Hello!! Guys, Well here we are the last day of the month...Boy this month has gone by fast for me...I couldn't let this day past without remembering The People's Princess Diane...I still have a hard time believing Diane has been dead now 14 years today...

To say I admired this woman and what she tried to do is an understatement...I watched this sweet young thing at age 20 on July 29,1981 Marry her Prince Charming...I had to stay up all night to watch this ceremony...We had VCR's at that time but had just came out on the market and were like $1000.00 to have a home one...well just a wee bit out of my budget at that time..You see I just knew that young Princess was going to make a differ in the world...And she did not disappoint me...
I Love all things Diane....here is just a few things from my collection over the years that I wanted to share with you today...

I have Princess Diane Dolls....

Some of my plates...

These ones play music...

Black and white ones...

I have magazines from when she died...

I have paper dolls...
I have lots of newspaper's...

You see I have a very strong admiration for any one that will take their money and fame to try and help those less fortunate...This sweet young Princess didn't care if you had aids or was disfigured she would reach out and touch not just you but your heart...She could have choose to walk around with just a Royal wave and an empty purse hanging from her arm...But she choose to walk around with a BIG Hug and a Huge Heart and touched all she met...Like Elton John said she Lived her life like a "Candle in the wind"....Gone but not forgotten...She will always be a Flame in my heart...Princess Diane 1961-1997.
( I first did this post in 2009 but just wanted to re-share it with you today)
Until next time from my mountain to yours.

