WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
It is the
not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.
It is
not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.
It is
not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.
It is
not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.
It is
not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is
not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.
May all of you have a GREAT Memorial WeekendUntil next time from my mountain to yours
Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria
Have a wonderful weekend.
Great tribute to your dad and all veterans, Gloria! My dad was also a vet...fought in WWII in the Pacific. We owe them and all vets a huge debt of gratitude. Great post! Happy weekend, my friend!...hugs...Debbie
Beautiful Post!!
Have a Wonderful Holiday Weekend!!
I wholeheartedly agree with you, sugar. My dad was a sailor, my hubs was a Marine, my son was a Marine, my BIL was a Marine, my SIL was a Marine. Get the picture here? They are my heroes!
Perfect post. No one could say it better. Hope you have a super weekend. Hugs Marty
Wonderful post! Thank you for sharing your thoughts about Veterans.
Enjoy the holiday weekend!
Gloria ~ I love this! My sentiments exactly!! My flag is flying high!!!
Have a safe weekend!
:) Karen
Beautiful truibute to our brave military men, Gloria. How are you? Happy Memorial Day to you too! Sorry I haven't visited lately. I have been so busy. I am waiting for Janie (Blondie's Journal). They are on their way here from New Orleans. I am so excited to see her again....Christine
A beautiful tribute to all servicemen and women! God's blessings on them all.
Beautiful post, Gloria.
My dad was a veteran and J is a veteran, as are two of my sons in law.
Thats certainly a beautiful tribute to your Father and all veterans. I too had a Dad who fought in WW2-he was a radio tower opeator for the bombers. My hubby was in the Air Force during Viet Nam and several other relatives have given service to our country. LOVE the poem.
I have tears in my eyes...this is a WONDERFUL tribute to our veterans. My daddy was one, too.
I can tell by the "tone of your voice" you still aren't feeling quite up to par...still weak. Take good care, sister friend. We want you well, strong and happy very soon!
Enjoy the holiday.
xo bj
Wow! I love that tribute about the Veteran! So grateful to all who have served and are serving. We take too much for granted. Have a great weekend!
Beautiful post Gloria. Have a great weekend!
Isn't that the truth!! Thank you for your post. My daddy was a WWII veteran, in foxholes and combat in Germany. My great uncle survived the landing in Normandy. My hubs served for 16 years. God Bless America. Have a wonderful weekend, Gloria!
This was beautiful, Gloria...love the bicycle with the flags. I was just thinking about you today while I was working on a tablescape...hope you are doing well, sweet friend!
Amen. Never were these words more true than during WWII. Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!
Amen and Amen! <3
Much love to you,
Beautiful post my friend!!!
hugs ~lynne~
What a beautiful tribute to your dad. We must remember those who gave all for us.
Your bike looks so pretty all decorated up Gloria.
What a wonderful post Gloria. That's a very handsome photo of your Father and I love the one of the bike. I may have to talk you into borrowing that one. :-) I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend.
Gloria I love this...what a wonderful post. Love that picture of your daddy. It is wonderful too. Hope your weekend is great. I'm praying for peaceful at my house...big smile.
Be blessed my friend.
Hey...we lived in N. Calif. for awhile in Mother Lode country by Sonora..tiny town called Tuolumne!
Great post Gloria! Happy Memorial day to you!
I get to pick up my new bees that came in! It is a gorgeous 5 hour drive!
bee blessed
Gloria, you know I just love this post. What a wonderful tribute to your father and all veterans. I have a long line of service members in my family, and this is such a special holiday to us. Hope you have a great weekend, we have Cait's combination graduation/birthday party tomorrow night! Hugs, Kathy
Thanks for the nice post and tribute to veterans. My dad was a veteran, too!
Have a blessed weekend!
Such a beautiful tribute, Gloria. Happy Memorial Day....praying for all our service men and women. xo Lidy
This is the perfect post. Thank you.
Sweet Gloria...that is a precious tribute to our men. I want them all home. Every single last one of them..home safe and sound!
Hugs and love to you! Have a safe weekend and EAT a lot!! Ok? :)
Such a special tribute honoring our Veterans...thank you for telling us about your Dad in an earlier post. Very touching!
Gloria, such a thoughtful post and a wonderful reminder.
I hope you have a blessed and happy Memorial Day.
Hugs my friend, Barb ♥
A wonderful post to all the veterans who have made the sacrifice to keep us free and to have the many freedoms we have. Have a blessed day and a great Memorial Day weekend. Madeline
Well Said Gloria..Happy Memorial Day to you and your Dad was a very handsome man..hope you are feeling good.
Gloria, as the proud daughter of a veteran of WWII, I want to say thank you for one of the best things I have ever read honoring them. Daddy served in the Phillipines and didn't talk much about the war with us...too many painful and sad memories, but when he was with other veterans he would open up. No one can fully understand their sacrifices. Even when there are no visible wounds the scars are there. There is no amount of money or tribute that we can offer up to ever really repay them....all we can do is say a heartfelt thank you as you so eloquently did.
A WONDERFUL post Gloria!
Have a great Memorial Day!
Thanks for the great post Gloria -- my Dad's a vet as well.
Happy Memorial Day dear~
What a beautiful post. Happy Memorial Day:)!
this was beautiful mom.
I love that red bike!
Great tribute post Gloria, I had to come by and say, Happy Memorial Day. I hope you are feeling better and have had a wondeful weekend with family and friends,Kathysue
Beautiful post today...thanks for sharing...Pat H
Beautiful post! Love the bike, and the photo of your dad...what a handsome guy. I am sure you are very proud of the service he performed my day was all about Gratitude.
Hope you will join us for "Mia Monday" Post your favorite photos of yourself at anytime in your life. Lin up your site every Monday, and share a comment.
Warm wishes!!!
Sooo true!!! Thanks for sharing and making people stop and think. Thanks for stopping by for a visit, come back and enter my little giveaway.
Such a beautiful poem and so true. We do indeed have a lot to be thankful for all due to the sacrifices of our veterans. I hope you enjoyed a lovely Memorial Day weekend. Here in Canada we have our Remembrance Day on Nov. 11th each year:-)
I've just caught up with your other posts I've missed and as always, it's a pure pleasure to see your amazing antique collection. If I ever went to your house I wouldn't want to leave it! lol
Take good care of YOU!! xoxo
Beautiful Post Gloria!
Hope you had a Happy Memorial Day too!
Big Hugs,
What a perfect post for Memorial Day! The quotes are so,so true.
Thanks for visiting the cottage for Pink Saturday.
I'm hosting three new linky parties starting this first week of June and would love for you to participate. The first one started tonight, June 1st.
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
This is a lovely tribute to your Father's service to our country. He was a handsome young man looking so good in his uniform. Keep your flag-a-wavin'♥ Joan
I too am the daughter of a veteran--this is a wonderful tribute. We owe these men,women, and families so much. Men looked so handsome in strong in those uniforms--your dad included :)
Gloria, your daddy was such a handsome man. I LOVE that red bike with the cute decorated basket, and I love the words you posted. Well done! laurie
I know you are feeling ok cause you do have my email and you would have let me iknow if you were sicker....you take care of yourself and I love the flags and the sentiments I always agree with, between you and bj and me, people should start listening to us about how to run this country...seriously hope your good, I can't be sending a one of a kind copy of my book signed if you are to sick to see it...lol take care my dear friend...Phyllis
Morning, Gloria! Hope you're doing well and just checking in on you!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
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