Now I also love coming into my kitchen each morning and seeing my Blue sink..doesn't everyone has one ha ha!!
20 years ago I seen a blue sink in Country Living magazine and just knew it called my name LOUD and Clear...So in 1996 I got my dream sink...There is just something about Blue/White in a kitchen that I love...
Severed in Blue/White dishes...OMG I just realized I'm right up there with BJ, from " Sweet Nothing's " I'm now showing food ha ha!!
I think one of my best finds from 2010 was this beautiful Blue/white soup tureen with the ladle for $ 10.00 from Second Sunday swap meet...Did I do great on this or what??
Hospice find S/P shakers for only $2.50
Needless information about me:
I was born in Des Monies, Iowa but have lived in California since I was 5.
I don't drink milk and haven't since I was about 6.
I only eat one meal a day.
The most I have ever weighted is 118 lbs and that was when I was pregnant.
I stand tall at 5'1 and has maintained 103 lbs for over 40 years.
I wear a size 4 in a kid's shoe..But can wear a 5 in a ladies...depends on the style.
I wear a size 4 petite in pants and the only ones I can find that fit me the way I like them is Gloria Vanderbilt..
In my twenties I worked as a cocktail waitress.
I had my own business for over 32 years, making Micromaniputlor's
and Mechanical stages for microscopes...for yeast and DNA...
I got married the first time in 1959 when I was 15 and had my first child Barbra 11 months later, she was a breech birth born Butt first, at that time they didn't do allot of C-sections I had no drugs all natural can you say OUCH!! ( I still walk funny ha ha!!)
I had all 3 of my daughters by the time I was 20.
I was a grandma at 36 and a great grandma by 62. I now have 8 great grands and another one on the way...Kyra's is going to have a little sister come May...YIPPEE!!
All of my grand kids now also have kids...So all 3 of my daughters are now grandma's...tell me that's not funny when I see them and realize their all grandma's now...
I was married to Wally for 31 years until he died of a heart attack in 1999 right in front of me...I tried giving him CPR for over 40 minutes waiting for help to arrive sighs...He was my life's love.
I got my pilot's license when I was 30..But never drove a car until I was 25...Can you believe I was afraid to drive?? So from getting a driver license to a pilot's license was a really BIG step for me...
I was Lioness International District 4-C3 president by the age of 40.And really enjoyed working at the Blind center, I taught a sewing and make- up class.God has a way of making you humble working with the blind..These women had no sight but could look within your heart..
This marks my 23 years up on this mountain top...And loving every minute of it...If I hear a car I know I have company coming ha ha!!
This also marks my 16 th year of being Cancer free YIPPEE!!...Boy God has been so GREAT to me..I think he knows I'm not done here yet.
God has always watched me over my shoulder, I'm a firm believer to always be kind to people, as what goes around will always come around...It's so much easier to Love than to hate...In fact HATE is the dirtiest 4 letter word I know...
OK now you have read the "Ramblings" of an old but grateful Happy To Be mountain woman...
I Hope all of you have a GREAT year
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and Smiles, Gloria
You are one of my favorite people EVER, Gloria, and what you wrote here is part of the reason I love you SO much. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? Not only on the outside, but on the inside where it really counts? You are, and that's one of the things I love most about you. That and the fact that you have a wonderful sense of humor and love shiny objects. You KNOW that counts with me! LOL!
"God has a way of making you humble working with the blind..These women had no sight but could look within your heart."
And you, my friend, have a way of doing that, too, even though you aren't blind. That's one of your best traits, and one I admire wholeheartedly.
Thank you, Gloria, for being YOU!
I love you...
Sheila :-)
P.S. And that blue sink is amazing! I love blue and white, and I think I would enjoy washing dishes at a sink like that. And that soup turreen (sp) is neat and was a super good price. You go, girl!
You are such a hoot. You have lived a good life girlfriend and yes, you are far from done!
Hi Gloria. What an interesting post! You have some very wise words to share....especially about the blind seeing into our hearts. Beautiful! Linda
Hi Dear Gloria! Oh, this was a wonderful post - you're showing your sweet sweet heart and I love it. You have such love and compassion for others! It's neat hearing these things about you and much of it I already knew! You're a jewel.
