Hello guys, I hope all is well in your world today...Now as many of you know I have been very ill with pneumonia and COPD and after 3 doctors 2 rounds of antibotics, lab work and chest X-rays and now I have to go in for Pulmonary function test...I have spend alot of time just sleeping and trying to breath...
I received alot of Get Well cards from my blogging buds Thank you all....
It snowed again last week for one day but didn't stick YIPPEE!! Now Len being on his own and thinking I was so sick I would not notice a few changes around the house was a very busy boy...Remember how I told you he is an Native American and loves antique slot machines and slowly but surely he thinks he turning this house into a gaming casino??? Well he have 9 machines in his garage, 3 in his office
Now these he has been busy adding to my office while I was sleeping...did he not think I would notice that I went from only having 3 in there to 6 ??? This is a 1930 Pace Gum Vendor slot machine...it takes a penny and you would get gum plus if you hit a jack pot penny pay...
I really do love this one...but don't tell Len that... mums the word I think it's really cool looking....
Then he slipped this one in it's from 1956 nickle Mills slot machine from the famous Pioneer club one of the first of the seven clubs on Fremont Street in Las Vegas do you see the Pioneer Vic man on the top...
A vending match machine from ca. 1930 now this he have not found a home for yet so it sits on my bench waiting....
And let's don't forget the one cent 1930 Purtian baby Bell trade stimulator...this is his littlest machine now...Had this man collect Thimbles and brought a few new ones in the house would I have noticed probably NOT...But come on 3 new slot machines and a match machine and he didn't think I would notice them...DUH...Len I have Pneumonia I'm not blind ha ha!! I would love to wish all you mother's a wonderful Mother's day...If you still have your Mama be sure and tell her you love her and thank her for her many years she has loved you....

Oh!! one quick thing Candace ( my granddaughter) is having a little Boy...life does go on...
Until next time from my mountain top to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Hello! I think you should put your best bathroom duds on and join the party over at Shelia's Note Songs .... just what the doctor ordered.
Hello Gloria
I love this slot machine post, Len has quite a collection.
I hope you feel better soon. It's so good to see you here!
Happy Mother's Day!
WOW...Those machines are beautiful! I don't know anything about their value but I do know they are highly collectable. The craftsmanship is ....WOW!!
Hope you feel better soon & your tests find a way to help you!!
Happy Mother's Day!
I just love visiting you Gloria, you don't let anything get you down for long! Don't tell Len, but I think those machines are pretty cool. But don't want to be an enabler :) Congratulations on your newest great grandson - when is he supposed to make his arrival? Take care of yourself sweetie. Hugs, Kat
Good Morning Gloria,
Oh girl, I am so happy to see this post! I have been thinking of you and hoping your on your way to recovery. On Sunday, I got a really nasty cold which slowed down my recovery. I am starting to feel better though. That Len is pretty sneaky. But, I have to say those slot machines are like works of art. Each one is so unique. Where does he find such amazing ones! And it snowed? We have snow showers in our forecast tonight. RRRR! It's May and my lilacs are in bloom. I want to wish you a happy Mothers Day. Your Mom was quite the beauty. Take care my dear and keep resting lots. I know it gets old but I think you will be back to your old self soon.
Big Hugs,
Wow, I will just tell my husband we can just go play at your house. Have a great mother's day!
Girl, you are still in my prayers to beat this dang illness! Bless your heart.
I just love all your slot machines, especially the gum-ball ones. Now what night is game night at your place??? Heeehehehe!
Your tribute to your precious mama just warmed my heart. I can just feel her sendin' ya sweet angel hugs and kisses!
Woohoo!!! A new baby in the family...life just doesn't get any better sister!
God bless ya'll and have a great day filled with warm sunny blessings my friend.
Hope you get better really soon! Those machines are very cool! Glad he didn't do anything really extreme while you were sleeping!
Take care and have a Happy Mother's Day!
Oh Gloria, so happy to see you here, but be sure to not overdo. You do want to be totally well and up and at 'em really soon. I love the slot machines, however I really don't know where in the world you find a place for all of them. My house is way tooooo small. A new great-grandson. That is so exciting. Take care and rest. Hugs, Marty
Morning Gloria, I did not know that you are ill and having such a tough time of it. I'll be praying for you.
