WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
I LOVE your laundry soaps and such sweet friend! Oh the bunnies are so pretty with the white lace. Everything is so precious!
Happy Spring! ~Melissa :)
I absolutely adore that lamp! I love it all, actually, but that lamp just rocks my socks off.
You were definitely on your "soap box" today, Gloria! LOL I loved all your olden laundry soap boxes and cleaning supplies. Just too cute a room. If I would clean my room out, I could show all my interesting things, too. Too bad I am lazy and it isn't high on my priority list right now. *grin* Hope all is well on the mountain with ya. xo Sue
What a wonderful collection!! I love 'em!!
I can remember using a pump just like that at our family cottage!!
Have a Wonderful Week!!
i could shop at your house for hours! you have so many neat things.
I still use Fels-Naptha for touch stains on clothes! I remember your laundry room and I love it. You really have the most fascinating things.
Your soap box collection is wonderful. I would have never thought of collecting such fun things. What a statement they make in your darling laundry room. You know I "adore" the bunnies and the lamp. They stole my heart, thanks for the link darling. I'll "try" to figure it out, sometimes I'm just not tooooo computer savey... hugs ~lynne~
I just LOVE those olden soap boxes. I'd love to have a collection of those for my own laundry room. And that little lamp with the clothes pins is just adorable. I bet this room makes laundry chores a little better!
I can look at your stuff and a lot of it reminds me of my childhood. My mom had an old black iron and the trivets like yours. I look at the detergent boxes and cleaners and recognize many that looked like that when I was growing up. I just bought an old shoe form. I don't know why I like them, but I do.
Gloria, when I look at your great vintage finds it reminds me of things we had when I was growing up. My mom had one of those little black irons and the trivets. I remember trying to pick that iron up and couldn't because it was so heavy. I just bought an old shoe form last week. I have been seeing them everywhere. I remember my dad putting them in his shoes. I also recognized a lot of those cleaning products packaging from my childhood. O.K. that's it, I feel old now.
Honey, your house should be photographed for a "vintage" type magazine! It's so adorable.
Some of these really bring back memories, Gloria.
When I was a senior in high school, our class built a float for the homecoming parade. It had mountains and snow. I painted the mountains. Anyhoo....the girls on the float...queen candidate and court, were to sit on blocks that looked like ice. In our teenage brilliance we decided the girls should be throwing snow. We couldn't figure out what to use until the lightbulb went on and we thought Ivory Flakes. We lived in a small town with only one small grocery store and a couple of mom and pop markets. All tiny places, the town was tiny too. We bought all the soap we could afford, so each girl had a box of flakes. That's what the girls tossed from the float that day. Thank goodness it wasn't raining...we might have had lots of suds!LOL
Oh Gloria,
You never bore us dear! Your posts are always so much fun! I love all the vintage wash stuff and that lamp is way cool!
Your collections are amazing!!
Big Hugs,
nice to look at ...but not so nice to think of the laundry that I still need to do! Thanks for reminding me mom!!!!
hope all is going along very well for you...I might be going to the Reba concert here in town tonight...but if I don't ...I might call you. Missin my mommy!!!
ALWAYS enjoy seeing your vintage collections!
Thanks for sharing them.
deb :)
Gloria, you know how much I love seeing all your antiques. I love all your cans and the soap boxes are just unreal. I love the irons too. I have a couple and they are so much fun. I am with you, boy I sure don't want to iron with one of those. Thanks so much for joining the party. You're the best and your vignettes are always wonderful. Hugs, Marty
Gloria, lots of charm and nostalgia there! What a wonderful collection. Linda
Wow Gloria! With a room like that I don't think I'd ever complain about doin the laundry again! It's so pretty with all of those vintage touches! Now I'm really gonna hate goin into my dungeon....
Great collection - thanks for sharing it with us. I like the blue and white vignette with a touch of yellow.
Well, howdy, Gloria,
Thanks for stopping by my place.
I absolutely love all of your old soap boxes and containers. You need to add an "Ivory Soap" bar to your collection. I love those.
P.S. Did I tell you I love the song you have playing on your blog? :)
I just love all the irons! The wringer is wonderful! I have an old wringer washing machine, hubby fixed it and I use it to wash my sheep's wool/angora goat's mohair in and the wringer is so great for those fibers!
Adore your Soap Boxes!
