Look at the fancy handles on this cabinet...This cabinet came from Warren Hardware company..
The inside of the drawers...now you can see that the glass fronts are only so deep...You would fill the glass front and pull the drawer open to scoop out what you seen in the glass fronts...
Love the quarter saw oak of this piece...
I love the way it looks with my old Bin counter that I use as an Island in my kitchen...This bin counter is an 18 drawer one so it creates extra storage for me...plus gives me allot of working space in my kitchen...This counter is 8 foot long
One end with a few old crocks and feed sacks...Oh yes it's all about the old general store look in my kitchen...I have always loved this look...Maybe because it reminds me of a simpler time in our hectic world as we know it now and when I'm at home I want my home and life to reflect that time.... That and I'm spending my Kids inheritance ha ha!!
I'll joining My Dear Sis today Chari at " Happy to Design" for repost Sunday..Thanks Sis,
Until Next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gloria
Until Next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gloria
Hi there Miss Gloria!! So glad to see a post pop up from you!! I hope you and your family are doing well! I love your candy cabinet- so charming and nostalgic! My friend Sandy is having her antique faire in Old Roseville again in September if you would like to go- let me know and I can find out the details- it would be fun to meet up with a bunch of bloggers! Hugs, Courtney
Wow, that piece is a beauty, Gloria! And you're right -- your grandkids are going to go crazy when they see it! You know what you should do to make it fun? Give them each a few pennies and a little brown paper bag and play "Store!" They will have a BALL 'buying' the candy!!! Have fun with it!
How fun to see a post from you, Gloria! I hope you are feeling better...and you must be if you are out buying antiques! lol I love your candy cabinet...so cute! My grandies' little eyes would bug out on stems! Thanks for the tour. I am always amazed at all of the wonderful stuff you have! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie
Love it! The counter and this piece are made for each other!
Gloria! That candy cabinet is fabulous though I would have to put locks on all the bins. I would have no willpower with all that candy around! I love your kitchen with the country store displays and the gum ball machine is a favorite. I hope you are feeling better.
Gloria, what a beautiful thing to see you post again. I've missed them so... you know I love your kitchen, miss our early morning rounds of coffee together... Your candy cabinet is beautiful...I would love to have something like that and your bean counter for the shop... wouldn't it make quite the statement???? Love your magazine holder, now the toilet in the wall story is priceless... you always leave them laughing don't you? That's why you're so special... love ya darling... hugs ~lynne~
Oh Gloria, that cabinet is just wonderful. I love to look at your kitchen and all of your treasures. They are just fabulous. Love it all. Hugs, Marty
Your home is the perfect combination of beauty, love and fun! The kitchen makes me feel like a little girl again!
GLORIA! There you are! Oh, I'm glad to see you've posted and Lord have mercy! Look at this piece! It's gorgeous and the candy looks awesome in it! I know I'd go crazy in your kitchen - eating candy, snatching things and poking them in my bi bag, eating more candy, grabbing this and that! :)
Hope you're feeling better and your hubby too!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
LOVE that candy cabinet! And I NOTICED that the candy filled fronts weren't as deep as the entire drawer even before you told us!
But - - - how disappointing to NOT find the drawer filled with the same candy! Hehehehehehe
Gloria you have the best darn kitchen in the whole world!! Everything about it just makes me want to hang out with a cuppa and just soak it all in! Ahem could you leave at least one cool thing for the rest of us? *winks*
Girlfriend I've been worried about you and I'm sorry I haven't called. I've been getting ready for the big town wide garage sale, and girl....I'm too old for this kind of lifting and moving *sighs* I'm tired to my soul.
Your story about the inquisitive(aka nosy) neighbor is too funny!
I'm so happy to see you posting! Love you! Vanna
Gloria your new old cabinet is wonderful! The perfect cabinet for your home!
I love those old store cabinets and wish I had one.
