hope you are feeling better. You have to take care of yourself so you can continue to keep us in stitches!
Such lovely things you have and the added blessing of being family heirlooms, so many of them. I only have 1 or 2 of those heirloom things around-
HAve a Wonderful Valentines Day Gloria!
Hi Gloria, It's always nice to read your sweet comments you leave for me. I always appreciate your visit. It was very nice of you to share your family with us today. I also love the things you put together concerning the hat box, the gloves, the picture frame and all the rest of the stuff... very nicely done.
Wanted to pop over..
Happy Valentine's Day my friend...
hugs and hugs ~lynne~
Great PS post, Gloria, but I'm mostly enthralled by the gorgeous picture of Kyra smiling at the top of the page. What a gorgeous girl!
Such lovely brides, and love the handbag, and the dress. I so happy that Kyra gets to go home! So wonderful, for this lovely little girl. I will keep praying for her! For she will also be a lovely bride one day! Congrats, on another grandchild on the way! Thanks for all your sweet and wonderful, notes you left me. It was tough talking about my illness. But today is new begining. I can't wait to post my Valentine Breakfast with Hubby! Take Care and Happy Valentines!
YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKyra's comin home.yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.I am so very thankful.This just makes my day or here it's nearly nite time.God is good isn;t he?Happy days oh happy days...Ann
Love your post and thanks for sharing,
Gloria - your Valentine/Pink Saturday post is beautiful beyond words. I love the wedding photos and beautiful displays. Your grandmother's wedding dress is priceless. Happy Valentine's Day!
Romantic and beautiful, thankyou for the share, Happy Pink Saturdays and Happy Valentines Day to you, Char
Oh wow, I'm just totally blown away by your grandmother's wedding dress. How beautiful, and how special that you have it and keep it displayed like that too. It looks so sheer though! What did she wear under it?
Yippeeeeeee for baby Kyra!!!!! I just knew that girl wouldn't disappoint us! Your granddaughter must be THRILLED that she can take her home!
Justine :o )
Valentine's greetings from New York!
Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Valentine's Day. What a very lovely post, I enjoyed reading about the wonderful women in your life. The way you set up the table for the shot is just gorgeous. I have been reading your past posts, and I have happy that little Kyra is going to come home for a while, how exciting your grandchildren must be. I will be praying for her. She is so sweet looking.
We'll be adding Kyra to our Prayer List and praying regularly for her. Please keep us updated.
Thanks for stopping by...we are truly enjoying our 2 Give-Aways and have announced WEEK #5 TEA CUPS and BLOG MAKE-OVER!!
;-) Jan
Beautiful brides and they way you set up all of the photos was just lovely. I think I like the the picture of your grandma's dress the best!
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday and Valentine's Day!
Deanna :D
Beautiful brides and they way you set up all of the photos was just lovely. I think I like the the picture of your grandma's dress the best!
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday and Valentine's Day!
Deanna :D
Oh G I'm so happy to hear that Kyra gets to go home tomorrow! Yeeaaaaa! :-)
What a great idea to post all these beautiful wedding photos on V Day! Oh, and I adore that pink beaded purse...ya know I got a thing for those! :-)
Thank you G for all the sweet things you've said on my blog...you'll never know how much it means to me! Love ya! L~
Gloria, you have a beautiful family. I am thankful baby Kyra will be coming home. I pray God will bless her with good health and desire to follow Him. She is beautiful with her little pink cap. Your pictures are so maningful
God Bless your Sunday.
Gm Gloria, you made the most beautiful post for Valentine's Day. all of the wedding pictures were perfect. I can't believe your grandmother's dress is still in so perfect condition and to think of having it displayed like that is priceless. I wish you would make a tour of your house, the bits and pieces I've seen are just awesome.
And wonderful news about Kyra, I know her parents are beside themselves with joy.
Love Ya,
Dear Gloria, I loved your commentary about the family you love so much and the little stories about them and the wonderful shoes you finally got. But I am so thrilled to read the news that little Kyra gets to go home! Love and hugs, Fieldstone/Pam
How special that you have your great grandmother wedding picture, the dress is gorgeous. Love the pink wall and carpet. The cherub table is precious too. I must list you as a favorite because I know I'll want to visit often. Hugs, Rosemarie
What a fabulous Valentine post and such good news too about the baby. And happy belated Pink Saturday. xo Lynn
Hope you had a Happy Valentines Day! Your baby granddaughter is precious... smiling at 6 weeks... ADORABLE!
