WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Happy Birthday Chari, well it's not her for real birthday...but it is the birthday of Sunday Repost...this has became a favorite meme in Blogland as it lets us have a Do-Over day....Please go by and see Chari at "Happy To Design" and see what great Birthday gifts she has waiting for you and tell her a BIG Happy Birthday...Now this is a post I did back in July o9 and just felted as this was Chari's Birthday what better way to help her celebrate that with the story of the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Lamp"
I showed you a few months back how to make these sweet little tea cup lamps click here to see How to...Well I have made them for 20 years now and sold them at a shop I use to work for called "Country Living" I bet I have made over 200 of these now...But you never know the home it is going to when you sell one...
Now one of my Dear friends Chari at "Happy to Design" I made one for last year, we met on RMS and became instant friends...Can you love someone you never met ?? Of course you can...I have met so many sister's on RMS and here on my blog...And I know I will never meet them this side of glory...but do so love my Sister's...So Chari told me she was leaving in June to go to Texas to see her Family and how her Mama loved roses and anything to do with tea's...
So right away I emailed her a few photos to show her I still have a few things left to make her a sweet little tea cup lamp...Do you think I have enough shades girls??? This is only one container...I have 4 of these still filled...
Oh My !! and tea cups and saucers..Well she emailed me back and just said her mama love pink...OH JOY!! my favorite color to work with...But her living room was more Burgundy....
Now this is the lamp I made for Chari's mama...you see how sweet the little birds nest and bird is in the cup....
So here it is in California all ready to be shipped to Colorado... This was in April...
Now here we are in Texas with Chari's Mama opening it up...she had not a clue that Chari had custom ordered this for her...
Now girls!! this was by far the BIGGEST pay day I ever got on my tea cups lamps...just look at that beautiful smile Chari's Mama has on her face...this just made my day when she send me these pictures of her Mama's smile...I just felted my ole heart skip a beat when I opened this email from her...Oh Girl I love ya...You just made my week my friend.....The one thing I will always remember about my own Mama was her smile...she also would light up like a Christmas tree over the littlest treasure...Chari your mama is beautiful my friend...The BIG smile says it all...
No matter what you are doing today take the time to make someone smile...it will make your own heart feel so HAPPY...No you don't have to make them a lamp...but sometimes just a kind word will change the day for someone and put a smile in their heart!!
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY " my Dear friend...ps since I did this post I have gotten to meet Chari in real life just this month in Vegas...Dreams really do come true... I hope to be back to blogging by next week...am very weak still and sleep alot ha ha!! Hey but I lost 11 pounds but don't recommend this kind of diet ha ha!! Love you guys and THANK YOU all from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers...Hey they seems to work just GREAT...So now would you pray for Len to hire a house keeper for me lol!!
Until next time from my mountain top to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
WOO HOONESS...so glad you feel well enuf to post. Just take care and let others wait on you. And i am prayin' real hard FOR A HOUSEKEEPER for you!! :))
Love that lamp...
xo bj
Hi Gloria. Those are the cutest little lamps.You do such a wonderful job on them.
Oh Gloria, I love this post. That little teacup lamp is definitely the most precious little lamp in the whole world. So perfect for her with the pink and burgundy. Her smile is truly wonderful. Such a sweet and thoughtful gift. I hope you get back to normal soon and that your mom gets to feeling better also. I will continue to keep you both in prayers. Love you, Hugs, Marty
I remember reading this post, Sis! I too, was touched when I saw the pictures of Chari's mother. And I was in awe of the lamp. I wouldn't know how to wire something if it jumped up and bit me! ;-D. The lamp is just lovely.
I am glad you are feeling a little bit better. If I lived closer to your mountain I would be popping up at your door with my feather duster!!
Prayers and good wishes coming your way!
Great news that you are feeling well enough to post. Looking forward to more from you in the future, but please take care of yourself and get completely well!!! Sally
THIS is both FUN and WONDERFUL ! What a perfect post for Chari's celebration! The little lamps are sweet.
Oh Dear Gloria,
You always make my day with your notes even when your sick!!! That lamp is just gorgeous, you really are so talented! The smile on Chari's Mom says it all! What an absolutely perfect post for her party! I love it! And now for that housekeeper that you need. Tell Harold he can double up on his duties. hehe. And eleven pounds? Girl, your already a tiny little thing! I think I have lost 8, but I had a few to spare.
Hugs and keep taking naps,
They sure are helping me too.
Love the post!! Hope you are feelin' fit as a fiddle soon!!
Your lamps are 2die4!!
Have a Restful Evening!!
How darling!!!! Oh, sweetpea, you've given me a great idea.
So glad to see you are back! I missed you!