Gloria, What a wonderful piece. I wish I had room in my house for something like that. Your kitchen is a piece of work, love it. Thanks for letting us see your fabulous pieces. I was beginning to worry about you but glad to see you posting again. Have a blessed day. Madeline
That is an incredible find. I love how it adds whimsy to your kitchen with the candy. All those bins would be greatly appreciated in my house. I also love your island counter. I would be in bin/drawer heaven. LOL Happy Sunday.
Gloria, that is soooo cool. If I had all those tasty treats in my house it would be trouble for all of us. It does look so pretty and colorful. Hope you are well these days, miss ya! XO
OMG! I am so glad me and my sweet tooth stopped in to greet you this lovely Sunday morning ....
Hi Gloria!
Girl you're kitchen is a showplace! I'd never get anything done in there for drollin' all over my stuff and having to wipe it up!!! LOL
The new piece is incredible!! Now I'm gonna go see the one room cabin of yours...
Big hugs, Sherry
PS that great-grandson of yours is a doll baby... you're not even old enough to be a great grandma!! Who you foolin' Gloria??
Glad to see my friend, Ms. G. Back on the blogs and what way to do it with a wonderful new toy. I am sorry but I could not leave my hands out those draws if I was at your house. What an evil temptation, all that there candy. Glad to see your post. Richard at My Old Historic House.
Oh I bet the children will be so thrilled with all this eye candy..yummy! and you selected the perfect candy to fill it with. I have always loved candy..and if I had this in my home..heaven help us! Very nice..
So good to "see" you!! I remember this post and thinking this is a kid's wonderland.
Much love to you sweet lady!
So good to "see" you!! I remember this post and thinking this is a kid's wonderland.
Much love to you sweet lady!
Hi Sis...
Oohhh...you know that I just adore your olden candy cabinet! Aren't those "Warren" cabinet handles awesome? Love it!!! I was sitting here thinking about which candy I would pick first...the caramels with the creme fillings...WON! Hehe! Loved getting to take a tour around your fabulous kitchen again, sweet Sis!!! It's awesome!!! Sure hoping that I will get to see it "in person" someday! You just never know! Hehe! I really do think that your candy cabinet and old store bin...turned kitchen island...are a perfect match! Wow...eight ft. long...that's lots and lots of nice storage! I could use that! You seen how little my kitchen is! Hehe! What I would do to have a kitchen as big as yours! Such a treat getting to see all of your pretties, Sis! Sure enjoyed!!!
Well honey, sure do hope that my note is finding you feeling okay today! I'm sooo glad that we got to visit on the phone yesterday! It was great hearing your voice! Love ya, Sis!!!
PS...enjoy your time this week! wink!
Gloria, I certainly have to see this home sometime! I love all that you do and I do love the feel of a simpler time. Life is too dang hectic and I think we miss much of the joy of living by that. Your home looks like a sanctuary from the storm. Take care. Love that cabinet to pieces!
How nice to see you giving posting a go. I remember this one and just seeing it again was fun! Fascinating! Your kitchen must be very large.
So...are you coming this way any time soon...hmmmm???
Just askin'?
Hugs and love,
So glad to see you post and to hear from you!
Love that sweet ( get it?) cabinet!!
I would think that you were a Pa. girl with your Planter's peanut and Hershey items??? Did you know that Planter's Peanuts and Mr. PeanutMan originated right here in Wilkes Barre, Pa.? I have a few items myself. And Hershey is only about 2 hours away from me....
Take care,
Oh my Gosh, just WOW! o.o I absolutely love this idea! Ive never even thought how wonderful this might look! I see it now, in your kitchen and its totally cool! Im going to hunt for one of these! :D Lovely, sweet post and thank you for the inspiration!
Hi Gloria,
I love the candy cabinet! And here I thought I was cool with my little dinky candy bar with a mere six jars, Ha! Your grands must think you are the coolest Grandma ever. What a fun piece!
This is the most unusual, beautiful, and awesome kitchen I have ever seen! I love your antiques so much..I wish I could come and see it all! :D
Woo hooness...so glad to see ya.
