WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
But I put up a good fight ha ha!! After 3 weeks with pneumonia and COPD 3 differ Doctor's opinions YES you heard me right 3 doctors I have been to just to find out why I was getting worse instead of better Dr # 1 just listen to my chest...no X-rays or tests and told me to go home and get my affairs in order..Duh...This doctor I have been going to for 20 years said my lungs should be for my age and weight at 375 % and mine were at 92% gave me antibotics and send me home...I was not getting any better...so in come Doctor #2 same thing listens to my chest said I had COPD and pneumonia give me $100.00 for office visit and come back in 4 weeks..What the heck?? Mean while I'm getting weaker and worse each day....So Len who is having to fend for himself and worried out of his mind takes me to his medicine man yes Len is a native American and his doctor is a medicine man ha ha!! So medicine man orders lab work and chest X-rays...so this past week I have been through it all...To make a very long story short found out I do have pneumonia and COPD and a urinary tract and kidney infection...he gave me an inhaler to breath with stronger antibotics which I started taking on Tuesday night and by Thursday I felted like I was going to live....Girls I have never been this sick before in my life...even with cancer I never got this down....I lost a total of 12 pounds in less than a week and I didn't have it to lose as I only weighted 113 to start with....So I am now on the mend I am still very weak and sleep alot....I want to thank all of you for your many Prayers for me...I do believe in the power of prayers and a Good medicine man ha ha!! THANK YOU ALL....

Now sweet Kyra just had another surgery on Friday at children hospital in Dallas...is she not just darling and she's been busy growing hair ha ha!! I just love her little John Deere cowgirl boots...She doing fine her and all my kids and grand babies are what keeps me going...I have 3 more great grand babies due this year one in June a little boy and 2 due in Sept on the same day...Yes my Candace is finally going to have a baby...My whole family is so excited about this...as she lost a baby last year and she looks just darling with her little bump in front...life does go on....We won't know until Wednesday what the sex is...But we are all hoping for a little girl to spoil ha ha!!
My Dear friend Cindy at Applestone Cottage help get me on the mend...she send me Doug to give me my medicine WOW!!
And Harold to give me my sponges baths...I really think Harold is the one that made me want to get better ha ha!! Thanks Cindy and also BJ at Sweet Nothings for the wonderful get well cards...they really meant alot to me...you guys are the best...Thank you all for your concerns and emails and for Susan at "Between naps on the Porch" for your wonderful post you did last week for me...Did I ever tell you guys I love ya?? Well I do and I have missed all of you so much...I hope to get back to blogging by next week but will take it very slow until I get my strength back all the way...May God Bless each and everyone of you...Until next time from my mountain top to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Gloria I just read over at Kims blog that you had been sick so I came right over to see what was going on. Oh my goodness you poor thing. I am so glad you kept going to the Drs until you found one that made some sense. Rest, and take care you have a beautiful family that I know wants to keep you around for a long time. My prayers and thought are with you, Kathysue
It's good to hear you are better, Gloria!
Yes, a Medicine Man is a good thing. A Medicine Man helped my paternal g'mother more than once.:-)
Still keeping you in my prayers!
Oh Gloria, I am so happy you are starting to get better. You have been in my prayers. Please take it easy and just get well. I will keep little Kyra in prayer too. Love you. Hugs, Marty
Oh my dear Gloria,
I am so happy to see this post! You have been through the wringer, you poor girl you. You know it was 3 weeks ago today when I had my surgery. You must have gotten sick around that same time. I am so glad Len got you to that 3rd Dr. and they have you on the right meds. Wow! You know I have been so worried. Leave it to you, to be so creative in your posting even when your on the mend. I loved seeing pics of that darling Kira and I am so glad she is doing well too. I am thinking of you every day and I hope Len is ok too. I bet he has been so worried.
Keep resting and taking your meds.
And get some big milk shakes to help you gain back some weight.
Don't I sound like a mother! hehe.
Big Hugs,
And congrats on all the new grandbabies coming your way!
Wow! You have been thru a lot! So glad you are starting to feel better. Glad they got to the bottom of it...all the love and prayers from your blogging friends too...know you are loved! One day at a time...
God bless you...Jennifer aka Gigi
Gloria, wow you have really been through it. I am so glad to hear you are on the mend. You had us all worried. One day you are leaving sweet comments and publishing funny posts and then I read that you were very very sick and I was so concerned. So so glad to have you back!!
Hi Dear Gloria! Bless your heart! I'm so glad to know you're feeling better. You just take care of yourself and drink lots of milk shakes and donuts!That'll put those 12 pounds back on ya! :)
You've been in my prayers and will continue to be.
So glad to hear little Kyra did well with her surgery! She is so darling.
Your crib will be bursting over with babies! How wonderful your daughter is having a baby! Oh, the joy!
Take care now, Gloria, and don't do too much too soon.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
My goodness Gloria!!!!
