Good morning guys, did you ever wake up one day and all seemed well in your world!! On Monday morning my world was colorful and bright just another day in paradise for me..And then at 12:30 pm I gave Len his lunch in front of the TV so he could watch the news and went back into the kitchen to make some fresh coffee!! Well I went back into the LR to ask him if he wanted a that point my whole world became black-n-white...

Len was slumped over with the fork still in his hand..I felted for a pulse for a heartbeat nothing..I screamed at him..nothing!! You see Len is a diabetic and has been insulin dependant for over 30 years..I have gone through many of bouts with the sugar being too high or too a rule when he gets too low I can bring him around with orange juice..I ended up calling 911 and told them my husband had just died...Things happen pretty fast after that..The first 2 respondents came and then I had a LR full of fireman, EM T's..and then my grandson was standing here just trying to care for me!! As I went into a full blown panic attack..I was having a hard time answering questions. how old Len was, what meds he was taking, about his heart problems, etc. why is it when your world is upside down you just pray so hard that God will turn it right side up for you??All I can remember saying while they were here working on him was "Oh God Please "!! and thoughts running through my head..did I tell him how much I loved him that morning, does he know he is my life? what will I do without my Len driving me crazy?? Len had slipped into a diabetic coma...After they worked on him for over half an hour I heard the most beautiful words I have ever heard..OK we have a pulse!! Thank you God once again!!
My daughter Dawna is here with me now as I did fall apart big time..You see I have not shared the story about my late husband Wally and how he died right in front of me while I was giving him CPR that was almost 12 years ago...I started having panic attacks at that time..there are days went I can't even leave my home become of them..You see when Wally died I could not speak or even move for over 3 weeks, I stayed under my stairs and just slept..My Mom and Dad were both alive at that time and were here trying to help me!!
It took me over 2 years to be able to make a decision on my own as I was so use to being a team of 31 years with Wally...Then I met Len who slowly started to bring me back to life again...I didn't have to remind myself to breath each day it just became a natural thing once again to me!!
I'm overwhelmed right now with all that is going on in my life...I'm taking a blog break for awhile so I can once again learn to breathe...Please pray for my Len he is very confused right now become of being in a coma...
I love ya all..And remember to tell the ones you love each day that you love them..As the world you know can turn upside down in a heartbeat!!
Now I'm going to go take care of my real world...
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Oh my gosh Gloria. I am so sorry, and cannot even imagine how/what you are going through.
Lord, right now I lift Gloria and Len up to you. I thank you Lord, for bringing Len back, and pray you will continue to bring him back and restore him completely. I pray for peace of mind, and your strength and grace for all.
Lord, thank you that you are with us on the mountaintop, and in the valley and that you surround us with your loving arms.
In your precious and loving name I pray. Amen.
Will be watching for updates.
blessings and His love
barbara jean
Precious Gloria...I am so familiar with the JUST BREATHE phrase and have lived it many times. Your situation with Len is heartbreaking, but THANK THE GOOD LORD ABOVE that is came back to you. Prayerfully with time he will regain his memory and will get back home to you. I'm so sorry about your Wally, and all that you've endured over the years from the situation in how you lost him, and you're trying your best to save him. That has to be the hardest thing in the world to endure.
I'm glad you have your family close to you now...your daughter, your grandson. Be sure to lean on them...that's what they are there for. Love you friend.
Oh my !! I will keep you both in my prayers. (((hugs)))
Dear God .. little Gloria! I am praying for you, for Len and for everyone in your family. Please, please take car of yourself!
... so upset, I couldn't even spell CARE!!!!
Gloria, I will keep you and Len in my thoughts. I am wishing Len a speedy recovery.
Oh my Gloria! I cannot even find the words to express my thoughts as I read your post. I have already prayed for you and Len and will continue to keep you both in my prayers as well as your family.
OH, Dearest Gloria! I'm so sorry! I cannot imagine how scared you must have been. Praise God the EMTs were able to bring Len around. Y'all are in my prayers right now! I'm praying for Len that God will clear his mind and bring back to himself. I'm praying for you, Dear Gloria, that God will give you peace and hold you tightly in His loving arms and praising Him for your sweet family being near to hold you up.