When I saw all that candy, I thought, she spent nearly as much for candy as she did for the cabinet..lol
Then, you showed me the inside.
Hope you are feeling so much better.
I laughed when you said you had Chicken salad sandwich...bet when you saw mine, you thought, there she goes again...taking photos of everything she puts in her mouth. haha.
xo, bj
That is a perfect addition to your kitchen, Gloria. How fun! The kids would have a ball going there. How lucky of you to find it....Christine
Dear Gloria, I want you to know you're in my prayers! Praying for good results.
You are a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Dear Gloria, I want you to know you're in my prayers! Praying for good results.
You are a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi Gloria,
Oh how wonderfully yummy!!!
I am leaving you a note about your ELVIS tribute here on The Candy Man Can because I did not see an open comment. Anyway I just wanted to share something with you, I have not posted about it but Gary was an ELVIS Performer for "Many" years. We had a "company" that put on large fund raiser's also Gary has performed in Las Vegas, T.V commercial's and numerous corp. and sporting events. I have so many stories, one day I will share some in a post.
We too are big ELVIS fans..
Have a sweet day, Big hugs Elizabeth
Gloria! So glad to see you back...and with a bang! What a beautiful new piece! Loved your Elvis post too...I remember exactly where I was too when I heard. Glad you are well!
It's wonderful!!!
Hi Gloria! So nice to hear from you and I hope all is well up on your mountain!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi Gloria,
Oh I love that cabinet dear!
It's so colorful and fun with all that candy inside!
I bet your grandkids just love it!
Thinking about you my dear and hoping all is well!
Summer sure does fly by doesn't it?
I was in Phoenix to see my new grand-daughter and it was hot as heck.
Take care of yourself, love ya!
Hi Gloria,
So lovely to see you back again and thanks for visiting me.
Your kitchen is amazing, love the candy cabinet and all the wonderful storage you have there.
Laughed about telling the neighbour you were putting the toilet in the cupboard hah!
Thanks for all you share and I hope all is well with you and your family.
Happy week
Hi Gloria! I've sure missed you. I always love to see your "general store". Hope you and yours are all well and have had a splendid summer!
Gloria it has been way to long since I have come by to say hi= please forgive me- it has been an amazingly busy summer for us this year!
Your post on your candy cabinet always makes me so hungry! I don't think I could stand not eating all the candy having it displayed so nicely!
Hope you are feeling well these days friend.
bee blessed
Gloria how are you girlfriend?!
I love any opportunity to hang out in your kitchen *winks* Especially after being cramped up in that little closet of mine lol! I'll just take a handfull of that candy and tell....*pops candy in mouth* Dat it wasss sooo goot to heer from jou! *slurp & swallow* Lol! Seriously it was REALLY good to hear from you! I hope everything is beautiful and sunny up on that mountain of yours. Love you Vanna
Hi Sweet Sis...
Just stopping by to say hello, Darlin'...and to see what you've been up to? How are you feeling, Sis? Wow...I sound like a question box...don't I? Hehe! Just thinking about you and wanted to come by to see ya! Hope that my note finds you and Len well!
Russ got his Good Guys magazine a couple of days ago. Loved getting to see the spread about Pinkies and the guys' photos! Hehe! Russ has really been enjoying the magazine. Each day after work, he has sat down with it. It really is a great magazine...such a nice quality! Anyway, thank you again, Sis and Len!
Love ya, Sis!
Just checking to see how my sister friend is doing! Hope you are feeling 100 percent better.
Take care, rest, eat, sleep, watch love stories on tv and come back to see us when you can.
love, bj
I was thinking - I had not seen you around the world of blogs in a while, so decided to check on you. Hope you are doing well.
Years ago when I had all the country decor in my kitchen/dining area, I wanted one of the old bins with the glass fronts so bad, but they were sky high and I really had no place to put one. Always enjoy seeing your collections.
Enjoy your weekend.
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