WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Happy Thursday Every body!!! Today is Vintage Thingie Thursday and I had so much fun last time I did this that I had to do it again...That plus the fact I am getting sore just laying Down ha ha!!
Please go by and see our GREAT hostess Suzanne to see all the wonderful Vintage thingy today
Now everyone Knows how much I love all things Old don't you?? of course you do!!! Now I collect a little bit of everything I can get my little old hands on....So today I thought I would show you just a few of my old Vintage signs I have in my Laundry room and Kitchen....

Now this sign is really a dark blue and white not black like it shows here...anyway during Prohibition 1920-1933 Pabst Beer Company could no longer make Beer...So They started making CHEESE !!! This sign is from that time !! This is whats called a Porcelain its metal with a Porcelain coating on the front....these type of signs are very collectible to this day...This sign hands in my Laundry room....

Another Porcelain sign and I don't need to tell you about this one ...as it says it all This one hangs in my Kitchen above an old Crank phone I have... I know that most people would not have these things hanging in their Kitchen...but Remember I have an Old "General store" Kitchen.

The Gra-Rock sign is a Tin one the Union Ice Company is an Porcelain one...these are in my Laundry room

Now this one is an Cardboard one...and look real close at the little guy....the same artist that did the Campbell's soup kids did this sign.. This is one of my all time favorite ones...its just too cute!!!
ca. 1910

Soda bottle Tin one...Shaped like a bottle...Now I know some will remember when Soda companies did these Right?? Now this sign is over a Yard long and it hangs in my Kitchen...

This again is a Tin one and I just love the way the Kids are hugging each other...

Tin one from a Feed Store...ca. 1880

Now I have the Parts cabinet and the Cream separator that goes with this tin sign...

Another Tin one..ca. 1920

Now Tobacco's seems to be a NO-NO now a days...but I will tell you its very collectible in old sign's

