WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria

January 24, 2011

~Fireside Chat~

Good Morning Guys,

Remember me telling you like 2 months ago I got a faux fireplace for my sitting area in my bedroom...I have a love, hate with big TVs...But I love to sit in my bedroom at night and watch TV...

I'm so loving the warmth the fireplace gives me...As it's also a heater...and a place to put the Big TV on ha ha!!

This is a small tulip shade I made many years ago...

I Love this...I mean LOVE IT...

Another shade burgundy velvet with black jet beads that I also made....

One of my wall scones above my Victorian chair...
These shades I got from "Victorian Trading Company" a few years ago...Love them!

My Carrot cake sofa...which is what I call this sofa..Long story if you want to read about "How not to make a carrot cake" go here

One of my sweet little boy bust...this all sits on my French coffee table..

And under the coffee table is a pair of high top ladies shoes...I still wonder how women wore these pointy things Ouch!!
Thanks for taking the time to come by and see a little piece of my mountain top...Your the best..
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria


xinex said...

You sitting area is so cute, Gloria. I love all your furniture and it looks so cozy and comfy there with the fireplace. You are so talented, the shades that you made are gorgeous!...Christine

PAT said...

Beautiful sitting area, Gloria.

We watch tv in our room at night too. Sure like having our electric stove/fireplace in there.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I am wiping the drool off of my keyboard and my chin right now! LOL! What a stunning sitting area you have in your bedroom! Absolutely to die for! I would love a fireplace....anywhere in our home!


Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

What a beautiful room to watch t.v. in. hugs ~lynne~

Anonymous said...

Hi Gloria! OH, what a lovely sitting area! Love your cozy fireplace too! Oh, you have the most wonderful things! I'd love to come over! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Sonny G said...

your room is beautiful and it sure look cozy in there with the fire glowing.. we bought the fireplace//media center too and LOVE it...

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Thanks for sharing your pretty retreat.
I looked at those fireplaces a while back, but really don't have room for one.
Enjoy your evening.

Mari said...



Sue said...

We still talk all the time about trying to pull in a faux fireplace at our house. I miss having a real one so much. The shades are so beautiful, you are very talented...but, I already knew that! Love those shoes!!!

Unknown said...

Gloria...can I just come sit quietly in the corner of this oh so pretty room? I'll not make a mess or any noise. I am loving the glow of the fireplace and those sweet, sweet shoes....we'll I might have to shove my fat feet in those, lol.


Anonymous said...

Gloria what a beautiful and cozy place!! I remember your sofa story - such a crack up! Did he ever get his carrot cake?

Is Victorian Trading Company still in business? I haven't gotten one of their catalogs in years. It would help if I would have bought something from them to keep them coming I am sure. I did love looking at them for all the ideas!

You really need to come help pretty up my space like this!

bee blessed

Madeline's Album said...

Gloria, What a beautiful room. I love everything about it. Wish I had a fireplace we could use one here it has been so cold. I love the lampshades you made you are so talented. Have a blessed evening. Madeline

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Hi Gloria,
Your sitting room is fabulous! I love your fireplace, I WANT!! I have one in my morning room and my thought is...one can never have too many electric fireplaces, love them!

The shoes by the table are adorable and I love how you've accessorized. Gorgeous!!

Thank you for stopping by tonight and for the sweet comments. You always make me smile! =)

Keep warm and enjoy that fireplace. XOXO ~Liz

Bonnie@Creative Decorating said...

This room is just gorgeous!!! I so want a fireplace like that in our master bedroom! Looks so very relaxing!!

janet said...

Gloria, your room is so beautiful warm and relaxing. We too watch tv in our room and I would love the ambience of a fireplace. thanks for sharing

lvroftiques said...

Gloria I don't think I'd leave that cozy spot all day if I didn't need to go to the kitchen to get snacks to better enhance my viewing play-zure, and bum enlargement! Lol!
I have those same shades and I love them too! Vanna

lvroftiques said...

Oh Gloria NOOOOOOOOO!!! That dang PO!! Did they break it?? I'm going to cry for you if they did! Oh and those images make me want to burn my house down too! V

Gloria said...

How pretty everthing looks! And I just love the way your fireplace looks in there. You must be so nice and warm, sitting in your chair or lounging on your sofa, by the nice warm heat!

Kat said...

Love your sitting area Gloria. I don't know if I'd ever leave the bedroom haha. The fireplace is so cozy, I can just imagine lounging around reading a good book by that fire. I still laugh whenever I think about your sofa story, and whenever someone mentions carrot cake I crack up. Hugs, Kat

The Decorative Dreamer said...

Gloria that looks so cozy! Your fireplace may be faux but it sure looks real enough to me. You have created the whole ambiance around it perfectly too. Your big TV on the top probably makes it look even more authentic because so many homes have areas above the FP for TV's built in now days. I really like your set up! I would love our TV above the FP so I could arrange my furniture better but our mantle is too tall. You have veiwing perfection there to me with TV and the Fireplace! :))

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Gloria, I love my electric fireplace too! Love the chair; gorgeous! What a cozy sitting area. You know, I do believe we have the very same carpet in our bedroom! Thanks for sharing.


Chari at Happy To Design said...

Mornin' Sis...