Blessings and waiting to hear some good reports.
Love you,
Shelia ;)
Oh my goodness! How scary!
I've read your blog for quite a while and never commented before. :-(
I feel like I know ya! I just couldn't read this without saying you will be in my prayers.
God Bless You,
OMG!! How scary! I just got a panic attack reading that, I feel for you! I can not even imagine what you are going through, hang in there girl! Take a break and relax all will be good.
Oh Gloria, you darling precious woman. God is answering your prayers as we speak. You are such a strong woman, I know you will get through this too, and Len is so lucky to have someone as you right alongside of him. Stay strong and let your family be there for you...
Hugs, looking forward to positive updates!
Such hard times in our lives teach us faith and humility... I wish you with all my heart that your life comes back to normal and that your husband will be ok. Thank you for sharing this story, and I hope you will be back soon, with everything well again!
Oh, God!! Gloria! What a horror! But THANK GOD that He brought Len back for you! As I was reading, I got so choked up with tears in my eyes, I could only imagine how horrible it was to walk in the room and find Len like that and then have to wait so long for them to revive him. Len (and you!) will be in my thoughts and prayers. Well, you will never forget that this Easter time was surely a resurrection for your family, and the Good Lord has blessed you with giving you back your Len. Take care and I will pray...
Gloria xxoo
Yikes Gloria!! No wonder I haven't heard from you!! Girl I am soooo glad that Len pulled through thanks to YOU!! Good quick thinking girl. Your Len is just the nicest! *Whew* I am swiping my brow. I can only imagine how you must have felt. Well praise God today is a VERY GOOD day!! Vanna
Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry to read this Gloria. My thoughts and prayers are with him for a full recovery.
Take care sweet friend.
Omg Gloria, praying for you and your dear husband..Hope he gets better real soon..take good care ..
Oh Gloria, I have tears in my eyes, reading this.
Len and you are absolutely in my prayers!
Dearest Gloria,
I am so very sorry that you had to go through this not only once but twice.
Both you and Len will be in my thoughts and in my prayers.
Please know that I will be thinking of you....
When you can, please let us know how both of you are...
Take care , my dear friend!
Many hugs,
Gloria, My prayers will be with you and Len. I am so glad to hear he is ok and I am sure God will bring him back to full recovery. You please take it easy and know we are all praying for you. God bless. Madeline
I am praying for both of you,that God will wrap His loving arms tightly around you.Ipray for healing and and His peace. Hugs, Tami
My thoughts and prayers are sent to you and your family!!!
May God bless you and your family!
Suzann ~xoxo~
Oh my glory girl...I popped over to invite you to enter my Happy Easter Giveaway and Wow!!!
I'm so glad that help got there soon enough to help Len. How very scary it all must of been for you. I thank God that Len is still with you.
Take care of yourself too my dear. You are a precious treasure to us.
God bless and know my prayers are with ya!
Gloria, what a frightening situation! I'm so sorry to hear the news, but glad help got there so quickly! My thoughts are with you, please take care:@)
Dear one,
I am having trouble 'even breathing' myself these days, yet my heart goes out to you through my tears and prayers for all of you and especially you and Len dearest Gloria!!
What a story of thanksgiving for now and also of ongoing healed heartache by the grace of God, from the past!..,
Richest Easter blessings from the Lord be unto you and yours dear lady!
Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee
Dearest Gloria, please know that my thoughts and prayers are with Len and YOU! I know all about panic attacks and not being able to leave the house, I was like that for 11 years. I can't even imagine how relieved you were when the EMT finally got a pulse from did the right thing by calling 911. Prayers that he now recovers fully. I'm right there in spirit, holding your hand. xoxo
Oh Gloria, how awful for you. I am so sorry that you and Len are going through such a difficult time. I will keep you both in my prayers.
Blessings to you both sweet friend.
