WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
First!!! Let me say how much all your prayers for Baby Kyra and my family have meant to me and to them... Today is
PINK SATURDAY and I thought I would show you this little Ballerina Dress and socks I found 3 weeks ago for Kyra...
Now is this not the cutest little thing ??? I just can't wait to see her up and doing her HAPPY DANCE in this little dress... As we all know how little girls love to be ballerina's

And here is the back of it...I can already picture her healthy, and happy , walking and DANCING like no one is watching...but we all will be watching for that day...

Josh Called me and said Kyra had 3 holes they repaired in her heart...she was still in recovery at that time and they had yet to see her...She has one more surgery in 4-6 weeks to enlarge the esophagus and then she should be able to eat on her own and they can take out the feeding tube in her stomach...Josh said she was just cooing and smiling as they took her to surgery and seem to really enjoy the ride down to surgery...She did GREAT through the heart surgery but they will be keeping her sedated for the first week...All of Heather's family has gone to Dallas now to be there with the kids...Its so hard on me being here in Calif and not being there with them..But I don't travel real well any more....Josh said as soon as the baby is home and well they will bring her to see me....Thank you all again for your prayers I feel so blessed to have this great blogging family that I got..
Oh I guess before I forget PLEASE go by Beverly at
http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/ "How Sweet the Sound" and visit all the GREAT PINK ladies today...
Hope all of you have a safe and Blessed day....God has smiled at me today and heard my name..
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Gloria, I'm glad all has gone well! Kyra is going to look adorable in that little tutu! Those little matching socks are too cute , too! There you are spoiling her already! ~ Robyn
Oh Gloria, what a blessing and answer to prayer that the surgery went well. I believe that we will all get to see this precious little girl dancing in her darling dress. My thoughts and prayers are with you always and will continue for her speedy recovery. God bless. Hugs, Marty
Oh my Sweet Gloria, I'm so glad to hear our baby Kyra has come thru the surgery and doing well..I know you would give anything to be there. Your grandson sounds like a dream..and why wouldn't he? He came from some pretty good stock didn't he? My prayers continue for Josh and family as well as you my friend..
Now, this outfit is perfect for our future ballernia..I can hardly wait to see pictures of this little darling all decked out and twirling for you as well as for us.. She is one lucky little girl to have you for a grandma..Happy Pink Saturday my friend..
hugs ~lynne~
I just read about Kyra..My prayers will be for her. Sweet and precious gift. She will look just darling in the cute little ballerina outfit.
I'm so happy to hear all is going well. Her new outfit is precious! I love the shoes! ♥ Diane
Dear Gloria, I'm so thankful the surgery has gone well for little Kyra! God is so good and we'll continue to pray for her recovery and the next surgery! You rest and know she's gonna be alright.
What a precious little outfit for a precious little girl.
Take care, Dear ONe,
Shelia :)
Gloria, it makes my heart sing to hear that the surgery went well. I love that little outfit, and can't wait until the day you post pictures of little Kyra dancing in it! Praying hard here, hugs to you and your family. Kathy
Oh, I am so glad I got to hear the great news about Kyra before I go to bed! I am so happy. The little one is so beautiful and will be so lovely in the ballerina outfit. I need to think about getting my granddaughter's one. Hannah will be 3 end of the month. I need to call about lessons! lol you got me started! That would be a good Birthday present, with the other things, I have for her.
Oh what a cute outfit! I expect to see pictures posted of he on you blog in it in the future!
It must be had to not be there...but they know you are with them in spirit!
Will continue to keep all in my prayers...
Have a good weekend
Glad everything went well. Kyra will look adorable in the little dress! I know you can't wait!
Gloria I am so releaved that I got word on how the baby is doing! I was so worried! My friends little girl from the Ronald Mcdonald house just had the same surgery your grand daughter will be having in 4-6 weeks and did really good! She has also had many heart repair surgeries. Your grand daughter is a strong little baby! I am glad they are keeping her sedated it will help her get stronger and she won't feel so much pain!
You are all in my heart!
