I have a few of my Olden cook books on it and a fruit jar turned lamp...See I even have the old tin sign to match it....
ps...guys I will be in Reno for 2 days while Len gets his check up from his heart doctor so hope to get back to you all then....Thank you so much for taking the time to come by and see me...You guys really do complete me!!!
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria
Hello Gloria,
Love your vignettes! I have the same American Woman's Cookbook as you do on your De Laval Cream separator. Love the story about your chicken and her little chicks!
My thoughts and prayers will be with you and Len.
~ Tracy
I always love seeing your vignettes, Gloria! And I always feel like I learn something when I read your posts. But you raised emus??? How neat! Ostriches would have scared me... were they mean? My father used to say they could kick you and disembowel you, so I was terrified of the ones at the zoo, fearing they would get loose. LOL! Emus were just cute.
I hope Len gets a good report, and I hope you have time for some fun on your trip, Gloria!
Sheila :-)
"Hamm's Beer" are you kidding? What could make you happier than a pig in mud! Love your goodies-have a happy day!
Hi Gloria!
I always enjoy seeing your beautiful home and all your collections. It's so fun to see all the things you collect. Have a great time in Reno! I hope Len's checkup goes well. Take care, friend!!
Hi Gloria,
Loved all your vignetts, but the one that caught my eye was the cloche with the blue. Very clever the way you used the bellows for a coffe table. Great ideal. Thanks for sharing. My prayers are with Len.
Gloria, you have the best stuff! What a cute sign. I can just imagine you running around catching little chicks! I really love that blue glass. Wow. I hope Len is going to be okay.
I am amazed with your collections. Love the story about the chicks getting out of their nest! :D You truly have a museum in your home! I really enjoy seeing all your antique/vintage pieces. Love the blue creamer!
Have a great week!
You have the neatest things, and the neatest stories. I love that cream separator cabinet. And the mamma hen story just cracked me up. Hope all goes well with Len's Dr. visit. Have a safe trip! Kat
Hi Gloria!
I LOVE all your table tops! Wow! You have great things...I love all the blue dishes. They are gorgeous! Your coffee table is so unique! Thanks so much for sharing!
Ms. Sharlotte's...Southern Reflefections
You have the most wonderful antiques and such a knack for making vignettes and telling stories with them!
Good luck to Len!
Hi Dear Gloria! Oh, my, what don't you have? I just love coming into your home and seeing all of your wonderful olden things! How funny thinking of you chasing those baby chicks and popping them into the bag! :) My prayers will be with you tow and that Len will have a good visit.
Be a sweeie,
shelia ;)
I never tire of seeing all of your treasures. You have such unique pieces. I loved the story about the mama hen and her chicks. It made me laugh out loud, just picturing you catching those chickens in the wee early morning! Have a great week! May blessings be on Len with his doctor appointment.
mom!!! was that a partial shot of my sofa set???? I love all of your olden stuff...you know that...I miss you and hope you feel 100% soon!!!
Good luck to Len!!!
I swear Gloria, you have some of the coolest things! that bellows table is amazing! And the cream separators cabinet is just a treasure!! Everything is just so pretty and fun to look at. I love when you give us a little mini tour of some of your wonderful treasures!
You and Len have a good and safe trip!
Hi Gloria,
I so love all your olden stuff! You have the most unique and fun house, I just love it! The blue and white is calling my name and I love the story about the Mother Hen.
Good luck in Reno,
Enjoyed seeing some more antiques. Hope Len has a good check up, and that you both have a fun time in Reno. Have a blessed day. Madeline
That Hamms beer sign is great! Ostriches and Emus? Really? Wow, you always surprsie me with something.
Tracy and I are going to try to make Second Sunday in July. Let me know if you two are up to it and going, we can meet up again. We're going to go early to beat the heat.
Oh what wonderful eye candy. You know how much I love all of your great treasures and you do create the most fabulous vignettes in the whole world. I love them all. Fabulous. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty
Hello??? Anybody home???? I use to know the sweet little doodlehead that lived here! lol lol Oh girl I have missed you so! Come close to the screen so I can hug you! You know I am drooling over all your treasures and to see the mama hen with her baby chicks in that bowl would have been a Kodak moment for me for sure! lol Girl there is so much happening around her I wouldn't know where to start to get you caught up...but I can tell you alot of moving is fixing to take place...mama and daddy are moving...baby boy just bought 9 acrec in the country with a catfish lake and a barn (squeal!!!!) and they will be moving in a couple of weeks and we hope to be moving in about 3 months....double squeal!!! lol lol
But enough about me....girl..I hope you are getting your strength back and I pray all goes well with Len and all the testing..you take care sis and have a great week and always remember someone in Alabama will always love you! ~Picket~
Hi Gloria!!
