WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Well here it is the day we all wait for in Blogger ville Marty's At "A Stroll Thru Life" cloche party...Now I have not been home much this past few weeks to play in the house...As many of you that follow my silly blog know I have been over at my Granddaughter Candace's house taking care of her...So I don't really have allot to offer right now...But I have been trying to introduce a new color into my Blue/White kitchen....RED!!
And of course my kitchen would not be complete without a cloche or two....See those sweet little child's fork and spoon in the cloche...Well I just got those the other day at the swap meet...So when Landen James comes to GG's house he got his own silver ware ha ha!! ( GG is what my Great Grand babies call me...stands for what else Great Grandma )
This sweet little Fiesta tomato red creamer was my mama's love it...Loved my Mama more sighs...My Mama also made the doily...double sighs...
Now dang if I was BJ at "Sweet Nothing" I would have at least tossed out a RED Strawberry for you to eat ha ha!! if you have not been by her blog go pay her a visit...she's a hoot and has the best stuff to eat...Love this gal...Another one in blogger ville that made me want to add RED to my kitchen is sweet Mona at " Wsprsweetly of Cottages" don't you love her blog name...Pay her a visit she's just GREAT !!!
I know this is not a cloche...but Marty did say anything goes for a cloche here...
I think I'm liking this Red....But if I don't have a daughter that will take it home....Thanks Marty again for this fun day...it's one of my favorite party's besides your TTT....Please go by and see all the other today showing some GREAT cloche's...Now on Candace I took her to the Doctor on Tuesday...Baby's heart sounds real strong and the Dr. said if she can make it until 32 weeks maybe he would let her go back to work part time...But at only 29 weeks he still wants her on bed rest and she can only be on her feet no more than 15 minutes at a time...The survival rate is real good at 29 weeks but allot of babies born than soon have to stay on a respiratory for a few months and there is also the soft spot in the head to worry about...So I'll be doing double duty at her house and mine until we can be sure that Landen James will be born healthy and safe....I do have to admit I just love spending the time with Candace....Since the date she was born and I cut her cord I have always been there for her and it's always been my greatest joy in life....
Thank you all again for the prayers for my little family...they do mean the world to us...May all of you have a GREAT weekend...I'm sending each of you a BIG OLE cyber hug..Can you feel it ha ha!!
Also had to show you the latest Picture of Kyra....She's my Great Grand Daughter that has had 2 open heart surgeries before she was 2 weeks old...She's a girl after my own heart just look at the money this little one have ha ha!! I hope she robbed her Daddy of it...All these babies just make me " Happy To Be" Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria
OH, She is so precious! I'm going to keep your daughter in my prayers. My daughter is also on moderate bed rest with her pregnancy. My daughter is 6 months along and has a way to go yet. She has a short cervix that they found in an ultrasound so they have to treat her and we do not want her baby to come too soon.
Hi Gloria! I'm so happy to hear that your grand daughter is still keeping the baby in utero! Like I told you last time I posted, I went into preterm labor at 28 weeks and with strict bedrest, I was able to keep my twins until I went into labor again at 34 weeks. Tell you grand daughter to stay put in bed. :) Do lots of rest. Take care.
Oh my goodness, Gloria! After reading about your grand daughter, I totally forgot to leave the compliments about your pretties! I love love the doile your mama made. I also love all of your red transferware. Love it all, actually! :)
Oh my goodness, Gloria! After reading about your grand daughter, I totally forgot to leave the compliments about your pretties! I love love the doile your mama made. I also love all of your red transferware. Love it all, actually! :)
Consider yourself hugged right back, Gloria! I'm glad to read that things are going well with your DD. What a cutie patootie there, too!!!
Very pretty cloche as well. I love the bell shaped curve of yours & will be keeping an eye out for one just like it. ♥ all the Pretty Reds!!
Gloria, love all your reds! What a fun post. ~ Sarah
Gloria, That is one pretty little red pitcher under that cloche! YOU do remember my love for red, don't you? You might want to keep an eye on that little red beauty...LOL ;)
I will be praying for all your family and for that little bundle of joy that is wanting to make his appearance here early. Nancy
I love your tribute to your Mama, that tomato red Fiesta creamer is too cute-enjoy!
I love the treasures you have displayed. We called my Mama Gigi, for GREATGrandmother too.
Prayers for your family.
Love the red, Gloria!
I've been wondering about Candace. I'm keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi! Your tomato red pitcher is so charming under glass. Thanks for visiting me. I will pray for your daughter. I had my child under similar conditions at 32 wks. I was in hospital fot 17days, she for 10 weeks as she was 2 lbs. But she is 18 now and just fine. I think it just makes them all the more precious to you. Big hug...olive
I am loving all of the red in your kitchen, Gloria. And your cloches look fabulous! Nice job!
I still find it hard to believe that you are a great grandma!! You definitely don't look like one, but I am sure they are all your biggest blessings in life. Baby Kyra has grown as is as pretty as ever!
Hope all is well with you, my sweet friend!
Hi Gloria! Loving the cloches so pretty...and the red...well you know I love my red;)!
Like your touches of red! Glad to hear your granddaughter is still doing ok. Hope you are getting some rest while taking care of her also.
Have a great weekend.
Hi Gloria! As always, I was so glad to see you stopped by! I love the red you brought into your kitchen, those linens are wonderful. I love the red and white doily under the one cloche; it's just beautiful and works so well in this vignette.
Hi Gloria! Oh, I love your little cloches and the redness you're adding to your kitchen! I love your kitchen!
I know Candace is loving you taking care of her. Continuing to keep her in my prayers and the little one to be! :)
Look at that little darling - she is growing by leaps and bounds! She is so cute and look at all that money! Man, she's got it going on!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Gloria, you did a very nice job of filling cloches at the last minute. Kyra is so cute and I am glad Candace and the baby are doing o.k.