I am so glad the surgery went well for sweet Kyra, Gloria. She is very pretty! I love that ballerina dress you got for her. I can imagine her twirling around in it...Christine
Thank you God. The photo on your sidebar of Kyra is so beautiful. I can just see her dancing on her toes twirling around the room in her cute little tu tu. All of you will continue to be in my prayers.
Love Ya,
Morning sis...ohhhh Happy Day what a good report on that little Dumpling...I am rejoicing with you girl! That little outfit is just toooo adorable sis...my little Sofie would love that! lol lol Boy she could swing her hips in that one! lol Oh sweetie...I am so happy for you & your family...I pray little Kyra heals so fast it amazes the doctors! Have a great weekend sis...love ya!♥
I'm happy to hear the surgery went well, and she will look beautiful in that ballet outfit! Cindy
Gloria - can't wait for the day to see Kyra dancing in her outfit for us!! Glad she seems to be holding her own!!
I'm glad to hear the surgery went well~ she is such a strong little girl. The ballerina dress is adorable~ I hope she always feels like she can dance like no one is watching~ ( one of my favorite sayings. )We will all watch, my dear friend.
I will keep her in my prayers.
Hugs~ J
I'm sure you wish you could do something! But prayer and your loving support is the best thing right now. That little sweetie will look so cute in that little dress!
Oh so thankful to hear the surgery went well. I know the next few days are going to be very hard on all of you..waiting to see how that precious baby does. My prayers are with her every single day..and all of you.
I know it must be hard to not be there with the kids but it will be ok. And, then, when Kyra is able, they will all come out to see you and you can do that happy dance, too.
Blessings and love, Gloria.
xo bj
Dang woman, I missed your last post about her having the surgery already! But thank God she came through it so well! I'm overjoyed! She is just so darn beautiful... I can just picture her a couple years from now, twirling around in her new outfit!
Justine :o )
God is Good Gloria and he has His arms around Kyra through all these surgeries!! Wonderful news sweetie!! The little tutu is so sweet, I must find one for Amelia!! I can't wait to see more pictures of Kyra as she grows, she is beautiful! Have a great weekend G, I'll be raking some leaves that have blown into my yard this winter, we're gonna be in the 50's tomorrow yippee!! xoxoxoxo
She WILL be dancing in that outfit before you even know it, chick!! I'm so thrilled the surgery went well for that little bundle of "gorgeous"!!! Happy PS,
Isn't modern medicine fantastic! Thank the Lord.
Gloria~Breathing a big sigh of relief about Kyra's surgery! I know how much you'd like to be there...but just be assured she will be alright...the prayer warriers are behind you!!
Oooooh the outfit is ADORABLE!! This would be every little girl's dream dress!
Have a great weekend! Love ya! L~
We have a huge Heart Run in our town on March 7th. It attracts about 10,000 people...not bad for March in cold Central NY! Well over a million dollars is raised for heart research every year, just in this event alone. It is through the generosity of people like that, doing the same thing all over the US, that your sweet Kyra will one day get up on her tippy toes and twirl around in that sweet little tutu! Blessings...Linda
Gloria, I'm so happy to hear Kyra made it through the surgery. I will continue my prayers for her health.
What a cute outfit. I'm sure she will be prancing around and showing off wearing it.
Happy PS
All is going to be fine.That precious little angel will be dancing in that dress before you know it...Ann
Oh Gloria, I am so happy little Kyra is doing well. She is such a beautiful little sweetie. I adore that tutu and can't wait to see pictues of her twirling, twirling. Dear friend do take care, know that so many are praying for your precious family. Love, Cindy
Gloria, that is just the cutest thing I've seen! I can't wait to see pictures of little Kyra in it! I'm still praying for her, and I also can't wait to see pictures of you getting to hold her! laurie
Good morning sweetie.. How's our baby Kyra this a.m.? I sure enjoy when you come for a visit... Just noticed you have a video on your side bar.. girl.. going to have to "try" and do that soon..lol..it's fab...I think a teaset with all the finery you have would be perfect in your toile room.. I'm still searching for you.. have a super Pink Saturday..hugs ~lynne~
Sooooo glad Kyra is doing well. She will be a picture in her pink and green - what a little doll! Keep the faith....Linda
God bless you all. I know how hard it must be for you to not be there, but I know they feel all that love you have for them. I'll keep praying.
