He is just happy all the time...I call him my little chunky monkey ha ha!!
Remember Kyra..My great granddaughter that had 2 heart surgeries before she was 2 months old..She is now 2 1/2 years old and she now has a little sister...Little Sis was born May 19th and is in excellent health...Her name is Kylee Jo and Kyra loves her baby sister...This makes 9 great grand babies for me in less than 5 years WOW!! Just toss them my checkbook come Christmas ha ha!!
I also found me another bust at the Hospice thrift store..Paid $20.00 for it..it's a V. Glinsky ca. 1950-1969 that one is called "Face of Love" It's marble and I found it also on eBay starting bid of $50.00..sure don't know why peeps would give these away..But I love that they do..Vanna aka *winks* do you like her??
Of course we all know about the Royal wedding..But I think it's so funny how Cinderella and her Prince and her step-sisters and Prince Williams and Princess Kate and Prince Andrews daughters all look like the fairy tale..Just too funny to me lol!!

I just can't thank God enough for keeping him safe...I loved seeing him with his 2 sons and wife...This was taken at the airport the day he came in..does he not look happy to see his little family...Jacob your Grandma loves you and am so proud of the way you have kept our Freedom alive..Thank you and all our service peeps.
I also hate to see Oprah leaving after a quarter of century...I have always loved this woman who has inspired so many...I have watched her show from day one...I always loved her Random acts of kindness..I will miss you my friend..
Well all my Dear friends, I hope to be able to spend more time with you after I get back from Chari's...God Bless you all...
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and Smiles Gloria
Glad to hear your husband is doing much better. Sounds like you have been staying busy. Enjoy your trip.
Hi darling, I'm so glad to hear Len is doing better now. What a relief when they are. Landon James is adorable.. what a beautiful smile he has... man alive the children are growing like crazy. Your family has been busy these past few years, I can only imagine when you all get together.
Snow on the 17th.. that's insane.. we've had tons of storms in our area, a threat of another one tonight. The last storm took the roof and they are due in this week to start the new one.. it's always something you know.
I head up this afternoon to pick my Bailey up, he'll stay until Sunday. My daughter heads to Austin to give a Seminar. Can't wait for my boy to be here. Mr. P always enjoys him and does so well when he's here.
By chance did you call last night and I missed your call?
A week with Chari? Oh my gosh you all are going to have soooooo much fun. The break will do you good. Charge up those batteries, we want lots and lots of pictures... hugs ~lynne~
Left you a comment a bit ago but blogger wouldn't post it. I'm having issues with it. I'll come back when I have time to try to repost it. For now, I'm so grateful Len is doing better and life is looking up.
Now let's hope stupid blogger posts this comment!
So happy you are taking care of yourself and enjoying your grandchildren!
Bonjour GLoria,
Glad to hear Len is feeling better. I'm sorry I did not know about it, I would have written. You have been so busy, sometimes a little break is just what is needed.
SO glad your granson is home for now spending time with his family. Your little chunky sweetie in the sink, and big sis with the new baby - what a proud Grandma you are!
Take care and enjoy them all!
I am so happy to hear from you. I'm glad that you and Lenny are feeling better, it all takes time. I hope your panic attacks ease up...I think they are our bodies way of telling us that we are under too much stress. Getting away with Chari will make you feel good! And that's what counts!
I always love seeing pictures of your family. They all look so happy and healthy and that is what I wish for you. Don't stay away too long next time, my friend!
So glad all is better! Your Grandchildren are adorable! Many blessings to you!
Gloria I have been checking and checking here to see how things are!
It is so good to hear Len is better. I loved hearing from you!
Missed you!!
Ms.Gloria,This is one follower that stuck around. I am so glad your dear H. is better and I am sure you will do you're best to keep him that way!!! I love your family pictures. I would think that children and especially grand children would be the most special things in the world. I only have a dog, but I loves Ms. sissy so much. hate to think what i would feel if i had a real child. Hope you coming trip is wonderful, safe and happy. I am so glad you stopped by and I will see you soon on the BLOG! Richard at My Old Historic House.
Hi Dear Gloria,
So happy to see a post from you!
Man have I missed you!
And so much fun to get caught up with you and your loved ones! I am so happy to hear that Len is doing better too. And you haven't lost your sense of humor have you?
I love the xanac quote, too funny!
Landon is sure adorable!! He looks so darn cute in your sink!
Addison is 7 months and she is crawling already! Two teeth too and I think she is working on more.
She sure add a lot to our lives. And I am so happy to see your other grandkids, so many wonderful people in your life!
Have a wonderful time with Chari and Russ and tell them hi from me!
Hugs to you,
So glad to hear Len is doing well and Landon is adorable. I hope Leila is crawling in a month or two or wait maybe I don't. I have to child proof this house. Oh, well it must be done. I can't believe you have that many great grandkids. Wow! Have a fun trip!
