WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
But with tired feet now ha ha!! Oh guys I had the best time ever in my whole life...I Ate too much, Walked too much, Talked too much, Gambled too much ha ha!!! Vegas and the car show were just wonderful....But getting to meet up with Chari at "Happy to Design" and her husband Russell was just PRICELESS....She is everything I expected and more warm, funny, loving and just a wonderful personality and a pleasure to be around...in 3 days we never ran out of a thing to talk about...were your ears burning guys ha ha!! If anyone would have told me 3 years ago I could meet someone in cyber world and become fast friend's with them I would have laughed....
Is she not lovely?? The guys got along GREAT in fact Russell and Len acted like they knew each other for years...hey !! it a guy lol....
A GREAT time was had by all....We didn't get home until 4 am so this is what I'll be doing for the next few days ha ha!!! (besides the laundry ).I have missed all you guys so much..wished I could have met all of you there...but as it was sitting outside with Chari at the car show for 5 hours and talking I think I got my tongue sun burned ha ha!! I'll show pictures of what we did in the next post ha ha!!Until next time from my mountain top to yours,Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria
I was waiting patiently for this blogger/vacation/fun time post. It lived up to my every expectation.
I love that!!
I had the chance to meet a blog friend recently too and it was instant friendship!!
Glad you had a wonderful time!!
Csn stores is sponsoring a giveaway at my blog so pop over when you are rested and get entered!!
Oh, how awesome! Sounds like you two really had a blast! I wish I would have been there. We had actually planned on being in Vegas at the same time (it was our 10th wedding anniversary April 1 and we got married in Vegas) but, you know how life goes, things came up.
Glad you two had a great time!
Oh you two look so good together. What a wonderful and fun time you must have had. So glad it was fun. Can't wait to see all the pics and hear all about it. Hugs, Marty
Hi Gloria! Oh, what fun you two, or should I say, you four, had! You look so cute in this picture! I still haven't gotten to meet any blog friends in person! Waaa!
But hopefully I will someday.
You just rest and don't cry too much over loosing all that money. You did loose money didn't you? :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Gloria..I'm glad you two had such a great time. Glad also the guys got on, but I had a feeling they would!
And...you are home safe and sound which is another reason we are happy!
Looking forward to the photo's. You could not have met a sweeter fellow blogger, I'm sure!
That's awesome! Glad you had such a fabulous time! I'm looking forward to more vacation pictures! ;)
Sounds like you had a fun time - looking forward to hearing more.
I'd be doing a "happy dance" also if I could meet some of my blogger friends, sweetpea!
Oh, Welcome back Gloria!
Missed you, but it looks like you two had a blast!!! I love the lovely pic of two of my favorite bloggy friends!! I love the comment about the sun burned tongue, your so funny Gloria.
Next time, I'm coming! Even if I have to hitchhike! hehe.
Can't wait to see the rest of your pics and adventures.
I love the photo, Gloria. Sounds like you had a great time!
Welcome back!
Gloria, how fun for you and Chari! Isnt if fun to know you have friends all over the country! I love that! Thanks for sharing! Sue
Awe, what a beautiful photo of the two of you. I'm so glad to hear you all had such a wonderful time. So what happened in Vegas won't stay in Vegas? Good, I want to hear all about it! Sunburned tounge! Ha! Ha!
I dream of something like this! What a wonderful time and good new friend you've made. Heaven, pure heaven!
So spill it Gloria, how much did you win haha. Sounds like you had a fantastic trip, and you too look like you've known each other for years! Can't wait to hear all the details. And I hope that you got some good pix from the car show :) Hugs, Kat
See, I told you the guys would get along...I am so glad you had such a wonderful time!
welcome back...glad you had a wonderful time...Pat H
Couldn't wait to hear about this trip! Yes, more pics are in order. You both look beautiful and happy in the photo so thanks for sharing.
Glad you had fun in Vegas. We have been a few times. I hope you won a bunch of loot. Don't leave it in Vegas. Bring it home with you.
Well, aren't you two just the prettiest ladies ever! I know you all must have had a great time. Sun burned tongue, I'll bet! lol. I can't wait to see the pictures. Now tell us all about it. Most of us don't get to meet up with anyone, and I would so love to.
Glad you made it home safe & sound. Sounds like you all had a good time. Wish I could have been there. Maybe another time. Can't wait to see the pics & here all about your adventure. Take care and welcome home.