Happy Pink Saturday, oh, and ♥Valentine's Day♥ too!! What a beautiful pink day today. Thanks so much!
PS: A little late. Spent the day and evening yesterday with my little grandsons. Nothing like three, handsome men for distraction!
What a lovely display. I loved it! And the story about the wedding dress made me smile. I love the way you have it displayed!
Good news about Kyra... she will be just fine!! Lovley post too!!
Hi Gloria, I hope you had a great Valentines! I was so glad to hear from you and to find out you remembered my sofa from RMS.
I have been so crazy busy this week and have not had enough time for blogging and this coming week looks busy too....I am just going to have to do this blogging thing as I can. I do want you to come back and visit again! I will be back to visit with you.
Blessings, Nancy
What a lovely post and I am so glad to hear that Kyra is going home! I'm keeping her in my prayers.
Hey Girlfriend...
Just stopping by to see how you're doing today...was thinking about you! How are you feeling, Dearheart?
Girl, I'm just "dead" today...my shopping trip yesterday was a blast but I tell ya what, I shopped till I literally dropped!!! I'm crippled today...was it worth it??? Ohhhh yeaaaa!!! I found some great stuff! Nothing big...just little "doo-daddies"!
Hugs and kisses,
Dear Gloria, thank you so much for stopping by my blog. Thus I could find your pretty pink, pink, pink one. I do believe we both like PINK! ,-))))
And a precious Valentine's Day entry you made, here. Lovely brides and lovely pink items.
So happy that you got such wonderful news... That your darling great grand daughter Kyra is going to be able to come home, for awhile.
And heavens! You have Pneumonia! Take good care of yourself and rest, rest, rest. No getting it back now, you hear?!? :-)
Gentle hugs,
Aunt Amelia
"I stood and watched the evening star
As long as it watched me."
~ Sara Teasdale
Oooops! Aunt Amelia is getting so forgetful! Well, she's old enough, to have that be her right, but... >,-)
Anyway, you posted that you had an Old Time photo taken, about 30 years ago. When you and Wally flew your plane up to Seattle. {Ane one doesn't read a line like that, often.}
We once had a plane also! And funny thing - it was about 30+ years ago also. Ours was a little one. A Cessna 4 seater.
8424 LIMA. I still remember the call letters. Had lots of fun with that little plane. But my husband's eyesight began to give him troubles and he had to give up flying. But it's a memory.
Gentle hugs,
Aunt Amelia
"I stood and watched the evening star
As long as it watched me."
~ Sara Teasdale
Hey Gloria,
I haven't been on for the last couple of days so I didn't know you were sick. I hope you are feeling better now. I love the pics of the snow. It's been relativiely warm here, hopefully, that means spring is close. I'm sooo ready! Just wanted to say hi and hope you are feeling better. Talk to you soon.
I'm glad baby Kyra is home.
I enjoyed all your pink and the wedding pictures. And the wedding gown from 1913. How have you preserved it? I just recently posted on my blog about my mother's wedding gown. I found it when I was cleaning out my Dad's house a couple of years ago. It's from 1943 and I'm not sure what to do with it. If you have a chance please look at the pictures on my blog. I was concerned about getting it cleaned since it's so old, but your grandmother's gown looks nice and clean. Where do you normally keep it? Happy Belated Pink Saturday!
Thanks so much for stopping by and telling me how you took care of the gown. I love the way you display it too, but I have cats and I can just see one of them climbing. It would be so nice to have it out all the time where I could see it. Thanks again...Betty
By the way, I saw your Alzheimer's ribbon and got one for my blog. Thanks.
What wonderful photos for Valentines Day. Happy belated Pink Saturday.. It was wonderful to hear baby Kyra is going home..blessings and prayers for her and her family.
Happy belated Valentine's Day! Loved your post. That wedding dress from your grandma is just priceless!
Gloria what a beautiful post! I loved hearing about the brides in your family! And your mama finally giving you the wedding dress and telling you it was finally time....You just cracked me up!! Least she didn't wait till you were a great grandma! *winks* And I'm so glad to hear that Kyra gets to spend some time at home. I know it will be good for her and her parents.(((Hugs))) Vanna
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