I remember this post of the teacup lamp and I still think that is just precious! I love it....
Keep feeling better my friend.
Hi Gloria! Oh it is so nice to come on here and see that you have made a post! I hope you're starting to feel better. What a beautiful lamp you made. You are so talented:) Keep resting, ok? HUGS
Oh yes, look at that wonderful smile and it must have felt so heartwarming to know that your gorgeous tea cup lamp put it there:-) Just precious!!! Your tea cup lamps are so adorable, what a great idea. I must show them to my mom, being the crafty person she is, she will probably want to make some for other people:-)
Hope you're feeling much better soon, my friend. xoxo
My goodness! It's great to hear from you -- hope you're feeling better and stronger each and every day.
This is absolutely adorable and it's so great to see the smile of the person it was made for! I posted a link to your instructions on CraftersCommunity.com - you're sure to get a lot of visits from there! ;)
Hi Gloria,
I absolutely love your teacup lamps! I saw a Rose Chintz teacup lamp somewhere that you had made; perhaps it was Chari's. Loved it and I may try to make one myself following your directions. Have a wonderful weekend.
Hi sweet Sis...
Girl, you are just the bestest friend ever!!! You know that I would have completely understood if you weren't able to participate in the Sunday Favorites birthday celebration...BUT...I'M SOOOO GLAD YOU DID!!! I still hope you're getting your rest though! By the way, I got your email too! I'm just so relieved to hear that you are feeling some better! I know that the road may seem like a long one to complete recovery...but it WILL happen!!! Prayers, Sis!!! Prayers change things!!!
Well Darlin', I was just blown out of the water when I seen what post that you chose for the Sunday Favorites birthday celebration...this is sooo sweet of you! I sure wished that my mama had a computer so that she could enjoy your post! Thank you, Sis...and thank you for all the well wishes and congratulations too! Of course...you know that I love you, dear sweet friend!!!
Now you get some rest and I'll talk with you later! Love ya, Sis...feel better!!!
PS...thank you so much for displaying my SF giveaway button on your blog...appreciate it so much!!!
Great post today...love the little lamp sooooo cute...take care of yourself....we miss ya....Pat H
Oh, I was sooo happy to see that you had posted today, I've been worrying about you! You're right, the smile of someone who appreciates a gift that we have chosen for them is priceless! Glad you're doing better, you'll continue to be in my prayers.
What a pretty little gift you made for Chari's mom. Looks like you covered all the bases to make something she would love.
Now I'm not real sure what has your health ailing but I hope you get better soon. :)
This is just so precious, just like you!
Hugs from Wanda Lee
Those lamps are so sweet. What a great idea. You are one talented lady and that smile was well deserved.
Chari's mama is smiling because that tea cup lamp is gorgeous, Gloria, and yes, she is beautiful!. You are truly talented. I am so happy to see you blog. Are you feeling better now? Hope so...Christine
Love!!! Your post on flying your plane over at Susan's BNOTP. What a great post on you. I really enjoyed seeing you with that plane. Hope you and your husband are doing well.
Just discovered your blog through Between Naps On The Porch. Love your story on how you began to fly. I also am a pilot and love to fly. I just spent a few days at Sun N Fun with the Nintey-Nines in Lakeland, Fl. Are you a Ninety-Nine? Love your blog! Hope you get well soon. Blue skies.
Those lamps are to die for!! Stunning!!
I was so HAPPY to see that it was you that did this post!! I hope that you are feeling better and I want you to know that you are one of the people in Blogland that has such a special place in my heart!! My thoughts and my prayers are always with you, my friend!!
Gloria, I have been out of the loop for awhile and just now finding out you have not been well. I am so sorry to hear about this and hope you are good as new, soon!
Praying for you!
Love this wonderful post!
I love this post and the very happy ending ! Also so happy that you and Chari got to meet !
Hugs ~ Kammy
What a great post. So you're the lady that makes that beautiful little Tea Lamp in Chari's bedroom. I can understand the big smile on her Mom's face. Who wouldn't be thrilled to get one? You do lovely work!
Hi, Gloria! My name is Gloria too! I just read your post here, the making of the beautiful little lamp for your friend's Mom. It was adorable! And you can see that the Mom was THRILLED with your creation! I also just read about your learning to fly on Susan's BETWEEN NAPS ON THE PORCH. WOW! You were truly a brave girl! And your plane was gorgeous. I am sure that you look at the pictures of it with much love. I am also sad to hear that you have not been well. I will pray for you, plus say this one right now: "Good St. Anthony, please come around, something has been lost (dear Gloria's good health) and must be found." God bless you, Gloria.
