WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria

January 31, 2011

~ My French Coffee table~

Hello Guys, Today I thought I would join our sweet Marty for TT...This is one of my coffee tables in my living room..Oh Yes I have 2 coffee tables because I have 2 sofa's in this room...Now anyone that comes by here knows I love stuff...And the More the better...

I found this table at a consignment shop 3 years ago...I gave $50.00 for it which was GREAT!! as it from Drexel Heritage furniture " Bella Maison "...Which is their French Line..
And what would a table be without candles...I also got these from the same shop...

The cloche sits in the center on a cake stand and have a French Harp clock under it...ca. 1870
And behind the French clock I have a pair of French Opera glasses from ca. 1900

This is a clock I made many years ago from an old china plate...One day if you like I will show you how to make these..just let me know..

Don't you love these boxes that look like books...I found this one at Ross while Christmas shopping...I have a French Magnifying glass with a tassel sitting on top of it...

Is this not a pretty box and so me ha ha!!

Inside it hides my TV remote...Thanks for coming by and seeing me..Your the best..Please go by and see Marty at " A Stroll Thru Life"

Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

ps: I'll be around to visit with all of you as soon as I can..Today is Len's Birthday and I have to make "HAPPY TO BE"


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Gloria, this is so pretty, but the thing I am truly in love with are those French opera glasses. I have this thing for them. I have an old pair that belonged to my father, but I am always tempted to buy them. They are a delight to me. Love the clocks (can't believe all the thing you can do!) and all the other goodies, and that table was a fabulous price.
Thanks for sharing, my friend.


Sheila :-)

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

It's so lovely Gloria!
And just like Sheila, I am in love with those opera glasses!
And the pretty box for your remote, what a great idea!
What a beautiful setting!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh Gloria, this is just unreal. I love your vignette. Of course I am drooling over the cloche with the fabulous clock and opera glasses, just perfect. Love those candlesticks and candles also. Your other clock, cherub and the box are stunning. You do have some of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

Yes, I would LOVE some feathers. That would be such a treat. They are so hard to find. You are such a precious friend to offer.

Thanks also for joining TTT. I always love to see your vignettes. Hugs, Marty

allisamazing said...

I absolutely LOVE your vignette. The clocks are amazing and I love the unique candles. ~Alana~

PAT said...

Your table vignette is so pretty, Gloria. Wow, what a deal, too. The table is wonderful!

The Decorative Dreamer said...

No fair! Our Ross certainly doesn't have boxes that pretty! But you are right that is a great idea for the remotes, and I will keep that in mind too. I love your magnifying glass and your binoculors. They are both very nice! I would love to see how to make those clocks someday.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Gloria, what a gorgeous table and what a deal you got. My consignment store I go to would have asked over $300 for that. She prices everything as if they were new. I love your vignette on it, too.

Blondie's Journal said...

This is a beautiful table, Gloria and I like the table and wool rug underneath as well. How pretty you have it decorated...the clocks, opera glasses and that awesome phone under the cloche. You have some wonderful antiques, Gloria! Your home is like a museum!

Happy Birthday to Len!!!


Lady Katherine said...

To start, I love all your treasures! Oh, the coffee table set so pretty! Candles, dish, Oh I wish for a harp clock! Adore it! The glass with a tassel a lovely touch. Now the book, I will be buying, for maybe not hiding, or maybe to hide, but for a place to put them for I can never find the remote! Thank you for the lovely idea! This is one lovely vignette!

Olive said...

Love the coffe table and the price for it was wonderful. The cloche with clock is gorgeous♥

A Southern Rose said...

Love the little clock made out of china. So pretty. That is a beautiful table too.

Lee Laurie

Traditions By The Seasons said...

I love it all. You always have the best accessories. XOXO ~Liz

Lynn said...

What a great table Gloria, beautiful items on it, lovin' the opera glasses under the cloche! Thanks for posting the Gadget Party on your sidebar, should be fun:@)

Lindy said...

Gloria -- your coffee table vignette is gorgeous! I would have to just sit and look at it!!!!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Gloria,
I love your french coffee table, it's wonderful with all the pretty vingettes. Love the cloche highlighting the clock. It's all very ooh la la.


Madeline's Album said...

Very very pretty the table and everything on it. You have good taste in items and in decorating. Have a blessed evening. Madeline

xinex said...

What a pretty vignette, Gloria. I love seeing all your antiques and the clock you made is beautiful. You are so talented, you make lamps and I didn't know you make clocks too....Christine

Anonymous said...

Hi Gloria! Oh, how beautiful! I love your pretty coffee table and it has such nice details! Your clock under the cloche is beautiful as well as those opera glasses! Oh, what pretties you do have!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Gloria, your coffee table is gorgeous. I adore your small clocks,espeically the one under the cloche dome.. WOW! It is gorgeous. I'm sitting here waiting for the blizzard of the century to move in, they are calling for up to 19" of snow and wind. I'm in for the duration... miss ya darling..love ya tons...hugs ~lynne~

Dreamgoddess said...

Gloria, what a gorgeous vignette on your coffee table. I must say I'm in love with the French harp clock. I've never before seen one like this and it's stunning. Everything is so pretty! So, when are we going to see the other coffee table? LOL!

~CC Catherine said...

