WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Hello Guys....Well you're know me now for over a year so I thought it was time I shared my first really big passion with you....See this picture...That's the Hayward airport in Hayward, California. Our shop was right across the street from it...Now I use to sit at my desk each day and watch all these wonderful planes taking off and landing...Oh I wanted to fly so bad and every day I would tell my Wally this...Well one day to surprise me he gave me a 1 hour flied just to shut me up ha ha!!...Oh girls I couldn't get in my car fast enough....I was doing my Happy Dance all the way to the airport...I met with the instructor Mark and he took me out...Oh FREEDOM...I spend most of the time looking at the instrument panel and about 20 minutes into the flied he gave me the controls...Oh girl's I felted like singing "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" when we landed he gave me a log book with my 1 hour in it...Oh Joy!! Oh Joy!! I had just flew a 150 Cessna
See the longest runway that is 28 right and became my favorite one to take off and land on...I signed up for ground school right away...in fact I was the only girl in the class of 32...the guys use to call me Amelia....After only 7 hours of flight instructions my instructor Mark said to me as we were doing touch and goes...which means taking off and landings...He tell's me to pull over and he got out... He hits the side of the plane and tells me it's all mine, take her up and bring her down alone...Oh Joy!! I did not have one problem taking off the whole time I was going around the airport...I had been doing the radio for 5 hours, and I pretend Mark was still sitting in the seat next to me telling me on final when to lower my flaps and how many degrees...And then it happen I sat that Baby down all myself...All of Ground control was cheering me on and Mark had the Biggest smile on his face...Oh I couldn't wait to run back to the shop and tell my Wally and show him my log book that I soled....I was 30 years old at that time...But knew I found a passion I loved....Oh Yes you see I logged in more than 310 hours in that little black book...
My Goodness Gloria! You are something else! You've done so many facinating things -- that most of us could only imagine. How fun to fly with you today!
Oh look at you Gloria!! I bet those guys loved having you in their flying class, you were a sexy little thing! I love this story, you truly are an amazing woman!! I can't believe the amount of talents you have! You Go Girl!
Hugs, Cindy
What an incredible post, Gloria. I am in awe of anyone that can fly (and perform surgery). And you had your own plane!! It's a beauty. And so are you, of course!! Do you ever think of doing it again? You can get a sea plane and meet me at the lake!!
Gloria, I loved this post! Girl, you have done things most people only dream of. What a neat plane, I love the sunny yellow. And the call letters - how perfect is that? And I bet those boys in class were all too happy to help you out, you are one cute cookie. Hugs, Kat (btw, I cracked up when I read the T-shirt!)
What a great story. I did not know you could fly. My nephew is a pilot. He always wanted to fly and now he flies for Omni International and mostly flies our soldiers to Kuwait.
Gloria, How AMAZING! I had no idea you could fly, but that's great. I've never even set foot in an airplane. Keep on flying, girl!
When I opened your blog I though wow neat new header, but then I read this post. Oh my goodness I’m so impressed! This is totally and amazingly cool. I think it’s wonderful you full filled a dream and made it a reality. I loved learning about this side of you!
so??? what took ya so long??? I have been waiting for you to post this forever!!! I love the photos of you mom....you are just as beautiful now as you were then...you hottie you!!!
now...what does a daughter have to do to get a momma to fly her skinny little red headed ass to Alberta for just the smallest of visits????
oh...and don't forget my "loot" ! HA!
love you mom
talk to you soon.
Honey, that's right down the road from where we lived! Yep, in Hayward. My son-in-law flew planes out of San Jose airport. Boy, does that pix bring back memories.
Oh, I am so proud of you. Love your plane. The yellow is perfect and your call letters are just perfect. You are also just stunning. What a gorgeous lady. Now I am sure all the guys wer crazy for you. Hugs, Marty
Oh Gloria Sweetie...
I am so proud of you. What a beautiful plane and I love the JJ letters for sure. I have always know you were a strong lady. Very determined and strong. Yep that is you.
I have got to tell you girl. I love the shirt you have on. Hands off my "TUTS". That one is so cute. I think at one time, I even had one somewhat similar to it. It just had me smiling and smiling.
You look so free, so happy and that is you sweetie. "Happy To Be". You could not have chosen a better blog name than what you chose.
Have a beautiful evening sweetie. Country hugs and much love, Sherry
Now weren't you just the prettiest girl ever! And gutsy, too! There is no way I'd fly an airplane. Just being a passenger is hard enough. You must really miss it. Thank you so much for sharing. I wonder what else have you done that you're holding out on. Hope your snow is melting.
HOW WONDERFUL FOR YOU!! I wished I could say I accomplished the same, but that is NOT going to happen! I got the nervous "hibbie jibbies" every time I have flown as a passenger, and have not flown that much. Thanks for sharing your flying adventures with us.
GLORIA!!! WHO KNEW!!! OMG!! you are absolutely amazing!! I admire you SO much! I will confess, I am scared to death of heights and was only in a plane twice and will most likely never get in one again! Yes, I am Miss Terrified!!
Ahhh, Gloria. What fun retro photos. I hope you have them enlarged and framed somewhere special. Yep! That's a hottie in the photos.
One more thing we have in common! I went through flight school too ~ what a rush, huh? My husband at the time was a pilot so we had fun in helicopters and small aircraft. I'm so happy you did that!
So very impressed Ms. Earhart!!! I think it's amazing that you can fly a plane! TFS!
Oh Gloria, what an amazing Lady you are! I am so impressed with you being able to fly a plane.