Those slot machines are interesting. I love the way you have of placing coins nearby so that they can be played.
Oh, Dear Gloria, I'm so hoping you get well really soon! I'm glad to see you posting again.
Now I am not showing these darling slot machines to Mr. Precious - he'll go crazy! :)
Oh, you should grab your camera and snap for me in the bathroom or one of your gorgeous mirrors! I'm having a Bathroom Beauty Snapping Picture.
You're still in my prayers,
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
What a fun thing to collect. i LOVE slot machines, especially when they pay me!!! :)
I sure hope you feel better each day and get more and more strength back. Bless your heart, you have really been thru the mill.
I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day.
xo bj
Gloria, I have prayed for you and hope you continue to improve. I'm so sorry you've been sick!!!
I've been MIA (UTS... under tremendous stress), but I'm back for a bit. I wish, though, there was something I could do for you other than send you hugs across the miles. Wish you were closer. I know, move to Florida! You will never be cold again! LOL! We're not counting last winter. ;-)
Love you...
Sheila :-)
Hi Gloria! I am so happy to see your post! I hope you are starting to feel better!
I had to laugh with what you replied about men wanting big tvs! lol This tv almost takes up that whole wall! I'll let him keep his big tv *wink* He's such a good hubby and a hard worker. :)
You keep resting. We don't want you to be sick anymore. (HUGS)
I had no idea that you've been ill, Gloria. Shame on me.
I like that your hubby enjoys collecting too, and these slot machines look like fun, especially since you've included coins to use.
You better get well soon girl or you might wake up one day and find some antique poker tables or roulette wheels where your desk used to be!
Beautiful tribute to your sweet mother. I'm so happy for Candace. I just found out my sister is 3 months along with her first baby. Mom is thrilled of course!
Take it easy lady, I don't want to disturb your rest but call me if you'd like.
MOM>>>>>>>I loved our visit on the phone the other day. I have been so worried about you the last while. If I lived closer I would come and take care of both of you!
Have a great mother's day with Dawna...and take care of yourself! I miss you mom...and I love you so much!
just rest...maybe Len will see this and do some housework! hahaha
hey...a girl can dream can't she? hahaha
That sneaky little thing, thinking he can get those big ol' slot machines past an ailing Gloria! Shame on him!
Heeheehee. I have to admit, the gumball one really is cool!
I'm glad to hear you're feeling a little better. Take care of yourself and have a wonderful Mother's Day!
Justine :o )
Gloria-I hope you are finally on the mend and beginning to feel better! I love your tribute to your mom--now I see where you got your style!!! Men! I guess his is a harmless hobby :) You are right about age--I guess it is mind over matter--if you don't mind, it doesn't matter :) Have a great Mother's Day!
How funny that he snuck those in while your were sleeping:). The slot machines are pretty cool. I hope you are feeling better! Happy Mother's Day to you!
Happy Mother's Day, dear friend! I am always amazed how much you resemble your mother...she was a lovely woman.
My mother has been gone now for many years...
She was 16 when I was born..she would 89 now. Cancer from the ship yards in the 40's. Meslothelioma. Did I spell that right? I hope I don't have it. I guess they brought it home on their clothing.
Sounds like you are getting better, Gloria...slowly. I never heard of anything knocking someone out of the ball park so fast in all my life! Except Pat.
You are eating better I hope!!
Love and hugs to you, sweet friend.
Slot machines? Oh!! I wish I had one. Now I know this sounds strange..but..
when I go to Vegas? I always know when I am going to win something because my hands actually get hot!
Yeah...true...no..not making it up...lol S'true! :) Wierd I know..so don't tell anyone..ok?
Love and hugs,
Hello Gloria! Glad to see you posting! You have been in my thoughts and prayers.
I have to agree with you about the Pace slot machine, it is a beauty.
Congratulations to Candace! How exciting!
Don't overexert yourself! Have a fabulous Mother's Day!
~ Tracy
Gloria, I am so glad to see that you are feeling well enough to post! Hang in there, it wont be long and you'll be back to your old self!
