I would love to hear your thoughts on our Health care....Thank you all for your comments and I will be getting back to each and everyone of you...Just give me time, Love you guys, Thanks for coming by I guess I could have offered you some Cheese with all this Whine ha ha!!!
Until next time from my Mountain to yours,
Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria
Gloria, You crack me up. But what a serious situation. Thank God their are competent people out there, if few and far between! I had a doctor keep me in the hospital, because he thought I had said I was feeling worse, not better, I was so angry, I ended up fighting all charges and won and didnt have to pay a dime!! Best of luck to you sweetie!! Sue
Don't get me started on what doctors say or don't say. It didn't bother me as much as it does now when it involves my grandaughter! Now lets talk about attorneys...and we think doctors are BAD at communicating! I've never had to deal with an attorney my whole 48 years but am semi involved (sons divorce) with one currently and LET ME TELL YOU... all those nasty lawyer jokes totally make sense to us now. Guess I'd better not get started...I'd use all you comment space that hopefully will instead be for people wanting to leave you good advice. I hope your resp. therapist has you on the road to healing and that each day shows major improvement for you. TAKE CARE! Vicci
Oh Gloria, I am so with you. My regular doctor didn't order some tests that I should have had, and then another doctor did and found a problem. I am just a number, and after I wait for 45 minutes for them to see me for 4 min, the least they could do is listen to what my problem is. Ok, I am through now. I so hope you get better soon. Have you ever had the pneumonia shot? They finally gave me one after my 6th bout with it and I havn't had pneumonia now for 5 yrs. When you are well, ask them about it. Love you, you are in my prayers. Hugs, Marty
Sorry! :( I suspect there are a lot out there that should not be practicing medicine.
Hope you get to feeling better real soon.
Having been through some breathing problems myself after shoulder surgery in January, I hear what you are saying. I'm finally o.k. now, but I did not follow some of the advice I was given by all of those health care providers. Especially from the oxygen people - it seems they just wanted to see how much they could bill Medicare. They kept saying it wouldn't cost me anything - who do they think funds Medicare? It's us the taxpayers, folks; and I want to save every dime I can. Even though it really is just a drop in the ocean. Now, I've whined right along with you. Here's hoping you get to feeling better now. Sally
Oh, I am not the one to talk to! I think it is only going to get worse. I have to have CT scans every 8 weeks. Every time my insurance denies it. Then we have to fight it, eventually they pay it, but why do I have to have this frustration. Do they really think I love it so much that I do it for no good reason?? Oh I could go on, but I just hope you start feeling better real soon!
Oh Gloria, don't get me started, I am having a great day! So sorry you are still so sick! Stay away from all work, stay in bed, read blogs and get well! I'll send over the healing fairy, watch out, she's a determined one!
Bless your heart, Gloria. I have thought of you, off and on, all day and finally decided to come visit. Now I see why I was thinking of you...you sent vibs all the way out here in West Texas! lol
I don't blame you...I get aggrivated about this kind of thing, too. I must say that I love my doctor almost as much as I love Mr. Sweet..(well, nearly) and he does take good care of me. I have had some doctors in the past, however, that must have got their doctors certificates out of Cracker Jack boxes !!
I am leaving Sat. for a week and I sure hope that you are feeling much better when I get home.
I'll pray for you and would you pray for me that my plane doesn't crash and my ship doesn't sink ?
My thanks and "see" ya later...
xo bj
It's a shame the things the health professionals don't say. I had Pneumonia in November and I am still coughing. I always took forever to get over colds but this is unreal! Of course working around smokers does not help. Hope you feel better soon!
I'm sooooo sorry you've been dealing with this, honey. My son told me they are laying off nurses right and left at hospitals in Calif. now because of what's coming, but it sounds like you haven't been informed properly. Some people are clueless sometimes and doctors are the worse. Hoping it gets better soon, chick... Soap box??? Doesn't bother me one wit! You go, girl!
I can't give you my opinion since I'm Canadian and as for my opinion on Canada's Health Care..don't get me going girl, I throw you off your 'soap box' real fast and WON'T come off of it!!!GRRRRRRRRRRRRR....
Oh Dear Gloria,
You whine all you want! I was just coming over here anyway because I was starting to get worried again. My goodness, I can't believe that they haven't spent the time with you to explain what you can and can't do. I am getting quite irritated right along with you. I am glad the therapist has taken the time now. But I am so sorry that you have suffered this much. My gall bladder removal cost $39,000 dollars. Yap, you read that right. Now, I was quite sick, but still. And we are fortunate to have good insurance through my hubby's job. But back to you. I only live 100 miles from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Mn. Maybe you need to come and stay with me. It's a thought if you aren't better soon.
I am thinking and praying for you.