I was so happy to see your name show up in my list. I'm glad to hear Len is doing better. It seems that you've been very busy and that you really did need this time. As for losing a few followers...I lose them on occasion too, but then a few new ones show up. Such is blogland I guess. Have fun on your trip and we will see you soon!
Missed you around these parts...glad things are looking up there. Such cute grands and sweet little great grand, that has got to be tough going through all that! Have a great week :D
Glad you are back to blogging and that your husband is doing well. I really missed you but I understand that family always comes first. Landon is a cutie pie. Glad to hear that your grandson was able to come home on leave. Take care of yourself and Len. Have a blessed evening. Madeline
Darling GLoria:
Tried to comment this morning, some techno issue. So pleased to hear Len is better. You lucky girl! All those beautiful babies, even the grown up ones....have a very safe and happy trip. Love your tub, I would soak for hours too.
Thanks for checking in with us.
Hugs and prayers, Lisa
WoW Gloria!~ It was so nice to see your post and to catch up! I'm so happy to hear Len is better and with you caring for him how could he not? And your little "Chunky Monkey" is ADORABLE!
Take care there...
So glad to hear Len is doing well Gloria! We missed you but know so well you needed the break. So glad to have played catch up with all that has been going on in your life!
I am so jealous (Oops I don't think we are supposed to be that) that you and Chari are getting together next week. Give each other a hug from me!
Have a great trip!
bee blessed
Oh, Gloria! I'm thrilled to see you've posted and so thankful that Len is much better and y'all will get to go see Chari! Be safe and have a wonderful time.
Oh, little LJ is so cute and is growing like a weed and there he sits in your blue sink which I LOVE! Gloria, 2 1/2 yrs have gone by? Little Kyra is so pretty and I'm glad she's doing so well now and congratulations on her new little sister. Glad your grandson got to come home and spend time with his family! Sounds like it has been really a busy time up on your mountain.
Take care and love you!
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
Ah, the poor guy, Im so happy to see your hubby doing better! Im also going to pray for the sweet Granddaughter of yours! Two heart surgeries?! What a brave soul!
LOVE the Royal Wedding comparison! I laughed so hard! Overall, cute posts and memories! Hope you family is ding well!
Gloria, I have thought of you often this past month and prayed that all would be well with you and your family. I'm so happy to see you back and have really missed your wonderful posts! Your great-grandchildren are so adorable. The royal wedding photos cracked me up! I couldn't help laughing at the resemblance.
What a wonderful post, dear sister friend.
So glad Lynn is doing better. Your great grandson is the cutest thing...
Glad you got caught up on things around the house. I so need to take a long break myself. I am just so dang addicted to blogging...I need an intervention.:))
Now, I nearly ALWAYS agree on everything you say but I do have to draw the line at liking Oprah...she is SO not one of my favorites. :))
I hope you have a wonderful day, sweetie.
xo bj
Praise God that Len is better!!! This is such wonderful news as I have been praying for him since your last post. Enjoy your visit with Chari:). Safe travels!
Hi, Gloria! So happy to see this post from you, and that Len is better. I did see you commenting on other blogs this past month, so I figured he was better and you were taking a break, so I knew he was probably getting better. Congrats also on your new little granddaughter! Both of the girls look so sweet. As does Landon, boy is he growing and adorable! And it is so nice to hear that your grandson is safe and home on leave for a while. I will say a prayer for him again for when he has to go back. Take care and welcome back.
Gloria I've never understood why someone would quit following? Seems kind of hurtful to me.
So glad to see you posting girlfriend! And you've covered so many things that I want to respond to!
1st Landon is absolutely adorable!
2 Krya looks so beautiful and healthy! And how wonderful that she has a little sister too.
3 Yes I love your new bust! And I'd already enlargesd the picture to get a closer look and everything before I even saw my name!LOL! What a deal!
4 OMG!! The Cinderella thing IS TOO FUNNY!! Someone had to notice that in the royal family dont'cha think? They're dead ringers!!
5 You and Chari have a wonderful time in Co! Take lots of pix for us OK?
6 That tub sure looks inviting! And could you pass me a xanax? I could really use one *winks*
7 God bless Jacob and his family! And a huge THANK YOU to him for all he's doing to keep us all safe.
8 Tomorrow is going to be really weird without Oprah....I'm still in denial that I won't ever see another new show. I keep hoping she'll realize that she's made a mistake and come back! *winks* Love you girl! Vanna
Crap! Forgot to say "HI Len!!" See y'all soon! V
Dear Gloria, First that pic of the snow is giving me bad vibes, and I just adore that grandbaby of your's Landon James..he so darn cute..good thing he can fit in the sink..God Bless Kyra as I recall reading of her hard start in life. She looks so good with her little sista!!! Kylee Jo..what beautiful names..
and yes, the fairy tale pictures are too funny. Looks just like them all...glad Lenis doing good and yes, I'm sure Vanna is liking your new treasure...