Ohhh yes...I could just stay in your fabulous sitting area all day long, Sis! It's so very beautiful and sooo cozy with your new fireplace...I'm really loving that, Sis! You truly have created such a sweet place in your bedroom for TV, etc. Girl, you know how I love these beautiful furniture pieces! Ohhh...and I just about split a gut thinking about the story behind your carrot cake sofa! Hehe! You're sooo funny, Sis...but I can just see you doin' that!

Sis, I loved getting to see your gorgeous sitting area...it really is fabulous and you have it decorated so perfectly! Loved getting to see your fabulous handcrafted Victorian shades!!! What a talented lady you are, Sis!!!

Well Darlin', guess I better get a move on...have a fabulous day, sweet Sis!

Love ya,

Barb said...

Hi Gloria, I love your fireplace and your entire setting! How beautiful and peaceful...I am BIG on the peaceful part. :-)

Just charming. Enjoy it every chance you get.

Barb ♥

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I love the rosy warm glow of this room and your fireplace is beautiful. You have such a gorgeous home, Gloria. It always amazes me.
I love Victorian Trading Post..and want nearly everything I see in it. I have my calling cards from them...sooo pretty.

Those shades...you MADE those? DARN but you are talented! That's amazing too!

Love and hugs,

Shellyhectic said...

You are amazing and I love this little sitting area, it is sooo sweet!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

I love that beautiful victorian looking room Gloria!
It's just so pretty and so inviting!
You really do have a gorgeous home!
You have a book coming in the mail from me. There won't be a name on it, but I just wanted to let you know.
I think you'll like it! I saw it in AZ. and just thought it was wonderful!

Gypsy Heart said...

Such a warm and cozy space ~ it looks beautiful! I have been freezing in this cold weather and no fireplace here. Glad you have this to keep you warm and happy.

Love to you,

Karen said...

Hi Miss Gloria!
Love it - I love having a fireplace in my room. It is so cozy! And to read by it is just the best.
Now if you come home one day and those high top shoes ar gone - don't come looking at my place. I have wanted a pair of those for FOREVER! When I go to Texas in April I am PRAYING I find a nice pair. I can't wait!
Have you ever been to RoundTop in Texas? I will have to fill you in if you haven't.... :)
Big hugs! Karen

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh, your room is divine...straight from the pages of a magazine! I love the boy bust on your table! So perfect! I have four sons so I would like this one better than others I've seen! Love your lovely decor! You are surrounded by beauty! ♥

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Hello Gloria~it was wonderful having you stop by for a visit.
I keep dropping hints to hubs about getting one of those fireplace heaters...perfect place for a flat screen...since ya got the fireplace I see it as a perfect match to pair it with the TV.

How I adore the "Carrot Cake" couch.
I've no doubt you were happy you stopped for it.

Those baby photos were sooo clever and cute.

Sweet Wishes,

Tootsie said...

I love that sofa mom!!! you know I am coming for all these things don't ya? you have the same faux fireplace that I bought to take apart to use in the firebox in my sunroom! we must be mother and daughter...we have the exact same taste!
you have such style...and I love it!
I miss you so much...can't wait to talk to you soon

Slice of Pie said...

this is a beautiful post ... love all the pretty furniture and decor. I have one of those fireplaces, too ... and like it better than the real one! Thanks for sharing your mountain top!

Jewel Sauls said...

Love your fire! Everything in the room is just gorgeous!

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Good morning Gloria~ What a lovely sitting room! It looks so warm and inviting~ I love all your treasures in there and loving that faux fireplace too!! I have a couple of them as well, and they really work to warm a bedroom as well as add that ambiance! Are you enjoying this spring like weather? Loving it over here! Was thinking about the antique faire in Sac... maybe sometime this spring or summer? Are there any other bloggers that might want to meet up for a day of treasure hunting in the area?
Hugs, Courtney

Patty Sumner said...

just simply beautiful. You are right, Carrot cake would be great! Blessings!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Gloria, you look so cozy in your room, and I can just see you sitting there in front of your fire on your fancy Victorian furniture. It's so peaceful and pretty. Loved looking at all of your goodies. Thank you for sharing them with us.


Sheila :-)

Richard Cottrell said...

Gloria, No dome today, I am hoping tomarrow. I will inform. Richard

Elizabeth said...

Hi Gloria, I just love your room,the furniture is beautiful and I love,love,love your victorian shades. The fireplace is a great addition!

Phyllis @Around the House said...

I know i am no suppose to be looking at blogs because i am always so tempted to add comments, as i am doing now, miss you and love that fireplace, it makes the room so warm and cozy and it makes your lovely things just glow....love you sis....phyllis

Jessica said...


Oh, I love this room! You made that tulip lampshade....it's gorgeous! I also have a feax fireplace w/heat that I love. We made it look built in then my mister of course needed a ginormous tv...lol.

Hugs to you~ J

bj said...

I couldn't do without my bedroom tv.
Your bedroom is so pretty...:)))

Debbiedoos said...

Dear Diary, I am happy to have Miss Gloria as a blogging friend. Even though she sneezes all over and wets her pants I still love her. And I love your cozy sitting room...cute cute cute!!~ I do hope all is well now Gloria!

Lovey said...

Reminds me of home with my mom growing up! Just beautiful!