Now we as blogger's have all had a favorite post we did in the past, and maybe would like to share it again with our new blogger's friends....I know I have some I would really like to do a repost of...And whats so great about doing a repost it's all ready done and ready for you to hit publish...Below our the instructions on how to do this and Please do your self a Big favor and go by and meet Chari if you haven't yet...She is a wonderful friend and blogger and have a beautiful blog...So Ladies Let's give Chari a BIG send off with this new meme and lets get to meet some new friends here...So go by Chari get your button and hook up to Mr. Linky on Saturday night...

This is really quite easy to do!!! "Sunday Favorites" is all about keeping it fast and easy! There are two different ways that you can republish a favorite past post.
Method One...
I. Decide on the post that you would like to republish...go to "edit posts" and find that particular post. Click on edit to open that post. Simply change the "Post Options" date from the original posting date to this Sunday's present date. (Post Options can be found in the bottom left hand corner of your Edit Posts.) It's really that fast and easy!!!
***Note: If you should choose to republish a post using this method, be aware that you will be moving the entire post to the present date. It will remove it from your archives or original posting date. Some of you may not mind if this is done...however, if you would like to keep the post you have chosen to your will want to follow method II.
Method Two...
II. This is the method of "republishing" a favorite post that I will be using...simply because I would like to keep the original post in it's original place in my archives.
1. First of all, decide which post that you would like to post again for "Sunday Favorites".
2. Go to "Edit Posts" and find that particular post.
3. Click "Edit"....this post should now be in edit mode.
4. Choose the "Edit Html" tab (the upper right hand corner). You will now see the HTML language or computer language that this post is written in. Simply copy the entire post.
***For those of you who may need direction in "how to copy"...simply left click at the beginning of the and all...and drag your mouse down the entire page...everything will be highlighted in blue! Right click on the highlighted blue area. You have just copied this post to your computer's clipboard.
5. Now you are ready to create your new post. Go to "Create" a new post.
Go to the "Edit Html" tab (the upper right hand corner) This has to be done in HTML mode! Now simply paste your copied past post. You can go back to "Compose" mode to check and see if all was copied correctly. There should not be any problems!!! And there you have it!!!
6. Now that you have created your past post once can edit, add to, etc. as you wish! For may want to include at the beginning of your post...that you're are participating in "Sunday Favorites" , etc. It's just business as usual at this point. You can download the "Sunday Favorites" photo button!
Of course, I sure would appreciate you adding the "Sunday Favorites" button so you can link your favorite Sunday post back to my blog!!!
We'll all cross our fingers that this will all work out and be lots of fun!!! If you have any problems or questions...I will certainly be happy to help you in any way possible...although I have to admit that I'm definitely not a computer genius!
Thank you!!!
Love ya'll,
Thank You Chari...I am really looking forward to this fun day...Who knows what I'll find in my old posts ha ha!!
May all of you have a great day...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Gloria, I look forward to seeing what you post. Neat idea!
Gloria, you are one brilliant lady, im so honoured when someone gives me an award, but like you, i have a hard time just picking ten people as everyone that is on my bloglist and even some that i havent had the opportunity to add yet have been so wonderful, i feel bad leaving anyone out. I think your theory is a good one and that is what im going to do the next time. Have a good weekend!
Cool idea! How nice of you to get the word out Gloria.
I do want to join in but I'm a little afraid I may delete my entire blog. LOL!
I'll get some help from my hubby... I'll need it! :)
That sounds fun and easy! Thanks for the instructions and I popped over to visit her blog too!
~Really Rainey~
You're just the bestest friend ever Sis!!! just gave me the bestest "shout-out" ever!!! Honey, I sure do appreciate you!!! Thank you so much for doing this for me!!! You have so many followers and you've been such a great help in getting the word out!!! Love ya Sis!!!
Thank You...Thank You...Thank You from the bottom of my little heart!!!
Love ya honey,
PS...I really am touched...this is just the sweetest thing to do for me!!!
Hi Gloria,
I love this idea of Sunday Favorites! Brilliant, and I'll participate for sure.
But on Saturday .. .I'm going for Pink! Because I've got something special that came in the mail for me, that I particularly want to feather. :-)
My PRIZE came!!! Yay! The little teacup light is so precious and sweet -- and it's going to be the Star of my Saturday post.
All best wishes -- Cass
Hey sweet of you to do such a beautiful shout out for our sweet Chari! That sounds like fantastic idea...I have had some past post that just had me crying while I was typing them! I can't wait to it wil be fantastic to re-read some of my favorite post from my favorite bloggers....Have a great weekend sweetie! ~♥~
Hope you have a blessed and beautiful weekend!
♥ HUGS ♥
Thank you, thank you!! I wanted to participate, but didn't know how (I'm nearly computer illiterate!). Now I've got the info to continue. Sally
Gloria, what a neat idea. I will have to take a look and see what I have worth posting again. lol But I will definitely be here seeing what other post. Hugs, Marty
Awwww G you are such a sweetheart!!! I would love to go antiqueing with you. Now mind you, I'm younger and bigger so I could knock you for a loop if we both saw something we wanted and had to fist fight for it! LOL! You always find the best stuff and the best prices at your shops, I gotta start looking a little harder! Have a wonderful weekend sweetie!! xoxoxo
This sounds like fun, Gloria!!!!
Justine :o )
Hey GF!!! Thanks for the heads-up. This sounds like lots of fun! Count me in! :-)
What a fun idea...and especially wonderful if you're running out of ideas for posts!
Thanks for the instructions, Gloria...Christine
Oh Gloria thank you for coming by and inviting me over! How have I missed your blog?!? It's beautiful!! And I loved my tour of "where your bills are paid"! You've got such great things! I can't believe you're a great-grandmother! I enjoyed my visit so much and would love for you to accept the "Attitude of Gratitude" award from me because you certainly are a wonderful example of persevering thru all that life can throw at you and still "Happy to Be"! I know I've visited you before! So be sure that from now on I will certainly be an avid FAN! So I hope you will take that one too! God Bless you today! Lauralu :)
Gloria...I had just had to say the little slide show of Kyra is soooo seeing that sweet, happy angel on your side bar.
Looking forward to Sunday Favorites!
hey grandma, just stopping by to say hi!I love you. It's hard typing with one hand, my other hand is busy hold our little gummy bear, a.k.a. Kyra. love ya.
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