Now that blue sink! You know how I love it! I remember I was coveting it way back in our RMS days! You do have the most pretties of anyone I know.
Happy New Year to you, sweet friend,
Shelia ;)
Hi Gloria,
I do LOVE blue and have it in my small kitchen.
That was interesting learning more about you. How can you only survive on 1 meal a day...
Happy New Year!
deb :)
It was so meat getting to know more about my favorite {and only} mountaintop friend. What a truly genuine person you are. All good things should come to you as that is what you give, Gloria. I am so happy to have met you here in Blogland and someday you may just hear my car {or cab} coming up ypur mountain!!
Boy am I glad I stopped by today! You are one very interesting and amazing lady! I enjoyed hearing all about you and your family. I know you don't need me to tell you but you certainly are very blessed, but I'd bet your children and grandchildren would argue they are blessed by you as well! :))
You are a little bitty thing! :D Breech and no c-section - oh my!
Before I moved here, my kitchen was white and cobalt blue - loved it.
Oh baby, I'm grabbin' a spoon and comin' right over...that stew looks marvelous, especially on this cold day. I'll bring corn muffins! "K"
Lovin' your blues!
God bless ya and have a terrific New Year sweetie!!! :o)
Gloria, May God continue to bless you is my prayer for you. This was a very nice post. I am so glad to learn more about you. I love your blue and while kitchen, everything about it the dishes etc. Have a blessed day. Madeline
Enjoyed this post - it was fun learning more about you. Aren't we blessed to reach a "ripe, old age"?!!!! Take care, Sally
Gloria, how wonderful to know you better. What a lovely family story you have. I adore your blue and white collection. It is a timeless combination. ♥O
Hey Gloria! Just wanted to stop by to say "Hi, Ouch!, WOW, Awww and Yippee!" with you! Wishing you an equally amazing 2011:@)
First let me say congrats on 16 years cancer free....I am so happy for you and all of us, because we have gotten to know and love you. Second, I have that very same TUREEN, my Mom just bought it for me for Christmas, and there is another gal out here with one too, it is from the 40's I believe. I love the roosters too. I am a big blue fan also Gloria, I had a blue counter top in my last home.
What a fun post to get to know how special you are and what a BIG beautiful heart you have. I am glad you survived the birth of your 1st daughter and now have such a large posterity. I hope they know how lucky they are to be blessed with you in their lives.
You are so tiny and petite!
I think your blue sink is beautiful. I miss my blue kitchen...
Thanks for the picture and Happy New Year!
~♥ Beth
Hi Gloria, love your post today!!!Love your blue sink...thanks for sharing...Pat H
One of my favorite posts ever!
You have had an amazing life my friend!
I just am in awe! You are smarter than a whip and pretty too!
And I so love your blue and whites!
I never, ever tire of blue and white, it's forever my fave!
What a life girl, what a life!!
Love Ya,
p.s. I am going to be calling you again too!
It seems like right now i am always running to help my daughter or working.
You have had such an interesting life. Married at 15? Can you even imagine it now? I loved reading all these fun facts about you! You are such a sweet person and I am so grateful to have "met" you through this wonderful world of blogging.
The blue sink is so fun! I don't think I've ever seen one that color!
Oh Gloria I only eat 1 meal a day too and still don't have petite size 4 feet!!! Darn how do you rate?
Love reading all the little facts of you friend!
bee blessed
My place is a blasted mess, but I wanted to just jump over and give you a big hug! We have many things in common, you and I..well, 'cept I am a deal older than you and had a bunch more kiddies. (not to mention grands and greats!)
But...oh...wait and I only signed up for flying lessons. Never took them. Patrick found out (he was overseas) and came uncorked. Said we could make our children never flew. I did drive 16..and zoomed around town as often as I could.
What a time it all was, Gloria..what a time!
I love you, Punkin!
Hi Gloria,
I always enjoy coming here to visit. Your sweet and endearing personality comes shining through in your writings, your photos and your caring attitude. I've noticed in your comments on other blogs that you always have something kind and sweet to say.
I love reading about you and I'm not surprised that your life is so full.