Sweetie, Enough is enough...time to get better now.
Man, what an ordeal for you.
So glad your starting to turn around for the better.
Not fun feeling like yuk, every day.
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Sorry to hear that you were so very sick and the Dr's couldn't figure it out ~
So happy to hear you are finally feeling better~
I think you should have lots of milkshakes...that may put some weight back on your little body.
Sleep is always good too.
Take care.
Deb :)
Gloria...you take it easy and get your strength back....I am glad they finally figured out what the problem is...Take care
Gloria, I'm so glad you listened to Candace and got those other opinions. Third times a charm! The medicince man has you on the right track now so rest up and don't worry that pretty little red head about blogging. I've half a mind to send you a box of Sees's Candy so you don't blow away but I'm afraid Len won't be able to resist it! I've been wanting to call but didn't want to bother you.
Praying for you and sweet little Kyra.
Gloria, Sooo glad you were persistent and found out what was wrong...no wonder you felt so horrible! That is a lot of stuff to have wrong! You get lots of sleep and when you aren't sleeping...eat everything in sight so you can gain your weight back...otherwise Harold might show up! LOL
Gloria, I'm so glad you are ok! I'm sorry you have been so sick...I'm glad the third Dr. found out what was wrong! Oh my! I just don't know about Doctors sometimes. Loved the card! Too funny!! Take care... I'm glad you are feeling better. Kristen
Girl you have me worried now!!!!
Oh my gosh 12 pounds in one week is not good. Please eat lots and lots of healthy food. Throw in your favorite tub of ice cream and eat the whole thing. HeHe! :)
I'm so happy you are finally feeling a little bit better! I'm glad your went to other doctors for other opinions too. I hope and pray you have a nice one now. It's important to be positive and have a doctor that believes this way. Don't let them treat you bad okay. You're the sweetest and deserve the best care possible.
Rest & Take Care!
~Melissa your NC daughter :)
Prayers and medicine men work! :-) We've all been praying for you girlfriend. I'm so glad you're finally on the mend...just please don't rush things...continue to rest and finish all your meds.
I went to a Medicine Man a few times and he helped me more with my allergies than anyone else. Sadly, he moved away.
Oh Gloria ... I have been thinking about you ~ wondering how you were doing. I am thrilled to know the problems have been identified are are finally being treated. I've told you before ... I'll tell you again ~ we need our Gloria!
Well my dear. YOu sure had us worried. I am so relieved to know you are feeling much better. I'll tell you what - I have an extra 12# ~ You can have them for FREE! Honest! No charge!!
Glad to see you back and sassy to boot!
Big hugs! Karen
I am so very glad that you are feeling better!
However, I am shocked at the blatant lack of medical care that you recieved from the first 2 doctors!
Being a nurse who cares for many pneumonia patients in the Rehab Unit that I work in, I can not believe that you did not immediately get chest Xrays, lab work and admission to a hospital for IV antibiotics!! This is our standard treatment for Pnuemonia complicated by COPD.
Then , after the infiltrates in your lungs have cleared up a bit, you would have been admitted to my unit to help strengthen you because of the severe debilitation that pnuemonia can cause.
I am totally furious that you actually went through all of this and it could have been nipped in the bud if you recieved the proper care in the first place!!
Okay, I am done ranting! See, crafting and decorating isn't the only things I know about!! LOL!!!
Feel better my dear friend and you are in my thoughts and my prayers for a speedy recovery.
I did not know you are a cancer survivor too?????
So glad to hear that you are on the mend Gloria! You had everyone worried to death. I'm so glad that you refused to listen until you found a Dr. who put you on the right track! Hope that you continue to get better every day. And I know that that picture of little Kyra and Candace's news are the best medicine you could have. Hugs, Kathy
What a horrible experience! I can't believe the first doctor didn't take an x-ray! Don't go to him anymore!
I'm glad you're on the road to recovery. Eat lots so you gain back the weight and rest lots.
Dear Gloria, I am so sorry that you have had to go through this but happy that you sound much better. Please know that I am keeping you in prayer.
Try and rest as much as possible. You must take care of yourself. We all need YOU around Blogland.
Hugs and God's blessings to you,
Barb ♥
Gloria, I am so glad you finally found the right medicine man, and I am so thankful you are getting better. (I bet that old red robe is just hanging on your tiny little body-get some nourishment in you!) Love that picture of Kyra in her boots and tutu-she is a doll, and I can't believe how she's grown! laurie
Mornin' sweet Sis...
Just wanted to come by before leaving for the day! Honey, I know that you just feel like you've been run over by a big Mac truck! Dang...that poor old rooster looks pretty bad...but he's a scrapper!!! Well, I'm soooo glad that your Medicine Man finally did something to help you out!!! I'm soooo happy to hear that you can feel some improvement!!! Yes...yes...YES, you know that I've been praying like crazy for you, Sis!!! Been so worried, Sweetie! I'm just relieved that Len's Dr. is being able to help you!!!
