Another Victorian torch lamp sits next to it with Pink "Elsie" shade on it....The hanging lamp is also ca.1870...Stain glass window on this side of sofa I got about 2 years ago...
This is my sofa I curl up on and watch TV....Most nights I fall asleep here and Len wakes me to go to bed...Don't you just love a man that will let you snore in front of the TV ha ha!!
Now where you see those double doors those are the doors that go into my bedroom.... I found those doors at a yard sale...solid oak with the windows both for $150.00 tell me I didn't do good...of course they are suppose to be outside doors but the price was right so why not use them for my bedroom....

French Torch Lady Lamp...I just love this piece she Bronze so very heavy ca.1800.... This is what you'll see coming from my hallway one half is my Red Robe room the other side is my office....This is the wall we put up 2 years ago so I could have an office space....

This is a Blacksmith Bellow's that I made into a coffee table the legs came off an old dining room table

Ok guys now you seen my Old Red Robe room ha ha!! Hope I didn't bore you too much...As I travel through blogland I see so many beautiful done rooms in your homes...I'm no decorator I just put things out that made me "Happy To Be" my house has no rhythm or reason to it...Heck I don't care if the colors even go together I'm not a matchy, matchy girl...
Ok guys now you seen my Old Red Robe room ha ha!! Hope I didn't bore you too much...As I travel through blogland I see so many beautiful done rooms in your homes...I'm no decorator I just put things out that made me "Happy To Be" my house has no rhythm or reason to it...Heck I don't care if the colors even go together I'm not a matchy, matchy girl...
Hope all of you have a GREAT day, as for us we got snow again...Enough of the WHITE STUFF!!! I want spring, I want to wear white sandals I want to go to lunch, I want to hear something besides the snow plow coming, get me off this mountain top ha ha!!
Until Next time from my mountain top to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
You just know I always love bein first....hahah love the pictures of all your beautiful rooms and your beautiful collections, it all looks so fun and comfortable to me, I think everyone loves seeing it as much or more then you do...gotta ask a question, do you have any kind of pet, gotta know because my cat tina has started her own blog, she is located on the right side of my blog second picture from the top, there is a picture of tina on the computer, if you click on her you will see what she looks at, I want her to be lookin at your pet, thanks, let me know what you think, thanks sis, phyllis
Hi Gloria,
Thanks for inviting us into your home. It is so welcoming and warm and so beautifully decorated.
I love how you have used such unique and special pieces. You have done a wonderful job putting it all together.
I can see why you fall asleep in that room, it has warmth and charm.
OH, Dear Gloria! You red robe room is fantastic! I could get lost in it looking at all your glorious antiques! Oh, you have the most beautiful things! That lamp post is gorgeous!! Your sofas - oh my!! Everything you do - you do it so well. I love your room, I love your home and I LOVE YOU, Dear One!!
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
Gloria, you have some extraordinary furnishings and accessories. That coffee table is very unique indeed. Thanks for sharing your beautiful room with us in your red robe.
Hey Gloria!
It's all beautiful...such fun to see!
Big Hugs,
Hi Gloria,
Your house is so fascinating to me! I love seeing the pics, your antiques are just amazing!! I'm with ya girl, enough snow already! Thanks for the tour of your red robe room, its a beauty!
Hugs and Hugs, Cindy
Darn it i thought you were going to show us your red robe! lol. Great pieces you have, my oh my. (furniture)
WOW!! I love it, sugar. Are there 3 sofas in that room though? I especially like the Victorian one in leather. That's kind of different but very beautiful. What a neat room to have.
Hiya Gloria!..wait a minute...ok, I'm back~I had to get a kleenex to wipe the DROOL off my face!! :-D
My Goodness your room (house) is sooooo beautiful!! And you better call yourself a decorator, 'cause you've got talent, girl! Great job!
Hugs and blessings!
Hi Gloria, you have some wonderful antiques! I think I've told you before how much I adore them...they fascinate me. Your coffee table is so unique! Your Gloria clock and torch lady lamp are just beautiful! Kristen
Oh, wow! What a great red robe room!! You have so many marvelous antiques, etc! Love those bedroom doors! I enjoyed browsing and looking! Have you ever had your house on a home tour? It should be!
I love seeing all your antiques! I have a question - Do you do all the dusting/cleaning in your beautiful home? :-) I don't think I could keep up with it all.
Gloria you have the most beautiful decor. A home should be decorated with the things we love. I bet you enjoy sitting and looking at all your beauties. Thanks for sharing, Joan
Another beautiful room full of gorgeous antiques. I see you have one of those curio tables. I have always wanted one of those. More place to put stuff!!