Hi Gloria, I am so glad to see your back posting. What a wonderful collect. Hope you have a wonderful Mother Days....take care...Hugs..Pat H
Dear Gloria, I do hope that you make a swift recovery and start feeling much, much better. Too funny about Len's slot machines making an entrance into your home. What is it about a big boy's toys???!!! LOL
hugs, Sue
Gloria, your mother was so pretty. Len's slot machines are so fun! love your comment about "I have pnemonia - I'm not blind!" You are so much fun. Life does go on at your place. Your new grandbabies arrive more often than Christmas! Congratulations! laurie
Hi Gloria,
I do hope that you are feeling better and very sorry to hear that you have not been well.
Love all the slot machines.
Such a beautiful tribute to your dear Mother. Congratulations to Candace and her baby boy, such exciting news for you all.
Happy Mothers day and I hope that you are getting lots of rest and take care.
Gloria, you sound so much better! I've been praying for you! I so glad to hear the laughter in your words. Love the machines, got to show my hubby! They are wonderful! Congrats on a new baby boy! Your family is growing! Sleep and Rest and I pray you will be all better soon!
Wow, Len has an awesome collection! I really do hope you get the much needed rest you deserve and have a wonderful Mothers day!
What a collection. Hope you are feeling better. My prayers are with you.. Madeline
What a collection. Hope you are feeling better. My prayers are with you.. Madeline
I am glad that you are feeling better and hope you continue on your road to recovery...pneumonia take some time, so don't be in a hurry!
Those are fabulous old slot machines..my hubby is a collector too of old books, old guns, old this and old that..I am in there with his collections. lol! He and I go round and round about it sometimes, as we have downsized to a turn of the century bungalowe and there just isn't the room....but unfortunately, for me, there is the garage and the basement! lol!
Your Mom was very pretty...just like you!
Feel better and Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Mothers Day, too.
I hope that comment came out sounding the way I meant it, lol! If not we'll blame it on it being so late and me being tired!
If you're too afraid to go to sleep again then Len can store some of his machines over at my house while I'm sleeping! I absolutely love the unique things that you and Len have collected. Just when I think I've seen all your treasures Len goes and brings in more, lol! Happy Mother's Day to you.
Good Morning Miss Gloria,
I wanted to come by and wish you a Happy Mothers Day. I so hope you get to spend it with some of your lovely family. And, I hope your getting stronger each day. Thinking of you with Hugs,
Just checking in once again...I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day Gloria! I know I already commented..but...just wanting to make sure all is going well.
It's been four days since your last post... :)
I am hoping that even thought you haven't mentioned food..that you are eating...or at least getting an appitite back. You really have NOT one ounce to spare!!
Love and hugs,
I will try and not bug you about food...but from what you wrote your weight leaves you vulnerable to more illness! So...yeah..I know...but EAT!!
Hi there, Miss Gloria! I hope you are doing better! I hate being sick and I know Len must be having a hard time holding you down! Love those slot machines! We used to have one...sort of took all the fun out of gambling when you could just open up the back and get all your money! lol I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. I'm thinking of you and sending lots of prayers and positive thoughts! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie
Hi Gloria,
I was so happy to see the recent comment you left and even happier to find out that you are feeling better. It sounds like quite an ordeal you have been through and I am keeping you in my thoughts and praying that each day will find you feeling stronger. I hope you had a nice Mother's Day. Take care, sweetie.
Hello sweet lady friend! I came to see how you were doing and I ran into a whole lot of slot machines and games!! I can tell Len really loves them because they are all shiny and polished!! No, you are not blind! Blinded by the gleam maybe. They are beautiful though.
I hope you had a nice Mother's Day. I love the picture of your mom. She is as pretty as you. I lost mine 8 years ago and it never gets easy. I know she watches over me. She may not always approve....lol!
Now you are not supposed to come home from Vegas sick. Visit cold Chicago and we can understand you getting sick. ;-D I do hope you get better soon and I am saying some prayers for you, Sis. Big Hugs coming to you, too.
Oh...I want you to feel good, I miss you around here. Your mother was beautiful. Hugs to you my friend.
The slot machine collection is fantastic!! I absolutely love them! Debbie
It's me again!
I forgot to mention how beautiful that photo of your mother is! I know now where you got your good looks from! She is beautiful !!
AND I almost fell off my chair laughing when I saw that card with the mailman......you do know that my hubby Joe IS a mail man!!! I had to make a copy of that for him and I am sure it will be posted in the Post Office he works out of!!!
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