I have your blog in my weekly feature this week. I see your getting to meet up with Chari! Wonderful! Love your home!
I enjoyed this post. I have one of those old irons (like the last one you displayed). Someone stenciled on the flat surface and we use it for a doorstop (since our floors are so slanty we need doorstops!). I remember some of those products!!
Gloria, I just love you!!!! You are truly an original. You speak to my heart....did you know that?
I love all your treasures and will bring my hubby in to see these also. I am always dragging him in here to see your posts!
Hugs to you!
Barb ♥
Gloria..you have a great laundry room....
Gloria..you have a great laundry room....
Gloria..you have a great laundry room....
Gloria, what interesting collections. I love all the graphics on the old boxes. Your definitely have some wonderful treasures. Thanks for sharing!
Fabulous laundry room, Gloria! You have the best treasures! Love the vinage soap boxes, so colorful! The vintage washing wringers are wonderful! Best laundry room every! Hands down!
Thank you for your visit and your fun comments!
Sweet little bunny vignette!
I really like your laundry room decor! Those bloomers are the perfect touch! LOL! All this makes doing laundry less a chore! I always enjoy seeing your many antiques!
Hi Gloria, My laundry room is crazy...I could never-ever post pictures of it! LOL
I loved your old bottles and soap boxes!
Have a nice day!
Hi there, Gloria,
Thanks for visiting my blog! Saw that you are a long term ovarian cancer survivor and had to comment. My mother is an eleven year survivor as well. Ovarian cancer is a tough one to beat so CONGRATS to you on that hard-won victory!!!! Happy SPRING!!!!
Gloria...you are never, ever, boring. You're collections are something most people have to PAY to see! We get to visit the past free! I love it, but then you know this.
Your little lace bunnies that Picket sent to you are adorable! PERFECTLY placed and ready for Spring!
Lotsa hugs,
Gloria, I might even enjoy doing laundry if mine looked as cool as yours...love it!
Gloria, I was looking for all that vintage soap at one point. You have an awesome collection there! I love all your vintage.
Hi Gloria, You have the most amazing collections, Love seeing all of them. Are the daffodils blooming on Daffodil hill yet? I love it up there. Happy Spring ,Kathysue
Hi Gloria, what a collection you have. I love all your detergent boxes and the old wringer is "out of this world" Love the way you have tastfully displayed your collectables.
Hello sweet blog friend! Thanks for coming by and saying hello. I just love your vintage collections.
Now, I like shabby chic, but I also like vintage and victorian things too. My kitchen is country with all vintage stuff on my shelf. I did a post on it last fall. I LOVE those bunnies!! I have birds with the same design on them. I wish I could have found the bunnies.
Oh Gloria! I LOVE your laundry room! I've been staring at mine for awhile, now and you've inspired me to get goin' on it!
I loved all your collections, and how you put them all together in a pleasing display is a treat to the eyes!
Morning sis....you know I my eyeballs are wide open any time you are showing us your vintage stuff!!! I love being up on your laundry room...The pretty white pitcher and the bunnies are so Spring looking...you have so much pretty white ironstone looking pieces...but you know my heart starts pounding when I see your old vintage things! I have an old black pump like that and two old stove irons like that....mama actually had to use those as a girl to iron with...I'm with you though...if the dryer don't iron it then it can't stay in this house! lol
Girl..my heart doesn't have the words to express how much I love you...your 'letter' touched me so when I read it....you are just the bestest boog ever...and I am so thankful for you in my life...love you sis and loved this post...have a great day girl...~Picket~
Visiting from Tams. VINTAGE galore!!! Wow.. Great photo gallery. I remember those old lysol brown bottles from my grandmother's farm house, and her bath always smelled like it. I did NOT like the smell. lol
Thanks for sharing.
Gloria, I just got home from work and was checking in on blogland and had to stop by before going to bed and I am so glad I did. I always love seeing what you have done in your beautiful home. I love the border in your Laundry Room! It would go quite nicely in my Den!! LOL!! and I have gone nuts over the lamp shade on the canning jar!! Do you remember where you got it?? I just fell in love with it!
Hi Gloria,
I love your collection! I have an old coal iron too and it is one of my favorite little treasures.
Hope you are having a great week.
Oh my! I love your laundry room, I want a laundry room just like yours!.
I always enjoy my visits with you! Take care and have a wonderful week.