I love your antique furniture and accessories, Gloria, but you already know that. What you don't know yet is that I love your stained glass windows too...Christine
Ahhh...those doors! now can we peek behind them..yes, yes, you probably showed us before..but I would just like to see those doors know..a view with them open for across the room? :)
Just thought I would ask. I LOVE these pictures because you can really get an idea of how it looks in your home. Not that I don't love close ups..but with your's the ones from across the room that getcha!
Remember I once hung my head and said "I don't think that Picket likes me?" LOL well..guess what?? I commented on her beautiful mantel..and she VISITED today. I nearly fell off my swirl desk chair! Now I feel sorta dumb. With all the people that follow that's no wonder ..but hey. I feel better. I know you know what I mean. Aren't we a buncha babies sometimes. Anyway..that was a good feeling..and..I told her so.
I knew she was a friendly sort because you liked her so much.. :)
And I TRUST you!
Back to your home. My gosh! I wanna go shopping at your house! It is beautiful! You wouldn't want my daughters, Gloria. They would be over there with PILLOW CASES! LOL
Love and hugs,
Hi Gloria, Thank You for your visit to my blog, you have a great colection of goodies and the cranberry glass is beautiful. Have a good week, Julian
Hi Gloria!
I'm drooling over your gorgeous room! What a treasure chest of goodies!! Everything you have is so beautiful girl! Can I come live with you?? LOL Or just send me that Gone With the Wind lamp... yes that would make me feel better... and the lamp post... and the sofa, I don't care which one... and... Well you get the idea!
Big ole hugs, Sherry
What an amazing collection of antiques you have! I would love to come to your house and just look at every little nook and cranny while you gave me the tour. Such fun that would be!
RED ROBE ROOM...I love it! Heeeheehe, ya'll crack me up girl. The room is just magnificent and looks like it's just been plucked from a swanky museum. I can just picture you in your red robe in enjoying a good snooze in front to he tube. I'm lovin' that billows coffee-table, now THAT'S creative.
Ya'll have a greatly blessed day!!!
Absolutely breath-taking!!
I love you pieces. I have the exact same grandfather clock. I love your hanging lamp, and the bronze girl. I like everything else, but those two really struck me the most.
So pretty!
Thanks so much for sharing that book title with me!!!! I love the pictures of all your gorgeous shades and thought to myself, "I'm drooling all my DNA all over her blog!" lol
One of my favorite rooms of yours Gloria. I just love the warm colors with little touches of that soft green. I've been eyeing that lamp post in the background of some of your other posts for a long time. Glad we got to hear aobut it.
I'm longing for Spring too, Gloria.
Heeheehee... you wrote white "scandals". Where is your mind today?
Now Gloria, tell me about that small gold clock on the marble-topped table. It's so pretty!
And I love that you took outside doors and used them inside. It gives your bedroom such a regal entrance!
Justine :o )
Oh my gosh this room is fabulous!!! Everything is so beautiful-especially the lamps, the sofa, the settee, the clock, the stained glass-well you get the picture:). I love it all!
OK, I'm ready to see the next room:)!
Gloria this is one gorgeous room girl! You and your old red robe must love feeling so special and pampered in this fine of surroundings. LOVE the beautiful sofa fabric and all of the decorator touches throughout. You created a masterpiece here. *Smiles*
Love you my sweet friend! ~Melissa :)
I'm loving that street lamp post thing...I wasn't sure what it was, but I knew I liked it. I am forever amazed at all of your things. You really have the best of the best and the rare. It is fun to visit...I'm glad I don't have to dust at your house!
What can I say about this room but gorgeous! I love the beautiful rich colors! The sofa's, those stained glass windows, the lamps! I don't even know where to start! And those doors to your bedroom! What a great idea!! Your home is just beautiful with all of your wonderful antiques! I could never get tired of looking at it because it is just my style and makes this Victorian heart sing!!
Hello Gloria,
Your house is amazing. I would say it is alike a museum, but I do not want you to take that the wrong way. It is just filled with so many beautiful antiques and other items. I am sure I could wander around there for days and probably still not see it all! As for not being a decorator, I beg to differ. You may have "just put things out that made me "Happy To Be" my house has no rhythm or reason to it" but it all comes together quite well. I love the peeks into your home you allow us. The table you created out of the bellows was very clever.
Thank you for sharing your awesome home with us.
~ Tracy
Oh my I love it all, the color is lovely and I just love all of the red in the room. It is my favorite color, your home is beautiful and so my style.
Hi Gloria,
Thanks for coming by to say hello, and for the sweet comments. I love victorian decor! I have the Rose colored carpet in my living room. I have cottage decor mixed in with the victorian. Love your home, it is beautiful!
Hi Gloria, I love it all but those pillows just reach out and grab me!!!! I love pillows and yours are so yummy!
Hope your week is blessed!!
