Look at the fancy handles on this cabinet...This cabinet came from Warren Hardware company..
The inside of the drawers...now you can see that the glass fronts are only so deep...You would fill the glass front and pull the drawer open to scoop out what you seen in the glass fronts...
Love the quarter saw oak of this piece...
I love the way it looks with my old Bin counter that I use as an Island in my kitchen...This bin counter is an 18 drawer one so it creates extra storage for me...plus gives me allot of working space in my kitchen...This counter is 8 foot long
One end with a few old crocks and feed sacks...Oh yes it's all about the old general store look in my kitchen...I have always loved this look...Maybe because it reminds me of a simpler time in our hectic world as we know it now and when I'm at home I want my home and life to reflect that time.... That and I'm spending my Kids inheritance ha ha!!
For those that want an update on my Candace...please see the post before this...
I'm joining these parties this week...
Marty at a " Stroll Thur life" for table top Tuesday
Laurie at " Bargain hunting" for favorite thing Satursday
Ceilo at " The House in the Roses" for show us your cottage Monday
Laurie at " Bargain hunting" for favorite thing Satursday
Ceilo at " The House in the Roses" for show us your cottage Monday
Cindy at "My Romantic Home" For Show-n- Tell Friday
Suzanne at " Colorado lady" For Vintage Thingies Thursday
Thanks girls for hosting these fun parties...Please be sure and go check them out..
Suzanne at " Colorado lady" For Vintage Thingies Thursday
Thanks girls for hosting these fun parties...Please be sure and go check them out..
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Hi Gloria! Oh, what a wonderful cabinet! I love it that you filled those little inserts with candy! I remember on Saturdays when I was little going downtown to 'watch the people' and we'd go into the dimestore and daddy would let me get a little bag of candy! I can still hear that crunch when they put the scoop inside all of that candy!
I just adore your kitchen and all of your olden things! I love it that you almost said 'bet your nuts'! You're a hoot and I just love ya! :)
How's your granddaughter? Y'all have been in my prayers.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi Gloria,
I am so glad you managed to get this lovely piece ~ it looks amazing with all the sweeties in it.
Children and big people, are going to love to visit you.
How is Candace? my thoughts and prayers are with her and baby.
Oh Gloria, I loved the candy cabinet! I couldn't have one of those in my house because I would be reaching my hand in all the time! I loved your post on your cabin and I love the general store atmosphere in your kitchen!
This cabinet is amazing! Woohoo on getting this!! And your isaland cabinet is awesome. I am loving everything here. I just had to go back to your old post showing your one room cabin. OMG!! This is just about the most amazing and fun transformation! It was so much fun to go back and see where you started.
I always love to see your collections...Finally, someone that has more stuff than me! I'm spendin' my kids inheritance too...it's all going to go to taxes anyway by the time they are grown! LOL! Do hope your granddaughter is doing much better and the contractions are under control!
OH Gloria,
I am really envious now!!!! Wow, wow, wow! That is so mega cool! And to fill it with candy, what a brilliant idea~ Your kitchen is soooo amazing! I told you this before, but I would pay money to tour your home!! Love it!
oh dear Gloria.. you make me want to get my sugar fix now! those candies are just awesomely colourful and yummy! I wanna try all! those gumballs, jelly beans.. ahhhh.. Summer is here!!!.. the cabinets are just beautiful!
I love the new cabinet. Your friends are going to love come visit you with all the sweets you have stored in it. Your kitchen is great love all the old antiques you have displayed in it. Have a blessed day. Madeline
Gloria...I just LOVE your hardware cabinet and your general store kitchen! Very welcoming and warm. I love crocks and loved seeing yours :)
You are the coolest grandma ever. They must love it over at your house. What stories they will tell their own kids about you having cupboards "filled" with candy. Oh my.
You need to send this into one of the magazines. It's perfect! I'm so enamored of your pieces. (I'd be seriously going through that candy pretty quick.) Spend away, girl! Let those kids make their own money. That's my motto!
Hi Gloria!
What a neat cabinet! I'm so glad you got it. I think it looks great there in your kitchen. Hahaha! I loved the line you said about spending your kids' inheritence! Thanks for sharing the pictures! Have a great day!
Hi Gloria, the candy cabinet is to die for.....so lovely and it just makes one feel good to look at it!
All your displays are so joy filled. Love 'em.
