WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
I just realized the only animals that live in my house are Len and me...Oh what's a girl to do when she wants to join in the Barnyard Bash animal party...at " Happier Than A Pig in Mud"
Well she can always show Bubba and his belly art...Maybe Lynn will let me join the party with this...
Think Gloria think!! you must have at least one animal besides Bubba so Lynn will let you stay and Party...
This don't look like any animal to me....
Let's see what I got...
OH Yes!!! I see it...why it's a "COW-A-SOCK-EE" !!Can I stay and party now Lynn- PLEASE!!
Thank's Lynn for hosting this fun day...Please go by and see Lynn to see all the others that have real Barnyard animals today...Hey it was either this or a picture of Len and me ha ha!!
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Oh, I've nearly peed myself laughing, Gloria!! I knew you would come up with something great up there on your mountain!! Yay!!
Gloria your a hoot!
A cowasockie! How funny. And Bubba is looking just fine! hehe.
You make me smile every time I come by here.
Can't wait for the babies!
A cute barnyard post, Gloria.
I didn't get one finished. I worked on the foyer and took pictures for Artie's. Not a barnyard animal in sight!
I love the cow a sock eee!!! I am however, afraid of Bubba!
That was so funny I'm still laughing, sugar! How ever did you get him to pose to that? LOL LOL
OH, Gloria, you're a hoot! I'm glad to know Bubba is still around and your cowasockee is to cute! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Gloria, Cuzin Bubba is a real beaut! And the cow-a-sock-ee is a scream! Thank you so much for joining the Bash:@)
Bubba's art is so funny! What a guy! Cute posting.
Oh girl...we really are lost sisters...wait to you see my post....this is soooo cute! Desperate times call for desperate measures!!!
wELL, I just spit coffee all over my screen and p'd my pants...this is soooo cute, Gloria..
You silly girl, you...I love ya.
Now, I have PINK PIGS roamin' around my cottage...*sigh
xo bj
Bubba's cow looks a bit confused gender (or something)... but cow-a-sockee is welcome to our farm any time.
So glad you are partying.
Gloria, you are the funniest lady in blogland. Way tooooooooo cute. Love it. Hugs, Marty
Bubba left me speechless...
Gloria, you are hilarious!! I loved that!! Hope you are doing well. Thank you for your visit!
xoxo, Andrea
LOL! You always make me laugh, Gloria. You and Len must laugh all day with your sense of humor. BTW, my blog looks ok from this end. Did you try going out and back in?...Christine
Hi Gloria,
I can always count on you for a good laugh and smile. You are so cute and sweet.
Love your little sock cow, he's too cute. He is definitely barnyard material.
Gloria, I had to keep going back and looking at Bubba--you know, like something you don't want to look at but can't help! Both of your barnyard animals are hilarious! Linda
Cow-a-sock-ee! LOL! Thanks for a big smile tonight.
OMG! Too too funny!!!
I just knew you would have something good to share. A Cowasockie! Where do you come up with these things?
Thanks for sharing in the fun. I'm still giggling. ~ Sarah
How funny
Well...Gloria....I needed this laugh for sure!! You are a mess.....and what a delightfully funny picture of that cow!!! Have a great weekend!
Glr♥ia, I think I have those striped socks that your little cow has... :) (Really, I do.)
P.S. You will be happy to know that I visited CeeKay! :)
You again gave me a great laugh. Have a blessed day. Madeline
Now what will I do that I just blew green tea out my nose???? A Cow-A-Sock-Ee....girl ya crack me up. Heeehehehehe! Love it to pieces :o)
Ya'll have a fun time in the barnyard and a blessed day!!!
Hehe...only you, Sis...only you!!!
Mornin' Sweet Sis...
Girl, only you could come up with something that just makes me fall out of my chair...laughing!!! What a great way to start my day!!! I'm tellin' ya what...that Bubba...really DOES HAVE IT GOIN' ON!!! Nothin' like a man with art on his belly...sooo sexy!!! Hmmm...I'm thinkin' our guys need a little art to show off their bellys too...what ya think? Hehe! They'd let us...if it were an ol' car or something! Hehe!
Now...I have to say that Ms. Cow-a-sock-ee...is the the cutest thing ever!!! I love it!!! Girl, you are sooo clever!!! I'm sooo glad that you made it to the party today! Hope that all is well on your side of the mountain today! Have any plans for the weekend?
Love ya, Sis!
I'm still laughing!!!
Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley
Well Shoot, all this time I thought Bubba was only in Texas. Now I see he's been crossing the state line on a CowASockee! I'm sooo glad I stopped by on my way to the next Barnyard...I really needed a good LOL and potty break...I'll be right back....I don't want to wet my jammies. What a fun post and fun Bloggy! I really enjoyed my visit. Stop by my place in Texas...the Goats are Gossipin' about the Barnyard Bash...Sue
Gloria, this just knocked my socks off. Still Laughing. Clever you!!!
Hugs, Jeanne
Hi Gloria,
What a delightful sense of humor you have! If laughter's the best medicine, somebody ought to issue you an honorary medical license!
Dr. Gloria -- sounds OK, doesn't it?
Hope you have a great weekend!
Warmest regards,
You are so funny-thanks for the smiles:)!
This is hysterical!!
I like the socks on the cow!
Thanks for the laugh!
Naw...not today. Gloria...HOW are you getting your photo's to post. What on earth am I doing wrong?
Not in the mood to play with barnyard animals. I will just go peek is all..
Barnyard animals? I can't keep up with the meme's as it is.
You am a funny girl!!
Gloria, I'm so glad your blog is the first one I visited this morning, because you started my day off with a laugh. Too cute! Thanks for all of the smiles you give me. Have a great weekend. laurie
Gloria, I'm so glad your blog is the first one I visited this morning, because you started my day off with a laugh. Too cute! Thanks for all of the smiles you give me. Have a great weekend. laurie
I get the feeling you would be welcome at any party girl. Oh and the joke....groan....lol.
OMG! That's hysterical! Thanks for the hearty laugh!!!
You are so not right! Thanks for the laugh & for coming by to check on me. I really need to get back to blogging. It's just been a really busy summer. I hope you're doing great! Happy Fall! That belly picture was just something! LOL! Are you taking Nikki Crumpet's place?
you make me smile!!! luv you mom
Just checking in, Gl♥ria, and wanted to say that I LOVE your new Fall picture at the top - So pretty! Plus, nice and spooky too, because I love the ravens! :o
I haven't seen you around in a few days, G.
Are you ok???
G!!! You are toooo funny! xoxxo
Omigosh, I just about spilled coffee all over myself when I burst out laughing at the "Cowasockee"!!! Too funny, Gloria, I love it! hehe xoxo
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