Today I wanted to show you more of my Olden stuff in my kitchen...I love old crock ware and have been collecting it for many years now....

Now these are yellow ware bowls...I just love to think about the women through the years that used these things on a daily basics...These all sit in a Camel Cigarette display cabinet from Ca. 1920 from an old General store...
This sweet little girl is a garden stake from 1940 is she not the cutest little thing...she sits in a Blue/Grey Pitcher from ca. can also see some of my Butter churns on top of my frig...The "O'Baby" chocolate sign is from the same artist that did the "Campbell's soup kids" See his fat little cheeks It's what they call a stand up sign but I just have it on the side of my frig ha ha!!
Now I can't forget to show you some of my Olden tins from General stores...I have many tins from Iowa because that's where I was born...Many moons ago
Also some of my Olden Lemon squeezers...I just love the wooden ones the best...these all hang from a shelf above my kitchen table and Yes I do have to clean all of it and I just love it to be able to touch things that are over a 100 years old and wonder about all the women before me that also touched all these things....I always feel so blessed to have all these wonderful things to surround my life with...
This Olden scale is from a candy shop and it still hold my to love that Truffles and an Olden Candy Scale ha ha!!
Some of my Olden coffee Grinders and I saved the best for last...The one thing that makes me "Happy To Be" each day is seeing my Mama's old apron sighs....I really did have a June Cleaver mama...I am linking this up to Marty's "A stroll thur Life"
And Cindy's At " My Romantic Home" for Show-n-Tell Please go by and see these Great Gals...Thank you all for your wonderful prayers again for my Husband...He's doing just great now!!
Until next time from my mountain to yours...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Gloria, all your wonderful treasures made me happy too!!! I simply love your scale....and that gumball machine sitting behind it, so cute!!
The yellow bowls are just dreamy....I always love seeing your pictures, you have so MANY wonderful pieces!! LOVE!!!
You know I love all of your stuff. You have collected great things over the years. I, too, was June Cleaver in the 1950s when I got married - apron and all!! Have a good week. Are you feeling better? Sally
I enjoyed seeing all of your old crocks and other antiques in this post. You have a flair for showing your antiques. Glad that Len is doing ok. Have a blessed day. Madeline
You have so many nice collections of antiques. Thanks for sharing them with us. I kept mints/candy in my scales that I had years ago (picture on my last post). :)
Have a great week.
Hi Gloria!
It was so fun seeing all of your treasures. And it was neat seeing the Council Bluffs tin! You have many neat collections. Thanks for sharing!
Now, you KNOW that I'm gonna love this post with all of the BLUES.
How is your guy doing?
Hi Dear Gloria! You know how I love to see all of your olden treasures! Oh, what wondrous things you have! I have one of those blue splatter looking bowls. It's not olden though. I was told where I bought it, it came with 'head cheese' in it. I don't know what head cheese is, but it sounds disgusting! :0
Hope your day is good.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
What fabulous collections you have! I also collect yellow ware. It is getting very pricey now!
Your tinware should be in a museum. Fastinating!
Gloria, love all of your kitchen goodies! The crocks are so neat, and that display case is, too, as are the tins. What a fun kitchen you have!
Hope you and Len are both feeling better today. Thinking of you and hoping and praying each day brings renewed health...
Sheila :-)
Gloria, so glad that your husband is doing well!! Loving your collections, the bowls, the tins, mostly your scale. sooooo fun!
xo Lidy
Oh, I love all your crocks, bowls and tins!
You have such gorgeous antiques Gloria! Have you ever thought of going to the Antique Road show?
I am so happy to hear Len is doing well. And you my dear, I hope your feeling better yourself!
You always have the neatest and most unique collection, Gloria. I love them!~..Christine
Gloria, that is a lot of history you interesting! I LOVE the candy scale....right up my alley!Hope you are feeling better and better every day.Linda
Loved another peek inside your gorgeous antique filled home. Glad hubs is doing better. Have a great week!
Gloria, You have the coolest stuff. I always love visiting your blog to see what you will be sharing. Are you forever dusting? Thanks for stopping by my blog for a little visit. I'll bet things are much cooler on your mountain that down where I am.
Made my day that you came to see me. I was thinking about you and our chat room just the other day... oh the drama...hehehe My little tater bug is now 5 months old, one tooth, sitting up, so cute. How is life on your side of the mountain? Miss you!
I love it all, Gloria. I see we have some of the same things.
Happy Monday!
Hi Gloria,
I am loving all of your great antiques! I have a lot of stuff like that in my kitchen. Thanks for sharing. Now, I know I bought a campfire marshmallow tin, and it's in the basement. I must go an find it!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVe all your collections! My favorites would be the yelloware bowl (my grandma had one) and your candy scale :)
I'm always amazed at the treasures you have girlfriend! I cannot even imagine caring for them...the dusting, etc. :-) Of course, that is my least favorite chore of all!