Big Hugs,
Hi darling, I'm so sorry you aren't improving.. I don't think you "really" want me to tell you what I think of our health care...wouldn't be very "lady" like trust me on that one.. I hope you give your body time to heal and get to feeling better soon... did I read you were going to Reno next week??? I've emailed you a couple of times and shot you a note on facebook... think of you daily darling... don't worry about getting back to me soon... you take care of you... love ya girl
hugs ~lynne~
OH NO!!!! Gloria!
that's what I think about some of these dumb doctors!
I am so sorry to hear you are still sick! That was the last thing I expected to hear! I thought you were on the mend!
Well . . . now you know what's going on - and it makes sense why you don't feel any better - so now - ONWARD! Now you'll start to feel better! YAY!
Keep us posted - we'll wait to hear how you are doing.
BIG HUGS!!!! :) Karen
FIrst off, I'm very, very sorry that you are so sick and to be so frustrated on top of it can't be helping your recovery. I'm sure it felt good to get that off your chest. One more reason I love blogging - it can be so therapeutic. You certainly have every right to be upset Gloria. Just get better, and when you're feeling back to snuff, THEN, I would tell those doctors where to go!
I am so sorry you are still sick. I have never had much faith in the medical profession. I have always told my hubby they just practice medicine and they like to practice on me. Glad you finally found someone who took the time to give you good info. Hopefully you will be on the mend soon.
Hi Gloria! OH, I'm so sorry to hear you've still been so sick! I know you're ready to kick those guys!
My doctor has just retired and now I've got to find another one!
Some doctors just don't have any common sense!
Love you, Dear One,
Shelia ;)
Gloria, our health care system is kind of sucky. It is ashamed no one tells you everything you need to know. I guess they expect people to google it or read about it on their own. We should be able to get all the advise we need when we see a doctor. I hope you get better soon. If you don't please go to yet another doctor to be sure!
Oh, boy. Let me jump on that soap box with you. Why make my appointment for 3:00 when they can't see me until 4:30????? And they never, never apologize. Are they the only ones with important things to do? How rude!!! Stupid doctor can't get my one medication right. She keeps thinking I take my hubs' meds. And then gives me wrong doses of mine. Do we need more doctors? Okay, I'll stop. Do you think there might be some lead in some of those antiques you have? Can you get your home tested? I pray you start feeling better, sweetie.
Hi Sweetie! I got your letter and to be honest I am not surprised.
I just, today, changed doctors. My two previous ones were probably good doctors, but they just plain didn't care and it showed. I don't really blame them, Gloria, but..and I know this is probably a terrible thing to say, but I think part of it is that when we get old..um..older, they just really don't care as much. At least that is how it seems.
Today was a miracle for me. FINALLY this doctor looked at my poor swollen ankles and looked shocked and immediately changed my medication. When I had complained about my swollen ankles to my old doctor...he gave me another pill for blood pressure and said "this will make your ankles swell!!" I was stunned! Yes, high blood pressure will kill you..but the new doctor gave me a new pill that has combined the two meds I was taking and...gets rid of the swollen ankles...and immediately called the pharmacy and ordered it. No perscription. It was ready when I got there.
I stopped wearing dresses...got wider shoes...it's been a nightmare.
I met this doctor when I was in the hospital last Sept. having my surgery.
Age. I honestly think age has something to do with our treatment...
A little time and concern and ...well..it's just difficult to get anyone to take CARE of you. You have to take care of yourself..so I did. I changed doctors. Thank God I did!!
Health care. That is a real sore issue with me.
So..I will stop right here...
Hugs and love,
p.s didn't they even give you one of those papers with details about your medications??
Your problem is crucial...one does have to breath!!!
Oh Gloria, it absolutely STINKS to be sick like this for so long. I know-- I had pneumonia for almost 3 months when my girls were little.
The doctor told me I should be in the hospital, but I had 2 little ones to care for. Looking back, I should have let my Mom care for them. Stubborn.
I also kept on using the cleaners and sprays -- and it took me forever to get better.
Gloria, you must be exhausted. You need to listen to what your body is telling you. Don't push yourself to do things, and hard as it is, try and REST as much as possible. Sleep is even better -- we heal when we are asleep.
And stay away from ALL things in spray cans or with fumes. To this day I cannot use many of the cleaners I used to use --If I do, I cannot breathe and have to go outdoors for fresh air till I can breathe again.
The laundry room and any other projects you have will wait for you to get better. Pneumonia can be a very nasty illness --please please let yourself rest and heal and get better... just because you CAN do something while you are sick doesn't mean you should. Until the X-rays show NO MORE pneumonia in your lungs, I am being Dr Cass and your friend and saying PLEASE take care of yourself.
Yes doctors often don't tell us all that they should tell us -- thank God you had a good respiratory therapist.