And.... having a gorgeous sunny yellow plane of your own!
I loved learning a little more about you and thanks for sharing.
Enjoy the rest of the week
Wow, you are absolutely amazing! I'm so afraid of heights I had to close my eyes when we went up to Mariposa last month, and I was driving! Ha! Ha! Seriously, you're incredible and I'm so proud to call you my friend! Now, what more are you hiding from us up on that mountain? I bet you have lots more tales to tell. Spill it girl!
WOW 'LUCY' what an opportunity. Thanks for taking us land lovers along for the ride.
Enjoy the blue skies ;-)
Gloria I am so proud of you! What a great accomplishment! You look gorgeous in all of you photos and sooooo happy.
I'll be sure and show this special post to Alex. He will be so impressed.
Love ya girl, ~Melissa :)
Wow! I'm impressed. I won't even get in a plane, much less fly one. You were ahead of your time on this one and owning your own plane...what a treat! I loved reading about this:)
Your plane is awesome, Gloria (love the color!) and you are awesome for having flown it. You were so pretty too!...Christine
Hi, Gloria,
Loved this post. I didn't know you could fly, and that plane is so pretty. I love the color, and the call numbers on it. :)
Gloria, you darling girl!!!! Wow, am I impressed!!!!! I cannot wait to show this to my Ron....he has always wanted to learn to fly.
I am so awed by this. Thanks for sharing this part of your life with us.
Girl, I see my button....you are soooo sweet to display this.
Love and many thanks,
Barb ♥
Ohhhh girl..you are my hero! I would ne scared to death to even think of such a thing and look at you with your gorgeous self...you could have given Rita Hayworth a run for her money in the movies girl! I bet you have some of the sweetest and funniest memories of all the trips you and Wally took back then...no wonder you stay so young and beautiful looking..a merry heart doeth good like a medicine..you are such an inspiration to anyone who knows you..I sure do love you girl and loved this post!!! ~Picket~
Hey, 195 JJ --- YOU GO GIRL!!! I love it! I think it would be fabulous to know how to fly! And I can imagine the freedom you felt and the pride you had at being a pilot. What fun! Thanks so much for sharing, Gloria!
Gloria! I am so glad that you posted about this! Remember when you posted on my blog that you knew how to fly all by yourself?! I couldn't wait to read about it and here it is! You look so beautiful! How exciting to know how to fly a plane!
Oh wow Gloria, how amazing that you know how to fly!!!!! When is the last time you've done it? I mean, even if you still don't have your own plane, you could still do it, right? Or have rules and regs changed too much since?
Btw... I LOVE your hair that beautiful red!!!
Justine :o )
How amazing you are! You look so cute by that plane too. Thanks for taking us on that journey with you it was thrilling.
WOW! FUN to learn something new about you!
Good Morning Gloria,
You always make me laugh girl! Boy, I wish I was going to Las Vegas with you and Chari. What a blast you two will have!
Big Hugs, Cindy
Gloria, I always love reading about you flying - your excitement for it is just so contagious! I also enjoy reading about your love for Wally. Your life with him just sounds so romantic. You and your plane were such beauties, and your adventurous spirit and your romanticism remind me of Amelia. laurie
great post...my son(the pilot) would high five you! lol...
thanks gloria for the wonderful wedding wishes!! so appreciated in this happiest of times!
Oh Wally must of loved ya gooood, not every gal get's a plane to go antiquing in. Woohoo!!! What a ride ya'll had. I've always wanted to skydive and had a chance to take a skydiving class in college but the parents just wouldn't sign off on their baby chick flyin' out of a plane. Someday baby, I'll be one of these 98 year old ladies strapped to some beefcake on jumpin' for her birthday! Heeehehe!
I loved reading about your flyin' adventrue. God bless you and have a fantastic day sister!
Great post One hot mommy.....you rock.......Pat H
Great post!! Love the pictures!!
You are just FULL of surprises, Ms. Amelia .... er, Gloria! You really have a way of telling a story that makes your readers feel as if we're experiencing whatever you're describing. I think I can speak for everyone when I say you made our hearts soar with this one ... and undoubtedly brought a tear to many an eye.
Beautiful, beautiful post ... from a beautiful lady.
That is a cool plane Gloria! I wish I was brave to fly, each time I go to New Orleans unforantley I need to have a couple of beers I am so afariad of flying. Thanks for share pics of that plane. Julian
Gloria...what a wonderful story! I love hearing about when you first took flying lessons! You were an Amelia! Antiquing in a plane...now that's the life!!! What fun that must have been bringing back all those fabulous treasures! Wally sounds like a very special guy...what wonderful memories!
YOU GO GIRL! How awesome is this? My husband wants his pilot's license. Maybe when he has a little more time - we have 2 small little airports locally and he could take theme out of one of them. And good friends of ours have a plane, they fly to the ranch in ALASKA! WOW! I've never been to Alaska.
Gloria, look at you in those photos! (cat calls) LOL
You have a happy weekend!
Hugs! Karen
Woo Hoo, You little hot tamale,you!! What adventures you have had. Tooling around in that little ol' plane.... I loved reading about it all. I don't like seeing where I am going in a smaller plane. Last year we flew into Vegas in a prop plane and could see all the way through to the cockpit. I didn't like seeing that the dang co-pilot was having issues and I also didn't like seeing how dang FAST we were going. I'd rather look out the SIDE window and imagine we are just sailing through the clouds... LOL I am weird...
hugs, Sue
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