WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria

April 25, 2009

~Don't Wet Your Mustache..Repost Sunday~

Hello girls!! Well today the Birthday of Chari at " Happy to Design"


This is a brand new meme in blogland and how fun is this going to be...We get to do a repost of one of our old posts...I just love this Brain Child of Chari she came up with...Many of are so busy on the weekend...and we have so many new blogger's who might not of seen one of our post that we did last year...and the best part of doing a repost is it's already done and all you have to do is hit publish...No fuss, no bother, I explained in my last post how to do this...but you really need to go visit our wonderful Hostess Chari and get all the instructions for this ...Then just add her" Sunday Favorite "Button hook up to her Mr. Linky and you will be all done...

Now I though I would show you a post I did back in October 27, 2008 It's all about my collections of Mustaches Cup's...

I thought I would share a interesting collection with you today...How many have ever heard of a Mustache Cup ?? allot of people when they see these think they are Shaving mugs.. See the lip at the top of the cup...well these are Men's Mustache cups...Yes you heard me right very fancy but for men...how ever I have seen a few women that could use these also. ha ha!!..Now the Mustache cup was Invented in 1830 by a very clever Englishman by the name of Harvey Adams.

Mustache's cups were originally called Napoleons and saucers, because at that time, men wore Napoleon or small beards and mustaches. Mustache cups did not become popular in America until 1845....As men were using " Old Reliable Hair and Whisker Dye" and curling their mustaches at that time and the Hot liquid would melt their wax..

Now this is really 2 cups that came with a set of dishes...at that time they would thrown in a man cup when you bought the dishes..so you see I have a ladies cup and a mustache cup both matching. This was a rare find and tell me I wasn't doing the Happy dance the day I found these..

These I love as they were given away as Presents..they say, Remember me, Think of me, Brother, Father , Forget me not. etc.. What a neat gift for the time.

I just love the Butterflies handles on these and also the Angel one...The black cup says on the bottom of it to Lewis Christmas 1883...guess I should have taken a picture of that...

These cups came in all shapes and sizes, the little one in front is a R.R. Prussia cup, also have a collection of this china...The R.S Prussia one was also a rare find and the most collectiable one.. Now the one every one is really looking for is a left handed cup.. I have been collecting these since 1982 and has yet to find a left hand one... so the hunt is still on... Oh stop the madness !!

Don't you love the squares ones ? and how men could put there finger in this handle is also a mystery...they must of had small fingers over hundred years ago.

Oh and the silver ones are so pretty., I guess they much have been for the wealthy Men !! and I will tell you I hate cleaning Silver. I just did it for you guys today..Probably won't get done again for awhile I like to tell people they are Pewter ha ha!!

They also came in many colors...these are my blue ones and the big one in front is from England it a Royal Stafford shire and of course I love these as they are Blue and White...and it what they call Flow Blue..

Odd Color for a man, but these are some of my Pink cups, I just love all the kids at play on the first 2 cups in front row.. How sweet is that !! I have over 150 Mustache now in my collection WOW!! another collection gone wild... these were like Lays's Potato chips with me couldn't stop with just one lol!!

Now I know you are probably thinking where are earth would she keep so many cups?? well I have 1 China cabinet with them in and then I hired a contractor to come and add display cabinets between the studs in my dining room...you can see I have them on both sides of my window seat now... I have lights also in them so they look real pretty at night time...Hope you all enjoyed a little mini- history on Mustaches cups...

Now girls Please go by and see Chari and check out all the others who are joining in today and see what maybe you have missed ...Lets call it a "Blast from the Past Day"
May all of you have a Great Day....
Hugs and smiles Gloria


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! What an amazing collection! sooo pretty. Your home must be incredible! Thanks for sharing.


Unknown said...

Gloria, your collection of mustache cups are very impressive. You sure have some unique ones too. My Valentine's display on the walls and in two cabinets. The rest are stored in boxes. I pull out a change when I want to see the others. Do you know all your cups as I can recall every Valentine I have. Sometimes I think I havent seen one and go looking for it. Always finding it and loving it all over again. I bet you know all your cups. It is an addiction.
~Shirley (who needs just one more....)

Susan (Between Naps On The Porch.net) said...

