WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Hello girls...Welcome once again it'sPINK Saturday, Now this is not just any PINK Saturday but its my 100 Post give away...Please go by and see our hostess
Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to see all the
PINKness waiting you today...

Now see this sweet little PINK Rose tea cup...of course you do !! Now this is not just any old Tea cup...but its a lamp I am making for someone here in
Bloggerville for my 100 post give away...

Now as I only have the one I thought I would show you how to make a sweet tea cup lamp for your self...Here are the supplies you need...Oh forgot you also need your trusty Glue gun...

Now this is a piece of lace that I cut to fit the bottom of the little lamp shade...

Oh!! there that dang Glue gun...just glue the lace all the way around the bottom of the shade..You don't really have to do this I just like to give each shade a special little look...one of a kind thing...

I just love these little shades... the satin ribbon and satin bow with the tassel ...just darling...I got these shades at Jo-
Ann fabric store like 5 years ago...I think I bought 30 of them..differ colors I have a home based
business making Victorian Lamp shades and lamps
that's why so many shades...

Now take some foam..this you can get at the Dollar store....cut it with a
knife to fit the tea cup... then take your Glue gun and glue the foam inside the cup...

Next take your light and press it into the foam...I twist this around so I can get the
imprint I need in the foam...

Now here you can see the
imprint I made in the foam...

Then I take my
knife again and cut out the
imprint and made the hole deep enough to hold my light...Now for those that can't find the light's like I have...You also can get the candle lights at Dollar store and use them...if you use the ones with the brass stand on them you don't need to do the foam part...just hot glue the brass stand in the bottom of the cup...then add your moss around it...if you use a deep cup I suggest adding a small piece of foam at the bottom of the cup to bring the light up
abit with...I have used both lights but these are my favorite ones to work with...

Then glue the light into the hole...Glue the saucer to the cup...Now see what you have so far...its starting to look like a little lamp

Then to cover up all the green foam...I take moss and glue it on top of foam...then I give it a hair cut to get rid of the moss hanging over the edge...put your light bulb in..

Now the next time I do is add some sweet little birds, flowers, eggs etc what ever you want you can add or just leave it with just the moss around the cup....I love to add a little spoon this also is hot glued right onto the saucer...

Now this is the finished tea cup lamp...these are so sweet as night lights in a bedroom or bathroom...I have one in Blue Willow in my kitchen that I leave on at night...

Here's what it looks like all lit up...
isn't it cute ....of course it is...