Well Sis, we are just getting ready to head out the door. We have Danielle (Darrin didn't come) and we're having to run her back home today...but first we're taking her shopping for her birthday! Hmmm...think I'll do a little shopping too! wink! Anyway, just wanted to come by to say hello and check on you! My ear is still swollen shut...thank the Lord for pain meds!
Love you sooo much, Sis!!!
So glad to know you're on the mend. I think I'd get well soon too if I had "HIM" giving me a sponge bath, lol! Wouldn't want to endure more than I had too bz he looks mean! Congrats on all the new babies! Lucky you. We just have our two little granddaughters and they do perk me up and bring a smile to my face every time I see them! Keep letting the cutie give you your drugs and take care of yourself (or let him take care of you, lol)!
Yep - Time to change doctors! Glad to hear you are doing much better. Not only eat good, but keep plenty of fluids down also. Take care of yourself.
Hi Gloria,
I'm so glad you didn't take doctor #1's advice. Good for you to keep getting opinions until you got the right diagnosis. Keep resting and take care!
So glad to hear you are doing better....Take care of yourself...Pat H
Hi Happy, I was soooo glad to see that you had posted today. We've missed your sweet, cheerful self. Hope you continue to get a little better (or a LOT better) each day!
my goodness Gloria, that's a lot of sickness. I'm so sorry you are going through all of that. Sending prayers your way and to Kyra.
Hi Gloria,
I was so glad to see you over at my blog and leavin such a nice comment.
I am so thankful that you found a doctor to help you and that you are on the mend.
Please keep getting stronger everyday and remember we are all pulling for you.
I am so sorry that you have still been so very sick. I keep plugging away on reading my posts but I haven't been caught up since before I left for Florida. With all those things going on it is no wonder you felt so terrible and I'm really glad you are starting to be on the mend. I'm sending prayers and good thoughts your way. Just sleep until your body heals...we will all be around when you feel good again.
Hugs to you...
Dear Gloria,
So sorry to read that you were so ill and glad that you are feeling better.
Please take care and look after your sweet self.
Love the sweet photo of your little ballerina Kyra.
That is exciting news for all the new babies, I hope that all will go well for them all.
{{{{{{{{Gloria}}}}}}}}}} You've really been through the wringer, my friend. I'm so glad that you're finally on the mend. So, Len's doctor is a Shaman? You didn't mention that to me in your email! I guess he also practices a bit of modern medicine too though!
Okay, so you've got COPD. That's some serious shit. Are you going to quit smoking, or no? Don't be afraid to answer... remember, I'm a stupid smoker too.
Love you
Justine :o )
Soooo ...sweet girl...what did you eat today??? Hmmmmmmm??? :) A big serving of pot roast, mashed potatoes and gravy? Fresh steamed veggies with real butter and fresh ground pepper? A slice of home made bread with lots of butter?
How about fresh peach cobbler with a dollop of vanilla ice cream? or...you can have home made whipped cream on it? A bowl of chocolate bread pudding?? A mug of freah hot coffee?
Love ya, hon!
Mona :):)
Please eat, Gloria!!
Baby girl Kyra will be fine!! I demand it! :) I have a personal friend in charge...and he said...
Oh my goodness, you poor thing!! I've had a kidney infection before and been sicker than a dog, I can't imagine all the other things on top of it!!! Take care and feel better soon.
Gloria! I'm so upset that you've been so ill, but so thankful that you're coming back to yourself. Kyra is such a doll, and she's forever in my prayers. May you two continue to get better with each breath. Deb
I am so happy to hear that you are feeling better!!! I think it's wonderful that the medicine man was able to help you:). Your granddaughter is adorable and I look forward to seeing pics of all your great grands when they arrive:).
Blessings for a fast recovery,
I am just so happy to hear that you are finally getting better. Hmmm, sometimes we shouldn't listen to the real doctors, lol. Little Kyra is really so cute in her litle boots. Congrats on Candace having a baby and you for more grandbabies! Take care and get more rests. Miss ya!...Christine
Oh Gloria! I am glad to hear yo are doing better. You make sure to take it easy and rest.
congrats on Candace having a baby! And it's good news about Kyra!
Gloria, I'm glad that you and Kyra are doing better. I hate to think that either one of you have had to go through medical ordeals. I'm glad that Lynn's doctor got you fixed up. I go to a naturopath who uses herbs to treat. I wish she was somewhere near you, but she's down near New Orleans. Sigh. If I get to see her this summer, I'll see if there's something herbally you can take to help get rid of that crud. She is amazing.
Love you...
Sheila :-)
Came upon your page thru journeytocharm. LOVE your spirit. Would love to welcome you to rest over at my place for awhile. I'm a newbie here, but the Lord's calling me to spread what He's shared with me for years. Please feel free to follow me on that journey!
Keep up this wonderful work. Lovely, just lovely! ~Merana
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