WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria

Hello guys, I thought I would show you my hat gift boxes...These are the cutest little hats..Everyone that see them thinks they are for dolls,  |
BRIEF HISTORY:In the good old days, when a man wasn't considered dressed without a hat, it made a great gift for Dad, Grandpa, Great Uncle, or any other man in your life. But Mom wouldn't pick out the hat Dad would actually wear, any more than she would trust him to pick out HER chapeau. She would go to the haberdashery (a fancy word for a men's clothing store) and select the brand, type and price level of his gift. She paid for the gift certificate, and went home with a darling little hat in a darling little hatbox, and wrapped it up for Father's Day...or Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanza...or his Birthday. Having received his gift, Dad then had the pleasure of visiting the haberdasher to be fitted for his personal selection of headgear, handing over the certificate to complete the purchase. The darling little mini-hat in the darling little mini-hatbox, might end up in the kids' toy box, to be worn by a favorite doll or Teddy bear, or it might just be put away in a drawer. (Needless to say, collectors pray for the latter, since those can turn up in mint condition.)Most often, the certificate would be for a specific brand of hat, not for just any hat in the store. Hat manufacturers competed to offer their merchandise in miniature. minis from Adam, Biltmore, Cavanagh, Champ, Churchill, Dobbs, Evans, Kennedy, Knox, Lee, Mallory, Resistol and Stetson. . The heyday of Gift Certificate Premiums seems to have been from the 1930's to the 1950's.
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I just love them and have about 15 now in my collection.. |
I also love old shoes... |
Old mens paper collars and boxes |
collar box and beaded jet black purse |
Some of my antique photo albums |
This album with the stand I got when I visited Chari at " Happy to Design" in June in Colorado
and she took me to her favorite antique malls..Don't you love going out of state and seeing all the great antique shops??
Christmas photo album
Pink glass beaded purse from ca. 1900
I have all of these olden things in my tower antique display case from a general store ca. 1900 this case sits on a antique library table in my hallway that goes into my bedroom..
Love her sexy legs... |
And nothing would be complete in my house without a Chandy
Or 2 ha ha!! |
Thanks for stopping by today...
I'm still going through tests to find out what's wrong with me..I will find out this Wednesday from my heart Doctor the results of all the tests I had last week...They ( doctors) still think I'm having TIA's which are mini strokes and hope to find the cause of them before I have a big stroke...
Landen's fist birthday is this Saturday and I have been trying to help my Grand daughter get things ready for his Party at the park..It's a Mickey Mouse theme party..We have made each and every decoration for it...He loves to hang out in front of my mirrored closet doors and see himself dance ha ha!!
My grandson Jayson got married on the 10th and it was a beautiful garden wedding at a 1865 hotel just a fun night for all..
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gloria
I so remember those little hats. Remember when I saw one in California?? Never knew about them before you!!
I love those little hats! How rare to find so many G. I also love that display case! What a beauty! Vanna
Gloria I never have seen little hats like this and I love how you shared the story behind them!! I would so love to come and visit your amazing museum house someday!! You are such a fabulous collector of wonderful things!!
Oh I do hope they will be able to figure out what is happening with your health issues and be able to give some help. I do hope you are not in alot of pain. Saying a prayer for you now-
bee blessed
Hi Gloria,
This is just the cutest post!
I so adore those mini little hats and boxes! I never knew the story and it was so interesting to learn.
And wowso! You have a great collection too!
And Landen turning 1 already!!! Addison's 1st is right around the corner too!
I hope they can figure out what's wrong dear friend. I think of you often and saying a prayer too.
Big Hugs to you,
Hi Gloria!
Your collections are incredible! I also love old shoes and hats and handbags... oh my. I have a pair of my Grandma's last pair of shoes and my Mom's, I just can't part with them.
Hugs, Sherry
PS that grandbaby is so adorable!!
Hi Gloria, I love all the history detail you share with us.You must have a house as big as a castle, you show so many collections that you have. I love looking at them. I started a new blog, drop by when you can. It's my country life. Hope your test all come back good.♥
Lovin' the little hats Gloria-so cute! Hope you get some good news Wed, please take care of yourself:@)
Thank you so much for sharing the hats - I had never seen those before or heard the story. I also collect beaded purses and I especially love the pink one that you have. It's always so much fun looking at your collections!
I'll be saying prayers for you that the doctors can identify the problem and correct it.
Happy Birthday to Landon and Congratulations to Jason! Some of those hat boxes are works of art even without the hats! Loved that green and red one shown with the collar. The display case is stunning too!
What a wonderful display, Gloria! I have never heard of the little hats. You have the most wonderful collections in blogland! And the case is fabulous!
I hope the doctors can find out what's wrong and take care of that for you soon!
Happy birthday to little mister Landen! My little Austin's first birthday was also Mickey mouse! And congrats to Jayson!
Take care of yourself! Hugs to you, my friend!...Debbie
Thanks for sharing your collection of little hats, hat boxes, shoes and other antiques with us. I hope the doctors find out what is causing your mini strokes and that you are feeling better real soon. Good luck with Landens party. It is hard to believe that he is going to be one already. Have a blessed day. Madeline
Fabulous as always, Gloria!!