Now girls this Rose Tea cup lamp that I just made will go out in the mail to who ever wins my 100 post give away...We have rose file folders, rose tags, rose note cards, rose paper,rose memo pads, and rose pens...and a pretty smelling Vanilla candle...
Now this give away is for anyone in the United States and Canada who leaves's a comment on this post from now until Sunday Night at 8pm Pacific time...I will then go to Mr. Random thingy and put the numbers in and let him pick the winner...Good Luck !!!
And Thank all of you for your kind comments and making my journey in Bloggerville so wonderful...I cherished each and every one of you...I will announce the Winner on Monday the 20th of April...God bless each and evryone of you....
May you all have a Great PINK Saturday...and Please go see Beverly...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I think I'm first!!! Does that make me the winner??!! That is just so delicate and gorgeous! You are a smart cookie--I'd love to be able to make a lamp. Congrat on your milestone!
~Woohoo Gloria!~
Congrats on 100 posts!
I sure would love to win all the Pink Rose pretties.
Your tiny lamps you make are so precious.
You are a talented lady!
Have a wonderful weekend.
~Melissa :)
Those look fabulous my dear, I sure would love to win! Congratulation on this milestone, you are a very talented lady with a heart of gold! Have a wonderful week-end my talented friend, Cindy
Congratulations, Gloria, on your 100th ! Hasn't it been quite a ride and so much fun! I do love blogging...
Your little lamp is precious.. I am not crafty at all but I think even I might be able to accomplish this one. You are really good at this!
This is a wonderful giveaway and I am keeping my fingers crossed that this little beauty will end up in MY kitchen. Thanks for giving us a chance to win such a lovely prize..
xo bj
Oh, Gloria I love the lamp will have to make one when I get home. I'm back to Germany. So will be flying home soon. What a wonderful trip I've had. Blessings Deanie
Wow! 100th post! Congratulations, that's quite an accomplishment. :-) I love finding a new post from you, so I hope you keep blogging for many more hundreds!
And thank you for your kind comments on my Hooked On post, about being stuck in staging mode. I really need to climb out of that rut, and take on your attitude of "it's mine, and I'll do what I want!"
One of the reasons I've never done RMS is that it seems so many commenters expect everyone's house to look as if it's a model home. That's nuts! They are OUR homes, lived in by real people with real lives!
BTW I was fascinated by the lamp tutorial. Wow .. what a brilliant idea! My daughter Anne loves tea; I see a project in our future.
Best... Cass
Hey Sis...
Just read the sweet note that you left over at my place and had to come right over! Ohhh myyy goodness...such beautiful roses, Sis!!! Ohhh and the teacup lamp turned out so pretty! I'm so glad that you did a tutorial on how to make them...hmmm, maybe I could make one...you think? Where do you find the lights that you're using?
I love all of the rose pretties that you're giving away...ahhh!!! Girl, it's hard to believe that it's been 100 posts...right? Congratulations Darlin'!!! You know I love you and I love your blog too!!! You better not ever think about quittin'...hehe!!!
Oh yea...wanted to say and almost forgot! I think using the little bird in the teacup lamp is a great idea...I really like that!!!
Love ya Sis,
Happy Pink Saturday and 100th post!! Congratualtions!
Congrats on your *100* posts !
The lamp turned out beautiful ,
what a great idea !
Thanks for sharing ~ Hugs, Kammy
GLORIA, GLORIA, This is absolutely adorable. I also want to thank you by showing us how to do this. I looove this little lamp. Like I say to anyone else with any givaway I may want - I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed. You never know.
Thanks for dropping by- you are always a delight!
I did put a few pictures on rate my space, but I don't go there like I use to when I started blogging. I may however post a picture for a update here and there. It's just that I don't look around as much. My God I didn't want to make this a big ordeal. Blah Blah blah. Ok I'm off!
Have a Wonderful Day Girl and Congratulation on 100th post!!
OOps, One more thing What ever happen to VANNA? I miss that girl so much.
Pick me, Pick me! LOL I love that little lamp! You are so creative. Congrats on your 100th post!
Thanks for the info on my silver. Yep, the bug finally got me!
Hugs, Terrie
What a great idea for a cute accent lamp! Instead of moss you could use flower petals, maybe. I love the idea of the bird nests.
Congrats on your 100th post!
Ooooooh I love it! I'm going to be on the look out now for the perfect tea cup and saucer!
You are so creative girl~ the lamp is adorable. Congratulations on your 100th post~ so happy to have here in blogland!!
Love ya~ J.
P.S. Please add my name in your drawing. :)
Oh Gloria!! Sign me up! That lamp is precious! Love those rose file folders. Such a pretty giveaway. Congrats on your 100th post. Wishing you a wonderful pink Saturday!
Oh Gloria! This is gorgeous, I am lusting for it right now. You are the best lamp maker I know, so talented!...Christine
Oh Gloria, that is the neatest little lamp I have ever seen. Your instructions make it look so easy, but I know it's not. How clever. I just love it. I would love to win all of your beautiful rose items. They are all so pretty. Congratulations on your 100th post. That is an accomplishment in itself. I have loved everyone that I've read, always so interesting and creative. Congratulations. Hugs, Marty