Now I know a couple of my blogging friends here that have husband's that would love to have this one hanging in their garage !!! In fact my Len would if I let him ha ha!!!
Now I hope you guys didn't have to take a No-Doz to get through this post today...I know I can get boring when it comes to my Antiques... But I really do collect everything !!! Be sure and go see Suzanne...
Now !! I think I shocked some from my last post...by telling you I was a Playboy Bunny!! That was not my intent to do that...I have a family friendly Blog here...I am a very honest and open person...and I have never hid the fact of where I have worked through my life to support my Children...I did not choose to be a Cocktail waitress it choose me!! I had 3 babies that liked to eat, I was 15 years old when I got married and 23 when I was single..And with no formal education I did what I could do...I figure I would much rather tell my children I worked at the Playboy club that to have them State raised!! The state did not brings these Babies into the world, I did!! And I would do anything legal to take care them !!!
May all of you have a safe and Blessed day....
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Good for you, you worked an honest job and took care of your children, theirs nothing wrong with that!
What a nifty collection, Gloria. Love all your vintage signs...Christine
Gloria, I love old signs. Yours are great. Thanks for sharing them.
I love your vintage signs! Those are hard to come by here :-)
Amazing signs! You have them displayed wonderfully in your home!
First, I loved your signs..and would love any of them to hang.. specially the drink signs. And I never knew Pabst company also made cheese..:).
And second..way to go. If you managed to bring up three children on your own, a double way to go. I managed to bring up two sons on my own..and it was hard work as a Respiratory Therapist..but I did it.
Our jobs don't matter..being a loving mother that feeds her children and cares for them matters.
Happy VTT and I hope you have a sweet and wonderful day..
I love your vintage signs. They're great!
Personally I think it's wonderful that you were a bunny :0). You worked an honest job, to care for your children...period. Good for you!!!
LOVE the Vintage signs!
You did what you had to do. Take care of your children and raise them to good people. Playboy bunny is just another job.
I love your vintage signs, what a great collection you have! I think being a playboy bunny is kind of cool! I had a girlfriend in college who worked for awhile at the one in Lake Geneva, Wisc. It was pretty tame compared to stuff nowadays. I worked part time during college as a cocktail waitress too! Cindy
What a great collection! I had no idea that Pabst made cheese during prohibition, makes you wonder what the other beer companies did? And as far as your second note, good for you! You worked an honest, legal and probably exhausting job to feed your babies - what is wrong with that? To be honest, I'm surprised that anyone would be shocked by a playboy bunny. Look at the costumes you wore compared to what you see on any given day on the street today - downright modest I'd say! Hugs, Kathy
You will never be judged by me. I Like you a lot you're a great person. I don't care if you hung naked from ceiling in your past. I love you for who you are.
Great signs.. !
Jill :)
What a FABULOUS collection!!..i'm also impressed with what you've achieved when you were a single mum, AMAZING :)
All your signs are great but I love the phone booth sign! I recently discovered I love street signs, like the ones I took pictures of downtown the other day~ yep, I love them. Will need to get a few. :)
I've always told you how strong you are~ it shows through your blog and is admirable. You are an inspiration to many, my friend!
Love, J
First, I absolutely adore these signs!
Secondly, I love the fact that you worked to take care of your children any way you could. You are an icon of America and should be an inspiration to those who dump their kids on the state or the older generation.
Great collection.
I never thought one thing about you being a playboy bunny. We do what we got to do for our kids, and I respect that.
Have a great day.
Gloria, let me first tell you I love your signs. I know you enjoy them. Secondly, let me tell you, You Rock, if someone was shocked that's their problem..so what...Waitressing in any form is a honest and good perfession, my Mom was a car hop in the fifties to feed 3 kids, I was proud of her and I'm proud of you. I admire anyone who will raise their own kids instead of sitting and feeling sorry for themselves and letting the state do it for them.
You are the kind of person that make this a better world.
Hi Gloria,
I love the sign collection. I see them at auction all the time. Some go for outrageous prices.
I think it is great that you made the decision to support your children and not just live off a state system. It doesn't matter the job title, the job is what matters. Not one single person out there should be critical of your choice of jobs. I was a single mom of 3 boys for many many years. It's hard work. It's hard for two parents to raise good kids and support them. It's even harder when you're single.