I am so happy that Len is doing well. Nice to see the great grandkids growing up. And how exciting to meet up with Chari again. Have fun, Gloria!...Christinke
I miss you mom!!! I wish I didn't miss you the other night...I also wish you would pack up Len and come visit me!!!!!
Your babies are gorgeous there...and I love the little peeks into your house...
love you loads...please let me know when you are home so I can phone you!!!! I misssssssssss YOU!
I am so glad to hear Len is doing better Gloria! And all your beautiful Grands are doing well. You enjoy your blogging break and have a wonderful time just "living". Big hugs, Diann :)
Gloria I'm so sorry I missed your posting about Len! Glad he is doing well and looks like you are too. Those beautiful babies are keeping you young and on the go! I can't believe how grown up Kyra is, and Landen James too, they are precious!
I take magazine breaks too, I love rereading all my Country Samplers that I save in big stacks!
Have a wonderful time with Chari, I know you girls will have a blast! Hugs and love to you and Len! xoxoxo
Morning girl...so glad to see this post...thankful Len is doing better and loved that little dumpling in your sink! lol I know you love family like I do girl...have a great week with Chari..give her a big hug for me and you guys just have fun and laugh alot..you so deserve it...Have a great Memorial Day weekend sis....love you so....Picket
Gloria, I've missed you! So good to hear that Lyn is doing better...thank goodness for that! So good catching up with you reading your post. Please tell Jacob how much I appreciate him! HE is what makes this country so awesome! I am still dying laughing over the similarities of the cartoon and the real wedding...hysterical!!!
I'm so glad to har Len is better. You have been so busy with your love ones. Now slow down and enjoy your sweet family and take care of yourself. have fun missed you. Pat H
Hi Gloria, I am so glad to hear Len is doing better. Landon James is such a little doll. I know what you mean about throwing the checkbook to them. Have a great time with Chari and the two of you stay out of trouble! LOL.
Dearest Gloria, so good to see your post and I just love the rambling kind of posts like this one:-) Such good news to hear that Len is doing so much better but then how can he not when he has you taking care of him! hehe
Isn't it amazing how much time we can spend on blogging? I used to post every day and try to visit all my +100 followers every day...just couldn't keep that up! Now I'm lucky if I blog 2 or 3 times a week and I visit when I can:-) It almost surprised me to learn that there IS life away from the computer! lol
Those great grandbabies of yours are so adorable and I have no doubt you enjoy every minute spent with them:-)
I've never been one to watch much tv during the day so I can count on one hand the times I watched Oprah. I'm sure she will be terribly missed by her fans now that her daytime talk show is done.
Enjoy your time spent with your friends and hope you're taking lots of pictures:-) Love ya! xoxo
Hey girlfriend, everything ok with you? It's been awhile since you posted...?
I miss your smiling face!! :))
Dear Gloria,
I am so happy to read that Len is doing so much better...Prayers were answered...
And you dear one needed the rest..
I missed you and thought about you often, I checked to see if you had posted and today I saw you had.
Welcome back! the family is getting so big and your little ones are just adorable.
Enjoy your time with Chari, I know you will.
Have a sweet day and hugs, Elizabeth
I am so happy to hear your Len is doing better.. I have missed you and its nice that you took a lil break and are now back with us.. Enjoy your trip and seeing Chari-- so please bring back lots of pictures..
Hey there Gloria! I missed this post, but no surprise there. Blogger as I am sure you have heard has been a nightmare to many. Good thing you took a break! So happy to hear Len is doing well. You are a good wife! Hope you had fun with Chari.
So glad to hear that Len is doing better and all seems to be right in your world.
All of us need to take a break from blogging to "live our lives" and I am glad that you did and now are feeling better. Have a wonderful time on your trip with Chari and give Len my best wishes!! Hope to see you soon, dear friend!!
just checking on my little HAPPY TO BE friend. ...hugs..kisses...love, bj
I'm so glad Len is back up and running and everything is good again on your side of the mountain. Enjoy your vacation! Your great grands sure are sweet! Will be waiting to see what mischief you and Chari cook up! Be safe, my friend!
Hi Sis...
Just read your sweet note so thought I would come over and chat! Ohhh yes...I sure am missing our morning-turned-to-all-day coffees too!!! So happy to hear that you made it back home okay..bet you are enjoying your own bed! hehe! How are you feeling? Hoping that your cold is getting better? I sure hated that you got sick the last day you were here!