I have Princess Diane Dolls....
Some of my plates...
Black and white ones...
I have magazines from when she died...
You see I have a very strong admiration for any one that will take their money and fame to try and help those less fortunate...This sweet young Princess didn't care if you had aids or was disfigured she would reach out and touch not just you but your heart...She could have choose to walk around with just a Royal wave and an empty purse hanging from her arm...But she choose to walk around with a BIG Hug and a Huge Heart and touched all she met...Like Elton John said she Lived her life like a "Candle in the wind"....Gone but not forgotten...She will always be a Flame in my heart...Princess Diane 1961-1997.
( I first did this post in 2009 but just wanted to re-share it with you today)
Until next time from my mountain to yours.
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
What a beautiful post, and gorgeous collection you have. I remember the day well. My older boy was just a few weeks old,and my husband and I went out for a date night. In the car, I heard of the tragedy, I ended the date night, as I just was so upset...she was a beautiful woman both inside and out.
Gloria you have such a beautiful collection! I still have the magazines from when she died also. I remember finding out the news like it was yesterday. I was out to dinner with friends when the waitress came over and told us. I thought it was a joke? But she told us it had really happened. I think I was in shock for a good couple of days. Like you I admired her sooooo much! I just couldn't believe it! The world lost a treasure when God called her home. Just thinking about it can still make me cry. Vanna
Gloria, Thanks for all the wonderful memories. still remember that day very well! She was truly a great lady! Many blessing!
Very outstanding post and your collection is great. She was a beautiful lady inside and out. Thank you for sharing all this wil us. Madeline
What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful woman!
you really do have quite a collection there! Gorgeous!
You have a beautiful collection. I remember staying up all night to see Diana get married. The night she died we had been at the Scottish Highland Festival and Games all day and came home to the news she had been in an accident. At first they thought she only had a few injuries and then the dreaded news came. I stayed up all night to watch her funeral as well - my heart breaking for her boys. She was a great humanitarian but her greatest accomplishment was to be a wonderful mother.
What a beautiful post. You have such a wonderful collection! I remember the day well...thanks for sharing...Pat H
Good to "see" you! I also had a special place in my heart for the Princess. She had her children the same years I did and it was funny, when my daughter was very small and would see a picture of Diana on a magazine cover, she would always say "mama"! That was before I went back to my dark hair and before she got so pretty!! I truly felt a huge blow when she died. You have quite a collection of items...I never got into collecting things of her, but I certainly appreciated the woman and have loved watching her boys grow up.
Gloria you remember Alice Faye?!! Oh that's sooo cool!! But girlfriend I know she's before your time too! *winks* Vanna
I remember the day she died, I was in bed with a bad cold and all night I watched and prayed, she just can't die. Was so sad. I think it was the most amazing and sad funeral I have ever seen. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your love. Richard from my Old Historic House.
Hi Gloria,
Lovely post and many thanks for sharing.
You have a wonderful collection of dolls and memorabilia and great to see it all.
I think we all feel exactly the same way about her, she was a beautiful woman.
Hope that you are having a lovely weekend
Princess Diana was really a beautiful lady, inside and out. She did so much in such a short time and her boys will carry on her legacy I think. I was spell bound watching her wedding and sobbing after she passed away.
That's an amazing collection and a wonderful tribute!
~Rainey~ @ The Table Project Table
O, I had no idea you had a collection like this. She was, indeed, a really sweet, down to earth girl that got hooked up with a a *&%#@ for a husband...but she was so beautiful on the inside, we will all remember her with pride.
I can't STAND him and I think no one else can, either.
Hope you are feeling better, dear one.
xo bj
I have been so bad about visiting blogs that I wanted to stop by and say Hi!
I loved Di so much also....still soooo hard to believe she's really gone. Love your collection!
I'll be thinking of you Tues. and Wed. I know everything will be fine cause yuse a lil' fighter!! :-)
Hi Sweet Sis...
Ohhh my...your Princess Diana collection is breathtaking! I just loved her and she truly was the Princess of the people! That's what I loved most about her! I really enjoyed getting a tour of your precious collection! I especially enjoyed the dolls! Ohhh my goodness...they are all quite exquisite! I think the Diana doll with the midnight blue velvet gown is my favorite! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful collection with us, Sis!!!
How are you doing, honey? Haven't heard from you in a few days...just wondering how you are feeling and how your tests have turned out? I sure hope that you are doing well, dearest friend! Sending you all my love and prayers!!!
Love ya,
Wow, I don't think I have ever seen such a huge collection of Di. I really enjoyed looking at all of them.
I visited your blog today. I thought it was so pretty, colorful, and full of life!! Oh, how I loved Pricess Di. I got married around the same time as she did, and I always kept up with the happenings of her. I collected some of the magazines that she was in. That is such a cool picture of you and her at the wax museum. Me and my daughters just started a new blog and we would love it if you could visit us and follow. I would enjoy coming back to visit with you. Your blog is so cheerful and vibrant, and evrything is so BIG!! I like that very much. Hope to hear from you, and have a sweet day. Oh, and thank you for taking me down memory lane with Pricess Di. It made my heart sing.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
She was certainly a Lady!!
I am having a Halloween Giveaway... Come on over!!
Hi Sweetie! I remember her death.
I was so sad...what a terrible loss.
Then came the death of John Denver..but the worse was yet to come for me that year..
Patrick died shortly thereafter..and it seems the world was ending..and for me it was.
I always think how proud she would have been of her sons. Both fine young men.
You have a wonderful collection, Gloria..
Gloria what a lovely Tribute and awesome Collection of Princess Di Memorabilia you have~
Thank you for stopping by my Guest Room Makeover. Like you I HAVE to surround myself with Color... though I must say that Sepia Tones have always appealed to me enough to incorporate a lot of them WITH my Color. It wouldn't be Bohemian without rich Jewel Tones now would it? *winks* I can't say I hate the colorless palette, it can be soothing and pleasing on the eyes and so many people do it so well & I enjoy visiting that realm, but it just isn't for ME. Color saturates my World and the more Eclectic or Exotic the better! *Smiles*
Blessings from the Arizona Desert where it's still exceeding 110 degrees every day *whew*... Dawn... The Bohemian
Gloria I always LOVE hearing from you! I wish today had been filled with happier news for us chattys. It's been a hard day.
I'm praying that they'll get to the bottom of what ails you before you're lit up like a Christmas tree with all those isotopes! I'm making funny girlfriend but I know how dangerous this stuff really is and I'm tellin' ya along with your DD that you CAN'T go NOWHERE! So you'll just have to get better. That's final!....How'd I do?.... pretty convincing huh? *winks* I love you girl! You give that little man of yours a bit kiss and hug from me. Vanna
Gosh, I was glad to hear from you today. I sure miss you, Gloria.
I am hoping you are feeling much better by now....are you?
Seems a few are leaving blogging ...guess they are tired of it. I started my blog in 2007 and I still have posts running thru my head all the time. I barely get one finished before I'm off on another. :))
Take care, sister friend and know that you are loved.
xoxoxoxoxo bj
Hi ya cutie, I hope this finds you feeling lots better, hope you have test results back with a game plan in mind as to what goes on from here...
I remember the day of the wedding, I was lucky enough to have a vcr, taped it, the vcr has died gone to a better place, need to get it off and on a dvd some how..... She was certainly a legend, how fortunate you have all these beautiful treasures... love ya girl... hugs ~lynne~
Wow Gloria... that's really a collection.... Just wonderful. I didn't realize Diana's been gone for FOURTEEN years. Holy moly.
Hi sweetie, thank you for your sweet comment today, I was so happy you were out and about and stopped for a visit. It means so much that you always ask about Mr. P... girl he fell last night and has truly been messed up today, he falls quite a bit now, so I'm struggling to keep him on his feet. I'm not sure if it's the Parkinson's taking over or what..needless to say it keeps me hopping... I hope this finds you feeling better and better, I'm praying for good tests results this week for you.. hugs ~lynne~
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