I know many of us here in the States still have that sinking feeling on April 15 th as that is our due date for taxes ha ha!!
I love old newspapers the illustrations I think are wonderful..
I just love the old ads in them
Look you could even buy Havana cigars 99 years ago..
Wished I could still get these shoes for only $2.40
"The Unsinkable Molly Brown'
Margaret Tobin Brown was one of the first women in the United States to run for political office, and ran for the Senate eight years before women even had the right to vote. On July 25, 1914, with Alva Vanderbilt (Mrs O.H.P.) Belmont, she organized an international women's rights conference at Marble House in Newport, Rhode Island, which was attended by human rights activists from around the world. A lifelong advocate of human rights, Margaret was also a prominent figure following the Ludlow Massacre in Trinidad, Colorado, in April 1914, a significant landmark in the history of labor rights in the United States.
By the time Margaret Tobin Brown boarded Titanic at Cherbourg, France, she had already made a significant impact in the world. She and her daughter Helen, who was a student at the Sorbonne, had been traveling throughout Europe and were staying with the John Jacob Astor party in Cairo, Egypt, when Margaret received word that her first grandchild, Lawrence Palmer Brown, Jr., was ill. She decided to leave for New York immediately, and booked passage on the earliest ship: Titanic. At the last minute Helen decided to stay behind in London. Due to her quick decision, very few people, including family, knew that Margaret was on board the Titanic.
After the ship struck the iceberg, Margaret helped load others into lifeboats and eventually was forced to board lifeboat six. She and the other women in lifeboat six worked together to row, keep spirits up, and dispel the gloom that was broadcast by the emotional and unstable Robert Hichens. However, Margaret's most significant work occurred on Carpathia, where she assisted Titanic survivors, and afterwards in New York. By the time Carpathia reached New York harbor, Margaret had helped establish the Survivor's Committee, been elected as chair, and raised almost $10,000 for destitute survivors. Margaret's language skills in French, German, and Russian were an asset, and she remained on Carpathia until all Titanic survivors had met with friends, family, or medical/emergency assistance. In a letter to her daughter shortly after the Titanic sinking, she wrote:
"After being brine, salted, and pickled in mid ocean I am now high and dry... I have had flowers, letters, telegrams-people until I am befuddled. They are petitioning Congress to give me a medal... If I must call a specialist to examine my head it is due to the title of Heroine of the Titanic."
Her sense of humor prevailed; to her attorney in Denver she wired:
"Thanks for the kind thoughts. Water was fine and swimming good. Neptune was exceedingly kind to me and I am now high and dry."
Sorry I have been MIA but last Friday I tore the ligament in the right side of my neck in other words I suffered a "whiplash" for 5 days I could not move my head without pain...So I have nothing I have feathered, fluffed or finds to show you this week..I hope to be back next week...
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gloria
This was a fun read Gloria, thanks! Hope you're feeling better, take care:@)
Wow my friend...this was an amazing read. Love your passion for all things old and seeing those ADS took me over the moon!
Thanks for sharing~
Gloria, This is a most impressive post! I love old newspapers and magazines too (comes with our ages) .. The St. Louis Post Dispatch is the newspaper I grew up with. Have a great weekend!
Great post! I love the old newspapers too; so wonderful that you have some Titanic ones!
I have a great big coffee table book on the Titanic with lots of great pictures and info; I have always been fascinated by it.
I loved reading this! How neat to have that newspaper. Chase loves reading about the Titanic...there is a Titanic museum in Branson and every time we go we have to visit. He goes through and reads everything. I'll show him your post. I hope you are feeling better! Kristen
I loved reading this...the old newspaper amazes me and makes me laugh. I definitely loved the ad for the 'big waists'! Is that shop still open?!
Margaret was an extraordinary woman. I hope she lived a long a happy life. What a great sense of humor she had!
I hope you are feeling better with every day, Gloria. I will be thinking of you, my friend!
I found this bit of history about the unsinkable Molly Brown fascinating. I never knew that about her. The movies all tend to just show her as an obnoxious loud mouth. How fun for you to have this old newspaper. I find them fascinating too and the ads are so fun! Wish we still had those prices too!
Wow! That is a treasure, that newspaper is! This is so great that you still have it! I love the coca cola commercial... I love the drink, and then, I could drink it without feeling guilty! LOL Overall, a very interesting post! Its so col to see women dressed in old clothes and seeing them having the power to fight with men for our rights!
Ms. G. Girl Friend-Please get your self well. Richard at My Old Historic House
Oh Gloria:
Are you alright? What happened? That is so painful, take care of you, and thanks for the Titanic reminder.
Oh, your poor neck..that is bad, I hope it gets better soon! I love all the old things too, love these newspapers and hearing about such a brave woman. My daughters birthday is April 15th, so thats good for me. :D
if you would just sit still once and a while....YOU WOULD NOT HURT YOURSELF!!!!!!!
You make me worry about you fluffing and primping....ugh...
MOM!!! just take it easy and heal...don't make me get my u haul and come down there!
luv you...ttys!
Of course, I'm familiar with Molly Brown since I'm from Colorado. She's a legend around here - The Molly Brown house in Denver is always a fun place to tour. You would love it with all of its Victorian excess. Take care. Sally
I thought you might be interested in my good friend's post:
She has a book deal on Victorian Fashions and is doing a chapter or 2 on the Fashions of the Titanic.