Gloria...I've never seen a moustache cup...how cool! I adore your idea for storing them...you are a smart, smart girl! What a wonderful collection!

xinex said...

Hello Gloria! I found these very interesting when you first posted them and I still find them very interesting now. You have the neatest collection and I know these are very rare because I don't remember ever seeing one in stores....Christine

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hey Sis...

We did it...We did it...we got this new Sunday Favorites "off the ground and runnin'"!!! Yeeeehawwww!!! Girl, I was so nervous about Mr. Linky showing up! Hehe!

Oooh...I'm soooo glad you chose your "Mustache Cups" post to share again!!! I remember when you posted it the first time around and I was just so intriqued by these male fineries of the past!!! You know, I still think that the matching Mr. & Mrs. cups are still my favorite!!! I just love that pretty cobalt blue with the white and pretty gold trim!!! I just love how you've had special cabinets made to showcase these handsome cups in!!! You notice I said handsome and not pretty! hehe!!!

I have to tell you...I don't remember seeing the silver mustache cups and they really took my eye! Maybe it's because I have become so interested in pretty silver lately!!! See this is going to be fabulous...it's like getting to see some fabulous treasures..all over again!!!

I'm so glad that you didn't have any problems with my "repost" instructions! Thank you again Sis for the warm, sweet welcome that you gave "Sunday Favorites"...you know I love ya!!!

Big ol' hugs and smooches,

imjacobsmom said...

Gloria, I remember this one, too. I had never heard of them before and I have never seen one either. You sure have an extensive collection and a real cool way to display them. ~ Robyn

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I have one mustache cup. I store my antique jewelry in it. You have a gorgeous collection.
Not that it is the same, but I also have my grandpas shaving cup and brush and the soap tin and leather strap. I am thrilled to have that also!!

Chandy said...

Beautiful pieces you've got there! I'll join in on the fun tomorrow!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh my goodness, these are all so wonderful. I only have one and you have dozens that are just stunning. What a wonderful display by the window seat. I also loved the man's cup in the set of dishes. What a fabulous find. I had missed this post, I am so glad you chose this to repost. I really enjoyed it. Hugs, Marty

Tootsie said...

It is one of the most special things I have!!!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Oh Gloria...first of all I have NO blast from the past as there is not that much of a past here..but...I DO admire that lovely cup collection you have. Yes, I have heard of the difficulty in finding that left handed mug you speak of. I am trying...sort of...to slow down on collecting. NOT easy to do, is it? :)
I enjoyed see this post as it is new to me.
~smiles and love~

Heather said...

i have never seen a cup like those. i didn't even know they existed! how cool! love your various collections of them.

Joyce said...

Holly Cow! That is a whole lot of cups. Interesting post and I just love looking at them. Your collection is awesome. I wish I could visit your home because it is special. Thanks for sharing.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Wow, Gloria! What an incredible collection! Loved seeing all of them, and I would be hard pressed to pick a fave out of all those pretties. Thanks for recycling this post. I enjoyed it a lot!



Keetha Broyles said...

I LOVE this collection!!! Don't you just wonder what kind of MAN would drink out of those dainty pretty pink ones????

Nancy Rosalina said...

Gloria, I did not know this about Mustache cups...that's why I love blogging...I am always learning somehting I didn't know! You have a great collection! Hope you are having a great weekend! Nancy

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Gloria, It's so fun to see these mustache cups again, I loved them the first time you posted them. Why on earth does a mustache cup touch my heart so much? I think because it brings back wonderful memories of times gone by. Yes, my dear. I am old enough to remember them. Hugs, Terrie

Melissa Miller said...

Gloria I love this one!
I do believe it was the very first one of your posts I read and I was fascinated.
Great choice for a re-post girl!

I have not heard from Lynne at all. I bought the bird topper from her right after Christmas.
I figured you had been talking to her or emailing her aall along? I hope she and her husband are okay.
Let me know if you hear anything about them.

Have a wonderful Sunday my friend.
~Melissa :)

Chandy said...

Gloria so I am now melting over how cute Kyra is when I saw your "followers" box. I was so sure that I was one of them, but when I tried to look for my "mug", it wasn't there!