KUDOS!! to you.
A Playboy bunny...well how exciting! Really I mean that. My daughter is about to graduate college in December and to be honest, this would be her dream job. She is obsessed with Hugh....not kidding. Thanks to reality TV. Gloria, when your life is as uneventful as mine has been, this is just well...fun! I am sure it was hard work...but still a little glitz and glamour when you tell the story. I worked as a waitress for several years when my son was small...this would be so much more "exciting" to tell...the top of the line of work so to speak. Sorry...I can be weird.
And as far as your vintage signs..they are wonderful..makes me want a complete look at that kitchen! I am sure it is adorable.
Gloria, I love your vintage sign collection! I bet your kitchen has such a neat look! I especially love the RED MAN sign...my Dad was a RED MAN MAN....Thanks for sharing your treasured signs...and I love your honesty about having been a Bunny...you go girl...a girl has to do what a girl has to do!
Love those nifty signs - I have only one sign in my kitchen - it says "Farm Credit Services", and I found it hanging in an old milk house attached to a big barn building we used to own in another small town! I admire your collection!
Morning, Dear Gloria! Dear One, I want you to know I admire you for doing the very best for your children - that's what a good mother does! If anyone said anything mean to you, you tell me and I'll go and punch them right in the stomach! Yes, I will!
I love ya, girl!
bE a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
You have a fantastic old sign collection.
Hi Gloria...you have a wonderful collection of vintage signs & they look to be in great condition too! About being a young, single working mother...I admire you for being a Bunny and making a life for yourself & your children...
Hugs, ...;-) Bo
Gloria, I'm proud of your gumption to take care of those babies! Our prophet Gordon B. Hinckley had a wonderful quote "Just do the best you can." He was responding to a question about raising families. I think you did the best you could and would never look down on you for that! I love all the old signs too. When I lived at home my parents had a bunch of these in the garage!
Hi Gloria, Thanks so much for coming by. Anyone who gets upset over your past employment needs to just get a grip....we do what we have to do to take care of our children. In fact, I am a little envious that you looked good enough to be a "Bunny". I love your old tin signs and I too am not real computer savvy. It seems as though we both found a second husband and are happy. Come and visit again. I am sorry we live to far apart.
Hello Gloria; Wow you have a great collection of signs. I love the chocolate one with the sweet little boy. They are all in such fine shape as well how lucky you are.
Gloria - Love the signs. I have two tin soap signs I should photograph and post. I love them and am looking forward to my new studio when I can hang them. I just have them propped up right now because walls are concrete. As for your post that I missed and your previous work, GOOD FOR YOU! Cocktail waitressing is not a bad job and the girls in Vegas and Atlantic City are working it... And, making a VERY good living. They are college students, wives, mothers.... So WHAT??? I love the fact that you chose to support them yourself rather than have the state pay :) What is the old saying of arriving at the finish line looking neat and proper or looking a bit windblown because the ride was amazing??? Have a great day! Lori
Gloria, I LOVE all of your vintage signs. I noticed right away that one looked like it had the Campbell's Soup kid on it. So cute! I've always loved that telephone sign and the way it hangs, sticking out from the wall. I'm tellin' ya, whether I needed the money or not, if I had ever had the body to be a P.B., I would be bragging about it forever! Your strength and your love have always amazed me! I love ya, laurie
When I saw the first picture I was like? I thought they made beer...thanks for the history and so cool you have something from that time.
All your signs are great!
Hey you do what you gotta do and you had to take care you and yours!
Mornin' Dearheart...
Just wanted to stop by to let you know I'm thinking about you...are you feeling better today? Hoping so since I see that you posted!!!
Girl, I love all of your old signs!!! And you're right, Russell would just love that old motor oil sign!!! We have a car friend who collects all the old signs...gas station signs, etc. He's got some money wrapped up in them that's for sure!!!
Well Dearheart...I really do hope that you're feeling better today!
Love ya,
Gloria sweetie did someone say something mean about your playboy job?? I'll punch em out for ya darlin!! LOL!! You are such a dear and so inspiring the life you have and the way you raised your kids, don't you ever think twice about Me judging you! I love ya lots G!! I kinda think maybe I'm being judged for my political post tho, oh well too late now!! I get such a huge smile when I see Kyras pictures, shes so beautiful! BTW, LOVE your signs too G!! have a good week, Love ya! xoxoxo