Oh Gloria, I am so sorry to read that you are still not well. Bless your heart. Anybody would be tired of feeling horrible for this long, and anybody would be angry at drs. who had not told them what they shouldn't be doing. You have a right to be on your soap box. However, those drs. probably didn't have any idea that someone as sick as you would be painting or cleaning! You need to rest and get better! You need to curl up in your old red robe and take it easy. Now, I'll get off my soap box. love ya, laurie
So sorry that your Dr's didn't make the connection ~ Happy that you cannow get better. It seems that we have to be our own Dr!!! I look things up on the internet and go to the Dr with my list/comments and "this is what was said on the internet"...I do feel my Dr is on top of my health care.
Take care.
Deb :)
Hi Gloria,
Sounds a lot like our Health care over here.
I really hope that you can get your health sorted dear friend.
Do look after yourself and get better.
Gloria I know how you must feel. As I was in the hospital for 2 months. The doctors gave me some medicine for my heart that nearly killed me. I am so glad they finally found out my medicine was the problem.. I hope you get to feeling better soon. My prayers are with you. Madeline
you go girl...and never let up! I love your spunk...I tried to call but lenny said that you had spent the day with Candace and that you were so pooped out that you were having a big sleep!I told him not to wake you...might try again when I get a few minutes today.
Love you mom...please say a little prayer for my dad...he has been put into the hospital and may or may not be having surgery. They need to assess him first before they decide.
I want you to get better...this is gone on too long!
love you
What in the world? I can't believe the crappy treatment you have received. We have had no problems with Tricare. The military is a wonderful thing when it come to health benefits. I am blessed for sure to have so many *extras*. I really hope you feel better very soon sweet friend. I'm worried about you. Please take it easy and don't worry about cleaning a thing right now. That's an order from your NC daughter. *Smiles*
Blessings, ~Melissa :)
Gloria, my family is just starting to see the 'lack of' information/care from our health care providers. Too long to go into but they really missed a big one here!! I truly understand your situation!
Try to stay well and prayers beign said for you.
I kept thinkin there is something wrong cause I have not heard from your side of the mountain, I am so sorry to hear you are still not feelin good, my friend has had a lot of respiratory problems as well...you ;need to take it easy and rest those lungs....as you may know I had a lung lobe removed and had to get used to breathing with less....I agree with you sometimes the doctor seems like just an expeditor who sends you places and you are just a number....I hope things will get better for you soon and you can get back the stuff you love, that is so important that you get to do the stuff you love, take care sis and rest....come for a visit when you can...
Gloria I am so sorry you are not feeling better. You definitely should have been warned about things you were not supposed to be doing.
I'll keep you in my prayers!
I'm hoping you get better soon too. I have to run but I'll come back and check in later!
Hi Gloria! Three more babies on the way? Wow!! Your quiver is almost full! LOL.
Hope you're feeling better today and you sit down and rest! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Gloria so sorry for all your trouble with the Drs as if not being sick is enough! I had the same stuff happen last year when I was in the hospital- 5 doctors and they all were fighting with each other over different treatments etc. Then I get much more help from a few nurse friends that I have!!!
Hope you are feeling better soon. I always feel better when I remember that God is ultimately in control not the wise guys!
bee blessed
Thanks Gloria for always being so inspiring even when I know you donb't feel well....it's a bit-- when you can't breath well, it will just make you so tired, stay in a room with lots of plants, they give of oxygen and can increase your breathing capability...when I write that book, I promise to do a special chapter just for you my friend and you will receive a copy signed and delivered...what do you think we should call the book, maybe just AROUND THE HOUSE...I promise you will be surprised and delighted this summer when I do some tablescapes in the backyard by the fireplace, I have so many in my head, it's hard to remember them all I just want to make sure you are there for them all so please take care, it would not be the same to do a post and not have your comments and when I need a lift I go to yours, that can just not stop you know....get better babe,,,,,
Gloria, if we think it's bad now, just wait until the government is running things and - holy cow - let the stories quadruple! I hope you get better rapidly as you stop doing the things they didn't tell you not to do - go figure! Linda
Oh, Gloria, I feel for you. I know the pain it is to deal with doctors who don't tell you most of what you actually need to know.
I've been going to "specialists" for seven years now for Fibromyalgia, Sjogren's Syndrome, Mixed Connective Tissues Disease, Hoshimotos, and possible MS. It's been completely maddening. Every one of them gives me a different view point (and diagnosis half the time) and tries to get me to take medications that will only make me worse in some other way. I was on Celebrex for a while (took myself off of it) because of inflammation. Well, low and behold, now I have heart palpitations and other issues with that very important muscle.