Love the cream seporator cabinet and the chicken story ha ha!
Thanks so much for the info about my pictture that was the era I was guessing.
Love your vignettes!!
:) Michelle
Hi sweet Sis...
Just stopping by to say hello and see what you're up to! I'm whispering a prayer right now for Len...sure do hope that all his tests and checkup goes well! Tell him we say hi and that we love him and are thinking about him...okay?
Well, Girlfriend...you have been a busy little bee here lately! I'm just elated about that because I know that means you're feeling better and gettin' back to normal! Thank you, Jesus!!! I just adore your new brown hydrangea arrangement! I remember you telling me when I called last that you had made one...well, it turned out fabulous!!! I love that pretty planter that you did it in too! That entire vignette is simply gorgeous, Sis!!! You did GOOD!!! Also enjoyed looking at more of your magnificent collections! I agree, that Hamns bear is awesome and I love what he's saying!!! It's sooo YOU!!! Girlfriend, I love, love, LOVE your beautiful blue and white vignette! Love how you have your pretty plates and our lacy metal charger stacked!!! Now, I have to tell you...I never knew they even made the Depression Glass in the cobalt blue...it's gorgeous! Love your pretty creamer and it's even prettier showcased under the cloche!!! Love that entire vignette as well! Also enjoyed seeing your antique seperater box and that pretty vignette too!!! Sis, you just have the prettiest and most awesome things!!! I always just stand in awe!
Well Darlin', I'll talk to you when you get home...drop me a note and let me know how everything went in Reno! Just know that you both are in my prayers, sweet Sis!!!
Love ya,
Oh Miss Gloria! Your collections are the best!!! I love you cobalt creamer. I know how hard the blue is to find. I want a vintage gumball machine! Where on earth do you find all these treasures?
Thanks for the kind comments on my little crap...I mean craft room. That's what hubby says anyway.:)
Have a great week!
Hey there MIss Gloria!
Is your house like - a bazillion square feet?
I swear - every other day we get another tour of another little spot in your house. You are like the energizer bunny - it just keeps going and going! You have the most beautiful things! I am just amazed! When I opened this post, the first thing that jumped out was the OH-OH-OH so pretty blue and white dishes! sigh. And the blue and white rolling pin! Oh my!
And you turned a blacksmith bellows into a coffee table! How did you think of that?
And then to top it all off - your pretty golden hydrangeas. I love the little birds in front of it too.
Thanks another wonderful tour.
Where are we going next?
Hope it is cool and beautiful on top of your mountain! And hope both of you are feeling wonderful again!
Big hugs! Karen
I always love seeing your stuff! I just watched the BBC's 1900 House and they had the hardest time finding all the right things to furnish the home and I thought of you!
Greetings, Gloria! Another "Gloria" here!! I haven't visited you in a while, and I enjoyed my time with your post today. May I say that I especially LOVE the arrangement you made last week of the hydrangeas -- GORGEOUS! And I love the beautiful container you arranged them in! Thanks for sharing and take care.
Best regards,
Hi Gloria, lovely vignettes. I always love your antiques and sometimes I see something like yours in an antique store. I always say that is like Gloria's and one day Ron, my hubby, said 'who is Gloria?' Well, I proceeded to tell him all about you.
Sending you hugs this day and all of God's blessings!
Barb ♥
Oh my gosh you have the greatest stuff ever, the old signs, love them and the depression glass, I have such a weakness for that, the blue is hard to find, I am sure you gotta know what you are lookin for, my mom always did love the depression glass, I adore the pink, please please please show us some of your pink and green and yellow colors, I am feeling faint..what can *I say, you never fail to entertain me in all aspects, such great pictures...thanks again Gloria for posting....please excuse the poor typing, this darned carpel tunnel...thanks again sis take care,Phyllis
Howdy! You sound good!! At least stronger and that is promising!
How on earth did you ever manage to collect so much stuff? You must have an absolute fortune in antiques and collectables in that house! Fantastic home!! I love brousing and peeking at closeups of your gorgeous things!!
I stuggle to keep up constantly.
I think last year sort of knocked the soup out of me for the remainder. I never did pop back completely. I hope you do!!
I see there is a new thing going on..but I haven't got the creativeness to get on the band wagon. A Sorority of sorts. Kinda cute but I haven't got the talent for it, I'm afraid. Justt too much to keep up with for me. I'll go peek now and then though. Have you seen it?
I have an enormous family and it's been busy with summer starting and activities gearing up!
Gloria...I hope you get down this way some day! That would such a kick!
Ok..I think I am off to bed. Hugs to you dear friend!
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