You're a beautiful, amazing and oh so awesome person! It doesn't matter what jobs you've held, you took care of your kids & that's all that matters! Of course it doesn't hurt that you were such a beautiful young woman you were hired by the Playboy Club!
PS Great post!
Gloria, you are so beautiful in and out. A woman has to do what a woman has to do to raise their family. I have seen some of my own family go thur hard times and yes, I give till I can't give anymore. I still take care of my baby sister who is 48. She is such a fun loving person and doesn't have a p t to p_ _ _ in put she is just happy with what she has. I love her to death and she cleans our offices and does occasionally some things for me at home. I always felt that she and my little brother where my children when they where little becuase my mother always worked and I was the oldest. My sister stills sends me mother day cards too. So you never know how you will impact someone life. But I do know that you have impacted mine, I woke up last nite thinking of your granddaughter. I hope all is well with you and your family. I just knew you where pretty enough to be in playboy!!!!!! And that's not a bad thing. We should never judge someone for we have not walked a mile in their shoes. Good day.
I just made a comment on your blog where you said that you were a Playboy Bunny. I admire you for it. I think that it's facinating. I love your signs. We sold a lot of old signs when we had my in-laws' estate auction. I bought a few of them myself.
I didn't know that about Pabst being a maker of cheese. Interesting.
About the Playboy Bunny: I was surprised but not shocked. It's honest work. Glamorous, too, I might add. Don't worry about negative folks.
I love your signs...especially the chocolate flavored drink sign. And I am way proud of any woman who takes care of their kids and does what they need to do. I'm also really impressed that you had the looks and figure to be a bunny!! YAY YOU!
You bought back a few memories with this post my friend. So what if you were a playboy bunny...you had a job that fed the children. If someone did not like it, just ignore them. I enjoy your blog so much. Glad to have a computer so I can blog again. Missed you.
Sharon K
That is a fantastic sign collection you have! Also, thanks for your honesty and your transparency. That is a rare quality these days. Linda
Wonderful sign collection! and it sounds like you are enjoying a wonderful life :)
Gloria, you didn't shock me one bit! I think your story is fascinating, and I don't think you have to apologize to anyone about that. As a matter of fact, you had to be pretty and have a great figure and personality to do that job. And your life is such a success story. That part just made your all the stronger and more compassionate. :-)
Now, to your signs... love them! I collect them, too, but my collection isn't as large as yours. I will try and remember to post some at some point and come over here to let you know when.
Right now, I'm going to eat. I'm starved. LOL!
Love to you...
Mag AKA Sheila :-)
Dear Gloria,
Nice post as always. I loved your old signs - and the pictures of your babies are darling! They are so lucky to have you! Love, Paula
These old signs are just grrrrrrrrreat!!!
Somebody got their "knickers in a twist" over you being a Playboy Bunny? Awwwwwwwwwww, they musta' just been jealous, that you had the figure to do it!!!! Tee, hee, heee...
And Sue will punch 'em out for ya'. Me tooooo! I'll SIT ON 'em! After she punches 'em out. And that will turn them into a Grease Spot! Hehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lolllll!
Aunt Amelia
"Charm is the quality in others that makes us more satisfied with ourselves."
~Henri-Frédéric Amiel
Girl you know I am drooling over all these old tin signs! Loved that chocolate milk one!
Girl..you ain't gotta explain yourself to anyone...there is not a one of us that wouldn't do whatever it takes to raise our babies...you know I kid you alot but there is not many folks that even come close to holding the spot you hold in my heart...When I think of you I see a tiny powerhouse of a woman that never let anything defeat her...a strong loving woman that will do anything to protect & save her loved ones...not some playboy bunny (although that pic did flash before my eyes for a spilt second...oh sorry!) lol lol Girl you know I love you to pieces!!!! ♥
I'm afraid I'm with Laurie~ if I had been a Playboy Bunny...I'd be bragging about it forever!...I'm downright JEALOUS!! :-)
Love your signs! I have a question...is there a difference when we say "vintage" and "antique"? You would be the one to know this if there is...and I've always wondered that! Maybe "vintage" is considered not as old as an "antique"???
Love ya G!! L~