Sis...I am just now reading this...I am heart is in my throat..I can't imagine the horror you felt...oh sweet Lord...I pray that God touch Len and restore unto him from the crown of his head to the souls of his feet...minute by minute and hour by hour may he improve above and beyond what even the doctors can imagine...and for you my precious friend...peace....peace and strength like you have never known before..some way some how may God let you feel my love for you across the miles...know that I love you dearly and I will always whisper yours and Lens shall be well...Picket
Oh my gosh...I am so sorry that this has happened to you and to him. May God take care of you both and bless you with every blessing needed.
I am so sorry that you are going through this, Gloria. I pray Len is alright and makes a fast recovery and I hope that you take the time to get back to your self after the scare you've had. Old memories, especially traumatic ones, take a long time to go away. You have just relived something bad. Now you have to convince yourself that it is over and you are safe.
Many hugs and much love coming your way.
sending good thoughts to your mountain top from our coastal georgia my friend!
Dear Gloria...I'm so very sorry to hear about your husband Len. I can only imagine how you must have felt when you walked back in to the living room. Please know my prayers and thoughts are with Len, you, and your entire family. May God give you comfort and peace.
OMGosh i am so sorry, will kept you and Len, in my prayers and thoughts. Take a break we will be here....hugs Pat H
Gloria, how terrifying to go through that. I will say a prayer for Len and you tonight. I hope they can find a way to prevent something like that from ever happening again.
Oh poor you, Gloria. You must have been really scared. I can only imagine. I am glad Len got out of the diabetic coma. I will keep him in my prayerr, and you too...Christine
Oh Gloria! I am taking a bloggy break myself but popping by a few from time to glad I checked in w/you. My heart goes out to you! I can truly understand how frightening that must have been. I will keep you and Len in my prayers for sure! Thank you for sharing your full story as it will give us more details of what to pray for specifically. Take care and remember God is with you!
Gloria, I've been gone, but I got a message from my other Gloria that you were having troubles. I am SO sorry about Len and hope and pray that all is going to be well there. I wish I could be there to help you. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers and that I pray for the Lord to hold you close at heart and for Len to be completely healed.
Sending loving thoughts your way...
Sheila :-)
I'm so sorry Gloria. Len is so sweet. You are both in my prayers.
Gloria sending prayers and hugs your way...
I came over from Dawn's blog. I will be sending up prayers for your Len and also for you. Hugs
Gloria, I am so sorry to hear about Wally and Len. Thank the Lord the medics were able to bring Len back to you. I'm praying for you, Len and the rest of your family. I hope very soon we'll see an update from you that Len is much better.
Hugs to you my friend,
You're in my thoughts and prayers Gloria. I'm wishing you and family all the best and hoping Len will have a full recovery soon.
Dearest Gloria,
My prayaers and thoughts are with you and Len. I understand about all the ups and downs with diabetics, my Dad is diabetic and he has had many close calls with coma..I can just imagin what was going through your mind and heart.You called 911 in just the right amount of time and they worked to safe Len (the golden hour).. I will be thinking of you and praying for Lens recovery. You are not to far away from me a few hours drive..if you need anything at all please know I am here to help in anyway I can. Big Big hugs for your and Len...Elizabeth
Ms. Gloria, Sometimes we are stronger than we realize. Something gave you the strength to hold up for your husband and call 911. He needs you now and you need him. Be strong. Ask the Lord to help you. Call on your family. Don't go through this alone. They say that the Lord will not give us more than we can bear and that we learn from pain. Learn from this that you can and will be a strong lady that will get your self and your wonderful husband through all this. I don't know about your real life, but I know in your Blog Life you are very much loved and we all will be doing our best and keeping you in our prayers and trying to help you keep the strength you will need.I have a good feeling this will all turn around and we will have our happy,sweet,Gloria back. Just know that you are Loved. Richard
((Gloria))) my thoughts and prayers are with you and your Len.. blessings to both of you.
My gracious Gloria! I'm praying for you and Len. God is so good! May his health soon be restored to him. We'll be praying for good news soon. God bless you and keep you close in His loving embrace.