Happy Pink Saturday, Gloria.
OMG Gloria... those items are incredibly CUTE!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Oh Gloria...I just love ya! Thank you for everything you said over at Laurie's! Something tells me that if I ever came to visit...we'd have so much to talk about! And I'd have so much to LOOK at! Thank you again..and I'm going to tell my mama what you said..it will make her day! Love ya QG! :-) L~
Love the outfit but was ecstatic over the report following surgery. I read that when you sleep is when your body heals itself. Glad that she will have some healing time during the next week.
Know that I am walking this rocky and uncertain road with you and will continue to pray.
Hi Gloria...your blog is the first one I came to today as I'm just now able to sign on....I just had to know that God answered all of our prayers...What a wonderful day this is to get the great news! She'll be the belle of the ball in that cute little ballerina outfit..
Sending more prayers up to keep her in God's care... Hugs, Bo
Oh my goodnass I was looking at you My Happy Home slide show and saw my blue sink OOPS your blue sing . Love it and all your blue dishes and other blue things so much .
I hope and pray your sweet Grand Baby is doing better every day .
LU Friend
Gloria - So good to hear the news today! It must be hard to be far away.... The outfit is adorable. Being partial to dancers myself I think its very sweet and always perfect for a wee girl :) Thank you for taking time to write on my blog today! ~~ Lori
Great Pink Saturday goodies. My gosh that little one is adorable. She is so precious.
Wonderful news...she'll be wearing that ballerina outfit before you know it.
Hi Gloria,
This is the most precious post I've ever seen done on a Pink Saturday!
I hope Kyra is doing well and comes home soon.
She is going to be a little doll wearing this outfit.
~Melissa :)
I'm so glad things are moving along for Kyra's recovery! She will look fabulous twirling in that gorgeous outfit!
Just came by to check on little kyra. So glad to hear that everything is going well. xoxox
Happy Pink Day! I hope your darling little granddaughter gets well quickly.
I am so delighted to have found my way to your blog so I can be in prayer for little Kyra. She is absolutely beautiful. I know she will be dancing in no time at all.
Happy Pink Saturday
Hi Gloria!
Wonderful news about the baby. Nothing better than that!
Have a great Pink Saturday!
Deanna :D
Dear Gloria..everyone is praying for your tiny little granddaughter.
Many hugs and prayers are being sent to you and your family.
I just had my BFF (A Mothers Singing, her blog name) over for a Girls (all) night. We'd rented a chick flick. I'd prepared an antipasto platter with a chilled bottle of Moscato...I brought her over to read your hilarious Carrot Cake B-day post. We enjoyed it immensely!
Now, I've discovered (from another blog) your precious Kyra Has undergone surgery. Oh how I hope this little girl will grow strong and healthy. To dance in her little pink outfit as a Prima Ballerina in her very own Ballet.
I can relate to the traveling difficulties too. My whole family (siblings and their children) live in Southern Calif. I miss visiting them.
Sweet Wishes,
Oh Gloria..It sounds as though all has gone well. I am glad there's only one more surgery. The little ballerina outfit will be sooo loved! My daughter had several and was always dancing in them...out in the front yard! lol Hugs to you, my friend, and to sweet little Miss Kyra!...Debbie
girl...I am so excited to see her dancing in that too! she is a fighter just like her granny gloria! I am so glad she is so strong...the whole blog world is praying for her sweetness!
I hope you are taking good care of yourself too...you will have to teach her some of your "moves" when she wears that tutu!
What wonderful news..the surgery went well. Continued thoughts and prayers for a precious little one and all her family. How blessed you all are to have this sweet one..she will look so sweet in her little dancing dress..Many blessings..xx
just to say i am praying for your sweet Kyra and all of you...
Happy Sunday, bj
What wonderful news!!!! So glad all is going well.... just wanted to check in and say hello!!!!
Gloria, I'm hoping that precious baby girl will be well! And that you will get to see her twirl and swirl in that pretty pink dress sooner than you think!
Sheila :-)
Happy Pink Saturday Gloria!!