Gloria, I love your old signs..they scream welcome to me..We have 4 old oil and feed signs hanging on the walls of our garage...Mr. P.. wasn't the most crazy about hanging them.. we sure get alot of comments on them..nothing screams home to me than old collected items.. Congratulations!!! What a beautiful new addition you have to your family. She is one beautiful girl...your family is certainly growing...I hope your grandson is doing well in boot camp...our weather here is growing colder by the minute and windy..girl sounds like it's going to take the roof off...hugs ~lynne~
Woman you are the last person anyone would think is a dummy in Anything!! And don't forget~ I teach preschool...not high school chemistry or anything...I'd flunk my own class for sure! Haha!:-)
Thank you for getting back with me on that...I've always wondered and now I know the "real story". Believe it or not, I remembered the 100/200 thing from something you said back in the summer! I guess we have good memories for what's interesting to us. :-)
I'm glad you got new meds...I hope they start working SOON to give you some relief! Now something tells me that you have a hard time just sitting...but you need to do just THAT! You've got to rest those lungs! Don't make me come up that mountain! (You'd never get me to leave!! :-))
Thank you again~~ Love ya G!! L~
Okay, my favorite was definitely the Pabst sign, because when I first looked at it, I thought I was reading it wrong. Cheese? LOL!
I didn't read your other post yet, but I can assure you that it won't shock me at all!
Justine :o )
Oh dear Gloria you are simply the most amazing woman I have ever met! A collector beyond collector, a hard working devoted mother and beautiful child of God. I worked as a waitress when I was young and know what hard wotk that job is. I've loved hearing all of your tales of all of the extraordinary things you've done in your life.. I say that it has been a life well lived. I am so happy to see another beautiful baby has joined your wonderful family and that sweet baby Kyra is doing so well, it just makes me cry such tears of joy. My son is doing better and his home from the hospital so you know that I am feeling so much better..What a wonderful sign collection and I love the one by the Campbells soup artist..just adorable. Hope this finds you well. Love, Cindy
I have an award for you Gloria. It can be picked up at my blog.
What a great collection! The telephone one is my favorite! Blessings, Nancy
You really didn't give me much time to catchup, but I'm gaining on the problem, at the moment. Now I'm running only a day behind and from where I started, that's progress.
Just so you know, I was surprised but not shocked at your revelation regarding past employment. If anything, I might have been a tad jealous that I could never have qualified for the job. Hey, if you have to dig ditches to make a living, at least it's honest work. I admire you for shouldering the responsibilities you were faced with.
I find your sign collection utterly amazing and beautiful. Your blog is never boring!
I love the old signs! Hubby would be trying to talk you out of them all! lol I want to see your kitchen! I am shocked, lol I missed that article. Shocked that I know a Bunny! lol I glad you took care of yourself and your children. Wow, I went to a tech school a few years ago, and a girl I met there was on Bay Watch, My girls played with Leanne Rimes. She lived a few houses down from us when we lived in Pearl. My hubby grew up with her Mother and Aunt. Her Aunt has opened a restruant in Pearl and the food great, she has Leann up on all the walls. My daughter, Jennifer, always tells about Leann stealing her boy friend when they were around 9. I have had my grandchildren and not much time with 4 children under 5 running around. lol I missed a lot.
Hey Dearheart...
So good to have you come over this mornin'...I put on another pot of coffee!!! Hehe!!!
I know...I know...I couldn't believe that I got the "whole kit-n-kaboodle" for just $10!!! Good deal...keep an eye out and if the price is right, I'd love to add to this set! From what I can tell, the pattern was originally created in 1801 but I think that they made these dishes in the 70's...eeekss, hate to admit it but that still makes em' pretty old! Hehe!
Girl, you just crack me up...no weight gain to your head...hehe!!! So what have you done with your Wally's flowers? Do you have them put away or are they out where you can enjoy them? Just curious?
Well Sweetie...what's on the agenda for today? Are you feeling any better? I've already stripped the bed and I'm doing laundry...scrubbed the bathroon down! Been busy, busy...I'm feeling better today than I did yesterday!
Have a fabulous Friday, Sis...
Love ya,
Since Gloria seems reluctant to post a link to "one" of her kitchen posts, I will. Here it is:
You can find the others by typing in "kitchen" in the search box for the blog.
Hi Gloria, :)
Love your old signs girl. Great history there!
Love all the colors.
I understand about the job.
I think it sounds very glamorous even though I'm sure you would tell us it was hard work.
I adore your honesty. Don't you change a thing!
Thanks for your sweet words on my new blog design.
