It comes complete with the moon window !!! Now I wanted to show you a few of my old door knockers I have on this door...As everyone knows you better knock before entering an Outhouse ha ha!! you see that Red in the little window...well those are Long johns hanging inside the bathroom door ha ha!! One day soon I will show you the inside of my Outhouse really does look like an old outhouse ha ha!! But hey it's so me!!!
A sweet basket of flowers...
A Kissing couple...
A sweet doggie...
A sweet Parrot... All of these door Knocker's are from ca. 1930
Of course with a redo you always have a mess to live with until your done ha ha!! to Len when he is working every flat surface is fair game to toss his tools on....
My washer and dryer became a tool station....
May all of you have a great I need to run and find my clothes hangers so I can do my laundry...wonder where I put them ??? I know somewhere in my dining room they are living there right now ha ha!!
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
It looks wonderful! I can only imagine how nice when all is finished. Hang in there!
Love the beadboard wallpaper and the bathroom (outhouse) door is just so cute. I can't wait to see it all. Hugs, Marty
Lookin' good Gloria! I can't wait to see your outhouse.
We put up a tad bit of paper yesterday, after saying NEVER AGAIN!LOL Hope to get this little project finished before we leave for the lake, tomorrow. If we do, I'll post it.
LOVE THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!!! My hubby and I would put that in our home if only we could find one. Don't think I will be finding one anytime soon...hehehe.
Nice to see our home isn't the only one with projects taking up all available flat space. My son keeps asking when the wood trim on the floor will be put up on the wall...silly kid.
Hard to believe that is wallpapar....looks great. I love your door knockers :)
Hi Gloria,
Oh, I love that beadboard wallpaper. It looks just like the real thing. Your laundry room will look so great when it's all done! I like your outhouse door and doorknockers!
Have a wonderful day!
Mornin' Sis...
Ohhh is nearly noon! I have been sooo lazy today...sleeping in and just bumming around! Hehe! And...I had such big plans for the day! I'm working on "prettying" up our patio! Anyway...
Girl, I just love, love, LOVE your new beadboard looks fabulous! makes me want to run over to Home Depot and get some of that! Hehe! It looks sooo pretty and the trim...beautiful!!! You guys did GOOD!!! You know, I really like that wall color too...are you carrying that color into your laundry room as well? Sis, I love your laundry room's gorgeous!!! Did you guys just put that in? It's sooo pretty and I bet it does bring in some nice light! Sis, it's all looking absolutely gorgeous! Bet it feels great to get some of these projects finished and behind you! Ohhh yes...I know how that "everything looks worst before getting better" thing works...wink! But it'll be sooo worth it!!! I'm just elated for you, Darlin'!!! Now, I have to tell you that your outhouse bathroom door is just "the bomb"! Hehe!!! Too cool and it's sooo YOU!!! I love all the olden door knockers too! Sis, I can't wait to see the inside of that bathroom, I bet it's fabulous!!!
Well sweet Sis, what are ya'll up to today? Are you working on projects? Like I said before...we are just being lazy, although there are many things that I need to be doing! Hehe! I'll talk to you later, Darlin'!!!
Love ya,
You've been a busy bee! Love that wallpaper (do NOT let my DH hear that!). I think the outhouse door is a scream. Can't wait to see the inside. What fun is it to live in a cookie cutter house that looks like everyone elses? And Len and DH must be related. We are starting a business and my dining room and living room look like a deranged art gallery. There are frame samples on the hearth, framed pictures leaning against the wall, prints on the china hutch - well, you get the picture. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Kat
At least your projects are getting done - wish I could say the same for here. I have several around blogland using that paper with great results. Looking forward to seeing yours. Like your door. :D
Wow, that's going to be so cute and unique when you finish, sweetepea. Can't wait to see it all done.
Hi Dear Gloria!! Oh, I love your outhouse door! It is you! :) Love your knockers!! :) I just had to say that! I'm a silly!! Can't wait to see the inside of your outhouse!