Dear Gloria, I will pray for you and Len. May God Bless you, Len and your family. sandi
OH dear Gloria I will be praying for Len and you, your entire family. That is so scary to even think of. My older boys BF has juvenile diabetes. I have seen him go low a few times, but nothing too bad yet. Gloria do keep us posted and take care of yourself. XO
Please find comfort that so many of us are praying for you and Len and your whole family.
Hugs to you, Gloria! I'm so sorry you've had to go through all that. I will be thinking of you and Len this Easter! I hope each day will be better for you both! Hang in there!
Dear Gloria, I am so, so sorry that you and Len are going through such an incredibly difficult time. I pray for his mind to clear and his health to be restored, quickly! And for you, may you experience God's love, comfort, and hope. May you both be surrounded by His peace. May God let you see His beautiful world in color again. In His Name,
Oh, my heart breaks just reading this. I know from being alone with my mom when she had her stroke just how scary it is and how long it seems to take for the 911 people to get there. I also understand panic attacks very well...I could write the book on them. So, as I read this...I'm feeling very strong sympathy pains that you had to go through such a shock. I really hope and pray that Len will be okay soon and that this won't be a setback for you.
You go take care of yourself and your hubby...we will see you when you feel better. Big hugs coming your way.
Oh Gloria! I am so sorry to read this! Of course, you have my prayers...not just for Len, but for you, my sweet friend! Of course, you must tend to yor real life in your real world, but we will all be here waiting for a good report. I am sending you a big hug...wish I could do more...Love you...Debbie
Oh Dear Gloria,
I am so sorry to hear this. And I am so sorry I am late getting over here. It's been a crazy week with Addison so sick but girl this is big time scary. And I can just imagine how scared you were. I really will be thinking and praying for you my dear friend. Yikes! So sorry, please take care of yourself too.
Your story about Wally and what you went through just amazes me. You are one strong woman.
Please send Len my best wishes to get better and stronger each day.
Love Ya,
I am so sorry Gloria! I pray your Len recovers fully. I pray for peace and strength for you as well.
Sending you good thoughts and prayers for the both of you, Gloria. Stay strong but let others help you and take care of you. xo Sue
How scary, I am so sorry to hear about must have been frightened out of your mind....Everything is so temporary isn't it.....You are truly blessed, Lynn will make it out of this ok...and you better let him have it for scaring you to death...Take care my friend...something just tod me to visit you...My hands will be operated on after Mothers Day...take care of Phyllis
Sending your Len healing thoughts on this beautiful Easter morning. I wish you could feel this hug (((Gloria)) .. Please know we are all with you in spirit and how much we care...
Dear Gloria,
I am so sorry for the difficult time you are going through and my thoughts and prayers are with you both.
Please take care of yourself too and hope for a speedy recovery for Len.
Sending hugs and well wishes
O, Gloria, my heart is pounding so hard, I hear it in my ears.
I just sent a prayer up for the both of you.
It may sound silly but when I pray for all my blogging friends, I lay my hand on my computer screen, on your photos, and say my prayer. Is that silly?
Keep us posted only when you can and want to.
DO take care of your REAL WORLD.
xo bj
I'm thinking of you tonight, Gloria. Praying Len is much better.
{{{{ hugs }}}}, bj
Dear friend,
Though we spoke on the phone I still want to check in and let you know I am thinking of you.
I hope Len is doing alright. Life can throw us some curves, can't it?
Please do keep in touch..ok?
Love and hugs,
Just me again sweetie...I have thought of you each day and your ears should be burning cause I have talked about you so much since last week to my family..thank you so much sis for the know I love you so..hope Len is improving every are in my heart and prayers..just wanted to say I love you and I am thinking of you...Picket
OH, Gloria, I am so sorry for what you and Len are going thru! It is completely understandable about your panic attacks and I will be praying for you and Len. Thank you for taking the time to share so that your blog friends can keep you lifted up in prayer...
{{{{{{ hug}}}}}}}
I wish I were there to hug you... All of us think the world of you in blogland and know we are thinking of you.