Hi Gloria! It sounds like you had a fabulous time! Isn't it fun to get to meet fellow bloggers? And in Vegas to boot! (41522222222222+...oops...this part of my comment is from Baby Kitty!) Take it easy and relax for a few days now! Happy Wednesday...hugs...Debbie
I can imagine how much fun you had chatting in person with Chari, Gloria. Now, you rest those tired feet. I hope you did not lose....Christine
sounds like fun... lucky ladies...
ooo, both of you are so cute, I can't stand it. I know ya'll had the time of your lives..What fun.
So glad you are home, safe and sound.
I am getting ready for a house full of company thru the weekend and a big 50th anniv. party on Sat. Wish you could come!!
hugs, bj
Sounds like a FABULOUS time. Can't wait to hear more.
- The Tablescaper
Hi Gloria, I love your sweet post and the picture is just wonderful! I am so glad you gals had a chance to meet.
Hugs, Barb ♥
Mornin' Sis...
Hehe...you know the schedule...sitting here with my morning coffee and blogs! Hehe!
Sis...I'm missing you too! Shoot...what are we going to do today? Go to the strip...shopping...meet up for lunch? Hehe! We never did make it shopping...did we! Too much talking to catch up on! Ohhh yes...and on that note...you're tongue might be sunburned but I have NO VOICE! Yep...I lost my voice!!! Didn't have any voice when I woke up Monday...I always do that when I talk to much! Hehe! Sheeeshh!!! Go figure!
Poor Russell was beat by the time he got home from work last night...I fed him and put him to bed! I think it may take me weeks to catch up...my body is screamin' at me! How are you feeling today, Sweetie? Hope you're getting some rest...hey, I love your fuzzy slippers!!! Too cute!!! Well Sis...I'll talk with you later! Thanks so much for the sweet mention in your post...you're the bestest and you know that I love ya!!!
Love ya,
PS...I think I'll work on some of my Vegas photos today and try to do a post...we'll see! Hehe!
Gloria, you and Chari look so cute! I can just imagine all of the yapping and laughing y'all did. What fun! I'm so glad for both of you, but I am a little envious! Can't wait to see more pix. Glad you're back and blogging again. Missed ya! laurie
How wonderful that you got to meet Chari in person! I bet you guys had a blast. I hope you're Easter was fabulous! After being gone for spring breal to Atlanta I'm trying to catch up with everyone in blogland:).
Hi Happy, glad you're home safe and sound and that you had a great time. We missed you!
Woohoo Gloria!!! Wow! Look at you two together in that beautiful photo. You both look so happy and gorgeous. The sweetest ladies in all of blog land and you got to meet each other. How fun is that!That would be so exciting to meet you all as well. Who knows what may happen. It's a small world that is for sure.
I hope you can show us more photos soon and tell us more funny stories after you rest up. I can't wait to hear them all! Love your precious red slippers. LOL! :)
Hi Gloria, I am so happy that Chari and you met in Vegas at the car show with your husbands. I met you first on Rate My Space and knew right away that you were a very special person. And I remember the day when a lamp post appeared and Chari said she was dipping her toe in the water. To see how things have unfolded for the two "happys" makes me very happy. Hugs, Pam
Hi Gloria,
Glad that you had a fun weekend catching up with a wonderful friend.
sounds like fun!
Have a neat weekend
Hi Sis...
Hehe...so glad that you found Len's keys! I just had to laugh when you said that you had "to think like Len would think" to find them! Too funny!!! How are you doing today, Sweetie? I swear that as the days go by...I'm moving slower and slower...it's all beginning to catch up with me! But that's okay...I would do it all over...a million times!!! Was wondering if Len got to see the photos that I posted yesterday of him, Russ, and the car? I know that he was wanting some like that! I'm thinking about having the "sepia toned" photo of the guys and the car...made off so I can frame it! I love how that one turned out!
Girlfriend, we'll be watching for Lenny's pkg. for Russell! Those guys are just too cute...don't you think? Long lost friends!!! Hey, I just got your book in the mail yesterday...sheeesh...they sure did take their sweet time! But...I thumbed through it and I think that you're going to love it! I will try and get it all boxed up (when I find the right sized box) and get it all mailed to you...along with Lenny's knife from Russell! Maybe I'll get it together to send Monday. Well Sis...not much going on at my place today. I will go into town and meet Russ after work...need groceries! Hehe! I'll talk to you later, Sweetie! Sure hope that you're doing okay!
Missing you...
Love ya,
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