Well Darlin', I just had the time of my life with you and Len! Russ sooo enjoyed having a car buddy too! You just never know...we end up on your little mountain someday! I know that I would love to see your fabulous home! Ohhhh...by the way...I love your new girl bust! She's a beauty and you can't beat $20! Guess what? You know why there was moss glued to my new french girl bust? She was broke...but it's not to noticiable. Sheeshhh...don't know why I didn't think to check her out...of course, I would have still bought her! Anyway...here I am rambling just like we were sitting out on the patio! wink! Just wanted to come by to say hello and tell you that I am missing you! Love you, Sis...and thank you sooo much for coming out! I loved each and every minute of our visit!!!
Love ya,
Well now I am late checking in with you, but am so glad I did -- to see a wonderful rambling post, bringing me up to date with dear Gloria!
Oh those babies! You are so blessed in grand-and-great-grandchildren ... and how can that be when you are barely 35, right?
I wish you and Len all the best in your challenges; that tub sure looks inviting, make good use of it!
Love you, bloggy bud -- Cass
PS Two weeks till my daughter gets married! So exciting, I hope babies aren't too far in the future. :-)
Wonderful photos!
Glad to hear your DH is on the mend and that your Grandson returned safe from his Service Tour to be able to spend quality time with the Family before he must return to his Tour of Duty, God Bless Him. Sounds like you are staying happy and busy... glad to have you back!
Hugs... Dawn... The Bohemian
Gloria, Take good care of yourself and Len- you need to stay healthy and well so you can continue to enjoy all of your family. Those babies are all adorable. I saw on Chari's blog that you all had a wonderful visit together. Such great friendships can be made in this wonderful world of blogging, can't they? Hope all is beautiful on top of your mountain! hugs, Sue
As I said over at Chari's site, I actually thought you two were sisters for the longest time.
You two are a perfect match. Such sweet, kind, fun ladies.
I didn't even notice the new pink bundle in your granddaughters lap because I was focused on that absolutely adorable little smile.
I hope all is going well with you this summer sweet Gloria. You all look wonderful in the pictures over at Chari's. I'm glad you had had a good time!
Warmly, ~Melissa :)
Mornin' Sis...
Just stopping by to say hi and tell you that I love you! Missing you so much! I loved having someone to share my morning coffee with...
Love ya so much,
Hello Gloria,
Just stopping by to see how you and Len are doing. I am very happy to hear Len is doing better.
The mosaic of the royal wedding photos had me laughing! The resemblance is uncanny!
Your Chunky Monkey is adorable as is Kyra. Congratulations on your newest Great Grandbaby!
Check in honey...we miss you!
Sis it's me!!!! Blogger finally fixed my sign in problem...now I can comment on all blogs again..yahoo! How are you girl...did you have a great time with Chari...we need updates girl...I do hope all is well with you and Len and that you are having a great week....love you sis...Picket
I just visited Chari and saw your pics of your time together. Len and you are both looking well. I am so glad to see Len looking fit and healthy!!
Miss you on your blog!!
I have been busy...redid my Kitchen and planted a Cottage garden in my little back yard.
Come visit if you feel like it...would love to hear from you!
Love to you,
Hi darling, haven't visited in a while now. I hope this finds you recovered from your trip. What I wouldn't have given to have been there with you and Chari, if only those walls could talk. lol. Then again, maybe it's a good thing they can't lol.. Things are ok here, just another day of being on a roller coaster... sending you tons of love and lots of hugs...
hugs ~lynne~
Dear Gloria! I've been gone for 3 weeks from Blogland! I'm sending hugs and prayers your way. Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
You are a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Well dear Gloria I just want you to know that I miss you so very much!
I hope all is well with you and Len and your family.
And I hope your enjoying your summer too!
Hugs friend,
Just stopping by to see how you are doing, sweet Gloria! Sound like you are having lots of wonderful family time. I loved seeing little Landen James in the sink...so cute! I am glad to hear that Len is improving and I hope that continues. I know you are taking such good care of him! We miss you, but understand. Family comes first. Happy week!...hugs....Debbie
Gloria....thought I'd pop in and say hello and wish you and Len a happy 4th!! Hope all is well on your side of the mountain!!
I'm so happy you stopped by Gloria!! I have missed you out here in blogland!! :) Hope you are on the mend soon and your husband is doing well also. Your little grands are just darling- I smiled at little Landon sitting in the sink... my daughter used to sit in the sink at my grandmothers house too... so much fun. Love the pics of you and Chari too!! Take care of you and your family! Hope you stop by again soon. :)
Hugs to you! :)
My goodness, would you look at the comments!! See how much you are loved? Remember, you are the one that told me that followers come and go...and not to be concerned.. :)
Life does happen to us now and then.
At least Len was well enough to go on a trip to see our sweet friend and enjoy her company. I am happy for that.
Many hugs,
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