Gloria, just dropping back by to let you know I'm thinking of you. I hope you've gotten some good news about Len. Love you...
Sheila :-)
Oh you poor thing. And poor Len for having to go through it all too.
Many, MANY prayers going out for you both. God will see you through this - it is just a little hiccup.
Keep us posted and know we are all thinkin' 'bout'cha.
Many hugs! Karen
Gloria, I am praying for both you and Len! I can not even imagine how scared you were. Even scared, though, you acted quickly and probably saved his life.
Hi ya cutie, it was "great" to hear from you. I'm glad things are better. I know you were scared out of your mind. I live with that fear every day and wonder how I will handle it. I pray I can handle it ok.
The office is "almost" finished. there is a picture left to hang and hopefully once I can find some plates for over the desk area, it will be complete. It was a lot of fun to do, and not that expensive which is a reallll good thing. Right in the middle of tax season I decided to start painting the house upstairs. I have 2 and 1/3 rooms left to go and that project will be completed. I've pulled a lot of things and they are in the box for next years annual estate sale. less is more for me right now. There is so much yard work to do, I don't need all the other stuff inside to take care of too. Tax season was heavy, the painting, trying to get ready for open house and taking care of Mr. P just about had me completely down, you know me the energizer bunny just keeps plugging along. I love ya girl.. miss ya tons.
hugs ~lynne~
Oh Gloria! It's been so long...way too long...since I have had a chance to get by to say hello and I am just heartsick over reading about Len not being well. I can not even begin to imagine the fear you must have felt. I am so glad you have such a loving family for moral support and hopefully by this time, Len is doing much better. Thinking of you...
Hi Sweet Sis...
It's late and I'm still up...was just thinking about you and Lenny so thought I would come by to say hello and let you know that I'm still praying, honey! Russell said to tell you both that he is praying as well! It was so good to hear your voice, sweet friend! Just know that you have two people in Colorado that love you and Lenny both very much!!! Can't wait to see you!!!
All my love and prayers...
Dear Gloria, May you and Len come through this together..Prayers from my heart..
Just checking in. Hope your Len is better now and you're doing what you need to take care of yourself too. xoxoxo Martha
Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and yours.
xoxo bj
My prayers go out to you and Len!!! Take care of yourselves and put everything in God's hands.
Prayers for you and Len. What a scary thing to have happen. I wish him a speedy recovery and I totally understand your situation. Take care of your self too.
Many hugs,
Oh Gloria we are praying that you will feel God's arms of comfort and peace around you. So wish I was closer so I could lend a hand somehow but I will do what I can-- I will pray pray -
You are loved
Oh Gloria!! You have been on my mind the past few days... I wanted to stop by and say hello and I found this post. I will pray for Len and for you sweet friend. If you need anything- let me know. Big hugs to you Gloria.
Gloria! I was just visiting to see what you've been up to and I AM SO SORRY to read this. I cannot imagine what you're going through. Thank you Jesus for bringing Len back to you. The hairs on my body literally stood & I was so anxious as I read, hoping that he would. I will be thinking of you while you're gone. Just prayed my little heart out for you, sweet girl! I'm so sorry to read about Wallie too. If you need anything...even just to talk, I'm an email away. I mean it.
G'morning, Gloria, sure am hoping ya'll are just taking it easy and that your hubby is getting along much better now.
Thinking of you...
xo bj
Gloria you're the older sister I wish I had!.....Or we could be clones? *winks* You are the best! I love you girl! Vanna
Oh Gloria, I am so very sorry to hear of your personal crisis! My Dear Mom went into a Diabetic Coma just a couple of weeks ago and had a very near death experience too, so I can totally relate to your frantic situation with Dear Len! Thankfully Mom is out of the Hospital now and as you could see when you visited my Blog today we were able to spend a very special Mother's Day together... making it all the more special because of her miraculous recovery. My Prayer is that Len too will make a full recovery... our Prayers are with you and your Family.
Dawn... The Bohemian
Happy Mothers Day Dear Gloria!
I think about you and your hubby nearly everyday my friend!
I hope so much that things are improving and that you are getting excited for your trip to see Chari!
