WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria

You ever have one of those weeks where you didn't get a thing done ?? of Course you have...

My Daughter Gina and her boy friend our coming today for the weekend...Oh NO!! I have been on this dang machine all week instead of cleaning and cooking...

So the first TIP I have for you is take a HAPPY Chill out Pill.....

Carry out the Cat !!!

Make a List....This is very Important !!!

Move the car...

Fix a Gourmet Dinner...

Take the frozen store bought cake out...So she thinks I been baking....

Change all the light bulbs in the house to VERY low wattage so she can't see the dust...

And last but not least spray Pine-Sol by the door so she thinks I have been cleaning all week !!!

Hope all of you have a GREAT weekend...me I need to get my to do list done....Oh the things I do as a Mother !!! the list goes on and on....
You are funny, like your hints LOL
Hey Gloria,
I know how u feel. Time gets away when u are on the computer!
Hope you have a wonderful visit!
This is just hilarious. I think I need to do the pine sol think and the rest of the list every day. Hugs, Marty
At least ya got your priorities right, chick!!! I say if they see dust then you can do 2 things: ask them if they saw that wild funnel of dirt swirling outside just before they got there OR hand them a rag and tell them you've been cooking all day for their coming over and didn't have time to dust before OR thrown caution to the wind and tell them to heck with it all, you've been blogging and got life's priorities straight after all.....
Connie ;-)
OMG.....that was hilarious. I love the limo at the trailor and the octopus hot dogs.
Happy Saturday
Hey Girlfriend...
Hehehe...I tell ya what...great minds must think alike!!! I followed the exact same guidelines for my weekend company (the kids)...hehe!!! Was wondering how I could spruce up the hotdogs...urr...I mean calamari...hehe!!! Thanks for that tip...I'm using it!!!
Well Darlin', I sure hope that you're feeling better...put that daughter of yours to work...hehe!!!
Love ya,
How funny IS this? Especially liked the kitty in the Busch carton. enjoy your visitors ...
This was hilarious! You must have read my feeble mind, I was just thinking that I've gotten nothing accomplished because of blogging, then I said what the heck! I love your "designer" cat carrier, wonder if we'll be seeing Miss Paris Hilton carrying one of these anytime soon? Thanks for the belly laugh! Hugs, Kathy
Girl you are toooo funny!
Love your list.
HAVE FUN!!! :)
Great plan. Have a nice day
Gloria, You are just too funny for words! Have a great visit! ♥ Diane
Hahahaha... I can relate only too well to this list! I have company due for dinner in 90 minutes and am just now vacuuming and swishing over the bathrooms! Haha-- Love that gourmet dinner, wish I'd thought of that.
Hilarious, and just what I needed!
You are funny loved the list....Barb
You crazy outfit,you...Ann
your post makes me smile today!! enjoy the visit
Hi Gloria,you are so funny,loved that gourmet meal! I felt similar last weekend when my kids came home.I like the low wattage light bulb idea too,think I could have used that one.hehe Enjoy your family!
Oh, you funny one! I love the spray the pinesol by the front door! I've got to remember to do that. I've had these kinds of weeks - almost every week! lol
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Love this funny, funny post! I need to follow these tips when I have company! Have a great time with your company, tty soon!
I believe I will take one of those pills tomorrow and rest! Thank you!
lol Great list. My mom actually waxed the first 12" of wood inside our front door and told me that our guests would smell the wax and think the entire floor had been freshly waxed!
You are just precious, girl !!
hugs, bj
Hey Gloria, This is just plain funny. I am taking notes so that I follow these guidelines when my niece visits next month. Thanks for the tips! ~ Robyn
Hi Gloria, you have an award waiting for you at my blog!
ou always make me laugh, Gloria! Enjoy your daughter's visit!..Christine
You are way too funnny! Still haven't touched the house, but that comes tomorrow! Did get lots of things done for the shower though so all was not lost today. And I do have my priorites straight.....you see where I am, don't you!
LOL! thanks for the chuckle!
Do you remember seeing someone (not you of course) write their name in the dust on a dirty automobile. Well, I tell my guests that it is alright to write their name in the dust at my home, but please don't put the date.
I'm so far behind that I think I'm in first place, without realizing that the ones coming up behind me have already been around the track once and that I'm actually dead last.
Enjoy the visit.
HI Gloria, This is to funny! I see a few in there I will have to try when company comes to my house. I hope you have a great day.
Girl, now that was beyond funny, but in the meantime some very good tips. You're the best.
Love ya,
Hi Gloria...this was so fun to read & actually, a lot of the tips sound pretty good! I know your visitors will just love seeing you...never mind the dust bunnies.
;-) Bo
Hi Gloria! You are such a hoot!! I've got another one...put the dirty dishes in the oven!! I've actually done that one when a neighbor called and said she was coming over!! lol LOVE the photo of Kyra in her own bed!! Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie
LAUGHING... YOU ARE SO FUNNY! Thanks g, it was quite a ride...
Hahahahahaah... Gloria that is too funny!
That Gourmet meal looks like something my Boys would coook for me... (LOL)
Miss you!
Donna Marie
Ha!!! Love it!!
That was so funny, now figure out a way to get me away! lol Thanks for you lovely comments! I jsut loved the hot dogs, maybe my grands would like them!lol
Now this is advice I can take! Lol I especially love the dim lights and Pine Sole! :-) Love ya! L~
A woman after my own heart. I love spraying the pinesol right by the front door trick! I'm with you, I just wish I could take a chill pill! I'm getting a little better about freaking out, but the hour before guests arrive I'm a lunatic!
Girl you are a HOOT!! Now that's my kinda visit...All my favorite foods! Lol!! And where's the spray bottle for that Pinesol? Gotta have just the right spritzer for that baby!....And I know you do! *winks* Girlfriend I have a little sisterhood award for ya over at my place...don't know if you saw it or not....But you are the best cyber sister a gal could have!(((HUGS))) Vanna
LOL Gloria! You are crackin' me up!!! Now, tell me... where on earth did you find my list? ;)
Ogggg girl...let me just reach thru this screen and give you a big ol hug!!!! I have missed you so! It was a very stressful week! lol Hey I know how you could figure out that I would be eating a box of fig newtons & drinking a case of Pepsi during my emotional state of being 'computerless'...but girl how did you know I was thinking about painting the whole house black!???? Did you pay good money to that fortune teller!
Hope you have a fantastic visit with your family and don't be sniffing too much of that pine sol! Love ya girl!♥
Oh Gloria- you are too funny! I love the gourmet dinner picture!
I hope you are feeling ok- saw on Chari's your comment and wanted to pop over and tell you to take care of yourself!
Those pictures of Kyra are so precious! So good to see her in her own little bed and my, what a smile that girly has on her!!
You are just hilarious! Have a great day- you brightened mine!
Oh Gloria~
You are too much~ thanks for the giggle & the desk secret ( winks )
Hugs~ J
LOL those hotdog octopii are the funniest thing I've seen!!! I am so gonna make those! I'm sure they don't care if you've cleaned or not...they are just coming to see you!
Hi Gloria, Thanks for the tips...lol;) I'll make a note of them...heehee...Hope y'all have a great time together. Nancy
This is to funny , love it .
I'm stoping in to ask you to come over and pick up an aword I have for you sweet sister .
Hope you had a good week end . That sweet baby looks so happy .
Great tips! You are hysterical! I laughed with each picture. Thanks for the smiles. laurie
This post was way to funny for me!!! I am still laughing.... I hope you enjoyed the weekend.
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