WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Hello Girls, Well I'm so excited about this weekend...Not only is it Easter...But Len loves old cars , he loves to buy them, restore them, read about them, in fact he has 10 of them. well you get the picture, In fact I told you that's how I met him over 8 years ago he came up here to my mountain top because I had a Red 1967 El Camino for sale and he was here for over 7 hours...Well needless to say I knew by the time he left he was more interested in Little Red than my Red car ha ha!!
Any way we have been planning this fun Rockabilly weekend in Las Vegas for over 6 months now...YIPPEE!!! Len will be in seventh heaven ha ha!! Music from the 50's with Chuck Berry...good grief he's older than dirt now ha ha!! So until next time from my mountain top to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I just wrote and wished you a great trip...but I want to say it again. Chari is such a nice person! Warm and dear and you are fortunate to have her as a friend. You are both fantastic people...and I know your husbands will hit it off. Lots in common just as you gals do.
:) Mona
You are going to have the best time with Chari and her husband~ I just know it.
Be safe and have a wonderful trip! Your daffodils look gorgeous! :-)
Hi Gloria! You are going to have so much fun! I LOVE that cool poster too! Keep us posted and rock on!
Have fun! Gorgeous Daffs!
2 guys and cars...yeah, it will be fine!
Hi Gloria! Thanks for stopping by!
Sounds like such a fun time is in store for you this weekend! It should be nice and warm there, too, I think..
Love the daffodil pic...was that taken at Daffodil Hill?
Have a wonderful Easter!
Blessings and hugs,
Hope you have tons-o-fun!! My Hubby & I love old cars too!! He loves the 57' chevy's ((He wants a red one))& I love the 57' Baby Birds!! ((I want a turquoise or pink one!!))
Happy Tuesday!!
Sounds like it will be a fabulous trip! I love old cars and like to occasionally attend some of the classic car shows. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your trip.
Have fun, be safe!
~ Tracy
Gloria, have a blast girl!
Chari needn't worry, the guys will be fine. The first time I called your house you were shopping with Candace so Len and I talked for a good 15 minutes. And I'm a girl who's not in to cars at all! You all will have a great time!
Have a great time!! sounds like a blast!!
Happy Easter to you!
Oh, that sounds like such fun! I cannot wait to hear and read more about it through your blogs. I read both of you!
Happy Travels!
Oh, that sounds like such fun! I cannot wait to hear and read more about it through your blogs. I read both of you!
Happy Travels!
Hi Gloria,
Oh, your daffs look so puuurty!
Have a great time in Las Vegas sweetie, see you when you get back.
Hey Sis...
Just got off of the phone with you! Ohh...we're going to have sooo much fun!!! Call us when you get rested up..we'll be waiting!!!
You and Len have a safe trip and a nice flight!!!
Love ya, Sis...see ya soon!
Hey Gloria, Have fun in Vegas!
Maybe you can share a little tiny bit of what happens in Vegas! LOL!
Hey there! I don't think I knew you and Len were practically 'newly-weds!' How fun will this be ??? Las Vegas, old cars, music from the 50's, blogger friends! Have a blast!
I am so happy for you two! I know the guys will get along and you two are going to paint the town red! Now, I know what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, but maybe you can share just a wee bit! You know us bloggers, we are a curious bunch! Big Hugs Gloria, and have a safe trip too!
p.s. Dan and I were there about 7 years ago, but our 2 kiddies were with us. I want to go back next time, kidless!
Sounds like a fun time is going to be had by all! My hubby would love to go to Vegas!! We used to go to Atlantic City all the time until Mohegan Sun Casino opened down the road from us!! Have a wonderful time and Happy Easter to you and yours!!
Oh how fun, Gloria! I know too well about guys liking old cars! My hubby has a very old 41 Chevy truck that he dreams of restoring. He also has a 64 Chevy Impala, and a 64 Chevy truck. Sigh, someday he'll restore at least the 41 truck. Well you have fun with Chari, ok?
Have a wonderful time.
Gloria, I didn't know your husband is an old car nut, too. My husband has three cars he is restoring now down in the garage that was built a few years ago for this new hobby of his. He is down there right now working on one of them. We have been to Vegas about three times. You will have a great time and the guys will be fine since they both love cars!! Have a super good time!