I know we pay them good money to be our "doctors", and I use the term loosely for many of them that I've seen (U of M turned out to be a night mare!), but I have found over the past seven years, that if I don't research like crazy, talk to others I know with similar problems, and get online and chat with others who have these issues as well, I'm going to be in trouble because the doctors lead me down the wrong path 8 times out of 10.
Darlin', you having had pneumonia for so long is absolutely terrible. I'm so sorry they didn't tell you the things to avoid and you've had to put a lot of your life on hold. I know how that feels. Big hugs to you and I do hope that you are well very soon.
Peace, fast recovery and good health to you,
Hi Gloria, just came over from Tootsie's place and wanted to say I put your husband and now you and Toots on my prayer list. I am a retired RN and at 72 don't go to the doctor any more. If I can't take care of myself with natural means I might go. I use a lot of herbs, Vicks Vaporub, bourbon and lemon and honey, hot and cold packs etc. Blessings
I'm so sorry you are sick! It probably really has nothing to do with what you have been doing or not doing. The pneumonia that has hit this year has been a very persistant strain and has hit many otherwise healthy people very hard. While everyone was freaking out about H1N1, the real epidemic- this pnuemonia outbreak, has been overlooked. It may take a few months to recover. Cut yourself alot of slack and really take it easy. All inhalants and irritants will slow down the healing process. Let other people help you and take care!
Gloria what a beautiful old phone and phone book. You have some of the nicest antiques filling your home.
Unfortunately, we learn more from the physical therapists, the medical assistants, and the nurses. They take the time to answer questions. Doctors do not give all the info they should. I think they assume we know it all. HUH? Isn't this why we pay them? I know medicine is not an exact science. It can be trial and error. And believe me, I know the error part after having dealt with Mr. S's issues for 4 months! As it is, we are going to see another dr. for a second opinion on his knee and leg. He still cannot bend it completely. He walks like Grandpa McCoy or Festus. Don't even get me started!!
I hope you begin to feel better soon, Gloria. Upper respiratory stuff can last forever, this I know from experience.
xo Sue
I am so sorry to hear that you have been sick again! I pray that you are better soon:).
Blessings dear friend,
Dang.....I soooo hope you're feeling better soon....I'm glad you now know the things to avoid....and I've put that information in my memory bank so I'll know what to do should I ever need it....
Don't even get me started on healthcare.. :-)
Hope you're up and running ASAP.
First off, I'm so sorry you've been sick for so long. I hope things turn around for you now that you know better what to avoid!
There are good doctors and bad doctors, and it stinks to have to be the guinea pigs while we decide which ones are better for us. And then some people don't have a choice but to go to the bad ones because their insurance doesn't include enough doctors. It's frustrating, very frustrating.
I had an ear infection last year and I found better advice online on how to deal with it than I did from my doctor. I was in so much pain and he didn't even tell me to take anything for it (and I wasn't sure if I could because of the antibiotics/ear drops I was on). Maybe it was obvious that I could but I didn't know what I could mix and what dosage I could take. So I suffered for days while the meds started to kick in.
Okay, now I'm whining but that was fresh in my mind. I feel your frustration as well. I think they forget that WE are the paying customers.
Feel better!!!
Hello sweetheart,
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear your not better yet. I know sometimes you feel like just a number. I can't believe they didn't tell you all the things you shouldn't be doing. Painting, and sanding??? NO, NO!
You rest and read blogs! Hope you are feeling better soon! Take care!
Love and Hugs,
Oh Gloria, I am just seeing this. How I feel for you. I do believe our health care system is in trouble. Remember when a doctor actually used your name and looked into your face when he/was was speaking?!!!!!!!
I spent years and years trying to find help for my SEVERE migraines and I won't bore you with what I went through. Sometimes I thought I would scream from frustration.
Sending my prayers to you!!!
Love and hugs, Barb ♥
Hi Gloria! I've been away from my blog but I think about you all the time! Oh you poor thing! I hope you start to feel better, sweetie!
Gloria, this makes me so mad I could just spit! I do understand that Drs are under a lot of pressure to keep visits short, costs down (to the insurance company, not the patients, that's for sure), etc, etc, etc. But really, would it have taken him/her 5 minutes to explain what to expect and what you shouldn't do? This is just ridiculous. That a respiratory therapist had to give you this information is just unforgiveable. For goodness sake, if they don't want to spend the time, couldn't they at least have some sort of literature to give the patient? Hope that you will soon be on the mend now that you have some good information. Will keep you in my prayers dear friend. Hugs, Kat
My goodness you have a lot of followers!! Just came over here from Tootsie Time. Sorry to hear about all of your problems. But you're on the mend now and I've learned that you really have to have a patient advocate. Whether it's you or someone else, someone has to ask a lot of questions. Hope you and your hubby are well soon and can enjoy a beautiful summer.
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