These really are so easy and make such GREAT gifts...Gather up your supplies, you can use a tea cup. gravy boat wherever you like for these...I even made a little vanity lamp for a gal from her wedding shoe and used dried flowers from wedding and lace from her dress for the shade...Just let your imagination work on these...
Now this is a piece of lace that I cut to fit the bottom of the little lamp shade...
just glue the lace all the way around the bottom of the shade..You don't really have to do this I just like to give each shade a special little of a kind thing..
I just love these little shades... the satin ribbon and satin bow with the tassel ...just darling...I got these shades at Jo-Ann fabric store like 5 years ago...I think I bought 30 of them..differ colors I have a home based business making Victorian Lamp shades and lamps that's why so many shades...
Now take some foam..this you can get at the Dollar store....cut it with a knife to fit the tea cup... then take your Glue gun and glue the foam inside the cup...
Next take your light and press it into the foam...I twist this around so I can get the imprint I need in the foam...
Now here you can see the imprint I made in the foam...
Then I take my knife again and cut out the imprint and made the hole deep enough to hold my light...Now for those that can't find the light's like I have...You also can get the candle lights at Dollar store and use them...if you use the ones with the brass stand on them you don't need to do the foam part...just hot glue the brass stand in the bottom of the cup...then add your moss around it...if you use a deep cup I suggest adding a small piece of foam at the bottom of the cup to bring the light up abit with...I have used both lights but these are my favorite ones to work with...
Then glue the light into the hole...Glue the saucer to the cup...Now see what you have so far...its starting to look like a little lamp
Then to cover up all the green foam...I take moss and glue it on top of foam...then I give it a hair cut to get rid of the moss hanging over the edge...put your light bulb in..
Now the next time I do is add some sweet little birds, flowers, eggs etc what ever you want you can add or just leave it with just the moss around the cup....I love to add a little spoon this also is hot glued right onto the saucer...
Now this is the finished tea cup lamp...these are so sweet as night lights in a bedroom or bathroom...I have one in Blue Willow in my kitchen that I leave on at night...
Here's what it looks like all lit up...isn't it cute ....of course it is ha ha!!
I Hope all of you have a GREAT day remember to take the time each day to say a kind word to someone or send them a smile it just might be the line life that person needs....
I try to remember each day that " Life is like a roll of toilet paper the closer to the end it gets the faster it goes"
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gloria
I Hope all of you have a GREAT day remember to take the time each day to say a kind word to someone or send them a smile it just might be the line life that person needs....
I try to remember each day that " Life is like a roll of toilet paper the closer to the end it gets the faster it goes"
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gloria
I love your teacup light! Thanks for telling us how to do this!
Oh that is so darned cute Gloria! Very clever too. Great tutorial for newbs like me, I have to see step by step! Happy Sunday....
Debbie xxx000
Gloria I will definitely have to try making one of these darling tea cup lamps. Thanks for showing us how it is done. Have a blessed day. Madeline
Gloria I will definitely have to try making one of these darling tea cup lamps. Thanks for showing us how it is done. Have a blessed day. Madeline
These are just adorable Gloria. I love that satin blow on the shade! I have to ask - how on earth do you keep your nails so gorgeous while doing all these crafty things??? Hope you and your family are having a great start to the New Year. Hugs, Kag
This is so adorable! I just love your idea. I am going to have to be on the look out for pretty cups and saucer now. Great tutorial on how to do this too. You make it seem so easy!
Happy New Year Gloria! I stopped by to wish you greetings for the new year and I'm learning how to make an adorable tiny teacup lamp... I LOVE it!! I think I know what I'm gonna make for gifts next year... thanks!!
Hugs & blessings, Sherry
Too cute! I love lamps but this one is one of the best. I want to try to redo 2 shades my hubby wrecked washing them. He thought he was helping! I bought a video on how to do victorian shades but am still not confident enough to go for it yet, I hope mine turns out as beautiful as yours. Happy New Year!!
This is just the cutest. You make the most wonderful things, and I love the tutorial. Precious. Hugs, Marty
That is the sweetest thing EVER!!!! I love it, and I love love love your blog, so glad I found it. Thank you for sharing your wonderful tutorial...I'm afraid this is going to have to be my next project!!! I look forward to following your blog!! Please come and visit me soon. :D
How cute! Thanks for the tutorial.
That is adorable! Love it to pieces.
Gloria, what a cute idea and great tutorial. Link up this week if I have power and have the party going that is.
thank you so much for the step by step tutorial..
Your's is so pretty.. I need a soft light for my potty room. I think this will work great for that.
Cute, cute, cute light! But I gotta tell ya what really caught my eye! You know on the bottom where it says "you might also like...". Well there was your "found some Christmas help" post, you know, the one with Bryan the poor speller! Oh Momma:@)
I have always loved these little charming and perfect for any room. You are one talented lady!
I am leaving a smile for you today!
Oh Gloria -- This is so beautiful! Thank you!
Great idea and so easy...thanks for sharing...Blessings!
What a great tutorial, Gloria! You are one talented lady! And such a cute idea! I hope you are warm and cozy today! We are expecting snow and ice!...hugs...Debbie
Gloria, that is just as cute as can be! You are SO talented, and I love your lampshades. Girl, you are a marvel!!!
I am so untalented that I don't think I could begin to do something like this, but you make it seem so easy with your great tutorial. I just love what you did with that little bird and the spoon, too. Just so sweet!