Oh I so wish I could be visiting with you two!
Since becoming a full-time babysitting Grandma I have had less time to blog but I still want to keep up the wonderful friendships I have made!
Love Ya and I hope today is a happy one!
Dearest Gloria! Happy Mother's Day to you. You and Len have been in my prayers and I'm looking forward to when you can come back and let us know how he's doing. Love you, Dear One.
Shelia ;)
Happy Happy Mother's Day to you, sweetie girl.
xo bj
Oh Gloria, thinking of both of you and praying dear one.
Hi Sis...
Just stopping by to see how you are doing. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! I think I spent most of the day on the phone...but I talked to my Mom and all of my girls and several of my grandkids! Thinking of you, dear friend!
Love ya,
PS...I sent you an email several days ago. Hoping you got it okay.
I am so sorry. I hope Len has made a full recovery.
Ok girl...first let me say I hope you had a beautiful Mother's know I love you to pieces and thank you so much for your love and need to know you are and Len...I know I have been pre-occupied with all this storm destruction but I have had you on my mind so much...please let me hear from are in my heart sis and I love you so...Picket
Oh Gloria, thank you for your visit. I hope Len has fully recovered and you are are doing ok now. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Come sign up for my giveaway if you have a chance.....Christine
Oh Gloria, I'm so relieved to hear the end of the story but this must have been terrifying for you though. Take care of yourself sweet friend and Len and don't worry about the blogging world. We'll be here when you're ready to come back. Until then please know that you and Len will be in my heart and in my prayers along with your family. God bless you.
Just a note to say I am thinking of you...
Keeping you BOTH in my thoughts and prayers..
Hey sis...just checking in on you girl...I hope you and Len are doing good..wish you lived close to me so I could cook something for you or run errands for just take care of are always on my mind and in my you so girl....Picket
Hi darling, been thinking about you, hoping things are ok out your way. My Bailey is here this w/k so you know there is lots of laughter in the house. Mr. P continues to do well for the time being. That sure makes things a lot easier. Sending tons and tons of hugs your way. love ya ~lynne~
Hope Your husband is doing so much better. I have thought of you and hoping he is doing much better.
Thanks for stopping by - a pleasant surprise.
Hi Gloria, I was just thinking about you and hoping everything is ok with Len. I am praying for you and your family...Kristen
I just wanted to stop by to see if you had posted any news from the mountain. I hope things are going better for Len and that you are also doing okay. I miss you around here, but I certainly understand that real life has to come first. I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you! Suz
Hi Gloria,
My dear I just want to let you know that I think of you nearly everyday! I so hope Len is doing well now and that you are ok too my dear. Life sure can throw us curve balls sometimes.
I am still busy taking care of Addison full time while Mommy works.
I love it but I also don't have much free time even for blogging.
And I hope that you are going to be getting to visit Russ and Chari soon. That will be so much fun and I wish I could be there right along with you two!
Big Hugs,
Love Ya,
Hi Gloria:
Just thinking about you, Len and your family. Check in with us when you feel up to it
Hugs and Prayers,
Oh sweet G I feel terrible for just now reading this, but now I know Len is doing well, so glad to hear that!!
I have to promise to be a better bloggy friend, you have always been special to me, you and Dot!! love you both, stay well sweetie and take good care of sweet Len! xoxoxox
Oh my goodness, Gloria! I've been away from blogging and decided to make a post about my beloved father in law and then I decided to catch up on my favorite blogs. Goodness, Gloria, I hope your hubby is doing ok now. I will definitely keep him in my prayers. You take care of yourself too, ok?
God Bless.
Prayers are coming yor way. God will get you through all this. Love ya Deanie
Prayers for you and your husband and family. May the Lord hold you all in the palm of his hand during this diffucult and stressful time. Keep breathing, you are such a wonderful lady and inspriration to many. God Bless
Prayers for you and your husband and family. May the Lord hold you all in the palm of his hand during this diffucult and stressful time. Keep breathing, you are such a wonderful lady and inspriration to many. God Bless
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