LOVE it! Happy Pink Day! Congratulations on your 100th post too.
Oh how wonderful! You are so very clever to think about making that cute lamp. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday.
Oh such a lovely little lamp!
Thank you for the great how-to!
Happy Pink Day!
Thanks for sharing!
Happy Pink Saturday!
X Es X
Gloria, your lamp is gorgeous! You make it look so easy! I love all the little special extra touches with the lace and the little spoon.
Congratulations on reaching 100 posts! Whoo, hoo! :-) Awesome! Love ya! Susan
Happy Pink Saturday! That lamp is adorable and so creative! Congratulations on your 100th post! Would be honored to win!
Oh Gloria...you should link to this lovely lamp for Met Monday...what a wonderful metamorphosis! :-)
wow, that lamp is amazing! i love it! i was so happy you showed us how to make it and them imagine my surprise when you said you were going to give it away to celebrate 100 posts! woo hoo! sign me up pretty please!
Oh my goodness, I would love that. Thankyou so much for the post, easy as pie. I will need to try and do that myself, great job, Happy Pink Saturday, and Happy 100th post too, Char
Oh my Gloria,
That has my name all over it....I have a great spot for it too....as a matter of fact we are going to our friends in June and I will just stop by and pick it up...you save on postage...LOL.....
Really you did a beautiful job on your night light creation...good luck to the lucky winner....
Have a wonderful Saturday...
Love and Hugs,
Mo :-)
oh Gloria,that one turned out s darling.it's really going to look great in my guest room,huh?i think so.i'll go and prepare a place to set it...ann
Congrats on your 100th posts! I very much enjoy reading your blog! Debbie (Maine)
Gloria that is just the prettiest. Please count me in...I have just the place for it!
Congratulations on **100** Posts!
Happy Pink Saturday, too!
Gloria, Even if I don't win I'm so happy for your 100th post. I'm new at blogging so I have lots of post's to go. Thanks for stopping by my Valentine site and leaving such kind words. I am a show off when it comes to my Valentines. Wow, 100 posts that sure is a lot.
G, that is the sweetest thing. I know we are good friends... could you cheat for me??lol love ya gf!
I have to tell you, that if I don't win, I will certainly try to make this! You are so creative, and that turned out beautifully!
~Happy Pink Saturday!, Abby
Congratulations on your 100th post! Wow, this is one of the most awesome giveaways I have ever seen, and it really is right up my alley! Add my name to the pot. I would love to win this!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Congrats on reaching 100 posts! Yay! That is a sweet pink giveaway! That lamp is so pretty!
Sorry for the late visit. I hope I win!
i love this post . And the directions. thanks, i would love to make one. ok enter me too. Pick me , pick me... lol. Mishelle. May the sun shine on you always!
Oh how beautiful!!!!!! Congrats on your 100th post sis....what a great giveaway...ohhhh I am twitching like a bird dog that just spotted a bird..ohhhhh put my name in the pot girl...that is adorable! Ohhhh and what long pretty red nails you have my dear! lol lol Hope you are having a great weekend sweetie...love ya~♥~
Gloria! You are a CLEVER girl. How darling. I love those little lamps. You can tuck them in all over..just a little bit of light is so sweet.
Big Pink Saturday hugs!
What a beautiful idea for a lamp. I collect tea cups but never envisioned it. Congratulations on your 100th blog too!
Gloria, Thank you so much for hosting this lovely giveaway. I need another lamp in my shabby bathroom and this one would be perfect. PICK ME PICK ME!!
Thanks for the tutorial. I think I'm going to try and make my mother one for Mother's Day. She loves when I give her handmade goodies.
Have A Happy Day
Gloria, read your profile - let my high five a survivor. What an inspiration-life is too short to keep on licking wounds. Love your spirit!
Your lamp is gorgeous and drop dead gorgeous with the light on:-).
Blogland will have one lucky winner at the end of your contest.
Well first of all congratulations on your 100th post! Wonderful!
I love your lamp and rosey things! Roses are the flower of June - my birth month! Also my Daughter-in-law's maiden name is Rose. My 4th grandgirl is going to have the middle name of rose and two grandgirls are or will have birthday's in June. Let's see --- does that give me six chances? Just kidding! (mostly)
Hello Gloria, Congratulations on your 100th post. I love your little rose cup and saucer and how you made it into the most adorable lamp and would love to be added to your draw for a chance to win this and the other rose goodies, what a wonderful give-away, hope you are having a lovely weekend, hugs, Kathy.
Hi Gloria,your tea cup lamp is so cute.I wanted to see what it looked like in the end so bad I flew to the last picture.hehe I will go thru it again,I have a couple of sentimental sets and that looks like a fantastic idea.Congratulations,100 posts,wow! Well,you know me,at the rate I post I might get to 100 in 10 years.lol btw,you truly made me laughoutloud when I read your coment you left me.I just love you!
Gloria you really made that look so easy.I know that it is beautiful.So exciting when you reach your 100th post. So glad that I found your beautiful blog. You are very creative.