Hugs, Barb ♥
Gloria, this room must be huge! You have so many wonderful places to sit (or lay) in your old red robe. How clever to cut off the lamp post and make it into a stand for that work of art. That sofa and chair upholstered in leather are amazing-the carved wood on them is beautiful. I'm not sure I've seen those before. Everything is so pretty. I wouldn't be able to watch a minute of t.v. in this room. There are too many much more interesting treasures to see. laurie
Oh WOW. Your home is like a museum. Its so gorgeous. I just stared and stared, oh, and drooled, at those pictures. I think a red robe is perfect for a majesty. Don't you just feel like a queen there? Boy, I sure would. The doors are a STEAL! I only have one as my front door. It cost me $800 about 10 years ago. The stained glass windows - oh sigh.... Please keep sharing more.
It's after as you can see I can't sleep.
I wanted to stop in and take another look at your pictures. Gloria..those are just wonderful shots of your home. HOW on earth you get them so big AND clear is beyond me, but I have noticed others are doing it also.
Probably my cheapie camera that I thought was so expensive at nearly $200. I keep putting off buying another one. One day.
Your home is simply fascinating.
Have a wonderful Friday.
We are supposed to have rain down here tonight..we NEED a bit more.
Mornin' Sis...
Ohhhh my goodness, Girlfriend!!! I love, love, LOVE this post! Gloria, you got some really gorgeous photos of your home here...I just loved seeing it from all these different angles!!! Loved the photo where you were standing in the living room...looking toward your bedroom doors! Ohhh my...your home is soooo beautiful, Sis!!! Hmmm...I have a question for you. Okay, there is the living room...the next area is your entry, right? And then past the entry is another room??? The room with the rose colored carpet (before you get to your bedroom). What room is that? Oh I'm all turned around! Hehe!
Well Darlin', this was the most fabulous tour yet of your gorgeous living room!!! Loved all of the phots...I got a really good "feel" of the room and where everything is situated now! Girl, you know that I love all of your beautiful furniture!!! You truly have the most beautiful pieces of anyone I know!!! Now I've seen that beautiful leather sofa and's gorgeous! Love all the ornate detailing on the wood of those pieces! But...I really got a great look at your fabric sofa in these photos...ohhh, it's gorgeous!!! Darlin', that is the exact style and color of sofa that I would like to have in my living room!!! I'm so ready to get a new sofa...I want something more neutral than the one I have but budget won't allow! Boohoo! Anyway, I just couldn't believe it when I saw your fabric's exactly what I want!!! Oooh...and it looks so pretty with those beautiful stained glass windows flanking either side of it!!! I got a great look at the changes that you made to your fireplace...with the total room. Sis, you did GOOD!!! The color of the wood does really look pretty with everything in that room!!! I really enjoyed seeing more of your beautiful lamps too! Of course, you know that the tall lady torch lamp is my favorite!!! She is just "out of this world" gorgeous!!! Now, I know that you've shown us your Ansonia Swinger clock before but I was so happy to see it's a fabulous piece! I think this is the first time that I've seen your Art Deco nude lamp...ohhh, she is just exquisite!!! She looks kind of like me laying there! wink! Hehe!
Sis, I love your pretty caramel colored walls...its a beautiful, warm color and I think that it really showcases all of your antiques soooo beautifully!!! I also love the wall that you put in the living room so that you could have an office space...great idea! I remember when Len was building it for you! I loved seeing all of your beautiful vignettes too!!! Gloria, everything is just fabulous!!! TRULY!!! You mentioned that you weren't a decorator but I beg to differ with you, sweet lady!!! YOU ARE a decorator and have created such a fabulous home!!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!!! Girl, I just can't say enough about all your beautiful photos in this post...they really are sooo good!!! They belong in a magazine!!!
Well Darlin', I will email you! I have all kinds of new news! I haven't been doing much the last couple of days because I have the worst ear ache...dang it! I'll talk with you later, dear friend!!!
Love ya,
Can I come live with you????? Oh my goodness, every time I see another part of your home, I fall in love with it. Being a lover of vintage furniture, decor, etc., I'm in absolute awe of your home. You have the natural ability of decorating and you may not realize it but you make it all go so well together and so welcoming. xoxo
Thanks for sharing your old red robe room! Love all your things, Gloria, but that bellows coffee table really stood out to me. That is too cool! Thanks for your always sweet comments on my blog!
Gloria, a red robe room sounds kind of sexy! And that is a pretty room. I can't get over all of your things, Gloria. I'm so glad you have such a pretty nest to curl up in and enjoy! :-)
I'm freezing for some reason. I can't seem to get warm. We've had odd winds that have kept everyone up at night. Floridians can take heat, but we're sissies when it comes to cold. LOL!
Sheila :-)
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