Hope you are doing well and staying warm. I got out yesterday for the first time in three weeks. It felt good, even though I ended up having to get two new tires. I'm just thankful I didn't have a blowout. I had my tires checked before Christmas because one was so low, and I drove four hours to Central Florida on it. As it turns out, it had a nail in the outer rim, and I could have easily had a blowout. I prayed the whole way because I was feeling funny about that tire, so after going to the grocery, I went to the caddy dealer. And they found the nail! YEA! So all's well that ends well, I guess.
Love you, Gloria...
Sheila :-)
Gloria your teacup light is beautiful! Thank you for the tutorial. I might give this a try sometime.
This is darling. You have inspired me to try and make one myself!!
Gloria, What a cute lamp. I really like the shade. You got talent. You might want to peek at my blog tomarow, I am going to post all about my cherub collection at
Happy Day! Richard and Sissy
Well I know it's been said over and over but.......That little lamp is really adorable!! Thank you for sharing your secret skills girlfriend! And them's some pretty fabulous nails *winks*
You're on! That trade is gonna work out very nicely for me...heh heh heh! I'm bringing my ME-Haul too!
Gloria I purchased that bed corona many years ago at a decorator going out of business shop. Cost me about $25 if I remember correctly. I do remember it was made in England. I did find this for you. I don't know if they'd ship but it might be worth an ask? Vanna
Thank you so much for posting this! We have a small collection of mismatched pretty cups and saucers, and I bought yet another set just last night @ GW. What a cute idea!
Thanks for sharing this idea; it's very cute and seems so easy to do!!
I HAVE always loved your sweet little lamps Gloria! I keep thinking I will make one or 2 one of these days!
Expecting snow today and tomorrow so maybe I will get my Christmas down with being cooped up in the house!
bee blessed
Hi Gloria,
Just coming over to say hi and see how things are up on your mountain top.
I see that you have a real sweet little nightlight for us to make.
I'm going to gather up some supplies and give it a try. I love it.
You are amazing! This is the prettiest little thing ever! I would never know how to do cute! :D
Hi Gloria! Oh, these little lamps are just precious! I am going to try and make one someday. Thanks for the detailed tutorial too! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Gloria, dear, I have been missing you so much! Walter and Tracy went to second Sunday today and it was all I could do not to jump in the back of their truck and go with them. But the kids needed me at home today so maybe next month! I hope all is well. I'm off to get caught up on what you've been up to!
I almost forgot! I use my gravy boat light you made for me every evening and morning. It's right next to my bed and has such a pretty soft light!Thanks again my sweet friend!
OMG that is just fabulous Gloria!
I just love this idea sooo much, you talented women you!
Your tutorial is so good too, I think I can do it!
I'm leaving for AZ. on Tuesday so I've been really busy around here.
Hope all is well with you my dear, thinking of you and planning on calling you soon!
Big Hugs,
tks so much ffor this great tutorial! May I ask where do you get the candles from? I see that there is no base or stand to them. Do you take them apart? Are they the kind that you would put in your windows?
Hi Gloria, The little light is adorable and these would make great hostess gifts too. You cracked me up with the comment you left about my "rack". I always love to hear from you because I know you will make me smile. Take care, friend.
precious, like you, Gloria!!!!
thanks for the tutorial. :)
You are an excellent teacher, Gloria. Thank you for sharing.
I love these mom! I have made a few that I gave away...My mom took 2! lol
They are so easy, yet so pretty!!!
thanks for sharing the how to with me...I love them
We are digging ourselves out of a big snowfall and drifts etc...I hope you guys didn't get it's life on your mountain top? I have been sick like a dog with a really bad cold...even the kids were home all week last week from school...I actually stayed in bed for two you know I was sick! lol
Getting busy with greenhouse stuff this week...trying to ignore the cold...hope you are healthy!!!
Love you MOM...say Hi to Len for me too!
Hi Sis...
Just stopping in to see how the start of this new week is going for you, Darlin'! know that I love this little teacup light! I love that pretty lace that you added to the shade! Ohhh...and that little sweet pink bird...matches the pink roses on the teacup and saucer sooo beautifully!!! You're sooo talented, Sis!
Okay...just have to say it! I am sooo blessed to have one of your fabulous little "one of a kind" teacup lights!!! Nanny...nanny...booboo! Hehe! Ohhh, that was really sooo childish of me...wasn't it? Hehe! Sis, I am still enjoying my pretty light...every time I see it...I'm reminded of you and our precious friendship!!!
Love ya, Girl!
PS...I emailed you but haven't heard back from you! Now I'm thinking that you're trying to get your computer up and running?
I absolutely love your little lamps. Thanks so much for showing us how to make them. I plan on making me some, after I buy a glue gun. I love it!!
WOW! Totally creative! I'm going to have to remember this craft. I love that little bird that you added in too -- adorable!
Will definitely have to try to make one...You are one talented lady...thanks for sharing...Pat H
That is the sweetest lamp ever! Thanks so much for sharing! I would love to make one, too!
This little lamp is just beautiful and you make it sound so easy! For some of us that are all thumbs...probably not. The tutorial was really well done and I love the shade!
What a fun project! Glad you stopped by and left a comment about my little birdcage,because it let me find your blog... the ribbon and tassle on the shade is sooo pretty!
The tea cup night is Adorable Gloria.... Nice touch with the nesting theme with the cute birdie.
Love it!! You are so clever and creative. The tea cups & saucers are so gorgeous...where do you find them? Most I see are very expensive. Oh well, keep looking Pat ~ right? :-)
Gloria...girl you are too clever for words! I love this project :)
What a darling tea cup light! I might try something like this. My mother recently gave me some of the crocheted collars my grandmother made and I was wondering how I could use them. This might be a good way.
Thank you for the tutorial!
~ Tracy
Now this is a great idea! Love it!
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