Please stop by when you can..You will make one person very happy.
oh my gosh Gloria, im way too late as it is now past eight in my part of Canada, but this is sooooooooo gorgeous!!!! Can i hire you to make me one, it just wouldnt be the same if i made it, my money is on its way...lol HAPPY 100TH girl, CONGRATS!
i was so excited when i saw this lamp i forgot to thank you for the instructions, i have many teacup and saucers that are still in storage
Hi Gloria,
Happy Pink Saturday. The lamp is so creative and pretty.
have a great weekend.
Great goodies you're sharing! Don't you just ♥ Pink Saturday? This is the one day that I get to totally indulge myself, get all girlie, drink tea with cream, and share time with friends on the internet. Your blog post this week was wonderful...as usual!
Went out to dinner with friends, so I'm a little late, but better late than never, right? I wish you a Sunday filled with family, l♥ve, sunshine and peace.
Congratulations on your 100 Entry!!!
And ohhhhhhhhhhhh what lovely, lovely pink {and roses} things, you are giving away. Just yummmmmmmmmmmmy.
Congratulations to the winner, ahead of time.
Gentle hugs,
'Aunt Amelia'
And whoooooooooooooo! Look at those long, red nails! How do you maintain them, Hon?!? Pretty but work, I'll bet. :-))))
'Aunt Amelia'
This is so cute! What fun! Thanks for the tutorial!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Erin :)
Gloria- So glad to be back in time to get in on your 100 post giveaway!!! You know this would fit perfectly in my home!!
Sure have missed blogging and all you wonderful ladies. Things just won't slow down! I came back last Tues in time to try and get caught up on being gone for 2 weeks then get ready for a family who called Wed and asked to stay this weekend!
Gloria!!!!!!!! Where did you ever get the idea to make a lamp out of a tea cup? It came out beautiful! I have no hopes of winning, because I rarely win anything, but I've gotta say, it's lovely!
Justine :o )
Hi Gloria, your lamp is adorable and nothing I would ever think to do. A great idea to go with your great gifts. I would be thrilled to win such a lovely giveaway. Please enter me in the drawing. I hope I am lucky.
Congrats on 100 posts. You go girl!!!
Hey Grandma, how do you make everything look so freaking easy? I'm sure if I tried to make that and I followed your directions I would have broke the tea cup, burned my hand on the glue gun, caught the fake grass on fire, and the bird would have probably been the only thing I could have saved. Well I miss you grandma, and congrats on your 100 post!!
Love your grandson,
Hi Happy, just stopping by for a Sunday afternoon visit to say hi and to wish you a week overflowing with blessings. Your little bunnies are toooo cute, that Picket is something special, isn't she? "Talk" soon!
Congratulations on your 100th post!! I am very glad I have found you, as I have been enjoying your posts so much!
That is a precious lamp you made, you are so very talented!!
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend, Nicole
How great, your 100th post! This is such a sweet little lamp. What a nice giveaway, your a doll.
Hey G, Luck is on my side today, can you believe I won Justines giveaway!! Shocked the pants off of me! LOL! Your little lamp is so sweet, I would love to win it! Have a great week sweetie! xoxoxo
Hello Sis...Happy Sunday!!!
Girl, I just read your note...so happy to see you today!!! Hope that you're having a wonderful Sunday!!!
Girl, I don't know for sure what I'm getting myself into with attempting to do a Sunday meme! Eeeeksss!!! But it just came to me this morning and I thought it sounded fun and like a great idea. And like you...honey, you have so many interesting posts that I just know that people haven't seen!!! I'm looking into how to do Mr. Linky! Anyway, we'll see!
Well Darlin'...have a sweet Sunday!
Love ya,
Congrats on the 100th post. one of my blogs is nearing 50.(half)
Gloria, this little lamp is very special because of all the pretties you have incorporated in making it, and especially because it is made by a very lovely person.
Gloria, I started blogging before you, but I'm so lazy, I still have a lot more posts before I make it to 100! Congratulations on 100 great posts! I want this precious little lamp. Pleeeeeease draw my name! That lamp shade is just so pretty, and the tea cup. Love it! You are so talented. laurie
Sweetheart...I am so sorry. Somehow I missed this post and I have NO idea how except that I cannot seem to catch up. I usually visit yours every day..but things have gotten away from me. I think answering comments on my blog confuses me and I think I have visited a blog when in fact I have must commented on their comment. YE GODS! I am losing it here!
OH NO..now I sent it and didn't even get to finish and congratulate you on your 100th post. I don't deserve to LIVE I tell you!!! Sob!!
Oh my goodness, that is the most precious tea cup lamp!! I adore it! A friend and I have created bird feeders in a similiar way, but I really like the little lamp idea!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
HOW THE HELL DID I MANAGE TO MISS THIS POST!!!!! girl...your nails are incredible!!! they are nicer than the fake ones!
I am going to be a busy lamp making diva!!! the possibilities are endless with this how-to!
love love love you mom
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