We had a wonderful time at the
50th class reunion. Besides having a great time visiting, it was uplifting to see a room full of people with as much grey hair and as many wrinkles as we have.LOL!
Fingers and toes crossed hoping they can find the source of your TIAs. Love the hats and shoes and your display cabinet with the rounded front!
Hi Gloria,
What a marvelous vintage display of hat boxes,shoes and photo albums. How fun to have such a collection to enjoy. I love seeing all your antiques and vintage collections. I hope you start feeling better soon and the Doctors find out whats going on. No fun just wondering and waiting for results. You take care now and get some rest. I really enjoyed your post.
Have a sweet day, Elizabeth
New reader here! Just wanted to check in and say hi and tell you that I am truly impressed by all your collections! I love collecting things too but use much restraint because I could easily be a bit of a hoarder! Love the little hats! Have a great week!
I wish I had know you like those hats, I was at an auction Sat. and they had a few. I have to admit, I did not know what they were. Thanks for the education. I hope the doctors get you on the right track. Love the display case. Fun Stuff. Richard from My Old Historic House.
Hi darling, I remember these hats and shoes, I don't recall the beautiful display cabinet, that is incredible! A beauty!!!
Landen a year old already? Where has the time gone. I know he's the love of your life, what a joy to have him around all the time. Congrats to your grandson! My goodness girl you've have a lot of activity going on out your way.
I pray they come up with something on the "good" side. Be sure to let me know what's going on.. I'm pretty much home bound now, can't go off and leave Mr. P for any length of time, afraid he'll fall and won't be able to get up... please pray he starts improving soon... love ya girl.. take lots of pictures of the party to share with us...hugs ~lynne~
Gloria you have the neatest stuff ever. Love it! Everything is unique and full of character.
I hope you are feeling better. I've been thinking of you and praying.
Warmly, ~Melissa
You really do have the neatest collections, Gloria. I love seeing them all. Your little hats and the story behind them are really interesitng. Love the boxes!...Christine
Hi Sweet Sis...
Ohh...I just seen that you posted! What a fabulous collection you have, Sis! Of course, I love the little hats...especially the gray top hat! I have to admit that I find the hat boxes just as interesting! You know that I share your love for them! Hehe! I'm not sure but I think this was the first time that I seen that fabulou gold decorative box...and the red & green box! They're just gorgeous, Sis! I love those!!! Loved getting to see your olden shoes and beaded purses too! Seriously, you have a fabulous collection and your old general store glass display is just perfect for showing off all of those beauties!!! I love it!!!
Well Sis, just wanted to come by to see your pretties and to say hello! Russ is here so...sorry this is short! Please let me know what you find out from the Drs. tomorrow! You know that I'm praying, honey!!!
Love you,
Great post, filled with so much information. I loved it all, especially that gorgeous display case! Praying that all goes well for you at the doctor.
Gloria, I just have one little question for you; Just how big is your house, anyway!!?
Please keep us posted as to your health.
Those little hats make me smile...I would love to spend several days going over every inch of your house. So many treasures!
HUGS! Karen
I've never seen one of these little hats, but I'd love to. They are just darling. You have the most interesting collections and so many different ones.
I am so sorry to hear that you are having problems. I hope they find something that is easy to fix. You will be in my prayers.
Hola Gloria, qué lindo blog, me encanta todo lo antiguo tambien, aunque no tengo tantas cosas como tú, te felicito por tu colección.
I just love those little hats and hat boxes and the story that goes with them
where have you found these? I have never seen any in all my years collecting things
I want to wish you well on your health.
us collectors have so much more stuff to buy and need our strenghth to find it and carry it home LOL
Hi Miss Glorida! My Grandfather was a huge hat guy and he loved some nice shoes too. Funny that green album you have, we have one very similar. In fact you and I have a lot of similar antiques, which is funny because I never see duplicates of my stuff anywhere. We must be bonded Gloria LOL. Hope all is well.
Hi Gloria! I hope you get some answers to your medical problems and your treatment will help you so much! Love post with all your little hats. I just love seeing your pretty home! Congrats to your grandson and his marriage and little bitty is a year old? Time surely does fly!
Be a sweetie and you are in my prayers.
Shelia ;)
You have some of the most fantastic collections I have ever seen outside a Museum! And I do mean fantastic. I am surprised that you have not been approached to put your home on tour. It's just amazing. I always have to go back, enlarge the photo's even larger...and look..and look and look some more.
Wonderful. The shoes..those boots...Gloria...It is simply wonderful all you have collected!
I am having those little mini strokes..and at first it frightened me to death when they told me. It may be the reason I am so off balance from time to time...and then it sort of diminishes. They told me that most older people have them. I don't know about you..but that did NOT make me feel one bit better!
Love and hugs to you, dear!
So were the little hats salesmens samples? I think that is what you were saying..but these are just from these specific stores. I know there also used to be traveling salesmen that sold things from samples in miniture. Furniture..etc.
Gloria...hats off to you..you have the coolest things ever!!!Have missed you,hope your keeping well! x0
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