Hi Gloria - This coffee table is so great, $50 is a steal of a deal too! ;) I adore the opera glasses - and the French Magnifying glass is also so cool. Love it all! :) ~CC Catherine

Jocelyn said...

Oh my CeeKay, your coffee table is gorgeous! And I love your display. Beautifully set.


lvroftiques said...

Beautiful coffee table Gloria! And what a steal! I love your vignette also. That harp clock is fab! Vanna

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Sis...

Ohhh yes...I love your frenchy coffee table...love all the ornate details...what a great deal at just $50! You did GOOD, Sis! And...you created the most beautiful vignette too! French perfection!!! Your french harp clock is sooo pretty and it really does look fabulous under glass! wink! Sis, you are sooo right...that pretty book box is sooo YOU! I love it...and it's a great way to hide the ol' remotes, etc! Love that idea! Sis, I also was "eyeing" that gorgeous rug that you have under your coffee table...love it! You have sooo many beautiful things, Sis! I'm so glad that you share them with us!!! This is the first time that I seen your pretty china plate clock...I love it! Yes...yes! Please do a tutorial on how to make one! I would love to see and know how you do it!

Well Sis...I'm winding down for the night! Russ is already in bed...and I'm about ready myself! Just wanted to come by to see your new post!

Love ya, Sis!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...


So beautiful....everything on your blog is...every time I stop by...You do an awesome job....Have a great week

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I love those boxes that look like books. One day I will buy me some..but..where I will put them heaven only knows!
As you can see by the hour, I can't sleep. Youngest daughter arrived tonight with grandson and his friend...all are sleeping..but not me! I hate that.
I love your things...and yes, they are definitely YOU! :)
buncha hugs!!!

Picket said...

Morning sis....fantastic buy on that beautiful table and I absolutely love the cloche display!!!! I saw some pretty book things that were boxes at Michaels the other day...I started to get some...but I was holding out looking for some cloches! lol I found a tall one at Hobby Lobby Monday and I painted a clay saucer and put some small pebbles in it so now all I gotta do is find a tall skinny fern and it will look like the pic I copied off the internet! lol Ohhhh and did you hear me squeal yesterday??? Bill found my pot rack in the shed...happy day...he hung it over the counter and I put my new black Paula Deens pots on it that mama gave me...ohhhhh glory...who knew pots and pans hanging from the ceiling could make me so happy!!!! lol Love you to pieces sis...have a great day...Picket

Christie said...

Your french table and table top is gorgeous Gloria! I would love to see a tutorial on how you made that precious clock out of the plate too...please do share :)
Hope you are having a great week...sorry it's been so long since I visited...I'm off to catch up with your posts...
Big Hugs,

Debbiedoos said...

Gloria you have some serious lovelies there. I want the binoculars for sure, and I love the little plate clock...now remember you are my MOMMA!!~ Thanks for the inspiration, and all your kind and loving support out here...I really feel like I have some wonderful mentors looking out for me:) X0

Debbiedoos said...

Wait a minute, I meant opera glasses...you knew what I meant LOL!

Madeline's Album said...

Hi again Gloria, I had to come back a second time to answer your guestion on my last post. I am doing fine and I do appreciate you asking. Also I just noticed the small print on this post. Tell Len Happy belated birthday. Have a great day. Madeline

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Everything looks lovely. Your vignette is so romantic and pretty.
I adore your cloche. Thanks for sharing. Oh, I am also your newest follower. Linda

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

What a deal you got on that beautiful coffee table Gloria! Love all of your elegant Frenchiness on top of the table too. I should have known that you'd have a pair of those little opera glasses. I love those. Every time I see a pair, I pick them up and consider buying them. What a beauty that magnifying glass is! And I love that pretty runner and the way you've scrunched it up on your table. You find the BEST stuff! laurie

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Oooh...Gloria! You know I love this coffee table! And you have such a pretty collection of items in your vignette! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Dear Gloria,
Had to remove my post..it's my typing not my spelling but always get's me into trouble..
I commented on your beautiful Drexel Table..Beautiful workmanship.
You also have it dressed up perfectly!
I enjoyed my visit..

Gypsy Heart said...

LOVE that table! You really got a wonderful bargain with that. Everything looks sooooo pretty my sweet friend.

We're in a frozen tundra right now and cabin fever is beginning for me. :-) I believe I'm going to have to start a project.

Take care and stay warm!

Richard Cottrell said...

Ms. Gloria,I am sorry I have misplaced your email address. This is the big bad wolf. We had a snow and ice blizzard here in Mississippi. As of today at 2:00 the post office still does not have the dome back. The post master is not there today, tomarow I plan to raise hell, this is gone on long enough.Feb 2nd. I am so sorry. If you don't hate me, I just posted a blog about our blizzard. Thanks, Richard www.myoldhistorichouse.blogspot.com

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

I love the box you are hiding the remotes in. It's fabulous. But then so is everything else. Thanks for sharing & thanks for stopping by my blog. Take care!

Rebecca said...

Your style is wonderful! I love how you've paired things together-old and new and sooooo pretty!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

You are killing me here!! What a stunning table and what lovely pieces you have displayed on top of it!! I am drooling....what else could I say!


Classic wall clocks said...

You have great taste!!
i love the french clock the most..
Thanks for sharing us your stuff..