I love all of your blues and if I were to choose a color that says "you," then it would be this one.
I have always known that you were one special and remarkable woman and now I am so certain of that. You have lived more than most people I know and I can only aspire to be like you, my friend!!
What a blessed and wonderful life you are living sweet lady! Hooray!
You are one teeny thing. I weighed around 103-108 all throughout my twenties and that is the last time I've seen those numbers. I came close to it weighing in at 110 in 2001 and then I balloned up big time after that. I'm only about 10-15 pounds from being back into a size 4 pants though. I'm ready and working hard to get back to my old small size. How do you only eat one meal a day? Any reason why?
Happy New Year! ~Melissa :)
Hi sweet Sis...
Sis, you are truly the most fascinating lady that I know! I just stand in awe of all your life's work and accomplishments...seriously!!! You're my hero, Sis!!! I just loved reading your "ramblings" as you put it! OMG...I didn't know that you were going to be a great-grandma again! Congrats to your sweet grandson and wife...and little Kyra!
Well Sister, my certainly set a beautiful blue table! I think I may have to get me some of that beautiful blue going over here at my place! I just swoon when I see all of yours! Girl, I still can't believe that you found that fabulous blue transferware soup tureen for just $10! What an awesome treasure find...I love it! Loved, loved, LOVED getting to see your beautiful tablescape, sweet friend! Mmmm...and that stew looked divine! Hey, I have to tell you...your stew looks just like mine! I bet our recipes are just alike! Hehe! Loved getting to see your pretty blue sink again! It certainly in a "one of a kind"...I have never seen another one! Ohhh...and I think this is the first time that I've seen that cute little blue gumball machine! Is it vintage? Love it! Well Sis...I just got your email...loved hearing from you...and I already sent you one back!
Love ya, Sis!
Reading your blog blessed me today!Thank you for your visit and kind words at On Crooked Creek today. Hm~m~m two ladies. . .one on a mountain top. . .the other by the creek. Could they be friends? Does God have a keen sense of humor? I look forward to seeing more of your blogs this year!
I dont know when I have ever enjoyed a post by Anyone , more..
I laughed- I cried- I enjoyed and OMG how I wished you were my friend- my neighbor- my sister - my cousin.. Something that would allow me just to sit and talk to you.. To hear all the stories I know are inside you, of your life..
You are blessed and I am surely blessed to have met you here..
Your post will be on my mind a lot for so many reasons...
My sincere gratitude to you for sharing with us..
Woo hoo....what a fabulous post. Now don't you be makin' fun of my showing ya'll almost everything I put in my mouth! hahaaa..If I don't blog about food and cookin', don't know what'd I'd blog about. :))
You've had a very blessed life and you still have some blessings coming. I just love you to pieces and am so glad to be blogging friends with such a fine, little lady.
many xoxoxoxoxo, bj
I LOVE your blue sink. I have a white sink with blue counters. I too adore blue and white. Your little Sunshine biscuit chef is just the cutest thing. Is he an antique? Love your pretty dishes and glasses too.
I loved reading about your interesting life. Best of all is that you have been cancer free for 16 years. That's wonderful!!
You already know how much I love your kitchen! That blue sink is sooo Gloria! And girl you done GOOD on that tureen! I love it mixed with all the other blues. Vanna
Now, I really believe that the best comes in small packages. I love your blue and white tablescape, dishes, sink and I love your dough boy. I think I already told you that before. You are an amazing woman, Gloria!...Christine
Dear, Sweet Glory Be....
I am so thrilled that you've been cancer free for so long. Mr. Sweet has also gone thru 5 life-threatening cancers and he celebrates with you on being cancer free for years. Praise the Lord and give HIM all the glory.
Now, I took flying lessons, too. Both our kids were little and Mr. and his brother bought a small plane. I was so scared of it, I had nightmares about it. Decided that if I KNEW I could land the blasted thing, I might not be so scared. Went all thru ground school and flew all over the country side with my teacher. Then, one day I went out, climbed in and was waiting for my instructor to get in..he said the words that still make my hair fall out..."You are ready to solo."
OMGosh..I got so weak, I melted like butter...but not so weak that I didn't climb right out of that plane and walk away. :)
At least I knew I could land it if I had to. No intentions of EVER going solo !! I hate flying to this very day.