I hope you had a blessed July 4th
Hugs, Barb ♥
Gloria, this new cabinet is fantastic!!!!! I love the way you've displayed the different candies too. I've said it before and I'll say it again, to spend time in your home would be like a treasure hunt!
Justine :o )
Love your cabinet!! I checked out your story about the one room cabin. Wow! Talk about a renovation!
Hope you had an enjoyable 4th.
Oh my goodness Gloria, my nine year old would go NUTS over this, seriously he would. What an awesome piece...quite a conversation piece indeed. So fun, and adds color too. Love it!
Morning sis....you know I love this!!!!! I just can't get enough of seeing your kitchen...I stop at every pic and look at every nook and cranny...love how you used the grain scoop for a magazine holder and that island just makes me sigh with envy girl!!!! lol I would be right at home in your kitchen...it just screams 'come on in and pull up a 'nail keg' and tell me what you know good!' lol I scrolled down and read about Candace...I pray she does better than the doctors expect and that the baby just grows and comes into this world reaching his little arms out just grabbing for all that love and life that I know you and your family have waiting for him...so glad to hear Len is doing so much better..I have missed visiting with you sis...you take care sweetie and spell my name right on that 'will' so the lawyers will know just who that kitchen stuff goes to! lol lol ~Picket~
Oh my word Gloria, this is just way too cute. The grandchildren will definitely go nuts. It is so perfect with your other bins that you have. All of your antiques are such great treasures. Love them. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty
mom...I am thanking God that he spared that baby being born already!!! Candace will be in my prayers until that baby is safe to come play in the world...
you take care of you too...no need to have you sick too!
now...if you would be so kind as to get Lenny...take his hand and help him PUT THAT CANDY CABINET ON THE LIST OF TOOTSIE'S STUFF!!! I am going to need a bigger uhaul for the visit!!! Oh WOW....I love it...your house is a one of a kind...I have a couple little finds that I will email you photos of...I am getting slowly but surely to have a collection of the olden things!
love you mom...you are in my thoughts and prayers...
Mornin' Sweet Sis...
Ohhh...I'm sooo happy and relieved to hear the good news about Candace! Even though she has to have bed rest...I'm so happy that they were able to get the contractions to stop! Praise the Lord!!! Well Darlin', it sounds like you're going to be pretty busy the next few months...taking care of that sweet granddaughter and precious baby! But...Praise the Lord!!!
Now Sis...I'm just elated that you got your pretty cabinet!!! I know how bad you were wanting it! Ohhh...it's fabulous and sooo perfect for your "Old General Store" kitchen! I love, love, LOVE IT!!! Love where you put it too...it seems like it was custom made for that spot in your kitchen! Girl, when I seen all that candy, I thought...forget the kids...it would drive ME NUTS!!! Hehe! You know, those caramel candies with the cream centers...are one of my favorites! Hehe! Anyway, it sure is a gorgeous piece...love that pretty oak wood and fancy handles!!! I'm sooo happy for you, Sis! Yeeeehawww!!! Loved getting to see all of your goodies, antiques...in your kitchen! One day, I plan on getting to really "see" them...face to face!
Well Sis...I'll talk with you later! Russ is home today and we're still in the middle of projects! Sheeeshh...we're going to need a vacation from our vacation! Know what I mean? Hehe!
Love ya, Sweetie!
Oh my, Gloria! You say the children will get a kick out of this. May I tell you that I'd ❤ it!
Gloria this is amazing and I think the adults will go nuts over this also. I know I am , you have some of the most amazing pieces. This is a keeper that is for sure,Kathysue
You are just killing me every time you show us your fantastic treasures!! I LOVE your kitchen!! I wish we were closer because i would just Love to see it in person!!!
Your antiques or "olden" things as you say are to die for in my book!!
oh wow, what a terrific cabinet. does any of that candy happen to be sugar free:)
Gloria, Love your new old cabinet. You have a wonderful kitchen, so warm and cozy looking. Gotta love those neighbors!!! Thanks for sharing.
Hi Gloria! Your hardware/candy cabinet is really special and the kids will just go crazy when they see it! As much as I love red... I love yellow too and that yellow gum ball machine jumped right out at me-enjoy! Thanks for sharing!
Love you cabinet..My grandkids would love this...thanks for sharing...Pat H
Oo I just love the lolly cabinet! How cool is that!
Hi sweet Pea! Love Love this cabinet!!! How cool is that?? Perfect in your kitchen!