It was really fun to have done!
I really hope you are feeling much better.
Keep us posted.
~Melissa :)
I just typed you a big ole' looong comment.
I hope it posted. :)
Dang it Gloria you are flat out the QUEEN of pretty much everything!! Your signs are killin' me!! They're soooo fab!!! That O'Baby is da BOMB!!! And as another poorer lover of antiques *sob sniffle* I think you should share some with me! Lol! You've got far too much fabulousness for one person *winks* And I see that you're a great grandmama again! I swear your GG's are the prettiest I've ever seen! That Kyra is gonna be a heartbreaker! And girl you need to send me some of those baby birdies! After all I've got a victorian mansion for em now! Lol! You always crack me up girlfriend! And being a playboy bunny is just another one of the things that makes you the coolest! Love Vanna
I'm slow in getting around to everyone this week. I so hope you are feeling better. Enjoyed the signs. Sally
Gloria..I wrote you a letter. Your signs are darling. Vintage is great. I never run across old signs...yours are so cute. NOT boring at all.
Just one little comment on the bunny thingy... :) There are not a lot of us out here that could have gotten through the front door had we wanted to!! Sorry, but that's probably the truth!! LOL Your grand baby is adorable. "Jill" said it all in her comment.
Hi Miss Gloria! I sure do hope you are starting to feel better! I love all of your signs!! Shocked?? Are you kiddding me? I'm just wishing I'd had the figure to be a bunny! I went to dinner at the Playboy Club here in Atlanta years ago. They were hard-working young women! I am always amazed by your courage and admire the fact that you're willing to tackle anything and everything. No one can ever accuse you of not having lived your life to the fullest!! I say...you go girl!! Feel better!!...hugs...Debbie
Hi Gloria. Hope you've had a beautiful day! Now I would love to come to your house and look and browse at all your olden things! You have just about everything! Thanks for coming to see me!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Gloria I loved your vintage Thursday... Very cool vintage advertising signs... And hey... I think it is cool all that you did... You are a wonderful person and sometimes opportunity knocks to help you in times of need... You’re the best girlfriend... Love ya
I love the sheep sign! Just love it! When I well, I will add back my sheep to the farm! lol When my daughter Jennifer was young, she would say Mama do you think I will be pretty as a teenager. Both of my girls have always worn their hair long and their natural color is black. These days I never know if they are black or blonde short or long! I forget who to look for! lol Jennifer just had her done this last week. I can't wait to tell her she is a bomb! lol She's 27 and married working and going to college. She married at 17 lasted 3 years, thankful she did not get pg. She remarried and they have 2 of my grands the ones I am keeping. 4 year old and 19 month old, My other daughter Suzette lives beside me and married and has a 3 year and 5 year old. So most of the time I have 3 to 4 children for over a month now. Not much time for blogging! lol Or doc's. I will be in big trouble with my doc, for he said no more babysitting. I got to help out. J'S husband has not worked since mid November, back full time, but marriage is rocky. I told her 2 kids, and money and trying to get your marriage on track is hard. They spit up for 6 months. Went back together in Oct. Now her hubby has a girl calling him. Jennifer was quitting her job, to care for the children, so I could go follow doc orders. But we told her she might better keep it. She makes a great salary. She has kept them a float for months, with our help. Suzette hubby is back working, thank goodness, we helped them too. Hubby and I are not working, just lived on savings! lol S. is a stay at home Mom. I hope all get better soon. doc said no stress, no kids, just relax and live a day at a time. We may not go back to work, hubby is working with MS State Un. and has built a crawfish pond and if it pays off this year we will build 4 more. We now see we missed a lot working traveling for 5 years. I went shopping after kids were picked up, had so much fun. More teapots, and I bought a rose print. Now hope to design our bedroom around it. Not so sure what Hubby going to say. lol
Hey Grandma (a.k.a. Bunny lol) Love your pictures I remember all of those cool signs you have up. You remeber when the old crank up phone rang in the kitchen? that was pretty freaky! Well love you grandma. Kyra is doing good, just smilin all the time.
Oh Gloria,how I would so love to come and really "see'your home.I love all your treasures.
And yes,until you have had to raise kids on your own without ANY assistance from anyone.You do what you have to do.And thats the end of that!...ann
You are right - Love your signs - esp the wonder cheese! Its a wonder that anyone could stay sober eating Pabst Cheese!
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