Has anyone told you how cute you are? It's just so much fun to visit your blog; you are a happy person and it makes me happy to read your posts! Have a great weekend; I know you'll have a blast! Take care and God Bless!
are those dafs in your yard???? If they are I WANT MORE PHOTOS!!!!!! I NEED TO SEE IT ALLLLLL!!!
have fun mom...and if you remember...give Chari a great big hug for me...I suppose if she is your sister..that makes her my aunty??? haha!!!
Hey Gloria Sweetie...
Vegas you will be close enough to Phoenix to be holler "Hey" to me. I will be listening for that Southern drawl. I can't wait to hear you precious voice.
You and Chari have a beautiful time together. Vegas will never be the same with you two on the lose, and the guys will be in heaven cruising around. WIN big will ya? Hope you get to take in some wonderful shows while you are there. I will be watching for pictures.
Country hugs sweetie and so much love...Sherry
Have a great time!
Have a wonderful trip! I know that you will and give Chari a hug from me. I haven't been to Vegas since last May so glad I was there before you ~ ;-)
Seriously, enjoy every minute! Have a blessed weekend too.
OMYGOSH....I am so envious, I could just SPIT. I want to meet ya'll there so bad. Talk about fun...I know you girls are gonna have a ball. And the guys...shoot!
They will love every minute of it.
I tell you...if I had the money, I WOULD meet ya'll there. Well, just have fun, take lots of good pictures of the BOTH of you having fun and be so so safe.
Love you, bj
Ohhhh weee sis...what a great trip for the 4 of you!!! Bill would be in hog heaven around old cars!!! lol You and sweet Chari will have a ball while the men talk 'car' talk...now you just maintain yourself and don't go exposing yourself dancing on a pole when you hear that Chuck Berry music!!!!lol I absolutely loved that pic of the daffodils in your yard!!! Love you girl...have fun and have a fantastic Easter!!! ~Picket~
Well I hope you win lots of money and find some good food, great antiques, tasty drinks and deepen fun friendships, loved your flowers, thanks for always being so nice and I am happy you will get to kick up your heels....
What a great trip you have planned and I can tell your a little excited. I would be the same way...love Vegas...miss it...went two years ago and thats way to long ago.
Be sure and take lots of pictures and tell us all about it
Hi Gloria. I love those old muscle cars. They just don't make em like they used to. I remember racing guys in Camaros in my 350 Chevelle. I'd leave them in the dust and laugh at them. Couldn't beat the Road Runners, tho. Ah, those were the days. Now you be safe on your trip. You're real lucky to be meeting up with Chari. I swear, she is the sweetest gal. Try to stay out too much trouble. haha.
Gloria, your daffodils are awesome! What a beautiful picture of them all.
I wanted to come over and say thank you for commenting on my post. So glad you did, so I could find you.
Have a great trip!
Oh how fun, Gloria. I know you will enjoy Chari and Russ' company. Win lots of money!...Christine
You gals have a wonderful time in Sin City! I hope you win the big one! Hey, when did you get a blog button? Did I miss it or is this a new thing? I have the perfect spot for it on my sidebar. Your blog is a favorite, because it always teaches me something or gives me the best laugh of the day.
Hugs, Cathy
Gloria thanks for being there I think pretty much from the beginning of my blog- yes, snakes and all!!
You lucky girl getting to meet Chari- I am so wanting to get together with her. We live in the same state but , geez, miles and miles apart- one day it will happen!!
Ok so I have been reading my blogs in reader and have been terrible about commenting- sorry- Got to tell you I love your pretty new look!
bee blessed
Oh Gloria, I can't wait to see the post about your trip. You and Chari are going to have the best time! Your daffodils are gorgeous! laurie
Hi Happy, hope you have a great time! What fun to be able to share a hobby with friends. Hope you and your family have a Happy Easter! "Talk" soon
wow! have fun! i can't wait to hear all about it.
Gloria...this sounds like sooo much fun! I am so jealous that you are getting to meet Chari! Take lots of pics to share!
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