What a great cabinet! It's perfect for your country store kitchen! That kitchen is w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l!!!! You have fabulous things! Your house should be on home tours!
I would be in SUCH trouble if I had all of the candy in my house, Gloria.
Listen, I have these chewable vitamins, and they were so good I snacked on them and ate the whole bottle in a day or so! LOL!
Sheila :-)
What a fabulous cabinet Gloria!
I love your cabinet! I have kitchen envy for sure. What a coll idea. I just love your house. A museum house like mine.
Love the story too...toilet inside the bathroom. Neighbors?!
Hope you are feeling better!
Are you kidding??? A candy cabinet in my home?? Gloria, it is bad enough that I have a refrigerator...two in fact..but a candy CABINET???
Love you, Sweetie! Just beautiful!!
(so...canna I have it? Hmmmmmmm? :)
Gloria it is soooo cool! It looks gorgeous at your home. Great find!
Blogger is having ISSUES!!!!!! GRRRRRRR!
I will try and comment anyway because I LOVE THAT THING!!! If you come home and it's gone - don't come to my house. :)
I think I love everything in your house!
And I LOVED reading your one room cabin post! MY GOSH!!!!
How cool is that!?!
I'd take it in a heartbeat! No shower and all . . .
Someday . . . someday I'll get me one of those . . .
HUGS! Karen
How neat! So many candies, so little time. :-) I'm sure all the little ones love to visit and see what's new.
Oh Gloria, your new cabinet is wonderful! Of course, your entire kitchen is wonderful, and these "candy" cabinet just adds even more charm. I didn't know about Candace. I'll add her to my prayer list. laurie
Oooh. I love anything with lots of drawers, so that cabinet has me drooling! The island one, too--oh, sigh.
I'm adding Candace to my prayer list! Our daughter-in-law also lost a baby, our little Mitchell, who weighed just over 1/2 pound when he was born. He was a trooper, and managed 7 weeks here on Earth.
But Kristy and John also got pregnant again, and Kristy also spent the last several months of that pregnancy in bed, with everyone pitching in to help. Now we have our darling Piper, already four years old!
I will believe all this happiness for you and yours!
WOW!! I can see why you went 'nuts' over this cabinet!!! I'm so happy that you were able to get it. I would be in so much trouble with that candy in my house! But it looks fantastic in that awesome kitchen of yours. It should definitely be in a magazine, my friend. The island cabinet is unbelievable, too! I am in love with your kitchen!
Hope all is well on your side of the mountain, Gloria. Thanks for popping into my side of the lake! ;-D
That is a really great display cabinet. Love what you did with the pics of candy in it. I also love your kitchen counter display cabinet too. I haven't seen a wide angle shot of that before. You have the neatest antiques. I used to visit antiques stores by the dozens when Mom and Dad went to furnishing their home. Dad used to love these display cabinets. Yours are just gorgeous. Have a great week.
That is the coolest thing I have ever seen Gloria and leave to you to get it. I'm telling you you have the neatest things in your home and it's almost unbelievable..... you are one heck of a collector of many things and everything looks so Nice!!
Hey girl I'm so sorry about not coming over much, I just can't keep up with everybody any more, but from time to time I will definitely try to keep in touch. Thank you for dropping by, it's always good hearing from you.
Big Hugs*
Hi Gloria - That is just the sweetest cabinet I've ever seen. You must really love candies to turn it to a candy cabinet. What a brilliant idea! I also just want to stop by and say "thanks" for commenting about my Tiffany Bleu cottage.
Hi Gloria,
I love your candy cabinet! The kids and adults will love this for sure! It adds even more charm to your already perfect kitchen. You have exquisite taste...
Enjoy your week and big hugs,Elizabeth
Hi Sis...
Whew...just needing a "sit-down" break...came over to fill up on some candy! Hehe!
How are you doing, Sis? I'm just wondering if you have already started going over and staying with Candace? How is she doing, Sweetie? Of course, you know that I'm keeping her and that sweet little one in my prayers!!! Girlfriend, I sure wished that you could be here when Cindy comes...would be a "girl's pajama party" for sure! Hehe! I think I told you that my sister Rhonda and her husband are coming up from Texas...right? They will be here this Sunday! I sure am hoping for nice weather...it's been really rainy lately and today it only got up to 67. Can you believe that? It's July!!! Well Darlin', just wanted to come by to say hello and see how you're doing! Let me know how Candace is doing when you get a chance!