Hi, Gloria... that is fascinating! Loved hearing all about Molly Brown. I loved that movie about her more than anything, and I think Debbie Reynolds socked it out of the ball park with her performance.
Seeing the real Molly Brown, I thought it was Eleanor Roosevelt at first. Molly was quite the lady!
I'm so sorry you're injured. I've missed seeing you. Hope you get to feeling better soon, Gloria!
Sheila :-)
I love this Gloria!! Fabulous post!
We are going to try to get to Richard's open house, this weekend. Do you have your Victoria mag yet? I hope to get one soon.
Now for something mildly political and a story that is well over 100 years old. I saw Helen's comment about the Post Dispatch. My great grandfather read the St Louis Globe Democrat. At one time there were two major papers in STL, the other was the Post Dispatch. The family lived in SW Missouri about 150 miles from St Louis. Great Grandpa had the Globe Democrat delivered to their house out in the country, in the middle of the Ozarks. However, he was such a staunch Republican, he could not bring himself to call it the Globe Democrat, but rather the Globe. He would send the kids (one of which was my Granny) out to pick up the Globe. He was a well educated man and started a high school in the little community. A rarity at the turn of the century.
I love the old newspapers! So sorry to hear about your neck sis...hope you are better now and continue to get better with each passing moment..have a great weekend sweetie...love you girl...Picket
Your newspaper is such an interesting and wonderful treasure Gloria... Titanic was one of my all time favorite movies!
Hope you're feeling better very soon too.
I always hated history in school but as I have gotten older, I cherish it more. I have always been fascinated by the Titanic and that time period. The hubby and I went to the Titanic Museum that was in Branson. I enjoyed it and learned so much.
The other thing that I think is awesome would be the newspaper. Where did you find that? I live here just outside of St. Louis and the Post Dispatch has been a part of my home forever. So I thought it was cool to see things about my hometown from way back then!!
Hope you are feeling better and have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Gloria!
I remember sitting in my Uncle's big chair, as all the adults talked in the kitchen around the table, and looked at an old book entitled The Titanic. I was shocked that so many people were killed in a ship accident. I was a very young girl, maybe 10, and I would sit and read and read about the tragic day. There were pictures of the captain and all the important people that were lost at sea. The list of people that had perished seemed to go on and on at the end of the book. EVERY time we visited this Aunt & Uncle I headed straight to The Titanic book. The story is still intriguing today. The Titanic exhibit I went to was quite incredible last summer. Thanks for paying tribute to such an important event in history!
big hugs, Sherry
omygosh...I had no idea it was on April 15th. What a tragic thing.
I am sure you've seen the movie. I've seen it at least 5 times and maybe 6.
I love the olden ads, too, Gloria. And, I want a whole room full of furniture for $14.95. :))
Have I ever told you that your cute personality is priceless to me? You are so funny...and always so UP. I love coming here.
xoxo bj
Sorry about your whiplash, Gloria. Get better soon. What a treasure to have this newspaper....Christine
Poor Gloria! I'm sorry to hear about your neck. I hope it's better now!
I saw a movie with Debbie Reynolds who played Molly Brown. I don't know how factual it was, but it was a cute movie.
Be a sweetie and hope you're feeling better,
Shelia :)
I love the Titanic history! We used to do a Titanic dinner at the teahouse which was always a big hit. Thanks for sharing this bit of history-it was very interesting. I hope you are feeling better soon:).
G-L-O-R-I-A! Glooorria! Remember that song? Well, I haven't visited in AGES, I finally got a new laptop and am TRYING to get around to visit all of my favorite ladies! I was going to say that I hope you have been well, but I just read that you hurt your neck! You know, I had that once when I was younger, a pinched nerve in my neck, so I know what pain you are going through! I will say a prayer for you. How's little Landon doing? Getting big, I am sure! Well, I will have to catch up on some of your posts I've missed. This post was wonderful. I loved seeing all of the old news, especially a room full of furniture for $14!! My mother also loved anything with the Titanic -- she would have loved to see your newspapers. As I think I've told you in the past: with all of your marvelous antiques, my mother would have been in your house for days, she would have loved visiting you! Me too! Well, I hope you feel better, I will be thinking of you.
Gloria xxoo
Hey sweet girl...just checking in on you...hope you are having a great weekend...we had tornadoes Friday....one was 1/2 mile wide headed straight for us...just before it hit our little community it lifted and turned and went up the road a few miles...there was lots of damage uptown but it didn't even break a twig here..God is so good...the sun is shining here today...life is good...love you so sis...Picket
I have always admired the unsinkable Molly Brown! Oh to have her spirit!
How are you doing Gloria. Is your neck feeling better? That sounds terribly painful for sure. The only thing you need to fluff is you friend- get better!
bee blessed
Hi Gloria, I have always been intrigued by the Titanic. Several years ago the exhibit was in Vegas and we were able to attend. I hope your neck is doing better. Take care of yourself!
Loved hearing about Molly Brown and seeing your newspapers.
Hope everyone is well up there. I've been off the computer a lot lately but have been thinking of you with every storm. Take care of your neck and hope you're feeling better soon.
Happy Easter,
I loved reading this. I never liked history in school, but I love to learn about events like the Titanic. I got really hooked on the St. Louis World's Fair a few years ago and read everything I could find!
So sorry you hurt your neck. Hope you feel better soon.
Gloria I don't know how you snuck this one by me, but girl what a treasure!! Where and how did you find that paper?! Love those ads! I bet $2.40 was a goodly sum for shoes back then. *winks* Vanna
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