WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria

January 10, 2011

~Fluffy Warmth~

Hello Guys, During the winter months I love to layer, be it on my walls tables or furniture...It just adds that warm fluffy feel to me...
This is a small French shelf I have above my sofa that I just added a picture in front of the mirror...It just fluffed it right up...
Of course adding a Fat Fluffy Cherub gives it that fluffy and warm feeling..ha ha!!
I also fluffed up my little table in my entry...
Made me a sweet little fluffy birds nest tassel
And added a warmer little shade for winter...
Oh!! but the best thing I have ever gotten to add warmth and fluff for those snow winter days here on my mountain is this Beautiful fluffy faux fur throw...
My sweet Sis...Chari from "Happy to Design" send me this fluffy love for Christmas...Oh does she know me or what...Thank you sweet Sis I love it and you,
and use it every night while watching TV...
And of course having the fire going also helps me feel fluffy and warm..
Hope all of you are keeping warm and fluffy...I'm am joining Marty  at a "Stroll thru life" and Sweet Courtney at " French country Cottage "...Thanks Ladies for a fun day..
Thanks for all the comments on my little tea cup lights...If you make one let me see it..It's so easy..and for those that didn't see the how to click here...

Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and Smiles Gloria


Edie Marie's Attic said...

Beautiful and cozy Gloria!! The faux fur throw looks delicious!

Warm hugs, Sherry

Lynn said...

Looks nice a cozy Gloria! Lovin' that fun throw Chari sent you-enjoy:@)

Sonny G said...

Wrapping up in a fur throw and looking around at all the beauty you've made.. ahhhhhhhhhhh, doesnt get better than that.. very pretty, indeed...

PAT said...

Beautiful layered vignettes Gloria!

I plan to do some layering on the hearth room mantel today. Have it cleared but nothing done yet. I have a couple of ideas though.

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

That a wonderful looking cozy throw! I'm thinking of making one of your adorable lights for my BFF's b'day -- she'll be thrilled (if it looks anything like yours!)

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I love that throw! Your home looks the the perfect place to snuggle in for winter.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh how pretty. I love your shelf and it is so pretty with the cherub and the picture, and then the clock just made me gasp, stunning. Your throw, lamp and tassel are unreal. Love it all. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

Connie said...

Gloria, I love you victorian touch in decor. I especially like the "boy bust" on the coffee table and the beautiful clock is fabulous.

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Hi there Miss Gloria~ Love your gorgeous shelf and how you have decorated it with your layers of pretty and I am loving that fire screen too, it is beautiful! Happy you will be coming by and joining the party this week! Hugs to you! :)

Barb said...

Okay, Miss Gloria, stick-em-up...you are in trouble! Now, you have made me want to change things around. Haha.

It is all so lovely!!!!!

Hugs, Barb ♥

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

That little blanket does look fluffy and warm....love it! and beautiful white too!

The Decorative Dreamer said...

That fireplace and your gorgeous throw are looking very cozy to me right now! I love those throws and just have to touch them everytime I see them in the dept. stores. They are fabulous! Yours is beautiful as well as all your other fluffy touches!

Anonymous said...

My wife got one of those warm and fluffy snuggies for Christmas. She practically lives in it! :-)

I hope you have warm and safe week


Beth said...

Hi Gloria, Your home is lovely! I adore your clock, and the beautiful fluffy throw you received from Chari! Have a wonderful week and stay warm in front of that fire!
Blessings, Beth

Anonymous said...

Everything looks wonderful, Gloria! Now if I could sit upon your little shelf...I'm all fluffified you know! :)
Be a sweetie and stay warm,
Shelia ;)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Hi, Gloria! I loved seeing you fluffing your nest, and I want to crawl under that fluffy throw you have there. SO pretty! And I loved the pretty tassel you made. If it goes missing, you won't have to look further than a magpie's nest. LOL!

That cute little fat cherub hiding his eyes got me so tickeld. And is that your mother in that photo? Very pretty.

Stay warm, my friend. I've had a relapse, and I just want to cry. But instead, I am up and sitting at my computer.


Sheila :-)

Mari said...



Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I love your fluffy throw, too, Gloria! That would definitely come in handy here! Great tassel and I love your lampshade. Stay warm! : )

Tootsie said...

fluffy fluffy fluffy!!! they are all goregous!

xinex said...

Your home looks so pretty and cozy, Gloria. Love the fluffy throw Chari sent you....Christine

Julie Harward said...

I love all your fluffiness...I too love cherubs and I love your throw, what a nice sister! Stay warm :D

PAINTORDIG.blogspot.com said...

A fur throw and a fire-heaven-what else could one want?

Gloria said...