Big hugs, Elizabeth
thanks for coming by Gloria,we really hope to get better soon..thanks again.
You have a great collection, Gloria!
Love the bloomers..:)
You have the greatest collections and even in the laundry room, lol. I love those old soap boxes , ect. Your house definatley tells stories...
Gloria, you have got the coolest laundry room EVER! In the old days they called it a flatiron, right?
Justine :o )
Love all those laundry soaps!! I love the display in your laundry room too!!
I always enjoy your very cheerful visits! Thank you
I had to laugh about your "arms are too short comment
We always tease my hubby abut that too!
Gloria, I love, love, love your laundry room!! TFS
What a blast from the past! I enjoyed the stroll down memory lane. I remember some of these products from my childhood. My Daddy swore by Lava soap for his hands (and our grubby little ones). I remember seeing my grandmother use that starch for her crocheted doilies -- it would make them as stiff as a piece of ceramic!
Enjoyed it tremendously.
My goodness you have quite a collection of vintage goodies! They're great!
Hi Sis...
Girl, we are down to only 8 more days!!! Yeeehawww!!! Gloria, I am like a "flea on a hot rock" when I think about it! Hehe! I actually spent some time today...starting my "To Do" list and making a list of everything I need to pack! I added coffee filters, coffee, and creamer...you know how that hotels only give you enough to make a couple of cups! I do intend on having a few cups of coffee with you, Darlin'!!!
Girlfriend, there has been so much going on here! I've been finding it hard to blog. I've been on the phone with Jenni...checking on Seth and his surgery the 6th. And...I called and talked with my oldest grandson Tony (Bud) for a couple of hours today. He signed up for the Air Force and is going for his physical tomorrow. He's still in school but will graduate in May! I'm just soooo proud of that boy! He makes my heart swell! He is such a fine young man...loves the Lord...so well mannered! He's pretty nervous about leaving from home to go for that physical. Please pray for him!
Anyway...my head is going a hundred different directions right now, sweet friend! But let's talk about your fabulous post! Girlfriend, your flowers are absolutely gorgeous...and they are sooo pretty in that white pitcher! Ohhh...and I love those sweet bunnies! I tell you...that photo belongs in a magazine, Sis!!! It's pretty enough to frame and hang...that's for sure!!! I loved looking through a few of your vintage laundry items! Ohhh my...sure does make me appreciate my modern day conveniences!!! Can you even imagine trying to iron with that gas iron...it's a monster! Hehe! I think I would have much rather used the smaller irons that you heated on the wood stove! I have one of those old irons sitting on the brick by our wood stove but it's missing the handle. Poor thing! Hehe! That's alright...I love the looks of it anyway! My...oh my...you have a fabulous collection of vintage soap boxes! Girl, my Grandma and Grandpa used Lifeboy soap...I still recall the scent of it! Hehe! It wan't very mild and I always broke out after using it! Grandma always had to keep a bar of Ivory soap on hand for me! Darlin', you've done it once again!!! You always WOW my socks off with your fabulous collections! Thank you so much for sharing it with us...I loved it and it's sooo very interesting!!!
Love ya, Sis...
Love all your vintage laundry room displays...so fun to see those things! Thanks for stopping by and saying hi...come back soon.
Thanks again for showing us your collection, it was very interesting. Have a blessed day. Madeline
Love the flowers and the lace bedecked bunnies! Your laundry room looks as if would make washing a joy instead of a chore. The bloomers on the wash board are adorable and as for the soap box-I take mine everywhere I go-lol:)!
Hi Gloria,
Thanks for stopping by yesterday. Love your laundry room and all those antiques. Those really look like they're still in great condition.
I LOVE the soap boxes!
Gloria, I'm loving that wringer! "It's all in the rubber"! HA! HA! I'm glad I never had to use one of those! Your vintage boxes are great (I'm thinking I may show a soap box on my post Saturday, but it's not vintage.) Your olden clothes pin jar lamp is so neat. laurie
Hi Gloria,
I loved seeing your wonderful old Laundry collection.
How neat that you have all these pieces. I have one of the old irons, and you would build up big muscles using them, it is so heavy.
Happy Spring
I love your house, and the soap boxes are just great! I like the clothes pin lamp that is so cool!
I loved lookingl at all the soap products, wow some looked familiar, glad some are gone and theres a few I miss, I love the display of laundry items as well, love your collections, so entertaining....Phyllis
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