How dare me? I quickly made myself repent and became a follower! ;-) Love your blog!

Linda in AZ * said...

*I*N*C*R*E*D*I*B*L*E, Gloria!!! (Yes, I KNOOOOOW... it's not very often that "yours truly" is SPEECHLESS!!!)... Just WONDERFUL! Soooo glad you shared!!! Hugs, Linda *

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Gloria, I remember this post well. I had never seen square mustache cups, and I have been looking for one since then! (At the rate my menopause symptoms are going, I'm going to need one for my use!). I also remember that great idea of the shelves between the studs. I went around for a couple of days wondering if I could do that some place in my house! So glad to see this lovely post again. laurie

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Wow! That is a lot of mustache cups. Very unusual collection. I've never seen so many in one spot. Thanks for sharing.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

I am so amazed by all the beautiful things you have shared with us. These cups are so unique, love the silver and flow blue. Your home is just a treasure trove of loveliness! Hugs to you, Cindy

SmilingSally said...

You have such an extensive collection! Until I began blogging, I didn't even know there was such a thing as a mustache cup, and you have so many! Thanks for sharing. Happy Spiritual Sunday.

Anonymous said...

I think you and Laurie are vying for the award for the person with the most collections!!! You house must be 6000 sq feet at least for all your pretties!!

I don't know if the tissue paper tech. would work on wallpaper or not. You could always try it on one wall and be ready for a backup plan if it didn't, but I wouldn't know why it wouldn't ! Let me know if you try it!


Oh love this blog about the mustache cups- wow never have I seen so many!

The Raggedy Girl said...

What an interesting collection and you were so clever to create those cabinets for the cute cups.

Have a Blessed Sunday
from The Raggedy Girl--Roberta Anne

Justine said...

Gloria, I'm actually confused!!!!!!! Why the little thingy inside the cup that looks like a mustache? Is there a purpose for it? Is it so their mustache doesn't dip in the cup? Ooh, you'd better email me and explain this!

Your collection is AMAZING and I love how you have them displayed! My favorites are the square ones. So unusual!

Justine :o )

Neabear said...

It has been a while since I visited you and I see you changed your blog background since then. Love it. I have never heard of mustache cups. I love how I learn things from fellow bloggers. Wow! I love the way you have them displayed between the wall studs. That is a great idea!! Thanks for sharing this flashback. I never would have seen it otherwise.

Laurie - Decorating Fanatic said...

Haaaa! Helloooo Gloria! Oh I have missed you - your comment made me laugh so much! I love your collection of mustache cups - you always have the neatest things and I learn something new from you all the time! White ironstone is something I haven't started on ...yet! But I just love finding something new to collect and scavenge for. I promise not to disappear again - so no need for my face on milk cartons. Thanks for making my day - dear friend! Enjoy your day. ~ Laurie

joyh82 said...

what an awesome idea for your tea cups with the shelves framing the window seat. Very clever and charming!

Mo..."Mo's Cottage" said...

Gloria you always amaze me with your collections.....you do have the best stuff.....I think you should sell tickets to see all your amazing collections....what is the most interesting antique your have?????...you have been collection for years so I bet you have come across some great finds....
Mo :-)

Kim said...

Now THAT is super-cool! Mustache cups - I've never even heard of them, let alone seen one! What a great collection you have Gloria - and I so love those built-ins ya got. That was some great thinking on your part - kudos!
Have a great week girl!

Mrs. Petrie said...

How interesting. Your blog is so much fun.

Cass @ That Old House said...

Gloria, I am AWED by your moustache cup collection!

My mom had one -- her dad's -- in plain white ironstone. (Oh my gosh I hope that doesn't sound as if my Mom needed a moustache cup!)

I had no idea they had been made in so many gorgeous styles. Wow. I wonder how many men picked them out for themselves, and how many "suffered" with rose-patterned moustache cups for the sakes of their wives?

Fabulous collection, just stunning. Thanks for sharing it!

Josh said...

hi Grandma, I love your mustache mug collection. You have so many unique items grandma. Well I will try to call you later. Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Gloria, Your collection is awesome. I have never heard of these cups and i have spent alot of time in antique shops, I will keep my eyes open for them now that I know what they are. Thanks so much for resharing! Sue