Glad you're both feeling better ~ still hold you in prayer. I go for my first cataract surgery this Wed so keep me in mind, ok? I know it will be ok.
Have a blessed week my friend.
Gloria you are so fun~ I want to steal some of those old tins...yours are in great shape....I have a few but they have dings and dents. Cute display Gloria!~
Gloria, you have some mighty fine unique treasures. I would have commented sooner, but did not see your new post come up on my blog roll. I have a yellow ware bowl with the blue stripe on it up on my cabinets. I got it many years ago and they are getting more expensive. Have a super week.
What beautiful treasures you have, I was trying to pick what I like I think I will go with the scale. But the coffee grinders are great too and I have many aprons myself!!
What wonderful things...although I'm not surprised at all. The Gloria museum is always full of special treasures! I can't imagine trying to keep all the dust bunnies away, but I sure do love to look at all your very special things.
Hi, Gloria,
You have some wonderful stuff there. My favorite is that beautiful old pitcher with the grapes on it. Love the yellow ware, too.
Thanks for stopping by to see me :)
Hi Gloria,
What wonderful treasures you have in your home ~ I love everything!
Thank for showing us all your lovely things and for visiting me.
Happy week
Gloria, I just love your yellow ware collection. I don't have any, but I've thought many times of starting a collection myself. Tonight I was watching American Pickers on A&E and they picked up a cigarette shelf similar to yours. Do you ever watch that show? I just know you'd love it. It's always good to see your home.
Thanks for showing us your lovely collection of yellow ware bowls and blue sponge ware. Those really are treasures to own and live with. Hope you'll stop by and see the China Room. Jane F
Oh Gloria, you know this is all right down my alley. I just love it all. The tins are just fabulous and all the crocks and bowls are so wonderful. I love your displays. Now all of that could come live at my house and be just perfect. Thanks so much for joining the party. Such a treat to see all your treasures. Hugs, Marty
First off - I am so tickled to her all is well with you both health wise.
2nd - Girl, I could have hayday in your home. All of your wonderful treasures!
I had never heard of O'Baby. But you can definitely see the resemblance to the Campbells Soup kid.
I think my favorite two items would be . . . well - other than the yellow bowls, the 2 pitchers. I love the one with the woman sitting down . . . at a table, it's kind of hard to see. And of course the pitcher with GRAPES (aka wine) on it! L)
And the best of all is your Mom's apron. Love that!
Thanks for sharing all of this wonderfulness! LOVE IT!
Big hugs and prayers! Karen
Hi Gloria!
Well girl, all these things make me happy too! Love all those old crocks and your tins are awesome! And mama's apron is beautiful!
Thanks for sharing all your "olden" treasures! I especially like the tins!
Wow! Gloria, you have an amazing collection of very cool things. Your crocks, tins, and such send me into dreamland! Your mama's apron is beautiful! Thank you for sharing and giving us a peek into the past when it was a gentler and more innocent time. Thanks for your visit too; I enjoyed having you. Have a wonderful week.
You have the most beautiful and unique treasures sweet friend! Love them all and your new ruffled pillow is gorgeous too.
I'm so thankful Len is doing better after his surgery. My prayers are with you both.
Have a blessed day. ~Melissa :)
Hello Sweet Lady!!
I had to come and catch up on your posts. I was in New Orleans and I was able to go to Mississippi. and visit Christine!! Isn't that awesome?!
I so enjoy seeing your kitchen and this time with the beautiful crockery and tins, even more so! I love the candy scale, too, but if you know know I can't have candy sitting out in the kitchen!!
I hope you are feeling well, and Len, too. I was so worried about you. Hope the pneumonia thing is over. You don't seem like the type to 'take it easy'! lol! Big hugs!
Hi Gloria,
Just stopping over to say hi and tell you I hope your Dr. appt. went ok.
I e-mailed you, I hope you got it.
This post really was wonderful, you have such gorgeous stuff!
Hugs, Cindy
Gloria, I always love seeing all of these treasures you've collected. Your collections are fabulous, and I love that you know so much about each thing you've collected. How wonderful that you have your mother's pretty apron. laurie
So sorry it has taken me so long to get by to visit, this darned carpal tunnel in my hands is driving me sure sounds like you are feeling better, that makes me happy....I love it when you share all your wonderful antiques, love the crock ware, I have always loved touching them when the weather is warm, they always feel so cool...I love the old tins and the coffee grinders, I have two from my mom, not sure how old they are...your scale is just to die for, love that you use it for candy still...I really love the way your collections are still meaningful to you, you have such a passion for all those wonderful antiques...Thank you for all your kind remarks you always leave on my blog, yes Mr. S. always says "boy there gonna love this one" and when he gets home he always wants to know what people thought of it....he always enjoys your comments as you are always so gracious and kind...take care my friend...glad you are out there..Phyllis
Hello my dear! I've been missing everyone and am so happy to be back! I'm so glad that sweet Len is doing better!