Oh...that picture is adorable...I love all the money with her...teach her early!! So cute!
Hey Gloria, How pretty your red/whites are under the Cloche! And that pic of your Great Daughter is totally PRICELESS! Happy Cloche Party! :) hugs...
I just love Kyra's picture, Gloria, so precious! Hope Candace is getting better everyday. I like how you are adding red in your kitchen, It brightens it. Love the baby silverware in the cloche....Christine
Hi Gloria,
I loved reading the tribute to your dear Mama and her little red jug.
The red and white is so pretty.
Glad to hear that Candace and the baby are doing fine.
Such a sweet photo of Kyra and looks like she is learning what fun it is to have money.
Happy weekend
Love all the red! The cloche with your mother's red pitcher and doily is beautiful!
Blessings to your granddaughter and little Landen James (pretty name!)
The baby picture is absolutely adorable!
Awww...I could feel you missing your Mom when you posted those picture of things that were hers. I love the photo of her on your sidebar. She just looks like a lady that was lots of fun!
I am so short of cloches but I jumped intot the party too. I was so happy to see you here!! :)
I am so happy everyone is doing well in your family. Keeping folks in God's loving light really does work...at least I think so.
And thanks SO much for mentioning me and my blog. How very sweet of you, Gloria~
So...when are you and Len coming this way? Just askin'...
p.s. Beautiful child is just getting more and more beautiful!!!
Of course Kyra steals the show. How cute is she??!! Love all the red and white, esp the crochet work, Char
Hi sweetie, wow do I love the red in the kitchen, so fresh and pretty, you have such a good eye for color...love the under the freeway swapmeet, you always take such great shots...I did not know about the medical problems, I always pray for you and your family and I know everything will be good...love the pictures of your great grandaughter, what a sweetie, you gotta be so proud of her.....Did you let len buy something at the swap meet, I don't remember you saying what you ended out purchasing, I loved the doll as well, cute but pricy..,,take care my sweet friend, I am feeling ok for now this danged carpul tunnel bothers me but if thats the worst thing, that will be ok...take care, thanks for bein there...Phyllis
I love all the red and white. Glad to hear that your granddaugther is doing ok. My prayers are with her and the baby to be. kyra is so cute. Have a blessed day. Madeline
Hi Gloria, your cloches are lovely. Of course, I love, love the red and the plate under glass is fabulous! Just toooooo pretty, sweet friend.
What a cutie!!!!!!
Hugs, Barb ♥
Gloria, I am LOVING the red!! Looks fabulous!!
I will keep you and your daughter in my prayers...and that little Kyra? Beautiful......
Lou Cinda :)
Hello my friend! I love how you have added lots of red to your kitchen! It's so cheery and bright. How fun to use something so near and dear to your heart under glass. Now don't you wear yourself out doing everything for Candace, okay? You tickled me to death with your comment about my tobacco basket. I'd like to send myself up to your mountain! Little Kyra is loaded! Wonder how she got into someone's wallet- sneaky, sneaky.... LOL
lots of hugs, Sue
Gloria, I am loving the red that you are putting together. Your red transferware and the precious little silverware tied together are so perfect under your cloche. Love the little pitcher and doilly of your mom's too. Such wonderful treasures. I think the mason jar full of apples is a perfect cloche. Love the idea. So glad Candice is doing ok and so is Kyra. Both are such a blessing and answer to prayer. Thanks so much for joining the party. Love ya. Hugs, Marty
Such a lovely post, Gloria! Love your homey touches..the cloches are sweet as could be. And of course having a gorgeous wee one in the picture is always a treat. Wishing your family all the best...I have happily signed up to follow...
lookin good Mom. I love the Geranium in the kitchen!!! haha
I like the red...especially the toile
I have tried several times to call you but you must be at Candace's every time...give me a call when you are home. Missin you
Tell Candace she is in my thoughts
Love the photo of Kyra. She is a cutie pie. I'm loving all the red. I've started to add red to my kitchen as well. Enjoy your time with Candace (even though I know you already do). She is lucky to have a grandma like you. I will definitely keep your family in my thoughts & prayers. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop.
Hi Gloria,
Love all the red! I think it's a great color for a kitchen and your cloche displays are lovely! Thank you for sharing. Sending a prayer and all my very best to you and Candace. Have a wonderful weekend.
Hello Gloria,
Kyra is so precious! My daughter-in-law had to stop working and was put on moderate bed rest with her pregnancy. All was well and I am the proud Nonna of an 8 week old baby boy! What a great name - Landen James. Enjoy your time with Candace. She is lucky to have a grandmother like you. I will definitely keep your family in my prayers. Thanks for keeping us updated.
Warmest regards,
What a darling picture of Kyra...she is so precious. I'm so glad things are going well with Candace and that you are enjoying your time with her. Just don't wear yourself out too much...you haven't been all that healthy you know!
Love the red in the kitchen...you have so many sweet things that all you need to do is plop some glass over them and you have so much to share. That little pitcher is so cute!
Oh what sweet sweet vignettes girl!!
Love your kitchen and all the reds.
Too sweet little one too.
Been toooo busy lately, even for crafting or blogging. =(
Going into withdrawal in both areas.
barbara jean
Hi again! Love your cloches, love the red in your kitchen and love little Kyra! I also will pray for Candace that everything continues on uneventfully for her. I am sure you will continue to take good care of her. Have a great weekend.
Hi Gloria. :) Your red in the kitchen is gorgeous! Love the tomato, the chair pads, and the antique cracker box. I think you should definitely keep that color in your kitchen.
I'll be thinking of your family. Sounds like double duty is alot but I know you are happy to do it for the ones you love.
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