Love ya, bj
Oh, and I am totally in luv with your blue sink. Awesome.
Thanks so much for stopping by and wishing me well over the holidays, even though I have been missing in action for so long! It was a job to come visit you here today and see your latest posts. I love all those pretty blue dishes! I enjoyed BJ's virtual birthday fun! And I really had fun reading all about your very interesting life! I sure have missed making blog visits, but my life is so full and busy. I have decided that since I have finally found the love of my life that besides me kids, my love life is my priority these day!
I'm glad you had a great Christmas and Thanksgiving and New Year! Mine was wonderful too.
Life on the Edge
A most acomplished woman in so many ways. I am proud to call you "friend."
You are very dear to me and to many others.
I hope this year is blessed for you in every way you could wish.
Love and hugs!
Mona :)
Happy New Year Gloria! Love your blue sink....thanks for the get well wishes.
If my mother saw your kitchen, I would not be able to make her leave, she'd move in there! LOL She loves blue & white and her houses were always decorated with those colours, even now in her apartment. It all looks so beautiful and oh yes, I LOVE your blue sink!!! Never seen one that colour before, it's gorgeous.
I so enjoyed reading more about you and thank you for making me feel tall at 5'3"!! lol I'm usually the short one in the crowd! That is too funny about having your pilot license before you ever got your driver's license. That's the best part about having babies so young, you can be a grandma and great grandma while you're still young enough:-) xoxo
I found your post so interesting! You have lived a lot of life for your years. Wishing you a blessed New Year!
Happy New Year Gloria!! Thanks so much for coming for a visit, you always make my day.
:) Michelle
Girlfriend we can play swap collections any day! *winks* Maybe we could lasso Christine and Laurie too?! I'd be happier than a pig in mud.....Hey doesn't someone have that name around here? How's their collections? *winks* Vanna
mom...YOU ROCK THAT BLUE AND WHITE!!!! I love how you share, show and use all your beloved treasures as if it was just the most usual thing in the world! Your love of all things antique inspires me to use my imagination and share and show what little antiques I do have in my home...(at least until me and my fleet of u-hauls get to your mountain top)
I hope you and Len are staying warm and cozy up there in your snow...I miss you mom...wish I could just come visit any old time I wanted to...get a hug when I need...I'd drive you friggin crazy!
love you!
mom? did my last comment go through? It didn't say anything!!! let me know if it didn't and I will come back! MOM????
Me again, Miss GLoria!
I have to tell you that your blues and whites are to die for!!
Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my bedroom.I love that bedroom set of my parent's! Deep don't find that much anymore in furniture!!
And I do love the mirrors! You need to get that set out of the barn and find somewhere to put it.....
You Go Girl. Richard from
Gloria .... YOU ROCK! First because you kicked that ovarian cancer's butt! I wish my Mom could have won her battle with it. Second - because you are just so honest and friendly and loving and you just CARE! Love that. Third, because you live on a mountaintop - that is exactly where I want to be. If you hear a car soon - that might be me.
Oh - by the way - if you come home one day and that BEEEE-U-TEA-FUL blue and white soup tureen isn't in it's normal place any longer, do NOT come looking at my house!
Big hugs my Friend. Have a wonderful day!
Such interesting facts about you, Gloria!! I loved hearing it all. You are unique and one-of-a-kind, which is the best way to be. I strive to be like that myself. ;)
(Maybe it has something to do with our name???) And let me tell you, my Mom would have been your biggest fan in your blue kitchen. Blue was her favorite color, and she would have gone crazy over your blue sink!
gv xxoo
P.S. Oh, PLUS, as I've told you before, my Mom would have gone crazy over all of your antiques!
What a wonderful post Gloria! I have an addiction to blue and white and I love your kitchen! I loved learning new facts about you today. You are an amazing and beautiful woman inside and out. I always cherish your visits and kind words when you visit my blog. You are like a breath of sunshine.
Gloria thank you for sharing such an interesting, blessed life. I surely enjoyed reading this post. I love all the blue and white! Blue is my favorite color! Thank you for being out there for all us bloggers. Ü Joan
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