Best regards,
I am thankful on this Sunday to know you are feeling more chipper ~ we need you in our lives Ms. Gloria!
I just love those lamps! It's such a great idea. Now I know what I'll be doing next week...browsing through antique shops for pretty tea cups.
So sorry you are not feeling well, Thats crummy when things don't feel good. I have been spring cleaning and not posted, but next week I will be back if that dang carpul tunnel in my wrist gets better, you always perk up my day, and it's just not the same when you are not blogging...take care sis...I'm always here for you
Good morning Gloria....
You must be feeling better...I'm soooo glad!
I actually remember this post! That little lamp is just ADORABLE.... I LOVE it...
Sorry to hear you have been ill. Being sick is not a fun way to lose weight. I hope that you are getting better (even if slowly). Take it easy. We miss you, but you need to take care of yourself & get better.
I love, love, love this little lamp you made for Chari's mom. It is a great post to reshare for Chari's party. Especially since Mother's Day is in a few weeks. The little lamp is just the sweetest.
I can see why you have made so many of them. They are fabulous.
Well take care & we look forward to you blogging soon.
hey Gloria! Hope your are feeling better, girl!
Those are the cutest little lamps! You are a sweety.
Well, this post really made me smile! No, not because of the birthday's or the ADORABLE lamp, but because it means you are feeling better sweet girl! Doin' the Bootscootin' Boogie all over the place! :)
Please don't try and do too much! (Yeah, right!) Please? Seriously!!
I am so glad you are feeling better! I enjoyed this post so much and want to say thank you for having a tutorial on how to make these beautiful lamps!Thanks again and have a blessed day!
Hey, Gloria!
What a super birthday gift--or anytime gift--idea this is. You are so talented, and it's so darling.
Hey Miss Gloria,
I just needed to stop over and tell you I am thinking of you and hoping each day your feeling a bit better. It takes awhile to get your strength back, boy do I know that now. I know your resting and being a good patient for Harold. hehe.
Hugs my dear,
Dear Gloria! Oh, I'm so proud to see you've posted! I've been praying for you, Dear One! I'm hoping and praying you're feeling much better now. But you take care of yourself and please don't do too much. How sweet of your grand daughter to let us know about you.
Shelia ;)
Hi Gloria...hope you are getting stronger every day, sweet friend! Just thinking about you this evening....
Hey you...just to see you make a post makes my heart swell with joy!!! I pray that you get stronger with each passing day and I can't believe you lost 11.lbs!!!!!! Didn't you only weigh 12 lbs to start with you little Barbie doll you! lol I remember this gorgeous lamp you made for Chari's mama..what a precious treasure and what a precious soul you are sis...I love you so girl and think of you so much...you take care and tell Len to start interviewing those housekeepers!!! ~Picket~
You must have a very happy heart because you have made me feel better many times since I started blogging...I know that many others would say the same thing. I've been away so much that I didn't realize you had been ill...I'm so sorry that I didn't know and didn't send you well wishes. I hope you are doing better.
So glad to hear that you are on the mend... Take it easy and don't over-do anything! All the best and lots of hugs, Sue
I am so happy your are feeling better! You still need to rest and not over due.
My goodness how I love your little tea cup lamps.... I want to make one. When I do I will post about it and let you know..
I loved your post today and you put a smile in my heart!!!
Big hugs, Elizabeth
I know first hand how special your lamps are! I'm sure Chari's mom loves hers.
Get better girl, good shopping weather will be here soon! If these thunderstorms ever stop!
Love ya!
Gloria, what a great re-post for Chari's birthday party. The little lamp you made her mother is so pretty, and how clever of Chari to special-order one for her. Hope you are relaxing in your old red robe and feeling much better. laurie
Hi Gloria,
Glad that you are back and I hope that you are feeling better.
Love your beautiful lamp and no wonder that put a smile on the face of Chari's Mama.
I hope that you are having a great week
Miss Gloria.
I am just back from Savannah, and today is like my first day to sit down and try and catch up with a few blogs. I was ECSTATIC to see you had posted! I am so glad you are on the mend and feeling better. (And I want to let you know I'm praying real hard for that housekeeper for you!)
Love this post - and love the lights! Very cute indeed! FOUR BOXES! Girl! (hehehe)
I'm just so glad to know you are OK.
Big hugs from south of you! :) Karen
Oh sweetie, that smile says it all. What a blessing your are sister! The little tea cup lamp is simply charming. Love it!
Happy Birthday to Miss Chari. Take care of yourself and feel better girl
God bless ya and have a fabulous Friday!!!!
Hi Gloria,
It's me Cindy. Just coming by to send you hugs and hoping that your getting stronger each day. I miss ya girl!
Big Hugs,
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