Everything looks beautiful and classic -- I love that little Cherub holding his eyes! So cute!

Madeline's Album said...

Gloria, I just love your fluffy throw and how I wish I had a fireplace. I did get two throws for christmas and I am enjoying them durning this snow weather we have been having here in central Alabama. I have a doctors appointment Thursday and I am hoping the roads will be clear so I can make. Have a blessed 1/ll/2011 day. Loved this post. Madeline

Donnie said...

Everything looks so fluffy and comfy. Great photos.

Jewel Sauls said...

All your fluff made me feel warm and happy! Thanks for sharing!

9405018--Pat said...

Everything look perfect love your vignette shelf. Cute fluffy bird nest tassel so sweet..thanks for sharing...stay warm...Pat H

On Crooked Creek said...

Lovely. . .elegant. . .gorgeous!
I could use your faux throw to stay warm about now! 16 degrees here tonight! Thank you for such a wonderful, warm and inviting post!

lvroftiques said...

That is some awful pretty fluffy stuffy!! That throw looks irresistably soft! How sweet of Chari. And you KNOW I'm gonna be trying to sneak that frenchy shelf right outta there in my big purse *winks*...Yep and the stuff on it too! You've been forewarned! heh heh. Did you find a canopy piece yet G? Because Linda over at Royal Touch has a big one for sale. Just checkin' Vanna

Chari at Happy To Design said...


Ohhh...you certainly have been fluffing up your winter decor, Sis! You know that I love that fabulous french shelf...it's gorgeous! Love how you layered the pretty picture and ohhh...that cherub is sooo beautiful! You know how I love my lil' cherubs! Hehe! Are you back to making tassels again, Sis? Your bird's nest tassel is gorgeous and looks sooo perfect hanging on that pretty lamp and shade! Your home is fabulous all dressed up in its winter frocks!!!

Ohhh...I'm sooo happy to hear that you're enjoying your fluffy throw, Sis! It just looked sooo fluffy and soft and I loved that it had a ruffle on it (that's what sold me on that one...hehe!) Sis, I will be sending you an email after writing this note. I have sent you two emails now about ya'll coming out to Colorado and I don't think you're getting my emails? So watch for it...okay? I hope that all is going well with you and Lenny this week, sweet friend!

Love ya sooo much!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

i just love all of your "fluffing" up!! Everything you have is just so very pretty! If you have a chance, please stop by for the tour of my dear friend's Anne Marie's house. She is a Victorian soul too...


Becca Bertotti said...

I love all of your winter fluffing and layering! Your birdsnest tassel is so pretty, and that faux fur blanket looks absolutely yummy!

Unknown said...

Oh, Gloria, how elegant, fluffed & warm. You create such lovely vignettes ... when you are done, will you come do mine?

Hugs, Mardyon

Sue said...

I love how you "fluffed" things around your house. If I had that throw I would never get out from under it! It is gorgeous and looks so soft...what a wonderful gift. I hope it is keeping you nice and warm up there on that mountain!

Tardevil said...

Happy New Year, Gloria! Your fluffin' looks warm and cozy. Really like that off white furry throw. You should open an Etsy store and sell your tassels! They are all beautiful. Hope all is well on your side of the mtn.

Richard Cottrell said...

Love your fire screen.Richard at myoldhistorichouse.blogspot.com

Debbiedoos said...

I am soooooo coming over and stealing that warm fuzzy fluffy blankie! I love the fire going to, and what a pretty screen. Stay warm and cozy up there in the Mountains my friend! Debbie XXX000

A Hint of Home said...

Those blankets are so soft and fluffy! They are great.
I'm finding you through Ceekay. Nice to meet you. I just saw her in CA at my daughter's house.
What maountain do you live on-if you don't mind my asking?
We had a great time visiting the sites while in CA.
Loved the light tutorial! Very cute!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Hi Gloria,

WOW, everything looks so warm and inviting. I love it all! The pillows on the sofa are so pretty and that blanket is wonderful...I WANT!! I love your lamp and that tassel, very elegant. So many pretty things. Great pics, well done!

Thanks for stopping by and for the sweet comments! *smile*

Stay nice and toasty warm with that cozy blanket. ;)


The Charm of Home said...

Love the shelf with cherub. Very, very pretty. All of your antiques are so much fun to see.

Phyllis @Around the House said...

How have you been my sweet friend, glad you are keeping healthy and warm. loved the post and all the great pictures, your little cherub is so darned cute....I hope to be blogging again soon, great to visit your sight, please take care...phyllis

Janet said...

Your bird nest tassel is just adorable! Everything looks so comfy and cozy!