Love ya, Sweetie!
I like your cabinet and bins, but I don't think I could stand looking at all the candy all the time.
I love how you've given new life to all these wonderful antiques.
Thanks for sharing and happy VTT!
Gloria, I absolutely love your candy cabinet and your bin counter! Wow, are you ever creative! I don't know why I didn't do this before, but I have just become your newest follower. Love your blog, girlfriend!
Blessings, Beth
Gloria, you have the most amazing things...and this cabinet is one of them!! Oh, how perfect it looks in your kitchen. I just love it!!! Now, I am off to see the rest of the cabin....Have a great VTT and thanks for linking in with us today!!
Oh Gloria..this post just made me smile from the moment I saw it...that is the coolest thing I ever seen!!!I am soooooooo glad you came by,just warmed my heart!! x0x0x0x0
That is a wonderful cabinet! Your whole kitchen is a feast for the eyes. I could look at it all day!
Gloria that is one amazing cabinet! Now I am hungry for candy and cracker jacks!
Your kitchen is wonderful and very homey.
Gloria, I love the candy bin! Just like an old time candy store. Good find, Joan
that is some amazing stuff in your kitchen, that counter is fabulous! cute cute cute
Hi Gloria! My grandkids would love to invade your kitchen, lol, and I will follow along. I do have a sweet tooth. The cabinet is perfect for you, goes so well with your other kitchen furniture. It was meant for you and it is so beautiful. I am glad you bought it....Christine
Love all your kitchen cabinets!! Wonderful new candy cabinet..but wait-if there's only candy in the glass window and none in the drawer you better watch out for a revolt when the kids come! :) Its just beautiful with all the colored candies.
Oh my, those cabinets are wonderful! And the decorative candy is great.
What fun!! You have some of the most interesting antiques and coming to your blog is just delightful!! Happy to be your blogging buddy dear Gloria!!
Susan and Bentley
Oh my gosh, how fun is that! What a wonderful cabinet and all your other things are so delightful. Thank you so much for sharing them all with us.
Happy VTT!
Your kitchen is delightful. If there is ever a get together for kids - YOURS will the be place to be. That cabinet is so fantastic. All of the other pieces are to die for!!
OMG! That is absolutely delightful! So colorful and, well, sweet! Great job! Great find! Susan
The little ones??? I am going NUTS! How fun!!!!
m ^..^
I can not stop drooling over your cabinet. I am not even a little one and I am going nuts and bolts over it. What a great find. Love what you have done to it.
Oh, my goodness...Everything looks so Yummy! Thank you for sharing!
Gloria you have made my Dream come true! Many years ago I saw a counter like your island and thought I must have it but it was thousands of $$ and my kitchen was just big enough to hold it. I'm so pleased to see it in your lovely home. Can I come over and play in your candy and eat, eat eat? Don't you just have a hand full every minute of the day? It would be so tempting to me.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Kids would dream of having you for a granny... Is the candy for looks or is it for eating? I have a question for you... What do you know about Italian florentine? I have brought a few pieces from ebay lately, just because I think it is pretty. Would love to know something about it ...
I love,love,love this! So pretty. It reminds me of the old show "Little House On The Prairie". Your kitchen is beautiful. I love your island too. This has to be one of the best kitchens that I've seen.
Gloria, thank you so much for linking this great post to Favorite Things Sat. Since your kitchen is one of MY favorite things, I love having it linked to my blog! Have a good weekend. laurie
What a wonderful find. You have some beautiful pieces and they look great in your home.
What cool pieces you have. That candy display would make any mouth water! Fun fun fun. I also have kitchen island envy now!
Never mind the kids, I would like some of those candies please! hehe Your "new" cabinet is just gorgeous and what a great idea to put candies in all the drawer fronts. Perfect!! It just never ceases to amaze me at all the beautiful antique furniture you have, as well as all those vintage accessories. It brings a smile to my heart, knowing that all of it has found such a happy place in your home:-) xoxo
Hoping & praying your Candace is doing well.
I love your new vintage bins with the candy!!
I know you like "olden" stuff (laughing at your "nuts" comment to Shelia) but you must go here to see what Candy did with hers:
love love the new cabinet, with the candy displayed so perfect..,They will be so excited to see it all full of candy , I bet they have a fit to see whats waiting on them hope your feeling good and everything is ok with you and your family....
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