Now I love what you've done in your dining room with the bead board wallpaper! It looks awesome. The window in your laundry room! Great! This tells me Len must be feeling better. I hope you are too. You just sit on your 'throne' and give the orders since you are the Queen! :)
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
That beadboard looks wonderful! Love your bathroom outhouse door! My mom and my dad build her an outhouse for her backyard. she uses it for a gardening shed. It is so cute!
Hi Gloria! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your sweet comment! I am sorry to hear about your daddy! I miss mine so much's been almost 4 years.
Your projects are wonderful! I am loving the beadboard wallpaper and that window in your laundry room is gorgeous!
Happy Sunday!
Oh Gloria, this all looks so familiar to me. We are always doing projects....but don't you just love the results? It will be so nice. Love that beadboard wallpaper and the door. :-)
Have a blessed Sunday!!!
Hugs, Barb
Hi Gloria,
I love, love the beadboard wallpaper! I can't wait to see the finished project. And the door knockers are just the coolest thing! You have so many neat ideas my friend! Hey, I don't know if you ever got my e-mail. Anyhoo, Dan and I are going to Colorado next month and we are stopping to see Chari and Russ.
Can't wait.
Only wish you could be there too!
Big Hugs,
I really like the outhouse door and all the door knockers. Will be looking forward to seeing the finished project. I hope you have a blessed evening. Madeline
Ah Gloria, you are a gal after my own heart! An outhouse door on your bathroom, I love it!!!
You see, I'm from West Virginia where the privy used to be an icon. The fancier the outhouse, the better. I even helped my Uncle build one at our campsite. Of course I was only 12 years old at the time. It was the talk of the town. Had a big red door with a yellow moon, flower boxes and it was a three seater!!! Unheard of....hush my mouth. A big ole storm and floor lifted it up and carried it down the river. It finally landed on a big rock in the center of the river. A local newspaper took a picture of it before it met its demise.
Hope you get that wallpaper up soon so you can show us.
Love the wallpaper. I keep thinking I would like to put some up in my bathroom.
LOVE your door knockers!!!! AWESOME collection. It's always fun to see your collections.
Deb :)
I love your door knockers! Everything looks good! We just finished a nursery and OH the dust!!!
Have a great week!
Gloria, I fully understand how a project takes over much of the house. I just love that outhouse door on your bathroom. Look at those vintage knockers. How cute!
Hi Gloria,
You and Len are so clever with all the projects you are doing.
I love the outhouse door and all the cute knockers.
Look forward to seeing the finished job.
Happy week
Gloria, it looks like you have been a very, VERY busy bee! Love what you've been doing. That window is so pretty, and I love that bead board paper. And that door is a hoot! Love it! Love you, too...
Sheila :-)
P.S. Are you feeling better??? I hope so, precious friend!
What a beautiful window, Gloria. I can't wait to see the inside of your outhouse bathroom. I don't know anyone who has one. I wonder if it has a Sears catalog in it. lol. I hope you're not working yourself too hard. I love that beadboard wallpaper, too. I know what you mean about messes from projects. Since I've started blogging, there's always project messes everywhere. Take it easy.
Gloria, you come visit me ANY TIME. Your room is ALWAYS ready, and if it's not, I will get it that way if you give me some notice. LOL! And speaking of which, my MIL is coming. Yes. She is coming in July which means me = cleaning machine!
And yes, my house is olden (1890's). It's not fancy in the way some Victorians are. But it has a great personality and TONS of light. TONS. I don't have to turn on a light all day, summer or winter.
Sheila :-)
Well I can say, I have never seen an outhouse door inside, but
I'm proud of you for martching to the beat of your own drum. Love that bead board wall paper and I can't wait to see the finished room. I just know it will be very unique and beautiful. Oh and before I forget, loved the little dog, of course. Thanks for stopping by.
I just love the whole outhouse idea - very unique! I can't wait to see the inside - happy improving - I know it gets messy - but it so worth it, isn't it!?
I love that wallpaper!!! I think I need some!!! You did a fabulous you!!! your house is one of the places on my bucket list to see
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