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Hi ya cutie, I'm sorry you're sick. We're doing pretty good right now, it took me almost 6 months to get over the bronchial stuff I had, finally it's gone. yeah!
It is so cloudy and gloomy here, I've been working on getting new product ordered for the last couple of days, pretty tired of looking. lol Some new things will be rolling in the first of the week. I'm looking forward to that. Yes, my love I take debit..lol. how is that darling baby boy? I know he is a bundle of joy and love. The 2 B's are doing ok, I head to the city in a while to get the youngest one for the w/k. He'll put some much needed laughter in the house. I sure hope the snow misses you, we're finally above freezing for the first time in a while, enjoy that spring like weather.. love ya girl. hugs ~lynne~

Tallulah's Antique Closet said...

Hi Gloria, I luv your vignettes! They are all so nice. Have a good evening............Julian Ps Thanks for stopping by.

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Hi Gloria! Stopping back by to say thank you so much for sharing at my party this week! I have your button on my sidebar so I popped on over- but the link in the party was going to another blog and to somebody's profile that was called Happy To Be~ Insanity!!! Do you want to link up again? I can remove the other one over at the linky site- Kim from Savvy Southern Style said the linky was having issues this week! LOL!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Isn't that Chari just the sweetest!
I love the new throw Gloria and I love that fat little angel too!
You fluff so well girlfriend!
I am still in warm and sunny AZ. but not for long, back to cold and snowy Wisconsin on Sunday.
Big Hugs,

Anonymous said...

What a cozy setting Gloria!! I think I would be lounging all day long with that throw Chari sent you and not get a thing done except for some reading maybe!!

See you are going Chari way in the summer- if you drive and are any where near us in Walsenburg- give a holler-Would love to see you in person!!!

I get to spend some time with Marty and Ceekay next weekend as we will be in Phoenix for a quick trip to see Bill's folks- that will be fun!

Have a great weekend

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Hi Miss Gloria~ I went to fix the link- but it doesn't let me change the address or anything- just delete. So I deleted it :( since it was linking to some wrong site. I don't know what is going on with the linky tool this weekend but I have seen several comments and chatter about it at other parties too. Anyway, We will have to chat about meeting in Sac sometime. I have not been to the antique faire there but have heard about it- maybe we can have a Northern California bloggers get together day sometime and meet there! Anyway, if you feel like linking up again- feel free or you can just link this same one up again sometime- next week or whenever. Thanks for always being such a sweet friend! :) Hugs, Courtney

Honey at 2805 said...

Oh! Everything looks so comfy and cozy at your place. The white fluffy throw looks wonderful to curl up under. (and I love your "sis").

On another note, I saw your comment on another blog and want you to know that I would be happy to go to Sac Antique Faire with you, if only I lived in Northern Calif.

Gypsy Heart said...

Oh my word, that throw is divine!! I love your little cherub too. Everything looks warm and inviting my friend. Wish we were closer so I could come over and join you in front of that fire.

Hope your doing ok in this weather. It's been so bitterly cold here I can hardly stand it. I can't remember the last day the sun was shining ~ :-)

I posted a giveaway today...please stop by when you can.

Much love my friend,

Picket said...

Hey sis!!!! Ohhhh it is so good to visit with you! I love all the warm and fluffy you got going on..I have always loved layering..I'm trying to give more layers around here...unpack some more from the shed and even plan on planting a couple of trees in the front yard this week...girl I am just so happy to be back home..I hope to ease back into blogging a little at a time and mainly just visit my blogging friends again...gosh I have missed everybody...just wanted to come by and say I am thinkiing of you sweet friend and I love you so...take care...Picket

bj said...

Hi, friend Gloria..
Hope your mountain is a little warmer now. brrrr...lots of snow every where but West TexaS. Not a flake...YET. :))

Just sayin' I gave your sweet self a shout out on my post today. Come on over...:))

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Gloria,
Oh yes I am staying warm and fluffy by my fire and cozy with my crochet afgan.
Everything looks so pretty! and I love your white fluffy soft blanket for "cuddle time"
Have a sweet day and hugs, Elizabeth
From my Valley to your Mountain

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Sis...

Just stopping by to say hello, Darlin'! I hope that my note is finding you and Lenny both well! What are you up to today? Got any special plans for the week? Sheesh...I sound like a question box...don't I? Hehe!

Love ya, sweet Sis!

victorian parlor II said...

How warm and cozy it all looks! I love all the lovely colors and pretty vignettes!



Bella's Rose Cottage said...

Hi Gloria,
It all looks beautiful! So snuggily and fluffy:-))
Hugs to you,

Anonymous said...

Just checking in on you, Gloria. Hope you're okay!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hello there, Miss Gloria! Everything looks so warm and fluffy at your house! Here, the little fellow is cooking just fine! Only three more months to wait! I hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie