WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria

September 16, 2009


Hello guys....you see this wreath...Well its not the most prettiest thing I ever found out yard sailing...But it was only a quarter it was new in the beat up box still and I needed a fall wreath for my front door.. It really needed a new do...

It might be new but look even the fruit looks like a Mack truck ran over it...

I had all this left over fall stuff from doing my daughter Dawna's wedding 2 years ago...So I brought out my bag of tricks , glue gun and went to work...

Tore all the old stuff off of it....Made a bow added some Pumpkins and a little gourd and a little Harvest sign Dawna got me.....See what a quarter can do...Look around your own house and see what you can make...I love to shop my house....

Now I know you didn't come by here to see my 25 cent wreath...But humor me and tell me you did ha ha!! I want to thank everyone that entered my Fall give away and how great it was to meet some new friends here...Don't you just love the Caring and sharing you find meeting new friends in Blog land...I know I sure do...No matter how old or young these wonderful people I have met here we all seem to have a common bond a strong love of God and our family...I have my one year anniversary coming up in 30 days and I really don't know what I did before meeting all of you...( oh I did keep a cleaner house then ha ha!!) You guys have really inspired me...I just love reading your blogs and seeing all your wonderful Tablescapes, your Decorating ideas which by the way are just awesome...Your crafts and some of the most YUMMY recipes...oh I get hungry every time I see what you ladies can create....Now for my first anniversary Party I have been gathering stuff for over 2 months now...But that will have to wait for 30 days for the unveiling...

Ok I teased you enough now ha ha!! I did the random number thingy on this drawing...If you were already a follower I put you down for 2 chances if you were a follower and did a post about it I put you down for 3 chances...New follower (Thanks) down for one...I had 73 comments but out those one didn't want to be entered and so with my pea brain I did the math and came up with 127 chances....Oh and guess what the gal that won is waiting for her new home to be built and have all her stuff in storage so maybe she can just use a little Fallness around her...Ok Ok lol!! I put this off long enough....

Am I suppose to do a drum roll here...The winner is Sally at "Smiling Sally" I think everyone in blog land knows Sally and her Blue Monday she does...Anyway Congrats to you Miss Sally...Now girl you need to email me your address so I can get this box of Fallness off to Florida...My email is on my profile...

Any hoo A BIG HUGE thanks to all that entered...When I win our State's Lottery I will give every one a gift ha ha!!

May you all have a great weekend...We have the Folsom Antique show this Sunday...I just know something is screaming my name...See you all on Monday...

Hugs and smiles Glria


Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Hello sweet Gloria! You did a great job pretting up the wreath! Clever girl, you! It looks beautiful on your door! Congrates to Sally for a winning! Lucky you!


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Sally! I love your wreath!! I finally got my fall stuff out today and did a few little things around the house. Need a wreath like that one though!!

bj said...

Well, sister friend...that is one beautiful, fall wreath. I love the little sign you added. GOOD JOB!
Congrats to Smiling Sally...she will just love that generous box of FALL....
hugs, bj

Silvia said...

great job on that wreath Gloria!!!!!!!!!!and 25 cents?,wow.!!
today i went to Michael's to find one and they were so $$$$,it looks beautiful on your door, way to go girlfriend, you did a great job. be back later..xx..Silvia.

Kat said...

Beautiful job on the wreath Gloria! And congrats to Sally, I think it's so neat that this went to someone who's building a new house! Can't wait to see what you bring back from the antique show. Have a great weekend. Kathy

Connie said...

I "shop" my house all the time, sugar!! I don't even know all that I have in this place. You did a gorgeous job on that wreath. Beautiful!!!

Sue said...

I think your quarter wreath turned out great. I love to tear apart my wreaths and make them new with a few new items. Your's is beautiful and looks perfect on the door! Good job!


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Congratulations to Sally. I know she will be thrilled. Your wreath is also just gorgeous. You did a great job of revamping it. Hugs, Marty

Lynn said...

The Folsom antique show!
And I am going to miss it?

SmilingSally said...

Woo Hoo! Just what I needed! I think you are so very creative AND generous. I'll send you my information right away. Thank you!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Gloria, that wreath turned out so pretty! You worked miracles on it. laurie

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Sis...

First of all...just want to shout out a big congrats to Ms.Sally...she's getting some really pretty fall goodies!!!

Girl, I do believe that you breathed life back into that wreath! hehe! I just love it!!! Isn't that soooo much fun...now just looking at the finished product...one would never believe that you gave only a quarter for it! I love all your pretty additions...the pretty pumpkins and gourds...the autumn colored leaves and ohhhh...that fabulous bow!!! And to top it off...that darling little fall sign!!! Girlfriend, you did good!!! It looks fabulous on that beautiful front door of yours!!! Okay...now you're gonna have to teach me how to make a bow like that...I want to learn! Can you do a tutorial? I have always loved those big full bows!!! I need help! Hehe!

Well Darlin'...so sorry that I haven't been by for a few days...been busy decorating! I did leave you a note on that fabulous autumn tablescape...ohhh, soooo pretty! I took one look at your tablescape and just sighed! Hehe! I sure hope you have lots of fun Sunday at the antique mart...find some pretties!!! We have the kids this weekend. Tomorrow is our little local town's Fall Festival...we're planning on going! Should be lots of fun! Then we have to take the kids home Sunday...busy, busy!!! I'll talk to you later, Sweetie!!!

Love ya,

Rebecca Nelson said...

Love it Miss G! What talent!!!! I MIGHT have passed on that great deal but look what YOU did with it! Amazing! LOVE IT I say!

Blessings to you~Rebecca

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Gloria,
Great job on the wreath it looks so beautiful! You are one creative cookie! Congrats to Sally, a very nice gal and I am sure she will be excited about the goodies your sending her way! Hugs, Cindy P.S. I would love to shop your house too, it must be a blast!

Justine said...

Congrats to Miss Sally! Lucky duck.

I think it's amazing what you did with that once ugly wreath! Woooooo hooooooooooooo!

Justine :o )

Melissa Miller said...

Congrats to sweet Sally!

Girl that wreath came out GORGEOUS! LOVE the pretty bow and the tiny Harvest sign. ~Great job!

Blessings today and always my sweet friend, ~Melissa :)

Madeline's Album said...

Your Fall wreath is just beautiful. Congratulations to Sally for winning your fall give away. Have a great weekend.

josh said...

hey grandma i love your new wreath. i cant belived you picked that up for only 25 cents. well i miss you and so does kyra. talk to you later greandma. love josh

Helen said...

Everything you do is unique, full of love and inspirational .... thanks! Enjoy your weekend, little lady.

Dawn said...

Congrats to Sally!

You did a great job rejuvinating that wreath! It's beautiful.

Karen at Nittany Inspirations said...

You did a great job in remodeling the wreath. A blank form would have been much more than that. I sure looks pretty on your front door.

Moore Minutes said...

Well done on that wreath!!! It looks so festive and lovely.

Sue said...

Gloria, Your 25 cent wreath looks like a million bucks now! The addition of all your own goodies turned that ugly duckling into a swan. Hope your weekend is going well!I am so behind reading my favs- sorry I haven't been by sooner. Off to sleep- waaay too much going on today. zzzzz
hugs, Sue

Anonymous said...

WOW Gloria, you did a great job with that wreath, who knew a 25 cent wreath could end up looking like a million bucks! Somehow I missed your contest, my bad, glad you have fun with it! Sue

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit here and I love your writing and your pictures! The wreath is super. Thanks for sharing.