Love the tutu!!
Hi Happy, what wonderful news that your sweet baby is well enough for the next stage of her recovery. LOVE the little dance outfit, I can picture you with her doing the HAPPY DANCE!!! Have a great week, friend, please keep me posted on Kyra's progress. "Talk" soon!
Gloria, Drop by for a visit when you have a chance. I'm having a giveaway. ☺
I came back just to see the ballerina dress!
Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you this Monday morning ........
Hey ya cutie.. How's your baby Kyra doing today? It's been a couple of days and I'm going through with drawals of visiting with you.. :-) Just got back from taking Mr. P. to get his first cataract removed.. over 2 hours. They have way over booked themselves.. anyhoo.. he's doing fine.. resting. I'm heading to the office to get to work.. I hope the day is shining on you darling.. hugs and hugs ~lynne~
I missed your post, Saturday, Gloria. It's good to hear Kyra came through the surgery well. She sounds so sweet!
Continued prayers!
So glad to hear the good report on Kyra. We are so blessed to be living in a time where little ones having a tough go have such good care and knowledge of how to help them along the way!
Sweet tutu!!
Hey Gloria...that is such great news that Kyra did well through the heart surgery. I will continue to pray that she stays healthy and strong. I love the little Ballerina outfit. I can't wait to see the pictures of her when she gets to wear it!
Oh Gloria I am sooo doing a Happy Dance!! Just one more surgery? I know that sweet girl will be dancing around in no time in that darling little tu tu! Vanna
Sweet pink pretties for baby. God is so good. He wants to work on our behalf and I will remember this baby girl.
I agree, you needed the sofa.
What a beautiful dress for a beautiful little angel! I'm still writing. Dr.Gollum is helping--looking for typos and goofs. :-)
He's says I've put his eyes out!
Love ya,
Precious outfit...thanks for the update...so glad Kyra is doing well! :-)
Hi Gloria,
What a sweet dress for Kyra! I know that she will look so pretty in it. She has been in my thoughts and I have been praying... I will continue until you are holding her safely in your arms! Thank you for the update on her surgery. That is such good news that all went well. Please keep us updated on her recovery!
Blessings to you and Kyra,
Morning sis...just checking on you before I get back in the kitchen..hey do you still have the instruction book on 'How to find my Happy Place'? I need to freshen up on chapter 7...What to do when you can't find the exit ramp! lol lol I bout killed myself yesterday trying to coome up with an idea for the kitchen window over the sink to match the one in the dining area and then when I did get a hair brain idea I nearly ended it all when the chair I was standing in wanted to go one way as I was trying to go another to keep the curtain from falling in the sink....oh it was not a pretty site! lol lol Full growed woman crying over a piece of material! lol lol Find that book for me girl! lol lol Love ya sis!♥
hugs, bj
Hey Dearheart...
Just stopping by to say hello and that I'm thinking about you! Haven't heard from you in a couple of days...sure hope that all is well!
Girl, that little Ballerina outfit is just the cutest little thing I've ever seen!!! I think it'll suit your little Kyra to a tee, Sweetie!!! My prayers are still going up to the Lord for her and her family!
Love you Sweetie...
Just a quick hi, hope all is well!
Gloria I hope you are getting some much needed rest and that things are going well with your darling little Kyra. Just dropped by to let you know I was thinking of you and praying things are going well. Love, Cindy
Dear Gloria,
Little Kyra is soooo precious! My prayers and thoughts are with you. I am glad all is going well.
Hugs to you,
hey Gloria I unveiled my new blog tonight, its called astitchinthyme-sue, come by and see me and put your name in my followers! xoxoxo
Blessings for sweet little Kyra; she is beautiful!
Morning sweet friend~
Just came by to say hello! Hope you are doing well. :)
Hugs~ J
Gm Gloria, I'm juse checking on you to make sure you are ok and that little Kyra is doing OK.
All of you are in my prayers.
Love Ya,
Hi Gloria...thank you for stopping by my place, and I had a great time on my cruise....
I was very happy to read that Kyra is doing well. She will remain in my thoughts and prayers. And also congrats on more babies...
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