My visit with Mona was wonderful. You two would get along so great. And you would love her home, so cozy and full of pretties!
You always leave me in awe with all the beautiful antiques you have throughout your house and your kitchen is no exception! Absolutely wonderful!! Like you, I always wonder who used the items, which families had them in their home, etc:-) Your mama's apron is precious, my mom use to wear an apron all the time too while we were growing up but unfortunately she never kept any of them. It's good to be back to visiting, now that I've done all I can do with my garden and flowers, I have more time for blogging:-) xoxo
Hi sweet Sis...
Girlfriend, I loved getting to see all of your olden crocks again! You know everytime I see that pretty blue pitcher I just oooh and aaah! I do believe that it's the prettiest shade of blue!!! You have a fabulous collection, Sis! It made me think about my grandpa's crocks...I don't know what ever happened to all of them! Shoot! Anyway, loved getting to see all of your great olden goodies. You know, I didn't even know that they had lemon sqeezers out of wood...that's awesome! Of course, getting to see your sweet mama's apron...well, just warms my ol' heart! Thank you for sharing your fabulous collections with us, know that I always enjoy seeing them!!!
Just read your note...I'll try and call again today!
Love you, sweet Sis!
You have the most fabulous collections. I love all your old yellow ware and the tins! You are right, I look at things too and imagine what it must have been like to use them. So neat!
So glad you and your husband are doing well!
Have a great week.
Hi Gloria,
You have a beautiful collection of crock-ware and advertising tins. I just love that pitcher with the grape relief motif on it.
This was so fun to see!
Nancy @ Nancy's Daily Dish
Oh, I'm in LOVE. I have a collection of blue and white, as well, and nothing speaks to my soul like that! Your kitchen is beautiful. I live with my Mom now to take care of her, and all mine is still "home." But I LOVE it!!! This is my first visit, but it won't be my last! Hugs...
Hi ya cutie.. I'm glad to see you're feeling better. I always worry when you aren't. You have some of the most unique, wonderful things. If only these beauties could talk the stories they could tell. So many good things came out of those bowls. I love the scale.. we've got to get together via the phone soon.. hugs ~lynne~
p.s. hope Len is doing well
Hi Gloria,
I always enjoy seeing your wonderful olden treasures -- especially the sentimental ones like your Mama's apron! I had a June Cleaver mom too (except she didn't clean house in pearls and high heels!). Weren't we fortunate?
Warmest regards,
What terrific items you've shared! The Camel display case is just the best. My sweet granddaddy would always walk a mile for a Camel! :)
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
I really enjoyed your post. So many wonderful items - quite a collection!
Stopping by from My Romantic Home! You have a new follower, Gloria!! I love all the wonderful treasures you have accumulated! I wish I could display like that so it would look good!!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog!!! You are right we DO have a lot of the same type of stuff. I wish I had that much yelloware. I love your style!!!! I told my hubby that you said the Hoosier was a steal. He really liked that.
:) Michelle
As usual, everything is just fascinating! you two must have constitutions of absolute IRON! I am so pleased that you are both doing so much better.
Make sure he knows we are all thinking of him...
Now...about you.. lol
I hope you feel as good as you sound. I do!!
Love and hugs...lots of them.
I'm so glad to hear your hubby is doing great. What awesome treasures you have. They really make one appreciate the hard work women used to do. With no air conditioning either. We look like a bunch of wimps compared to them. An elderly neighbor told me once, that large, big boned women were the ones desired to be a wife. And I can see why. Thanks so much for sharing.
Hi Gloria,
I just love coming over to visit you. You always have something beautiful to show us and today is just as wonderful.
I love all your "oldens." The blue crock pitcher is lovely and those yellowware bowls are so pretty. I love it all. I'll take a few of those truffles, is you don't mind! LOL
You have got quite the great collections going on. I can't believe you manage to dust it all with a smile!
I'm sorry I haven't been around, but I went back and read several posts. I'm so glad everything went well with Len. Praise God. I hope your own health issues are getting better. I agree...drs. are a joke nowadays...bring back Dr. Welby!
I'm keeping y'all in my prayers for full recovery and healing.
This is a wonderful post, dear are so nice to take the time to take all these pictures and share them with us.
I take it that your husband was ill? I was gone all last week and am trying my best to catch up..I hope he is doing better now.
xo bj
Just love your collections and how they make such a cheerful kitchen!
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